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The Roadmap: Glassframe Quest & the Plains of Eidolon!


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17 hours ago, Volatael said:

So more people to rush into a dialog of others and share their eternal wisdom.

Dialog? Looked pretty one-sided to me. You weren't hearing anything, and still aren't. One can hope, but that's not really the point.

DE, like anyone, can make mistakes. And anyone can have opinions about whether any particular action is a mistake. But there's a big difference between that and deliberate "consumer unfriendly business practices" of which you're accusing them. Yes, it would be disgusting if DE took their penchant for RNG and started making us pay real money for each roll of the dice, but they have never done that before, and there is no reason to think they would do it now. Because it would be disgusting. There's a reason I don't buy loot boxes in Overwatch. There is nothing similar between that and the situation with Gara. The "slippery slope" argument is an infamous logical fallacy, and it's insulting to use it. You even used the phrase "slippery slope".

Don't like a decision? Fine, tell them. But attack their character for made up reasons, or for things you claim they might do in the future? Well, that's just not okay. And I shouldn't need selfish reasons in order to object when people bash devs. I have them, but I shouldn't need them. I think you crossed a line, and I will not be shy about telling you so. What you do with that is up to you. But implying that my stepping in to speak up for DE in this case is some kind of character flaw, itself? LOL, nice try. It's not like this is a private discussion between you and DE, and you are not immune to criticism yourself. The fact that you used the term "white knights" tells me you're exactly the kind of bully who can't handle being challenged. But when you are hostile, you invite challenge, and when you accuse, you are hostile. It is an attack, so you should be prepared to defend.

17 hours ago, Volatael said:

Got other opinion? Great! Leave it here for DE as well.

That's exactly what I'm doing. I've made it clear that not everyone is going to hate them for playing the hand they were dealt with respect to schedules, and getting as much of PoE into our hands as they can, when they're able to do it. I've made it clear that I (like most players, I think) don't mind waiting, when necessary. You didn't think all this was just for your benefit, did you? Like I said, this is a publicly viewable forum. Did you expect me to walk in right next to you, and be vague and coy about it? "Unlike some people..." And then make generalized statements that can be construed as attacking you, but because they're hypothetical, are able to go beyond what you or anyone actually said, while still catching you in the category of "some people", thereby accusing you of what other people might hypothetically say? No. That's repulsive. I've no interest in muddying the waters like that. People should say what they mean, and not make false accusations. And yes, so we're clear, that was a dig at you accusing them of moving towards pulling a Blizzard. Like I said, that would be disgusting, and despite your claims to the contrary, saying that they're going to to it with no evidence is very much an attack.

Edited by DreamsmithJane
typo corrected
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23 hours ago, SnivicDelta said:

Okay, no that is not okay. You can't launch the quest for the new frame but you are going to launch the frame but only if you have the plat to purchase it, so what you are telling me is that people with money get an almost week long head start. What you need to do is just hold the frame off until you can release the quest to unless we can skip the build period with this frame otherwise I have to call this a pay to win move no matter the circumstances behind it. It might also be a smart idea to hold of just a little bit on the frame anyways, that way we don't just get a big dump of content but instead chunk A one day and chunk B the following week giving us time to digest chunk A. All I'm asking is release the frame and quest together and not put it out early to only those who can pay.


21 hours ago, yerpmalton said:

I also have some misgivings about the possible impact of this move, especially if it results in a lot of impulse purchases.

For my part, I'll simply hold off until she's entirely obtainable without plat purchases, because I'll have more than enough entertainment on the plains without her. I feel like that's really important to underline - this frame on its own is so small, there's practically no way I can justify buying it when there's so much other stuff to do and to explore with the frames I already have.


15 hours ago, Volatael said:

Nope. Meant “negative precedent” but auto-correction set me up.

*Insert random Trump &/or Russian hackers joke here*


So more people to rush into a dialog of others and share their eternal wisdom. Yey!

Look, here is the thing – forums are here for people to leave feedback for DE.

I did precisely that.

I don't like “plat only” Gara, for the reasons I stated. Case closed.

Got other opinion? Great! Leave it here for DE as well.

Find my opinion “ridiculous”, “wrong” or in other way not to your liking? Great! Nothing wrong with that. But I don't not care. It is my opinion, it does not have to be liked by every random person on the internet.


