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So let's talk about the upcoming glass frame.

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I've been pumped to see the new TennoCon and witness the content release, i even felt proud to be part of the community knowing that people in TennoCon were so supportive of the Warframe Development Team as things were announced and people stood up to cheer or simply give a round of applauses, but there was something out of place. As the content was announced and shown, you introduced to the public the new Glass Themed Warframe and everything stopped for a moment, i was left thinking i was looking at a Concept Art or Sketch instead of a TBR (To be released) Warframe. It felt empty, boring, didn't caught my attention at first glance and i know couple of my friends didn't too. First thing that came to my mind was that it wasn't up to the standard, even Harrow looks like DE ran out of ideas and pushed new content without thinking. 

I say Harrow because he definitely looks like Wukong if you put them right next to each other, but at least both Wukong and Harrow makes you think "Hey, they are similar but at least there's more to it". This didn't happen to me with the new Glass Themed Warframe and i think you guys should run a Poll or Survey to see what other players think because it certainly doesn't look like something up to DE's Character Design standard.

To you all, please remember that this is solely my opinion and i'm not trying to make you think the same so please be polite.

Edit: To be clear, i was talking about Harrow's and Wukong's Helmet Style which are similar and look like they were Copy & Pasted. Whether or nor they were made by DE, if you know that both look exactly the same or even similar and repetitive, you should probably get somebody to tweak it :P

In a side note, feel free to discuss the new Warframe and it's flaws.

Edited by SSI_CosmicKitten
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17 minutes ago, SSI_CosmicKitten said:

I say Harrow because he definitely looks like Wukong if you put them right next to each other

You might have some eye defect, Wukong is larger, more muscular while harrow is thin, Harrow has a completely different dress and aesthetic, the only similar thing is the top of the helmet which resembles the spine you plant in a power plug. For the rest, i see no similarities.


Also Wukong was not made by DE, so this point is almost invalid XD 

Edited by Kyryo
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Jokes aside, It definetly doesn't look up to the standart. The bland colours can be saved by good old fashion frame, but on it's own it looks dull and without a theme. It's supposed to be a glass frame, but it certainly doesn't look like it. It doesn't look like anything.

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1 minute ago, Kyryo said:

You might have some eye defect, Wukong is larger, more muscular while harrow is thin, Harrow has a completely different dress and aesthetic, the only similar thing is the top of the helmet which resembles the spine you plant in a power plug. For the rest, i see no similarities. 

Sorry for not specifying that i was talking about the Helmet, 9am over here and i haven't slept as much as i should due to work :P

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2 minutes ago, Pouski said:

It's supposed to be a glass frame, but it certainly doesn't look like it. It doesn't look like anything.

To be honest, if warframe were unknown to me and you would show me Volt (without mentioning his name) and ask me what type of frame he's looking, i'd say the same. Like nothing. At least this frame has some obvious glass parts going for her.

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I'm not digging the design that much, though I feel like we're going back on the really wierd looks that made the charm of the first Warframes, which is pretty neat IMO. I don't think warframes should look too much like a magician, a far west renegade or a priest.

Those shoulderpads are so wide, I wonder how she can pass doors with them. I also hope the wierd glass pieces on her shoulders are removable, because they are kinda awkward. Actually, I would also like a lot if the whole shoulderpads would be removed and traded for another piece of armor.

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I'm not against wierd looks, we still have plenty of those, but this is just Bleh. The glass parts don't fit overall design of the character, the character is uninterestingly designed overall, and the helmet is absolute trash. Hopefully her utility will save her,cause as of now, I won't be going anywhere near her. Maybe for MR fodder.

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6 minutes ago, D20 said:

I'm not digging the design that much, though I feel like we're going back on the really wierd looks that made the charm of the first Warframes, which is pretty neat IMO. I don't think warframes should look too much like a magician, a far west renegade or a priest.

Those shoulderpads are so wide, I wonder how she can pass doors with them. I also hope the wierd glass pieces on her shoulders are removable, because they are kinda awkward. Actually, I would also like a lot if the whole shoulderpads would be removed and traded for another piece of armor.

I agree that old things coming back might be nice but i think in the long run it will be subject to redesigns as it's going to look old or plain for the systems in place. Like i was telling some of my fellow Clan Members: "Do i love the concept behind and will probably love the powers? Sure." but still feels really empty to me and kinda half way done (Although it wasn't fully released). There's still time to fix it a bit and get it more normal-ish and interestingly looking.

Edited by SSI_CosmicKitten
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9 minutes ago, SSI_CosmicKitten said:

I agree that old things coming back might be nice but i think in the long run it will be subject to redesigns as it's going to look old or plain for the systems in place. Like i was telling some of my fellow Clan Members: "Do i love the concept behind and will probably love the powers? Sure." but still feels really empty to me and kinda half way done (Although it wasn't fully released). There's still time to fix it a bit and get it more normal-ish and interestingly looking.

