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Please bring back past events!


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59 minutes ago, Jukantos said:

I dont understand why people to played through an older (inferior / less complete) version of the game are mad at new players having a better starting experience. 

No one is mad at new players.  You're misunderstanding things.  New players are always complaining about things they missed, weapons they don't have, events they didn't play in, login rewards they have to wait for, and such.  Simply pointing out that newer players have a much better starting experience, a richer more complete game, and other advantages isn't being "mad at new players."

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1 hour ago, Jukantos said:

because otherwise it's such a cool universe we get to play in

But it isn't if events repeat.  That's the point.

If events repeat then it isn't a "cool universe."  It's simply a game for individual players.

If events don't repeat and there is a history and lore, then it is a "cool universe."

It's the difference between someone playing the warframe game and someone joining into the warframe universe.

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Please explain why it's considered acceptable that I have to go digging through the wiki to learn who Alad V is - despite him having a fairly prominent role in the quests?

There's zero characterization for any of the main characters in the quests beyond what we see when we encounter them.  Let alone why we should ever really care about the bosses, or why we're fighting the grineer and the corpus.

Edited by Almagnus1
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3 hours ago, Troll_Logic said:

Nope, you're missing the key point.

"Is Warframe a game or is it a universe?"  That's the point.

If it's just a game, then repeat everything, give out all the trophies each time, and make it a game that each player can play as long as he wants.


Make it a universe with history, lore, and a semi-persistent state.  


If the same unique events are constantly repeated, then Warframe is simply a game just like Doom.  Larger than Doom, but the exact same thing.  If events don't repeat and real history and lore happens, then Warframe is a universe.  Considering how rich and varied Warframe is, I think Warframe is in the unique position to be a Universe.


I'm a PS4 player, this means i missed events like Arid Fear, the Gradivius Dilemma and possibly a couple more simply because the game didn't exit back then.

Do I complain about missing some of these events ? No... Why ? Well, because most of the event rewards were made avialable later down the road and I understand that events have a time and a place. If they were to bring back , let's say Gradivius Dilemma now, it would feel shallow, would cheapen the whole mistique of the event in the first place... I'd rather read the wiki, check a couple old videos of these events and hear a couple vets talk fondly about these events than get them because they would only cheapen these events, making them feel non-special.

Heck, we had numerous tactical alerts repeat over the years, we've had stalker acolytes, fomorian attacks, razorback attacks, overall numerous occasions to kinda repeat big events, just not all on them and not exactly like they were in the first place, because that's part of the universe's history. We as a community completed these events , we fought for a planet/faction, made choices and these choices had consequences... And repeating said events would basically throw all this in the dust.

The way I see it, warframe has two stories... The individual story of the tenno you control, which is told mainly by story quests, and the story of the universe and it's conflicts, which is told by making events for the whole community periodically. The minute these events become a series of mission you can play in your dojo for fun, or yearly events you can repeat, you cheapen the feeling of living in an universe that's influenced and shaped by our actions as tennos... Suddently, events become just another set of missions that are periodically avialable for players to farrm stuff on... They are no longer events.

So no, I want unique events every couple of months, I also want unique gear, mods, cosmetics from said events ,even if the majority of these are offered to newer players a couple years down the road to be "fair".

Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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2 hours ago, Almagnus1 said:

Please explain why it's considered acceptable that I have to go digging through the wiki to learn who Alad V is - despite him having a fairly prominent role in the quests?

There's zero characterization for any of the main characters in the quests beyond what we see when we encounter them.  Let alone why we should ever really care about the bosses, or why we're fighting the grineer and the corpus.

You make it seem like the events were huge lore dumps, when in fact they were pretty light on the lore. It's like saying you can't comprehend Darvo because you missed that event while he was being hunted by the stalker for selling his "what stalker" bundle.

As for Salad V, just because you helped him fend off acolytes once in an event , and you had the choice to cure him of the infestation (I believe it was a fake choice anyway, since some plaftorms didn't choose him and he still got cured). The character is still the same, you still fought his regular and infested version, you still see him in the second dream and war within quests... You're not missing much insight on the character if you join now.

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5 hours ago, Jukantos said:

I dont understand why people to played through an older (inferior / less complete) version of the game are mad at new players having a better starting experience. It doesnt negatively impact you whatsoever. What is the logic there? i had a less enjoyable start, thus it must also be miserable for everyone else starting the game? That's idiotic. Those players are the foundation funding future free updates for veterans. If we alienated them all, the game would die. That's the entitled arrogant side of the veteran playerbase flashing its face right there.

Sadly, that's exactly what's going on.

Many players feel they either need the bragging rights of the events, that new players need to go without so their own struggles feels appreciated, or, are simply petty creatures that don't want someone else to be on their "level".

Either way, it's pretty sad.

I actually want new players to be able to replay the events, either in a Simulacrum setting or Dojo "Historical Records" Hall.  A lot of people that I know who played through the events simply don't play anymore or abhor them entirely and we wind up in an argument about it lol

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

You make it seem like the events were huge lore dumps, when in fact they were pretty light on the lore. It's like saying you can't comprehend Darvo because you missed that event while he was being hunted by the stalker for selling his "what stalker" bundle.