So stop your righteous wrath and leave your shining armor alone, no need to defend DE today, because they are not under attack.


Every bloody time I say something is not sunshine and rainbows, a squad of white knights is at my throat.

Had you ever tried to post “lootboxes are not that good of an idea” on Overwatch forums?

That Diablo 3 should not have always online connection or real money auction house?

That Division gameplay feels underwhelming?

The number of people with pitchforks and torches would have really surprised you.

Better yet, had you ever tried to say that new weapons look a bit pay2win in GRO? Or that going pay to play will kill it?

Or that Nosgoth should really focus on adding stuff to the game and not balancing it to ESL standards?

No? Would have heard a lot about being “delusional”, “ridiculous”, etc.

Granted its less hostile in Warframe yet. But we will get there.

Few years ago I could say that Tethra doom feels bland or that Frost nerf is not that smart of an idea without much of a fuss.


Point of this rant is – I am not here to make sure my opinion is to everyone’s liking, I am here to leave feedback.

That I did. Time to go.

No more pointless back and forth


On 10/6/2017 at 1:30 PM, 576f6c6679 said:

Im MR 22 and founder of my own clan, i registered on the forum to provide feedback on this 'screw you' move DE is making with the glass frame...

Please dont assume that because people dont post on the forum they are new to the game.

On an unrelated note in glad we are getting dev time spent on combat operators that nobody wants, meanwhile there are bugs that have been in game for YEARS. (mobs ignore multiple forms of CC, JV raid still being a complete buggy mess that cannot be completed)


Are people so blind or iliterate that they couldn't see the tex that said that you will still be able to get Gara parts from cetus rewards when POE is released and that the Quest for Gars is probably delayed, PROBABLY because of scheduling conflicts with one of their voice actors. As they stated.  I really want to know how did you guys come up with such twisted idea of something that was clearly stated thinking that it is some 'screw you' just because they are releasing Gara for plat on POE release? Take this as however you want but don't be saying crap on something you clearly didn't fully understand. I suggest reading over the original post before making misleading comments like it's the new law

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21 hours ago, SnivicDelta said:

Okay, no that is not okay. You can't launch the quest for the new frame but you are going to launch the frame but only if you have the plat to purchase it, so what you are telling me is that people with money get an almost week long head start. What you need to do is just hold the frame off until you can release the quest to unless we can skip the build period with this frame otherwise I have to call this a pay to win move no matter the circumstances behind it. It might also be a smart idea to hold of just a little bit on the frame anyways, that way we don't just get a big dump of content but instead chunk A one day and chunk B the following week giving us time to digest chunk A. All I'm asking is release the frame and quest together and not put it out early to only those who can pay.

You seem to be missing the point employed by myriad games online. So what if someone pays? where is the disadvantage for those who don't? that they get something a couple of weeks sooner than those of us who eventually play the quest to get the Frame for free? just how small minded are some people? "please miss I want to have a hissy fit because some complete stranger got the new Frame before me" . . .grow up.

Funnily enough Developers actually need to be paid so good on the guys who can't wait. Along with the gaming tradition of farming -something else which so many find terribly frustrating and so have to find every shortcut they can instead of using their rather limited imagination and using the experience to have fun upgrading weapons and Frames and finding new ways to exploit them - paying for things or finding them for free are two long standing traditions of online gaming :)

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50 minutes ago, ShadowExodus said:




Are people so blind or iliterate that they couldn't see the tex that said that you will still be able to get Gara parts from cetus rewards when POE is released and that the Quest for Gars is probably delayed, PROBABLY because of scheduling conflicts with one of their voice actors. As they stated.  I really want to know how did you guys come up with such twisted idea of something that was clearly stated thinking that it is some 'screw you' just because they are releasing Gara for plat on POE release? Take this as however you want but don't be saying crap on something you clearly didn't fully understand. I suggest reading over the original post before making misleading comments like it's the new law

Hahahaha . . . ain't it frustrating?

I am a firm believer that 90% of players don't know how to read - just joshing. All information is there for all to read instead of the endless invention.

As for Volatael's negative rant, I quote;" Granted its less hostile in Warframe yet. But we will get there.", no we won't. I have already had a few bans for being too forthright [fair enough] and one of the good things about all things connected to this game is that unlike social media sites it will never become a cesspool.

Most things [had to use, 'most', as we have some 'logic' hawks flitting about, lol] have a chronological order to them but for that to work we all need just one attribute, patience.

