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The Roadmap: Glassframe Quest & the Plains of Eidolon!


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As stated by many in this thread (even when they used it to prove "name is good" point) - all names of Warframes have even a slight connection to the Warframe theme (even if it's for opposite in some cases, but it is still a connection and very creative).
All except Mesa, but at least Mesa is a very cool name - Mess up enemy plans, make complete mess of an enemy, etc. and it also fits Mesa thematically (with a stretch, but nicely).

What I like about naming of Warframes is that they are easily assosiated with what you could get (female warrior Valkyr, Rhino, Volt, Frost...) or have some interesting backstory or both / just fitting like "I would even think about changing it" (Limbo, Mesa..).
Anyway, all names are simple and sound, and good looking.

And here comes Gara.

I was watching some Youtube videos, and stumbled upon Dadefuye video about this announcement. He said "gEra" and I was like "what? you mean like German/Greek cities? prob not, like Greek Hera?.. emm she has nothing to do with glass, probably not Hera". 
Then I've read what was on a screenshot in the video - "Garasu, hmm, Gara, copped of Garasu, ok, looks chopped, sounds chopped".

Gara, gara, maybe like Kara but with a G... nope still nothing about glass. Not to offend japanesse (as I now know where it comes from) or designers, but Gara sounds/looks like someone rude, like an Ork maybe, calling his wife - "Gara! Me some chops! Nao!". 
Or maybe it's just because one of the ppl in the office plays WoW and he's very annoying about it every day and couple of hours ago.
Anyway! :)

When I saw preview of Glass Warframe and powers in a Devstream, I thought - very cool, nice looking, interesting and Elegant with a Warframe (as a design style) twist. I like it :)
But Gara, IMO, does not sound & look cool or nice or interesting, and especially not elegant.

Then I've read into this thread, went to Rebecca's twitter and saw "Gaira" - yeap, that a lot better, but nobody will ever read it like that when they see it for the first time. It'll be "gEra" or "gAra" always. And if you change it for Gaira - no more Garasu, and glass...

We have so many things that could be assosiated with Glass (historicaly, thematicaly), a lot of better/more interesting/more fitting names in this thread (and as I understand were proposed earlier) like Cameo / Vitreis / Ethera / Hari (I don't like Silica, it's way to silly and not fitting well) and even dirrect translation to an actual languages, and we got Gara... like most borring, crude and uninspiring name in the game for a otherwise very interesting and cool Warframe. 
Not the best choise, really.
Please reconsider :)

Otherwise - Great news! Best of luck with The Actor!

Edited by Coolgroove.
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4 minutes ago, runx0 said:

This is what I have been wondering about when seeing all the complaints on various threads. People are playing a free game and they still have the balls to complain and demand changes pretty much about anything in the game that does not "fit" in their view of world. If DE wants to call their new warframe "Gara" then it is up to them to do so, not up to the players.

[DE] regularly asks for feedback.  There's even an entire sub-forum devoted to feedback threads.

In other words...it's not complaining...it's feedback.

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9 minutes ago, runx0 said:

This is what I have been wondering about when seeing all the complaints on various threads. People are playing a free game and they still have the balls to complain and demand changes pretty much about anything in the game that does not "fit" in their view of world. If DE wants to call their new warframe "Gara" then it is up to them to do so, not up to the players.

A lot of us are paying customers. We have the right to give feedback.


Obviously it's their call in the end, but they want to know what their players think of their efforts be it bad or good.


I don't understand how this is such a difficult concept.

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Guest I'm bored of waiting on co

Well I'm gonna stop asking and waiting as it's gonna release on console after a month so bye gonna complete playing Warframe casually as if I don't know of the update

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1 hour ago, (PS4)OmegaSlayer said:

This name is unclear.

Yes, it is.

Do you feel offended by the name?

Do you feel other Japanese players would feel offended by the name?

I'd rather have Shoushi or Kagami as name if we want to honour Japanese culture

This is why they didn't just Google it. Google is bad at this.

They said, "This name is stupid" Or, you know, primitive, simple, foolish, something along those lines.

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Finally, the wait is almost over!
I made something in according to this. Hope all of you like it.


The Plains of Eidolon will soon be released.
The wait is crazy, and the hype is real.
What will this update bring to us?
Everyone is waiting for the big reveal.

Ten more days we have to wait,
to fly with our archwings across the land.
Grab your spears to catch those fish,
and dig for resources through the sand

Take your weapons and mod your frames.
All must get ready for the next fight.
The grineer fight all day but what lurks in the dark?
Tenno, the eidolon will not rest tonight.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Vagnar said:

Really not a fan of Gara lol. I would have suggested Vitri, shortened from Vitrikinesis.

