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Will I get left behind?



I recently switched to PC and am almost to Saturn but I feel I've been hit with Choice Paralysis. (My xbox account isn't much farther ahead)

I see all this discussion about neat weapons and mods that are soo far out of my reach at this point and with PoE just around the corner I'm a little concerned I'm gonna get left in the dust as far as public match help goes once that drops.

I guess I'm just asking for good advice at this point as I'm loving the game since I first started playing it recently. I'm in a small clan but I'm the only active member as of late and I've had large clans want to recruit me but then all they want to do is carry me when I'm online and that's not fun.

Just work my way through the planets then work on grinding Prime stuff and hope not everyone bails for PoE?

Thanks for any feedback!

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Not really. most of the PoE experience will be low level anyway and it is set on earth. DE stated that people with only 4 missions unlocked will probably be able to enter. If anything this will allow you to connect with new and old players alike.

Warframe is a game about taking your time, and those who rush trough will only burn out fast in most cases.

Overall planets may be a bit more empty for a little while, People will still be farming primes (they always do) and... why not just join and enjoy PoE instead of a blind race to the end of the star chart.

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you wont necessarily get left behind there will still be people doing Public Matching not every single solitary player will dive head first into PoE, a good sizable chunk of endgame players will.but no you wont get left behind, dont forget what you set for your region settings affect matchmaking depending where you are in the world, you should have reasonable pingtimes to both NA players an Europe players, you'll find more active players from UK till up around 6PM EDT ish. (by this point its gotta be almost 11, if not Midnight for them) if you have set to Europe, Switch back to US.


you might if much first few weeks see a longer wait time or slower matchmaking times in terms of the normal star system on certain nodes Sure but after awhile, people are still going to need resources, need to farm bosses for things,Especially alerts, dont let the Size of the PC Community make you fear your going to get left behind, it's good to see more newer players enjoying the game, makes more of the older "battle scarred" players  from the much earlier times happy to see the game continue to evolve into something new players dont have much a problem with. (i started back when Update7 dropped ^^;;) so Good luck Tenno, and don't let yourself be discouraged :3

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Helene on Saturn is a good place for early game XP grinding. Once you get new weapons, try leveling them up there.

Look for a Clan where you can have a personal connection with some of it's members. Having friends in this game is pretty sweet. 

Take a look at the Tigris or Hek, as they're both really good shotguns you can get early. 

The wiki is a ton of help for anything you don't know.


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9 minutes ago, GrumpyInUt said:

I see all this discussion about neat weapons and mods that are soo far out of my reach at this point and with PoE just around the corner I'm a little concerned I'm gonna get left in the dust as far as public match help goes once that drops.

I personally wouldn't worry ;-)

Nobody can tell how the player behaviour will change because of PoE, but here's some points.

1. It sounds like you're in a bad clan and I understand your concerns about joining new clans. However, there's many clans where people will just want to play together. My personal suggestion is trying to find a clan with many people in your similar situation. If you team up with other people who have joined the game recently, then you'll always have a team.

2. Remember that PoE is also meant for players such as yourself. During the day, as long as you stay close to Cetus, there should be loads of activity that you can partake even though you're not a very advanced player. The Plains are for you, and as long as you're grinding through that, and crafting the new PoE weapons (which you can do), you should be able to stay on top of it. Make friends on the Plains, learn its tricks and try to get as much as you can out of it!

3. Grinding for Prime stuff or fighting bosses are going to be activities many people do, even after PoE. There's going to be loads of missions on the starmap that players will still play.

So... honestly? It's going to be rough, but I urge you not to give up. Enjoy the Plains with us :)

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2 minutes ago, Dhrekr said:

So... honestly? It's going to be rough, but I urge you not to give up. Enjoy the Plains with us :)

Oh I'm not giving up, lol. I'm loving the depth this game has.

I'm still in awe that it's free and that I ignored it all these years. I've thrown $40 at it already for future weapon and frame slots just out of guilt.

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18 minutes ago, GrumpyInUt said:

Oh I'm not giving up, lol. I'm loving the depth this game has.

I'm still in awe that it's free and that I ignored it all these years. I've thrown $40 at it already for future weapon and frame slots just out of guilt.

its been an amazing roadtrip how far things have gone from the Alpha days thru the "awkward teen" stages of Closed Beta to where we are today. this has been a shining example of FTP done Right.

the Warframe Wikia will be the best source for information if your stuck on where something drops or your unsure about a boss, frame Weapon etc.

Edited by CaelThunderwing
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3 hours ago, GrumpyInUt said:

Oh I'm not giving up, lol. I'm loving the depth this game has.

I don't know a think about your Clan and your Preference, make up your own mind. 

I might be wrong, but I think @Dhrekr is referring to the "Learning Curve" (probably wrong), or that "Starting New" which Is rough for some, non-Hardcore Tennos.

Honestly, I don't mind going Solo, Public can be nice and sad some time. o.o DEcide how you going to play for Plains.

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2 hours ago, GrumpyInUt said:

Just work my way through the planets then work on grinding Prime stuff and hope not everyone bails for PoE?

If possible try to find a small core of like minded players to become solid friends with.  In my 3500+ hours I've probably played 25% of the time solo, 20% of that time in PUG's and the rest with the same group of 3-6 people.  Put another way, one good friend is worth more than 100 casual ones.

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Yeah, I think you already got the gist of it from everybody else, but you getting left behind isn't gonna happen. I would recommend getting with a good clan (or making your own), just so you can get access to other Archwings, since PoE is gonna have Archwing stuff, and for some cool weapons like the Ignis and other things.

The first thing you'll want to do is get through the starchart by clearing all the Junctions. You'll get a lot of practice against all different types of enemies, and you'll also net some cool blueprints and quests.

Once that's done, you should have a good idea of what weapons you like, and that should help you decide what to start grinding for in terms of Prime weapons.

And finally, take it slow. It's one of those 'journey, not the destination' things with this game, though the destinations are pretty sweet too. I've recently been trying to grind out every blueprint for every normal frame so that I can have the standard warframe collection complete when PoE shows up. If that interests you, that might be a good way to earn XP and prep for PoE.

Edited by (XB1)MuffinWizrad
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