Soon we will all. . .erm, most of us will have Gara forged and all of this will be chip paper.

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3 hours ago, ShadowExodus said:

Are people so blind or iliterate that they couldn't see the tex that said that you will still be able to get Gara parts from cetus rewards when POE is released and that the Quest for Gars is probably delayed, PROBABLY because of scheduling conflicts with one of their voice actors. As they stated.  I really want to know how did you guys come up with such twisted idea of something that was clearly stated thinking that it is some 'screw you' just because they are releasing Gara for plat on POE release? Take this as however you want but don't be saying crap on something you clearly didn't fully understand. I suggest reading over the original post before making misleading comments like it's the new law

    Tu quoque.

You failed to understand what I meant by what I wrote, which adds a comic twist to your comment.

Regardless of the reasons for the quest delay, high-volume platinum purchases that might be perceived as a result of this delay can lead to its establishment as an intentional practice in future. That's what I was pointing out, and you made the mistake of assuming that I was imputing ulterior motive on DE's part. I wasn't.

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16 hours ago, yerpmalton said:

    Tu quoque.

You failed to understand what I meant by what I wrote, which adds a comic twist to your comment.

Regardless of the reasons for the quest delay, high-volume platinum purchases that might be perceived as a result of this delay can lead to its establishment as an intentional practice in future. That's what I was pointing out, and you made the mistake of assuming that I was imputing ulterior motive on DE's part. I wasn't.

The suggested cynical possibilities are valid as most of us have been burnt in the past for being too trusting and believing in what would be a fair outcome . . .only to get shafted and called weak. It's no secret that there is a certain sector in all games who have little patience and so are too quick to pay for items, something the company has to be aware of and therefore making it available for exploitation if they so wished. I have seen many posts over various game forums where a delay has led to many losing their rag and buying the object they were previously waiting for . . .particularly those guys who HAVE to have something as soon as it is released.

I, for one, appreciate such things being pointed out as it sends the message that we, too, watch everything going on and not just the Mods and Admins.


Edited by CaptainEras
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On 08/10/2017 at 4:10 AM, yerpmalton said:

    Tu quoque.

You failed to understand what I meant by what I wrote, which adds a comic twist to your comment.

Regardless of the reasons for the quest delay, high-volume platinum purchases that might be perceived as a result of this delay can lead to its establishment as an intentional practice in future. That's what I was pointing out, and you made the mistake of assuming that I was imputing ulterior motive on DE's part. I wasn't.

This has been the same ol sing song since WF was released with very little to back up the claims of doom and gloom. We still get most things for free and there’s no pay wall/pay to win element to it. Let’s all take a breather, look at what the outcome is AFTER the fact and react accordingly. 

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9 minutes ago, Guest thatoneguy said:

Aye which day of this week is it going to be released? My fingers are TINGLING:devil:

Max 10 days its in October 14 but I don't think that we are going to wait that long,I hoping today but we are not that lucky. So maybe in a day or 2....

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Back in July i learned of the Plains of Eidolon update via that awesome 17 minute TennoCon video; and that video is what brought me back to playing Warframe, which i had been absent from for 3+ years, and since July, the anticipation has gotten to a level of uncomfortable exhaustion; and it kinda feels like the dangling of the carrot is becoming a bit intolerable. 

The reason i feel this way is because PoE itself is the freedom from the Rat-maze i was craving 3 years ago, and i'm also a very big Open-world Fantasy gamer, my favorite PC game is The Witcher 3; with various Elder Scrolls titles being second runner-ups.  I love exploration and the sense of the unknown, and those tin-can tile-set rat-mazes are not something to be desired; and frankly just the thought of running through another maze forces my Tenno into the fetal position.

I know there are a ton of people that love Warframe, i'm one of them, but i only love the idea of it wanting to evolve into something more then what it's been for the past 4 years, so i really hope that Plains of Eidolon is Digital Extremes way of switching to a better coat of paint, and that the open-world premise is a prelude to bigger things in Warframes future.



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16 minutes ago, Neoyoshi said:

Back in July i learned of the Plains of Eidolon update via that awesome 17 minute TennoCon video; and that video is what brought me back to playing Warframe, which i had been absent from for 3+ years, and since July, the anticipation has gotten to a level of uncomfortable exhaustion; and it kinda feels like the dangling of the carrot is becoming a bit intolerable. 

