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Mastery rank 9 test making me quit Warframe


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4 hours ago, RoyalHaze said:

Did some testing on mr 9 test, played 5 times in a row with a random gear and had no problems 5/5. This test is really easy if you ask me, here is the video that I recorded few mins ago. Hope this will help. 



wow, how the third guy in the first test didnt see you is beyond me lol. also at 3:05 the guy on the left definitely detected me a couple times while standing there in the real test. very impressive though

anyway i managed  to do it yesterday guys! spend so much time in practice mode that the enemy's walkpaths got hardwired into my brain. i still think its terrible though lol, the only thing i did differently is NOT using my glaive as a ranged weapon, that just ruined everything apparently.

anyway thanks all for the tips and motivation. hopefully they will remove the 24 hour wait timer some day because all it adds is pure stress, not challenge. never liked a single stealth based game in my life which is why i'm so bad at it

Edited by GrandTickler2
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Use a whip style weapon with reach. Remember that on the last platform you can't be seen so plan your attack. Jump out and back to trigger the enemies. Take out the middle enemy when they have turned 'round then left and right. The rest is just a matter of watching patterns and picking the right moment. Reach is your best friend and is forgiving, to some degree, if your timing is out.

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Have you tried crouching(the enemies are less likely to spot you, like if you were standing they take slower to take notice of you when crouching), and using glaive or another quiet throwing malee weapon ? Sneaking up behind them is sometimes best way, and ones in the distance, you malee throw them. There  are harder more annoying tests in the future, and their are ones which i fuund easier. Also use an enemy radar mod, where you can see the enemies on the map.

Edited by Cosmic_Elf
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use the practice tests. the first two stages should be very easy, the 3rd stage is where it gets tricky for timing. you don't have to rush due to no timer existing. 


You will get it, but not if you give up. And it is very worth getting and after that you'll never be forced to do terrible stealth like that again. AFIK anyway. 

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On 10/14/2017 at 10:21 AM, GrandTickler2 said:

This is one of the worst and most rng based mission ive ever played in any game EVER, and it's gonna be the reason im quitting this game soon.

i practiced like 30 times, after a while i am able to pass it repeatedly without too much issue's. but then the real test begins and.. everything is different.

in the practice run (3rd stage) i can simply walk up the first guy in the middle and stealth kill him or just throw my glaive at it, as for the actual run.. doesnt work... even though many youtube videos show this is possible, i get detected time and time again. sometimes its immediately, sometimes it takes 5 seconds.. thats the thing there is no consistency in this test and its all luck based whether they will see you or not.If the practice test and actual test have such different mechanics theres no point in actually training myself in this mission now is there?

So here i am, with PoE open to me and a arsenal of weapons/warframes i still need to level. But my mastery rank is capped thanks to this bullS#&$ little mission.. so what reason do i have to keep playing if any progress is halted? absolutely none

for someone who plays games over 90 hours a week and tend to dominate any online game, i can't wrap my little head around how other people got past this bullS#&$.

Hate to hop on the bandwagon, but it's really not RNG based. It is the first mastery rank test that's genuinely hard, but it's still skill-based. The guards have predictable movement patterns and the same cover is available every time.

As for not having any reason to keep playing if you can't keep continuously inflating your e-peen, I have no words. There's an expression: "find a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life". I don't grind, I play the game. In the process, I unlock more content. If you don't like the core gameplay, then you picked the wrong game.

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10 hours ago, GenerationX3 said:

I know I'm just contributing to an echo chamber here but... I did this with Loki with a little bit of duration on him first go for that sweet sweet invisibility. If you can get a max duration loki OH BOY E Z P Z.

if only we lived in a time where that were still possible :P

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I practiced a bunch and failed it once for real. Only test i have ever failed so far out of 15MR levels

I used the Lesion and just made sure I used finisher.

Good Luck Tenno, stick with it you will get it.  As frustrating as it may be it will be worth it in the end :)  Remember to breath :)

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Well I just passed this test a few days ago and it is quite easy... Just hide and make sure you are patient.. Patience is key.... Move in arc patterns the enemies vision is in the shape of a cone as per wiki, so there are some blindspots... Congrats on passing the test and hope the others get some good advice from this thread....

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I don't know what the best thing is for DE to do about this test.

On one hand...it's not impossible..but that's not a very good argument. 

It's clearly the cause of some stress and consternation. People who are playing Loki mains are of course going to have an easier time than people who grew up on Frost and Volt.  It's one of the few cases where stealth is required and there is exactly one way to finish the mission.

For some people it's very much NOT part of their typical warframe experience, and I think that's where the problem is. There are so many ways to play that it's easy to get pretty far without mastering specific skills (and to be fair, when you're talking twitchy things and people with carpal tunnel and various health disorders then some skills are disproportionately hard to master).