As for Salad V, just because you helped him fend off acolytes once in an event , and you had the choice to cure him of the infestation (I believe it was a fake choice anyway, since some plaftorms didn't choose him and he still got cured). The character is still the same, you still fought his regular and infested version, you still see him in the second dream and war within quests... You're not missing much insight on the character if you join now.

It's still a part of the game that I haven't experienced, and while said experience can be proxied, it's not the same as having played through it.

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3 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

I actually want new players to be able to replay the events, either in a Simulacrum setting or Dojo "Historical Records" Hall.  A lot of people that I know who played through the events simply don't play anymore or abhor them entirely and we wind up in an argument about it lol

That would probably work best through Simaris IMO.


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Just now, Almagnus1 said:

Simaris is like the historian of sorts, especially with his sanctuary.

Yeah, that's true.

What about Simaris offering a way to actually play the event and the dojo offers a quick lore guide, much like the Codex does it's mechanic (mod, damage, movement) breakdown?

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Just now, MagPrime said:

Yeah, that's true.

What about Simaris offering a way to actually play the event and the dojo offers a quick lore guide, much like the Codex does it's mechanic (mod, damage, movement) breakdown?

That would is probably the best middle ground where the events are somewhat accessible, without actually being reran so we're not stepping on the event exclusives.

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Just now, Almagnus1 said:

That would is probably the best middle ground where the events are somewhat accessible, without actually being reran so we're not stepping on the event exclusives.

Ehhh.  The only true event exclusives are the badges and the event scores on our profiles.  The weapons, mods and sigils are already available in game via drops and invasions.

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Just now, MagPrime said:

Ehhh.  The only true event exclusives are the badges and the event scores on our profiles.  The weapons, mods and sigils are already available in game via drops and invasions.

Well yeah, but I imagine most of those badges, scores, trophies, and other stuff are the reason why a lot are kinda "RAWR!" towards this whole thread.

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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)MaruKips said:

I agree and as the OP, that is what I said originally.

One of the things about this Forums is that most people disregard the OP and only tackle the comments.  You'll have to reiterate many times to get your point across, or just let the conversation naturally take on the direction of your original post.

It's annoying as all get out, I feel ya.

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On 9/22/2017 at 10:58 PM, (Xbox One)MaruKips said:

Invasions are boring as hell. Again, I want the LORE, it's stupid they contained lore in the first place. My clan and I have been bored in Warframe for almost a month now, we want to experience what we never got to.

So "invasions are boring as hell" and yet you're yelling "Hey let me play the event that required 100 invasion missions (500 total runs as invasions used to be 5 to complete) with an annoying timescale for the lore of a few forum messages (which you can still find on the forums) and less than 5 inbox messages!"
That's all the gradivus dilemma was.
Run 500 total missions over a tight timeperiod with a few inbox messages.  Nothing really happened there, nothing was that interesting.  It was just 500 exterminate missions in a grand total of 4 different maps.

Trust me: you aren't missing out on anything there.

And the fact is: the vast majority of the quests are that way, or even lighter on lore.

The survival event?  One inbox message of "Hey do a thing"
And so on.

None of the events really had any deep lore or anything of interest or of note.

On 9/23/2017 at 3:49 AM, (Xbox One)MaruKips said:

Probably because I never got to play them in the first place, therefore I do not know what this "suffering" is you speak of. I AM however, suffering from absolutely nothing to do in Warframe for about a month and a half now.

The "suffering" is being told "Yeah this event lasts for 1 week and you have to do X runs!  The entire lore-setup and pay-off is a grand total of 2 inbox messages from the Lotus to go through glitchy content that'll become a regular mission later!"

On 9/23/2017 at 4:21 PM, (Xbox One)MaruKips said:

Jesus Christ I only want it for story/lore purposes. I DID say I didn't care if I got ammo drum mods for the rewards. 

Some of you are missing that key point and Alad V happens to be my favorite character.

There really isn't any storyline in the events outside of a few inbox messages.
No big changes.
No huge lore arcs.
Just a few inbox messages of "Hey here's a thing" with most of the events then going onto "Congratulations you did a thing have a reward!"
Very few events had any more than that and those weren't terribly much either.

22 hours ago, Almagnus1 said:

It's still a part of the game that I haven't experienced, and while said experience can be proxied, it's not the same as having played through it.

You want the lore and experience of playing through the events?
Go to the wiki, read an inbox message then do a starchart mission of the appropriate type (do this 40+ times) then read the next inbox message and repeat.
There you go, you have now literally experienced the event as it was played in game.

That is quite literally all the events were.
Nothing special.
The only thing you're missing is a "You have to do it by X deadline!"

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17 minutes ago, Tsukinoki said:

You want the lore and experience of playing through the events?
Go to the wiki, read an inbox message then do a starchart mission of the appropriate type (do this 40+ times) then read the next inbox message and repeat.
There you go, you have now literally experienced the event as it was played in game.