The reason i feel this way is because PoE itself is the freedom from the Rat-maze i was craving 3 years ago, and i'm also a very big Open-world Fantasy gamer, my favorite PC game is The Witcher 3; with various Elder Scrolls titles being second runner-ups.  I love exploration and the sense of the unknown, and those tin-can tile-set rat-mazes are not something to be desired; and frankly just the thought of running through another maze forces my Tenno into the fetal position.

I know there are a ton of people that love Warframe, i'm one of them, but i only love the idea of it wanting to evolve into something more then what it's been for the past 4 years, so i really hope that Plains of Eidolon is Digital Extremes way of switching to a better coat of paint, and that the open-world premise is a prelude to bigger things in Warframes future.



Long time gamer and huge Elder Scrolls fan. Even bigger Warframe fan. I have never wished any game to have features from another game, but when DE announced the PoE I hadn't been happier for a game related announcement. The reason being that my favorite game was going to receive, not only a major overhaul and new content,  but also gain a play style for which I have a deep passion.

Color me excited. Also happy for Neoyoshi to have rejoined the fold. 

Lastly, please stop your petty nitpicking about these details like Gara and your preconceptions about what a name should be in Warframe. DE and all those responsible for the game you love has hit so many home runs out of the park for you and all you can seem to see is the ground roll double in the bottom half of the 6th. So, take yourself a seventh inning stretch and a chill pill then come back this weekend and have the time of your Warframe life. 

Highest esteem to DE.

Nyx Master Race

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The voice from "opposite" site. Warframe is hectic fast horde shooter, main reason why I play it daily since release on PS4. I personally don't like to wander thru wasteland from point A to point B to get C and then return to A to get D thanks to C, it's boring for me but doesn't automatically means that I'm not excited by PoE, I will just be disappointed when DE's will start to overlook "old" WF because Open World.

Edited by (PS4)Onder6099
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To those who find the format of Warframe boring, "what the hell are you doing here? self flagellation?

I have a massive collection of Frames, weapons, mods, and augments so the chop'n'change element means never getting bored with gameplay even if some of the missions feel a bit 'tired'. Of course, does this mean that the 'bored' and/or impatient have a valid argument if they are without such a collection? or maybe they should work to get such a collection or move on to another game.

The game only had the direction of the mmo as the way to go and this new move could bring in many more players, something which should dispel any concerns about the fundamentals concerning the finacials changing.

Having been here since almost the start of this adventure means I have already experienced some major changes so for me this is just another one and my Frames and weapons are being honed to perfection in readiness for this next chapter.

When it comes to the negative comments in the forum all I will say is that in every game there are those in  a bum's rush who never tarry long enough to experience the flavour as they sprint through and on to the next 'big thing' . . . so many people whose gaming life consists of how many games they can get through as fast as possible. This is reflective in how quickly they get bored and how many shortcuts they seek out.

I wonder if the new, and relitively new, players intend working their way through the Quests? or seeking out so many parts to forge everything . .or almost everything?

If this moves towards mmo territory works would it really be so bad if the historical format was phased out? . . .although I, too, enjoy the fast paced horde fighting as I  - after 4 years - still experiment with weapon loadout and Frames.

Edited by CaptainEras
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5 minutes ago, Hyro1 said:

Sooo not permitted to work due to a national holiday is a bad excuse, wow who would've know

Its silly and irrelevant holiday,and because of that holiday what,nobady works his jobs??? in some countries this holiday does not exist because it is stupid and irrelevant... And i just dont see the point of all this...

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4 minutes ago, Vlada91 said:

Its silly and irrelevant holiday,and because of that holiday what,nobady works his jobs??? in some countries this holiday does not exist because it is stupid and irrelevant... And i just dont see the point of all this...

Same could be said about Christmas, Thanksgiving, Columbus day and so on, how many people actually go to work on those holidays, excluding those that work in fast food and retail, and on top of that just because its silly and irrelevant to you doesn't mean it is to them.

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7 minutes ago, Vlada91 said:

Its silly and irrelevant holiday,and because of that holiday what,nobady works his jobs??? in some countries this holiday does not exist because it is stupid and irrelevant... And i just dont see the point of all this...

its canadas thanksgiving, atleast according to a quick search. of course other countries dont observe it, it has no meaning to them

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