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The Roadmap Part 3: When & Status Thread?


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Steve is hoping for 1 - 2 hours.

He said that about 60k twitch accounts need to be processed before PoE can ship, and 700 accounts are getting processed per min or so. This comes down to just over 80 minutes. If nothing goes wrong, I think his estimation is sound.

Hype train is on full throttle. 


Edited by Exterminator
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7 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

40 FPS on a 10-year dual-core Windows XP with 2 Gigs of RAM.



Seriously. More attention needs to be brought to this. 

They are absolute top class for going the extra billion miles. Optimization and stability has floundered to the wayside so much with gaming. Most only care about churning out content, or putting out a sloppy product to be bought.

DE genuinely cares about their project, and they care about the people who will experience it.

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I doubt anyone is reading this at page 19 or 20 or whatever this will be when I finish typing this.

But can we please just have set release dates? Like, I don't even care if a major update is finalized a week before it's set to release, people have been expecting it all week, just sitting and waiting for a response, or a redtext. And I know you've been working very hard, down to the wire, so to speak.. And maybe that's the intention? A circle of hype that leads to hypemongering that leads to more hype? But I would like to think that's not the case. Or maybe it's a product of "improvement bias" (The longer you work on something the more and more you want to do with it and add to it instead of just releasing it and improvving it later. This has an actual name, but I can't think of it.)

But I for one would prefer to know an exact date and time when it's going to drop. Even if, as I said, it's a week or more after devolopment is completely finished.

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