That is truly a lovely idea. For those who dont know, "vitrikinesis" is the ability to manupulate glass without physical contact, a little like telekinesis but specific to glass. Other names include hyalokinesis and Vitreokinesis.

But it gets better: "vitri" isn't just the shortened form of "vitrikinesis", "vitri" on it's own is a latin combining form meaning "glass" which is used in the formation of compound words. eg. vitriform. (having the appearence or form of glass).

I really hope DE reads this and hopes to reconsider their decisions, it is DE's game, but I personally as part of their faithful community, would like this change in name.


Edit: I forgot to say, I am, and I'm sure many others, really appreciate the hard work that DE has put into their game. Thank you for delivering this massive update and putting all the time and hard work into getting it ready for us, really hope everything goes smoothly.

Edited by Deshex7
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So yet another 'female' frame frame ending in a... its become a cliche...  :facepalm:  For the love of all that is the void can you please stop doing that...  :sadcry:


12 hours ago, toafarmer said:

I'm impressed that people are more concerned about the crappy name than the change in the marketing system of new frames. Wondering if lockboxes is next.

We already have those, but we call them relics....   really think about what one is....

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On ‎03‎.‎10‎.‎2017 at 11:30 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:

quest for Gara is likely going to be delayed by a week, due to a scheduling conflict with one of our key Ostron actors… however, because Gara is ready, she will be in the Market

So now you are releasing frames for cash few weeks before they can be farmed in the game, are you? At least with Gara.

You understand that this is a highly negative precedent, don't you?

I am all about supporting the game (would not get those Prime Accesses bundles otherwise), but this is not something I can get behind.

Surprisingly player unfriendly move.

Edited by Volatael
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16 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

The goal is to launch within the next 10 days

Ok, it's not the regular "Soon™"

16 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

However the quest for Gara is likely going to be delayed by a week, due to a scheduling conflict with one of our key Ostron actors…

Rly? It's been ~4 months since the announcement on TennoCon! And almost a month since 21.7 and news about "there will be no PC updates in between now and the launch of U22"

17 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

however, because Gara is ready, she will be in the Market for those able to support us.

It looks like a new release policy for frames, based on temporal exclusivity. Well, we'll wait a week, or two, or regular "Soon™"

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17 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

While the Plains of Eidolon comes with its own map:

 A roadmap appears to guide your continued journey to the Plains! Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?


This roadmap serves gives information on the following:

  • The Quest for Gara!
  • Expected Launch Window!


The Quest for Gara - Glassframe has a name and it's Gara - inspired by the Design Council submission of 'Garasu'. Since Mirage's release we've strongly favoured releasing a Warframe's free path with quests. Gara's release will be no different.

However the quest for Gara is likely going to be delayed by a week, due to a scheduling conflict with one of our key Ostron actors… however, because Gara is ready, she will be in the Market for those able to support us. If you cannot, that’s fine too - we’ll be adding Gara’s parts to the Cetus reward tables to give you a head start for when her quest does release.  We will follow with Gara's story as soon as it's ready if it doesn't make the release! 

Expected Launch Window - this is the part of the roadmap that people may pull over at and put on their hazard lights. The goal is to launch within the next 10 days - when the official Hub site launches there will be more information there.

Are we there yet? Almost!

Thank you everyone for your great patience as we put this all together,

DE Warframe Team!  

P.S This is a temporary subforum dedicated to all things Plains of Eidolon bugs & feedback when the time comes! Since it's so massive we wanted to carve out its own home. 


Hopefully i'll acutally be able to play when this goes live launchers been crashing on me for the last 2 days with a "directx device creation failed" error message.

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1 hour ago, DreamsmithJane said:

This is why they didn't just Google it. Google is bad at this.

They said, "This name is stupid" Or, you know, primitive, simple, foolish, something along those lines.

naw, it means closer to "this name is lame" than stupid, tho i suppose stupid could get the point across

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16 hours ago, BETAOPTICS said:

and only once have the Council members actually designed abilities for Anti-Matter thematic Nova (theme was pre-decided by the developers).

You're welcome for that by the way.

On topic, Gara. Hmm. Could be worse I suppose, but I think it'll have to grow on me. Release within the next 10 days, gah. Gonna' be pulling some hardcore overtime at work the next two weeks, but ah well, we do what we can. Looking forward to it DE, thank you for all of your efforts!

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Its 10 days + weekends since you know DE does not work on weekends..... so using Monday to Friday and excluding Saturdays and Sundays the update is to be out around the 18th  of October. So yeah we've got at the least a 2 week wait for what may end up just being a teaser site release with even more waiting. 

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