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whats so cool about rhino prime?


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Iron Skin can make you a tad bit tanky at sortie levels (meaning just tanky enough you won't get oneshot), Roar can significantly increase the damage output for the whole team, Stomp can lock down rooms.

It's one of the simpler frames to ez mod through sorties, especially sortie assassinations with bullet spongy bosses such as Vay Hek, elemental resist Lephantis etc. and its buff doesn't mess with how others play, it just straight up increases their damage output.

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becouse of him being so simple and fun, and good looking, he was my favorite warframe and first i build back in update 5

here is some older screenshot of update i dont remember



screenshot was done for old show your warframe colors topic

Edited by godila2
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The best explanation I can think of is that is is a favorite among newer players and they stick with him until they grow into other frames. So if you're playing with many newer players, then I guess it makes sense to see more rhino's than usual. 

Personally, I see more frosts, along with some nidus, but overall, I see a pretty even distribution of different frames in my runs.

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Rhino prime is simple to grasp, and gets good results.  Has a knock off slash dash, a relatively strong defensive ability, AoE damage boost, and a room stun.  The only crimes he really commits is that he kind of doesn't ask the player to learn how to survive excessive incoming damage if they're a newbie, and iron skin is ugly as sin + it hides your skin/color scheme.

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