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What do you do to have fun while waiting for PoE?


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Used to run void keys during droughts like this, relics would be the replacement if you don't mind the increased grind inherent in that system. Been mostly just trying to get the Nami Scyla Handle and Blades while slowly building my focus some more in prep for Focus being removed and replaced.

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Playing Warhammer 40k: Space Marine - game so different from Warframe (within confines of action genre) that I expect the letter to feel fairly fresh when Plains come out.

And also some strategy games which makes me think that Warframe needs RTS spin-off. What could be more adorable than sending unit of lancers to die under footsteps of infested horde.

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Well... with the focus rework you can always farm focus.

Hydron, 2x 25 waves is enough to max out daily (and it should take you about 40 minutes or less).


But if you're really bored of warframe atm, I advise playing some other games, and/or do like me and stalk the developers (Yes, my F5 key is broken.)

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Helping players that just got the game, giving them tips, helping them get primes (already...) and when I’m not doing that, just making sure my weapons are ready and fully levelled. I’m going to be on a hill, just sniping Grinner from afar with my Vectis and if anything tries to kill me, I’ll take out my Anku and go in, guns blazing.

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On 10/5/2017 at 5:26 AM, o0Despair0o said:

I don't really have anything to do right now, so I wanted to know what fun things there are to do.

Well what I'm suggesting may not be fun but it's something I'm doing. 

I'm on a sniper-only challenge right now. In fact, I'm playing all missions (except for a few) using my Mesa + Rubico loadout because that's what I'll be using in the Plains. Specifically, I've been doing Narcissus on Pluto (Corpus exterminate featuring a large map and Ambulas units) and various Kuva Fortress missions (also large maps where you can engage archwing enemies). 

That way I'll be a true sniper master by the time the Plains hit. 

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On 10/5/2017 at 8:57 AM, Hemmo67 said:

oohohoo payday2 is tons of fun :D

minigun bank heist shooting hordes of cops from front door never gets old x'P


Shotgun tech-forcer all day every day. Practically invincible while body'ing everything. Can even take out snipers with the shotgun as the pellets don't turn into cotton candy puffs after they hit the dropoff range like every other shooter.

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