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LMAO on mod prices..


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Are those prices ridiculous, for Warframe which has always been pretty decent about pricing on the past? (not discussing really rare/limited items, those are obviously gonna be crazy expensive)

Yes they are, but so its the RNG behind them (main reason I personally stay out Riven/Kuva content). 

Good for DE, whales. or those with plenty of time to farm/resell. They can go at it as they please.

Thankfully, for some of us, there is the wonderful choice of staying out of it without greatly or remotely affecting our gameplay.

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:

It's always people without plat trying to tell people how to spend theirs.

Not always the case, personally I enjoy buying plat off from DE.and find myself sending gifts around in order to spend it.

But also enjoy obtaining items through gameplay, for as hard as it can be, as long as I can get myself into the content, or have the time for it.

Rivens are the only things I have been staying out off due to its RNG nature.

Arcanes, I just really haven't bothered to make time or become active enough to join trials.

Everyone just play the game, and spends their time and plat differently. 

Edited by Souldend78
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Is 2000p a lot of platinum?  From my perspective it isn't.  If you're in a dedicated raiding group you can potentially earn up to 700p a day, every day.  Even if you're not in a dedicated raiding group you can easily earn 100p an hour by selling nickel and dime mods in the trade tab.

I still have a standing offer of 4000p if someone can find me a zenith riven with status chance, multishot, and damage.

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1k platinum with 75% discount daily tribute is 13 dollars. That's really cheap, and many people get those. It just keeps injecting a lot of plat into the market, most people with thousand of plat just get it by trading, and since it's easy to get these amounts, it's normal that prices are that high. I think rivens are overrated and not needed at all, but each to their own, if they wanna buy mods for weapons that already 1shot stuff, up to them and more plat for us, let them be happy and let us be happy :D

Edited by Kiwinille
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Some people are willing to pay for them "special snowflake" status. If ya got what they want and they're willing to pony up the dough then fudge it I say.


Think the pricetag is crazy? Just shrug and laugh it off. Live and let live. 

Edited by Tsardova
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On 04/10/2017 at 9:17 PM, Kaotyke said:

Look at this:


Funnily enough I'd only watched this the other day as it popped up as recommended. I was actually going to post the video here too.

It was an interesting and surprising watch.

Edited by Valiant
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On 10/4/2017 at 11:56 AM, --Laughing-Soul-- said:

also lets not forget that on tf2 there is a "golden frying pan" that is little more than an ultra rare reskin of the regular pan, and that it sold for $6000


Gonna bring a possible technicality into this, but the first Golden Frying Pan to drop was actually sold for $5,500. One of the most, if not still directly, valuable items in game is the Burning Team Captain . At the moment on backpack.tf, it's going for 6600 keys; that's $16,434.

https://backpack.tf/stats/Unusual/Team Captain/Tradable/Craftable/13

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3 hours ago, LazerSkink said:


Gonna bring a possible technicality into this, but the first Golden Frying Pan to drop was actually sold for $5,500. One of the most, if not still directly, valuable items in game is the Burning Team Captain . At the moment on backpack.tf, it's going for 6600 keys; that's $16,434.

https://backpack.tf/stats/Unusual/Team Captain/Tradable/Craftable/13

well i got fooled then. news artical i read when it first dropped said it was sold for 6k

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On 10/5/2017 at 2:45 PM, (PS4)Magician_NG said:

Is 2000p a lot of platinum?  From my perspective it isn't.  If you're in a dedicated raiding group you can potentially earn up to 700p a day, every day.  Even if you're not in a dedicated raiding group you can easily earn 100p an hour by selling nickel and dime mods in the trade tab.

I still have a standing offer of 4000p if someone can find me a zenith riven with status chance, multishot, and damage.

If you think it is time well spend farming and selling mods in a game to earn in game money at a rate of less than 4$ an hour and I am quite generous here, considering plat bought via Prime Access package is much cheaper rated, then you are doing something wrong and you should look for a job.


Edited by TwistedDee
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On ‎10‎/‎07‎/‎2017 at 2:50 AM, TwistedDee said:

If you think it is time well spend farming and selling mods in a game to earn in game money at a rate of less than 4$ an hour and I am quite generous here, considering plat bought via Prime Access package is much cheaper rated, then you are doing something wrong and you should look for a job.

LOL, there's no need for insults.

I'm just saying that earning several thousand platinum without sending a single cent DE's way is possible.

And that asking for several thousand platinum for one mod isn't outrageous considering the RNG involved.

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On 10/7/2017 at 3:50 AM, TwistedDee said:

If you think it is time well spend farming and selling mods in a game to earn in game money at a rate of less than 4$ an hour and I am quite generous here, considering plat bought via Prime Access package is much cheaper rated, then you are doing something wrong and you should look for a job.


For many of us, working towards and for something is half the fun of the game. It's that way for a majority of games out there. Most games have a grind/farm dynamic that keeps players working towards some kind of goal, and that's what keeps it fun. Based on your comment, yeah, you can just buy everything you want with real money, but what's the point of playing something if you already have access to everything?

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You have to be a smart consumer.

1. Spend according to what you think the value should or you would pay for it

2. Spend what you can afford


in Defence for that crazy riven price.

to get the godly status, you need to get 3 usefull buff

13 usefull buff out of 24 buff

so the chance is

1 / ( ( 2 to get no negative  x 24 permute 3 )

= 1 / 12144

= 0.0083 %

that is the chance to get all positive buff only mathematically




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The rarer the mod the higher the price. There is a reason say Maiming strike goes for a whole lot more than flow. When there is a high demand but a low supply prices skyrocket. If there was a high supply for strong rivens the prices for those wouldn't be high. Which is why rivens for certain weapons go for more than others. Also those who have the plat to spend of said mods can do so. Keeps the economy going. 

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