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23 minutes ago, giovanniluca said:

You could let people hold it and let it grow autonomously while moving, new one is just lame.

Still too clumsy. We don't have the need to hold down a spire for a good thirty seconds, during which time you could do so much more. This is easier on players, and more versatile. I'd say that it's much better.

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Her 1 and 2 seem very lackluster. I'm just spit balling here, but what if she had a cycle ability like Ivara's quiver? Each of the 4 options could be a different weapon she makes out of glass used for different purposes. I think it'd be awesome if Gara was a..... forge/craft type frame? As in she uses her abilities to make objects. Not just hit people with glass but actually form something useful out of the glass to make it interesting.

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Actually I'm genuinely surprised to see that her 4th is a complete mobility blocker on walking enemies after you cast it. Think of this on any Infested defense map... Most people will automatically think of Akkad there, but if you think that it doesn't allow chargers, leapers, runners, crawlers or Ancients to pass it... yeah, a smaller area ring would prevent about 90% of the damage to a defense pod against infested. Unless it has a duration/health bar. Or unless you accidentally cast 1 inside it.

Couple that with her 3 and you have a lot of enemies distracted, taking damage and dealing it to themselves, a total area denial around the pod, and even more than that you have an AoE damage/protection you can activate around allies, problem enemies or inside a crowd... And then with her 1 able to sweep enemies aside in a knock-back/ragdoll? Yeah...

Used right, this could be a real power-house.

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2 hours ago, Xekrin said:

Mass Vitrify is what Atlas' petrify should have been.  Seriously, look at how utterly better it is compared to Atlas' ability.  Instant cast, no channeling, 360 degree radius not just in a frontal cone.  Blocks enemy fire in a complete (quite large from the looks of it) circle.

Poor atlas.

Also, I found this

which is kinda neat they made a glass frame so quickly after this.

I thought her 4th was channeling? The size of the circle depended on how long you channelled. Maybe it got changed to be duration or range based.

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25 minutes ago, Ganonpurps said:

Her 1 and 2 seem very lackluster. I'm just spit balling here, but what if she had a cycle ability like Ivara's quiver? Each of the 4 options could be a different weapon she makes out of glass used for different purposes. I think it'd be awesome if Gara was a..... forge/craft type frame? As in she uses her abilities to make objects. Not just hit people with glass but actually form something useful out of the glass to make it interesting.

I'd rather not, I don't like cycle abilities. 

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I am disappointed her 3 looks so bleh now, I liked those original mirrors

Her 1 looks much more "boring but practical". I didn't see how copying Corrin's side-special from Smash 4 was supposed to work in a third-person shooter, but giving her a combination of Volt's 1 and Banshee's 1 is much more useful

Edited by TARINunit9
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I like her new orange default color scheme, much more edgy than the sandy color before. The mirrors actually retained the old sadface mirror shape but looks way cooler with the glass fragments held in shape. She's both an eye-and-earcandy from what I've gleamed, going to be fun fashion-framing her up!

Abilities-wise, she's got lots of goodies. If Shattered Lash has infinite punchthru on the tap then my Scarab Swarm fetish is satisfied, along with the hold-cast seemingly doing more damage on the livestream yesterday (will have to see) and smacking enemies away? Solid 1st. Splinter Storm is by far my favorite because it can be self-buff, ally buff, or enemy debuff, very versatile indeed.

Spectrorage isn't a real word, I tried searching... but it sounds cool so why not; love that Ability Range makes more mirrors and expands the carousel. Mass Vitrify completes the kit and makes Gara a great defensive frame- we just have to be mindful of our teammates (like Limbo) and break the ring once in a while for damage too.

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5 hours ago, (Xbox One)Demon Intellect said:

I thought her 4th was channeling? The size of the circle depended on how long you channelled. Maybe it got changed to be duration or range based.

You might be right, it could be channeling, but even still its 10x better than petrify.

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Come think about it, if gara is able make anything to be glass...I wonder what object she turn it into while she doing her doodles....I would put a dolphin illusion, but the thread doesn't support art illusion so don't go google it into img.  If you can't see the dolphin then its said because its college hummor, but moving aside another joke aproprate to be.




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I hope that they kept Shattered Lash being affected by melee mods and Mass Vitrify's wall not blocking ally weapon fire.

Anyone caught any news about Splinter Storm's damage multiplier stat from the guest livestreams? The description for the ability said "impair enemy weapons" but it's a multiplier implying it boosts player damage... although if it does reduce enemy damage, I can see more advantages to casting this on enemies such as Heavy Gunners to lower their insta-gib factor.

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