That is quite literally all the events were.
Nothing special.
The only thing you're missing is a "You have to do it by X deadline!"

I would imagine that if they were brought back (or at least if their lore content was), DE would chop down the completion requirements along with any rewards tied to them so players can still experience the lore content.

I mean, if we want to dig through the lore, it's better to work with primary sources on the lore (in this case the events), because it allows us to experience said events.  I'm fine with eschewing the grind and rewards so long as we can (after the fact) see what the story arc for the event was and be able to do it ingame.

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32 minutes ago, Almagnus1 said:

I would imagine that if they were brought back (or at least if their lore content was), DE would chop down the completion requirements along with any rewards tied to them so players can still experience the lore content.

I mean, if we want to dig through the lore, it's better to work with primary sources on the lore (in this case the events), because it allows us to experience said events.  I'm fine with eschewing the grind and rewards so long as we can (after the fact) see what the story arc for the event was and be able to do it ingame.

Heres the thing 90% of the "story arc" that you want to "experience" wasnt even in the game itself!

the vast morajority of the lore was in the sites news feed and forums.  Nothing was in game except those inbox messages.

You get more lore by reading the site and forums than was in the game when the event happened.

The only thing that the gAme had was the inbox messages followed by a few hours of grinding the same mission over and over and over again.

if the events were replayable you would still be missing the vast majority of the lore because the vast majority of the lore happened outside the game itself, and its not like DE can recreate that. In fact you would get next to nothing in game.  There was literally nothing in game that covered any of the "story arcs" you want to experience.  All of those were on this website instead.

So please tell me ehat you expect to happen when you replay an event and get nothing outside of one inbox message and are missing the in character forum posts and the site news feed that actually has the "story".

Edited by Tsukinoki
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1 hour ago, (PS4)Spider_Enigma said:

the issue is that the main npc's refrence u doing something u never did

Which is why a ton of mmos keep their lore out of events. This game is weird in that regard and ive had to repeatedly explain these exact thing repeatedly.

Do you know what its like to have to gloss over the pure awkwardness of explaining these disjointed story and npc links and having someone essentially say

"So its like playing skyrim and being called dragonborn and revered and told of my exploits despite never experiencing killing the dragon and never being able to? Thats pretty stupid."

Like...how do you even answer that?


Or the one that pops up the most

"So why should i care about any of these npcs or this story?" 

Edited by (PS4)psycofang
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7 hours ago, Tsukinoki said:

Nothing was in game except those inbox messages.

You must be on PC because us console users (xbox one at least) don't get those inbox messages. Mutilist Alad V speech? Nope, not on consoles, along with a select few others.


Yes the invasions are boring because the formorian and razorback have no real story. To the rest of the wall of texters, I don't care, I'm interested in the lore, I'd like to have them back, I don't care about the rewards and it's annoying how people started talking about them when I originally stated I didn't care if they weren't brought back and had no desire to have them. I don't know about the rest of you but when I like a game or specific character I wanna learn more and experience things for myself no matter how YOU feel about them.

A region chat mod in game already said they were gonna work on implementing them in eventually so (Dunno how accurate that is).

Edited by (XB1)MaruKips
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5 hours ago, Tsukinoki said:

Heres the thing 90% of the "story arc" that you want to "experience" wasnt even in the game itself!

the vast morajority of the lore was in the sites news feed and forums.  Nothing was in game except those inbox messages.

You get more lore by reading the site and forums than was in the game when the event happened.

The only thing that the gAme had was the inbox messages followed by a few hours of grinding the same mission over and over and over again.

if the events were replayable you would still be missing the vast majority of the lore because the vast majority of the lore happened outside the game itself, and its not like DE can recreate that. In fact you would get next to nothing in game.  There was literally nothing in game that covered any of the "story arcs" you want to experience.  All of those were on this website instead.

So it's not something that appeals to you, yet there's enough newer players that would see some benefit from SELECTIVELY bringing back/combining the events in an archival form.

5 hours ago, Tsukinoki said:

So please tell me ehat you expect to happen when you replay an event and get nothing outside of one inbox message and are missing the in character forum posts and the site news feed that actually has the "story".

I expect to see the original in game video messages, and all other ingame content available so that I can browse through it.  If there was a specific mission, play ONE of each mission to bypass a check (very similar to how the quests work), and then progress on with the event.

I expect all decision trees collapsed down to what the playerbase did on that platform, with the option of a "what if?" for the other decisions that didn't occur.

I also fully expect to have to hike to Simaris (or somewhere else) to be able to initiate one of these things, and only have one open at a time.

I expect to get none of the rewards from the event.

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DE has already stated they want to someday integrate past events into the star chart in some way, so new players can get an understanding of the overall "story" of the universe, and older players can possibly re-play events they enjoyed. Obviously, these would be watered-down versions of events, and the old rewards would be completely changed out for a suitable replacement.

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