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Current Dev build overview of ALL Focus Schools


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On 10/8/2017 at 4:59 PM, Phatose said:

I do not understand

I don't either 


4 hours ago, Toran said:

Sorry, this looks totally INSANE. Why should I even care farming all these points? There's hardly anything of real use or impact. Unless it's the only way to damage certain enemies. So we're back to Focus 1.0. Pick the best passive, ignore all the other crap...


Pretty much..max energy dash and pulse..call it a day.

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52 minutes ago, Wolfdoggie said:

Are we gonna have to lvl all the schools now for the universal passives?

Yep. It's going to cost many millions of Focus points.


Quick refresher, by the way!


- Universal passives, the things which can cross Schools, are only for the Operators.
- What we used to think of as passives are now called Residuals, and they are not universal. Buffs for Warframes remain tied to their specific Focus School.
- To make a passive universal, it must be fully leveled up, maxed out, and given a rare eidolon shard. We don't know yet how rare these shards are, but my money is on "Insanely rare to the point of causing everyone to rage on the forums when the Teralyst's drop chance gets datamined."

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47 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Yep. It's going to cost many millions of Focus points.


Quick refresher, by the way!


- Universal passives, the things which can cross Schools, are only for the Operators.
- What we used to think of as passives are now called Residuals, and they are not universal. Buffs for Warframes remain tied to their specific Focus School.
- To make a passive universal, it must be fully leveled up, maxed out, and given a rare eidolon shard. We don't know yet how rare these shards are, but my money is on "Insanely rare to the point of causing everyone to rage on the forums when the Teralyst's drop chance gets datamined."

Are they going to remove the daily focus cap? :v

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8 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Yep. It's going to cost many millions of Focus points.


Quick refresher, by the way!


- Universal passives, the things which can cross Schools, are only for the Operators.
- What we used to think of as passives are now called Residuals, and they are not universal. Buffs for Warframes remain tied to their specific Focus School.
- To make a passive universal, it must be fully leveled up, maxed out, and given a rare eidolon shard. We don't know yet how rare these shards are, but my money is on "Insanely rare to the point of causing everyone to rage on the forums when the Teralyst's drop chance gets datamined."

Yay, finally some good news!

I can ignore Focus altogether now, can't I?

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On 10/10/2017 at 2:25 AM, Shichibukai88 said:

enough orbs drop to sustain me for 20-40 minutes solo.

So, 20-40 minutes is apparently a benchmark, I see. I regret discussing this now. At even 60 minutes I can kill anything with any wep with any frame with any setup, i would like to see ya rely only on energy orb's with lvl 500+ mobs in a defense/survival solo on Mot which would not get one shot unless you're playing as octavia/banshee, just to be nice to ya honestly. I am regretting talking to ya thinking about the fact that you actually had any kind of actual feedback that would have impact on your argument then a silly 20-40 min runs.

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On 10/10/2017 at 2:11 AM, BornWithTeeth said:

Yep. It's going to cost many millions of Focus points.


Quick refresher, by the way!


- Universal passives, the things which can cross Schools, are only for the Operators.
- What we used to think of as passives are now called Residuals, and they are not universal. Buffs for Warframes remain tied to their specific Focus School.
- To make a passive universal, it must be fully leveled up, maxed out, and given a rare eidolon shard. We don't know yet how rare these shards are, but my money is on "Insanely rare to the point of causing everyone to rage on the forums when the Teralyst's drop chance gets datamined."

I find that to be a bit of a joke.

While I don't generally mind Operator's at all I think some universal passives for y'know, Warframes, would be nice considering.... This game is called Warframe.

Edited by Valiant
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5 minutes ago, Valiant said:

I find that to be a bit of a joke.

While I don't mind Operator's at all some universal passives for y'know, Warframes, would be nice considering.... This game is called Warframe.

See, I'm actually fine with that. I am totally fine with the idea that the Focus development provides some small benefit for the Warframe, but is primarily about the Operator's Void power.

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5 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

See, I'm actually fine with that. I am totally fine with the idea that the Focus development provides some small benefit for the Warframe, but is primarily about the Operator's Void power.

Yeah I don't mind it but I still think the same should exist for warframes. People were drawn to this game and likely still are for the Warframe itself, opposed to the operator experience.

Further to that the way I see it as well is that focus reflects our operators abilities, skill and experience. Universal passives for warframes would also demonstrate this a little. Though saying all this I still wouldn't know what sort of interesting universals I would have for warframes anyways.

