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Legendary Cores exist


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So I just found out Legendary cores actually exist by doing a sortie with my friend and he got it he actually got it I already did sortie so I said hey I'll help you do you're first sortie so you can actually finish it and his first ever completed sortie HE GETS A LEGENDARY CORE what kind of nonsense is that am I right?https://gyazo.com/c09fe2c7c6fc53f24bd72f760e7fb7a5

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Yes they exist. I've managed to get one too. Not really a big deal since they're about 10X more common now than before they were tossed in as sortie rewards. Problem is, does he have an appropriate use for it. Unless you're using it on a primed mod, it's being wasted. If you have all the primed mods maxed and you're using it to sell another one, it's still little more than wasted.

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