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We need better fisting


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Fists are admittedly niche weapons, and not very strong on the most part. There's nothing wrong with that. Well, there isn't and there is, so to speak. Fists are generally single target weapons, as one would expect, and have a choice between three stances: Seismic Palm, Fracturing Wind and Gaia's Tragedy. Fracturing Wind for your more versatile fisting, Seismic Palm for just slamming it in and Gaia's Tragedy for a slower, more brutal, deeper fisting.

None of them are really bad stances, per se, they're just....slow. It's a thing shared with all of the  fists. I don't mean slow like heavy blade kind of slow where there's a slow wind up and swing. The punches are quickly executed, there's just too much between them. Sparring weapons can go a mile a minute and hit multiple times a second, but fists are generally single strike or a quick double punch. I won't say there's no rhythm , it's just a slow rhythm, if you catch my drift. Tekko is the only fist that doesn't really suffer from this because Tekko can reliably get berserker stacks to the point where it doesn't matter but all the others are.... plodding. 

There's also the range problem. Again, sparring weapons can easily close the distance with their spin attack, that does a flying kick that covers a good distance. Fists get a sweet looking uppercut, and it does cover a nice distance, but it isn't a proper fisting distance, especially when combined with the other range problem which is.... range. Yes, Fists are only as long as your hand, but I'm more talking about the Slam attacks and shockwaves from the stances. They're either too small to affect more than the enemy you're currently hitting, and even when you get more  than one enemy (in most cases with Seismic Palm) the damage is just pitiful. 

When I want to fist something, I want to fist it real good. So here are my suggestions. 

Increase the animation speed of the punches by about 1.5x, except for the Tekko. You should be using, ahem,  Brsrkr on the Tekko anyway, and  it gets plenty speed with that. This would make moving from enemy to enemy and fisting them more efficient. 

Buff the damage multipliers on the stance moves, AND the base damage on some of the fists. 

The MK1 Furax can stay where it is, but buff the Furax by 10 damage (6 Impact, 3 Puncture, 1 Slash) and the Furax Wraith by 14 damage (9 Impact, 3 Puncture, 2 Slash). 

The Ankyros should have its base damage increased by 9 (7 Impact, 1 Puncture and Slash) and the Prime by 17 (10 Impact, 4 Puncture, 3 Slash) and have its status Chance increased to 20%.

Fracturing Wind should have a 250% modifier on its  slam in Rolling Gale, and a 125% modifier on the rapid punches. It should also knock away enemies like the Sonicor does. The sweeping attack on Gaining Humility, Rising Wind, and Trailing Doom should get a 150% multiplier and  increased range to its normal swing range. Rising Wind's final slam should get a 200% multiplier and increased slam range by 1m.


Seismic Palm should have a rag doll instead of knockdown at the end of Quaking touch, and the multiplier should be increased to 150%. The 4th and 5th hits of Echoing Hands should have a 125% multiplier, and the final move should push back and stagger enemies, much like enemies near Frost when he casts Snowglobe. The second punch in Sudden Rockfall gets a 175% multiplier, and the first slam gets 200%. The second slam should get 300% multiplier for the shockwave and its damage should decrease with distance to the enemy. The slam should knock enemies back andopen them to finishers like Radial Blind (or one if those ninkana combos whose  name escapes me) for a short while. The uppercut on erupting Vulcan should be slowed down and get a 400% multiplier, and the move before it should force a stagger. Increase the radius of the shockwaves by 3m and the slam radius by 1.5m,and have the radius be affected by range mods so there's a point to range mods on  fists. 


Gaia's Tragedy should just get a 220% multiplier on everything. The only thing wrong with it is the lack of reward for the general lack of speed. Increase the slam radius by 1m.

Finally, and this is the big one, either give fists a sort of dash or teleport from enemy to enemy, like the Augment for Twin Basolk, or make the charge attack a lot quicker and have it be a sort of dashing in punch. I like the charge attack idea better, but  you decide for your fisting needs. 


This won't put fists into the endgame in any sense, but it will make them more than just a gimmick in the game. General Fisticuffs will be more effective in the long run, and we can cater to the more..... hardcore in the audience. Those on the 7th planet from the sun best be prepared. 





Edited by TheBrsrkr
I know what I did. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Just now, Dante102 said:

I advise you to read the whole thing

Just wanted to point it out. In general I guess I'll agree that fists could use a damage buff, along with various other melee types, but I'm really not that torn up about it. If you like em, get a Riven and move on, I say. Eventually we'll get a better Fist weapon.

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I can agree with the fist and other close combat melee weapons need some buffs and revisit (hopefully DE still doing the revisits) because many weapons needs it.

What is annoys me mostly the fact that we are space ninja-warriors but we cannot use unarmed fighting techniques. I want to kill thousands of enemies with my bare hands and use some shaolin technique aswell to beat my enemies. There should be a way where we can defend ourselves without any of our weapons at least it won't be too fast and effective tool for killing but kicking-swinging-boxing also is a useful thing and the finishers could be just as lethal like we use daggers on these situations. Also it is not problem if we deal a limited damage but if better than zero then it is worth to make a try. 

Just my opinion and long ago it was discussed but if they "devs" wishing to rework the movement system in the meaning they will try to motion capture the moves for more realistic and fluid movement then they could try to capture some melee technique aswell.

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How about different martial art branches that could be applied like stances? Something that would work with something like the current focus tree perk system but being a niche thing it wouldn't be that grindy to unlock everything and it would incentivize trying out all of the martial art techniques as using these would be the only way to get xp for this perk system.

These could alter the stances in some way, some being not applicable with some of the stances.

Stances as they are are simplified versions of martial art techniques but they could be expanded into something more than that.

Clan Dojo tutorials with NPC-s (maybe Teshin)to try out all the combos too?

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