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Is Warframe too long?


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I just spent an hour thinking about and typing up why I think Warframe should be shortened, but then I really had to stop and think about it. Is Warframe really that long? 


When I say long, I mean the time it takes for you to get what I would call a full set of rewards, not like spamming MPrime in a corner to get some plastids or something. I mean the stuff you do on a hunt for what you want, like farming relics or prime parts, doing a raid or just faffing about in some mission for kicks. In the endless case, one rotation of prime parts or keys (AABC) would run you 20 minutes on a survival, or maybe a bit less on a defense. A mobile defense can run you anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes, I think it takes 5 minutes with all points capped for 1 interception for 20 minutes in all, and a spy could be baby tier content if you use Loki but might take a while with most others. 

When you really think about it, that's about 3 matches an hour. Not a lot. Now, my contract just finished so I'm out of a job, I got time to kill. But real life happens fast. Lots of students I know want to get into Warframe but don't have the time to manage that and school life. Lots more people are just scrubs who want to get done with it quick and I can at least understand that. Going 40 minutes without being interrupted in any way is a big deal to some, so they make do with 20. But even 20 minutes is just enough for 1 game, and I doubt many people  log in to Warframe to play 1 game and leave.

So Warframe is a huge time investment to players. But it's a game. No mom is gonna let you finish your 40 minute game. Your kid isn't going to stop making hungry sounds while you play. Your house isn't going to clean itself and you're basically locked in as you start a mission with no reprieve if something comes up. 

Is it too huge of an investment?  What are your thoughts? Is there a way to make Warframe shorter without compromising what Warframe is? 

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Just now, Marvelous_A said:

I appreciate your time but you lost me at the title

I read it through and it's a valid complaint 

My thoughts on it is that it's like any other MMORPG though, and the best thing you can do is just set aside time to dedicate to playing warframe - say on an off day or a time you don't have classes.  

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12 minutes ago, Marvelous_A said:

I appreciate your time but you lost me at the title

Should it take a shorter time to do missions is what I'm asking here. 


11 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:



No. We don't need more people being lazy. If you don't to grind, do what I do and use Trade.

Come on, man. It's not about being lazy, it's about how much time you have to play in the first place. You can't really grind that much in an hour. 

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1 minute ago, TheBrsrkr said:

Should it take a shorter time to do missions is what I'm asking here. 


Come on, man. It's not about being lazy, it's about how much time you have to play in the first place. You can't really grind that much in an hour. 

Yes you can. I play about an hour a day. idk what you're talking about my guy.

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4 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

Yes you can. I play about an hour a day. idk what you're talking about my guy.

Grind what, exactly? Resources? I mean yeah, you could, and I suppose you could have fun with that too, but I'm talking about certain prime parts and Sortie interception missions that just take a while to get done. 

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Just now, TheBrsrkr said:

Grind what, exactly? Resources? I mean yeah, you could, and I suppose you could have fun with that too, but I'm talking about certain prime parts and Sortie interception missions that just take a while to get done. 

Sorties only take me about 30 minutes total, and then I run a couple relics.

Most games are made with idea of a few hour long play sessions at a time. If you don't have the time to play video games, that's just something you gotta deal with. It doesn't mean a game is too long. But you could totally run at least 10 relics in an hour. and if you have an extra half hour to spare, Sorties.

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I'm afraid the grind simply isn't going away. Dedicating a chunk of time to doing an endurance run can be tiresome, but if IRL intervenes? Focus on that.

I play Warframe because I enjoy the core gameplay, not to grind (if I didn't like the core gameplay, why would I grind?).

In the interest of keeping things constructive and positive, if you want to do a lengthy mission, it's probably best to assemble a team of friends. If you don't want to (or have time to) do a lengthy mission, then just don't; you've only got to complete a given node once for starmap progress (other than junctions, which can be rather grindy), and once that's fully unlocked, the worlds are your oyster. If you are time-constrained, just stick to the mission types you enjoy and play them.

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I'm gonna be 100% honest here, if you don't like grind (or in your case don't have the time to grind), Give Up Now. You'd be alot happier playing an rpg or a competitive shooter. Side Note: You can actually clear all of warframes story content (currently) and gear up for end game (sorties and junk), in 5 days if you manage your time. But, clearly you don't have time for even that, so why bother? The game has only become stale for me after 3000 hours (as I'm MR 24 with literally nothing to do), but hey I guess this game isn't for everyone.

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I dont think mission in warframe is too long. Most game take 20 min a session like moba, fps, etc.

As for relic reward u can open plenty of relic in capture and exterminate mission.

Take warframe as a game dont let it hinder your work or life.

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1 hour ago, TheBrsrkr said:

In the endless case, one rotation of prime parts or keys (AABC) would run you 20 minutes on a survival, or maybe a bit less on a defense.

And then you have the other side of the coin of people asking to make endless rewarding again. I am one of those players. It is rewarding enough for, but other players don't generally stay as long as they did before. 

Warframe is definitely not long. And the cost of playing warframe is either time or money. They do this in a fair way. Much better than most F2P games out there. If you really like warframe, then you have to invest in it. If you are a casual player who can't really play too long, then you'll just have to walk your way to the end instead of bullet jumping there. 

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The very concept of Warframe is based around grind to artificially extend game time and coerce players into forking out real currency. If anything that's the nature of pretty much any MMO, it's not a regular game where you'd expect 10-20 hours of gameplay, this is something meant to last and keep you coming back to play (and hopefully pay), done in a way that makes you replay content over and over and over to min-max dev time vs game lifespan.

If you're in a situation where you can't afford large amounts of time into gaming, I'd recommend simply not playing MMOs. Play normal games, singleplayer with all content compressed into 10-20 hours of gametime so you're getting tangible progress with each session, or maybe pvp where you can just drop in, play a match or two and leave (as long as it's not a MOBA). Asking if Warframe is 'too long' is like asking if Call of Duty has too much shooting, it's just a fundamental aspect of the game and the general genre.

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Just gonna throw a suggestion out there but what if the rotation was just ABC instead of AABC? It would only cut off 5 minutes of a survival run or one less round in an interception or 5 waves in a defense but that time adds up even within just an hour. So instead of just getting 3 full rotations for survival in an hour one could get 4 full rotations in the hour. It's a smallish change but would actually make a world of difference.

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No its not too long... Missions take far less time to complete. Most of the time I am speed running through missions. Its a casual grind game which I don't have to stress too much as missions are super short. I can do sorties, few void relics and alerts in 1 hour and log off.

Compared to 2-3 ranked Dota2 or CSGO game which easily last 40-1 hour per game, Warframe is my stress buster break when I don't want to game a lot.

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If you try to get everything super fast it may seem that way but it's not a single player game where the content can be completed in a few hours. This is meant to be a long journey and honestly the journey is the fun and awesome aspect so I say enjoy it!

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When it comes to getting things in warframe, imo, it does take a lot of time and effort. For someone who would spend at most 2-4 hours a day playing warframe, it does take a lot of time. People who rank up really fast, obtaining items, etc etc, fast are either spending money to rush or obtain items; playing long hours, maybe more than 12 hours a day or all day.

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