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4 hours ago, SharkPot said:

So, 20-40 minutes is apparently a benchmark, I see. I regret discussing this now. At even 60 minutes I can kill anything with any wep with any frame with any setup, i would like to see ya rely only on energy orb's with lvl 500+ mobs in a defense/survival solo on Mot which would not get one shot unless you're playing as octavia/banshee, just to be nice to ya honestly. I am regretting talking to ya thinking about the fact that you actually had any kind of actual feedback that would have impact on your argument then a silly 20-40 min runs.

You did NOT, again you did NOT say anything about HOW many minutes the run has to be so get off your high horse and even then I can easily solo a 60 minutes run with Loki even alone and not have any energy problems at all. And with other frames as well like what the hell, ppl done it before all this zenurik and what not crap and ppl will do it still.

Edited by Shichibukai88
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4 hours ago, Shichibukai88 said:

You did NOT, again you did NOT say anything about HOW many minutes the run has to be so get off your high horse and even then I can easily solo a 60 minutes run with Loki even alone and not have any energy problems at all. And with other frames as well like what the hell, ppl done it before all this zenurik and what not crap and ppl will do it still.

Loki needs a fraction of energy compared to what the newer more "synergetic"/"reworked" frames need. For 60 minutes you can tank and kill stuff with guns w/o problems, What becomes a glaring issue is the need to spam skills, If you have ever done any sort of endurance runs aka above 60 mins you will notice alternate energy regens like rage and energy orbs can be no longer usable , When the game hits 1hit ko mode relying on rng is not an option and you will fallback on restores only, not even zenurik helps at that point, but many frames who rely on channeled/high burst energy usage(maim equinox,avalanche frost, stomp rhino,oberon) zenurik is useless anyways, but for frames like saryn, banshee, octavia whose energy usage isn't that high/duration based(saryn only has to spam spore which with max str costs around 34 energy which is quite less and with a huge energy pool zenurik increases the maximum number of casts by over 15 iirc, octavia has long duration based skills with energy refund, banshee only needs to cast resonance once in a while so zenurik pretty much removes the need for efficiency and restores) where zenurik can help reduce the pressure of spam and it helps to make more powerful builds w/o succumbing down to energy issues and reducing total effectiveness.
Also old frames don't need any form of special needs for energy as they were designed with respect to mods and playstyle of that time, the newer frames not so, Saryn=spammy build =huge energy consumption, Oberon huge energy consumption and zenurik doesnt work when heal is on while in lower levels till about 200 he can easily tank+self heal through rage+qt combo anything above that he needs full str build which even rage cant suffice and will still fall short after 250+, Hydroid needs a lot of spam to make him work and at times charge making him highly inefficent, Ivara needs arcane energize/restores to even play as her kit has no way to gain back energy and steal method isnt the most reliable way to get energy, and has a huge energy consumption as she needs round the clock invis.
The problem is not olden days you could do this ,why not now. This problem has come up as many of the mechanics of frames have been designed with keeping to zenurik in mind, and thats why this has become this huge of an issue.
Obviously if ya don't mind polymer farming after every 10 missions this is obviously not an issue for you, But after playing for more than 1500 hours and repeated same old process, Zenurik had provided me and many other players sense of relief and build flexibility. Obviously you would know this if you actually tried to push modding to breaking point and not being highty-mighty about doing a 60 min with a frame which has the capability to do over 90 min w/o any issues whatsoever.

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35 minutes ago, SharkPot said:

Loki needs a fraction of energy compared to what the newer more "synergetic"/"reworked" frames need. For 60 minutes you can tank and kill stuff with guns w/o problems, What becomes a glaring issue is the need to spam skills, If you have ever done any sort of endurance runs aka above 60 mins you will notice alternate energy regens like rage and energy orbs can be no longer usable , When the game hits 1hit ko mode relying on rng is not an option and you will fallback on restores only, not even zenurik helps at that point, but many frames who rely on channeled/high burst energy usage(maim equinox,avalanche frost, stomp rhino,oberon) zenurik is useless anyways, but for frames like saryn, banshee, octavia whose energy usage isn't that high/duration based(saryn only has to spam spore which with max str costs around 34 energy which is quite less and with a huge energy pool zenurik increases the maximum number of casts by over 15 iirc, octavia has long duration based skills with energy refund, banshee only needs to cast resonance once in a while so zenurik pretty much removes the need for efficiency and restores) where zenurik can help reduce the pressure of spam and it helps to make more powerful builds w/o succumbing down to energy issues and reducing total effectiveness.
Also old frames don't need any form of special needs for energy as they were designed with respect to mods and playstyle of that time, the newer frames not so, Saryn=spammy build =huge energy consumption, Oberon huge energy consumption and zenurik doesnt work when heal is on while in lower levels till about 200 he can easily tank+self heal through rage+qt combo anything above that he needs full str build which even rage cant suffice and will still fall short after 250+, Hydroid needs a lot of spam to make him work and at times charge making him highly inefficent, Ivara needs arcane energize/restores to even play as her kit has no way to gain back energy and steal method isnt the most reliable way to get energy, and has a huge energy consumption as she needs round the clock invis.
The problem is not olden days you could do this ,why not now. This problem has come up as many of the mechanics of frames have been designed with keeping to zenurik in mind, and thats why this has become this huge of an issue.
Obviously if ya don't mind polymer farming after every 10 missions this is obviously not an issue for you, But after playing for more than 1500 hours and repeated same old process, Zenurik had provided me and many other players sense of relief and build flexibility. Obviously you would know this if you actually tried to push modding to breaking point and not being highty-mighty about doing a 60 min with a frame which has the capability to do over 90 min w/o any issues whatsoever.

Then thats your playstyle not mine, I have well over 1k hours myself and still no issues at all. Might wanna change your playstyle then. Been fine without zenurik w.e missions type or length so, jokes on you.

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17 minutes ago, Shichibukai88 said:

Then thats your playstyle not mine, I have well over 1k hours myself and still no issues at all. Might wanna change your playstyle then. Been fine without zenurik w.e missions type or length so, jokes on you.

You mean 20-40 minutes long?

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 10/8/2017 at 10:32 AM, Kaotyke said:

-> Eidolon Lens

-> Convergence giving 8x from 6x

-> Cap raised to 250k

Hate the whole idea of the Convergence Arcade.  Give everything a flat buff boost (say x2) or flat cut costs (say /2) and get rid of this thing once and for all.

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On 10/10/2017 at 2:11 AM, BornWithTeeth said:

- To make a passive universal, it must be fully leveled up, maxed out, and given a rare eidolon shard. We don't know yet how rare these shards are, but my money is on "Insanely rare to the point of causing everyone to rage on the forums when the Teralyst's drop chance gets datamined."

Hmmm. You know, I'm happy to have been dead wrong in this instance! Brilliant Eidolon Shards are actually relatively easy to acquire.


In other news, my Operator is a tank with 1125 HP, regenerates 4 Hp/s, less than 500k Focus from unbinding the Unairu +200% Armour node, full set of Vigour Arcane and half set of Husk Arcane.

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4 minutes ago, (Xbox One)CKazz said:

Hate the whole idea of the Convergence Arcade.  Give everything a flat buff boost (say x2) or flat cut costs (say /2) and get rid of this thing once and for all.

why did you bring a month old thread back from the dead?

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On 10/8/2017 at 8:47 PM, Shichibukai88 said:

More like all the crybabies about zenurik getting changed. So yeah in general.

That's kind of a silly stance IMO, they added it to the game and it brought some frames and builds that otherwise wouldn't have come to the fore, to the fore.

Like it or not it was meta long enough to have a real effect.  I played before it, during it, most used school, and I'll now play after it.

But I know I'm interested in focusing on the warframe I'm fielding, not the operator fielding it.  So this seems to feel odd regardless where you come out on the energy.

Further, people will deal, they'll just go back to the consumables which work pretty well and for anyone who's played a decent length, are resource cheap.

It's just a shame the school for the caster warframe is starting to feel more like the school for the caster kidframe, which I'm not sure anyone wants to use regularly...

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17 minutes ago, FoxyKabam said:

why did you bring a month old thread back from the dead?

I did a search, PoE is coming to consoles in a week and wanted to chime as all the same things apply.  Otherwise I'm sure I would have gotten 'use search' right?

Thus the (Xbox One) tag, I didn't consider it to be a big necro as we're just now about to get it, and as I catch up I had something to comment on.

Is there a better place for those of us about to get this new content / as we get this new content to comment?  Wasn't on this General Discussion topic a month ago.

Edited by (XB1)CKazz
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