Well, it's still WIP, there is a certain lack of many textures.

I want to give Keith some time though. He designed Volt and Atlas to name a couple, so Warframe is going to feel at home with him no doubt.

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Just now, NightmareT12 said:

Well, it's still WIP, there is a certain lack of many textures.

I want to give Keith some time though. He designed Volt and Atlas to name a couple, so Warframe is going to feel at home with him no doubt.

Sure, that's obviously why this is in Feedback and not on Reddit ranting about how awful it looks. It's merely a thread to give some feedback while there's enough time to work on it :P

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9 minutes ago, SSI_CosmicKitten said:

Sure, that's obviously why this is in Feedback and not on Reddit ranting about how awful it looks. It's merely a thread to give some feedback while there's enough time to work on it :P

What I meant is, the new Warframe still lacks reflections, metallics, proper material finish, I am sure it's going to look much better when all that is added.

As for design I doubt they'll change a dent anyways, and I'm sure there's people that already like it, so... I'm always a defender to let them do and if one feels we're going too alien to have them keep it in mind for the next one, so as to speak :P

BTW; since this is about concept and design report the thread so it gets moved to Art/Animation/UI! :)

Edited by NightmareT12
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Seems odd to color her in a brownish sandy color, but considering her theme it's not that farfetched. I don't particularly like her helmet due to the glass formation, maybe the alt helmet will look better.

But I am interested in her powers. Scott said something about elements of shapeshifting/molding molten glass, and we saw her bundle comes with a shotgun, throwing knifes and a hammer all partially or mostly made of glass... glass gives the impression of fragility, but maybe Orokin-made glass is so tough it can cut through anything? Appearances can be deceiving.

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3 hours ago, PsiWarp said:

glass gives the impression of fragility, but maybe Orokin-made glass is so tough it can cut through anything? Appearances can be deceiving.

Glass is fragile, but broken pieces would easily cut someone. Maybe someone at DE recently cleaned up broken glass with their bear hands and suffered tiny cuts that gave them the idea to create this glass frame.

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11 hours ago, PsiWarp said:

Seems odd to color her in a brownish sandy color, but considering her theme it's not that farfetched. I don't particularly like her helmet due to the glass formation, maybe the alt helmet will look better.

But I am interested in her powers. Scott said something about elements of shapeshifting/molding molten glass, and we saw her bundle comes with a shotgun, throwing knifes and a hammer all partially or mostly made of glass... glass gives the impression of fragility, but maybe Orokin-made glass is so tough it can cut through anything? Appearances can be deceiving.

Shotgun ? Finally the pump action tenno shotgun maybe ?

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I was not thrilled to see this.  it is possible that they got inspiration from The Elder Scrolls.

The entire concept to me was lackluster, which had me thinking.... where or when in the world will Typhus be a thing?  Another voice whispered into my ear, saying, "Never!" (TM?)

Then I frowned...


I'm pleased with Harrow though.

I have the impression that the Glass Warframe was created for and received by China Warframe.  We are getting it next.

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I think this design is a mistake. If you want to make a glass themed warframe - make it really glassy. Half transparent carapace over skeletal frame. As unique feature glass carapace could break over receiving damage or by some other trigger and amplify offensive powers.

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3 minutes ago, Vanrythzx said:

i really like this to be honest, i think he can be really awesome depending on what abilities he will get and how they will look. 

She, femrhino is a she. Also it is hinted her power has to do more with molten glass (shaping and such)

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On Sunday, July 09, 2017 at 2:27 PM, SSI_CosmicKitten said:

...even Harrow looks like DE ran out of ideas and pushed new content without thinking. 

I say Harrow because he definitely looks like Wukong if you put them right next to each other,...

Haha Oh booy... excatly my thoughts when i first saw him!! 

Both helmets from side and back-view...adding in your mind, wukongs lightshowidunnowhat hanging arround... you will see clear the same form/structure of the helmet... 🤔😉


And btw...imo... DE should stop for a few months to waste time on new frames/weapons and focus to finish still unfinished projects/points. We have more then enough frames and weapons to use. They should bring things to an end instead spaming content over content unfinished, which increases the countless unfinished core game related points. The last unfinished content reached WF with this "sluggish working dual wielding system"... without any real dual wielding...you can not use any 1h weapon in your left hand and in the right hand any other 1h weapon of your choice... WF is so limited in choices a user can make... Not talking about shilds...which are just in a 'set' with a 'fix' weapon to get...:facepalm: nvm sry..had my 5minutes...forgive me...



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