For me it was a source of tension so of course I'd spaz out when the stakes were higher, and I solved it with a range-increasing riven on a whip

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On 10/14/2017 at 11:36 AM, GrandTickler2 said:

I thought MR was everything. isnt like most content locked behind this rank system?

if i just keep playing, leveling my new weapons and warframes, aren't i missing out on tons and tons of MR xp, gimping myself in the long run?

Mastery rank after 15 means nothing. Doesn't mean your smart,  doesn't mean your cool, doesn't mean you know everything  about warframe.  Just means you have no life and maxed out alot of gear. Aka me lol. I've seen some pretty cool low Mr players who r really good and out shone high Mr players. It's all about skill. Also everything you level up after you pass the test those mastery rank points instantly get added to the next level bar. Don't worry  man your not loosing anything :)

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34 minutes ago, puppycorpse said:

Mastery rank after 15 means nothing. Doesn't mean your smart,  doesn't mean your cool, doesn't mean you know everything  about warframe.  Just means you have no life and maxed out alot of gear. Aka me lol. I've seen some pretty cool low Mr players who r really good and out shone high Mr players. It's all about skill. Also everything you level up after you pass the test those mastery rank points instantly get added to the next level bar. Don't worry  man your not loosing anything :)

This, pretty much exactly. I've mopped the floor with MR 24 players who got arrogant and sloppy, while I'm still in the single digits. By the same token, I've been taken to school by MR 2 players who were just really, really skilled (not wallet warriors). Some have expressed envy at my gear (I try not to bring the good stuff to low level alerts, but sometimes I forget to swap loadouts), but still clearly outplayed me. Once you have enough MR to use the gear you want to use, there's little incentive to keep grinding it. It's a very poor measure of skill, TBH, and if you are concerned about losing experience points, then one, they carry over as stated, and two, what's the big deal?

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Don’t rub the MR tests off, they translate to in game skill and can highlight skills you suck at 

Im currently stuck at the test 11 and in game it shows that I do suck at air travel and often fall off cliffs. Now I’m starting to tweak my aim glide thanks to this test.

Test 9 requires patience and timing, which can help in spy missions when done right. Someone mentioned Metal Gear and it’s true, I’ve played Batman Arkham games enough to patiently watch AI then attack when the time is right. Finished this test with Mag and a Karyst dagger and it felt very ninja like to be truly stealthy.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 10/14/2017 at 11:21 AM, GrandTickler2 said:

This is one of the worst and most rng based mission ive ever played in any game EVER, and it's gonna be the reason im quitting this game soon.

i practiced like 30 times, after a while i am able to pass it repeatedly without too much issue's. but then the real test begins and.. everything is different.

in the practice run (3rd stage) i can simply walk up the first guy in the middle and stealth kill him or just throw my glaive at it, as for the actual run.. doesnt work... even though many youtube videos show this is possible, i get detected time and time again. sometimes its immediately, sometimes it takes 5 seconds.. thats the thing there is no consistency in this test and its all luck based whether they will see you or not.If the practice test and actual test have such different mechanics theres no point in actually training myself in this mission now is there?

So here i am, with PoE open to me and a arsenal of weapons/warframes i still need to level. But my mastery rank is capped thanks to this bullS#&$ little mission.. so what reason do i have to keep playing if any progress is halted? absolutely none

for someone who plays games over 90 hours a week and tend to dominate any online game, i can't wrap my little head around how other people got past this bullS#&$.

I just completed it on my first try after watching a youtube video to familiarize myself with the mechanics. So I used an atterax with max primed reach (and dmg, etc... they have low hp anyways). Just whipped a few of them through the walls with it.  Make sure to take your time. Stay crouched & hidden behind something (be sure not to slide around).  Go in for the kills, then run all the way back out if you need to stop and re-watch patterns, especially on the third stage.  Once you have them down, I was doing crouch-leaps into sliding whips from behind a few of them. Didn't even go for the animation stealth kills for any of them.  I figured the time spent for the animation to play would be worse.  I didn't have any issues with the whip noise or bodies alerting despite some being in fairly close view, but perhaps I got lucky? Hope this helps!

Edited by LazerFerret
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Yeah, they "fixed" stealth abuses so many times that those mission became an absolute pain.

Changes since I completed it:

Redeemer isn't quiet anymore

Guards get alerted when they see a body.


Try to kill enemies with channeling so their bodies dissapear. Watch out for old videos suggesting stuff that doesn't work anymore.

But just to say this in general: this MR Test has to dissapear fast.

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The best part of this "mastery test" is that it does not in any way resemble the actual game. Barring the boredom inducing Spy missions (nest at first, they get old fast) you will never have to act this carefully and cautiously anywhere in the game.

Sort of begs the question what it is this tests, other than patience?

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Hah, wait for MR 19, it's MR 9 on steroids... or 11, if you have a hard time target jumping/shooting in glide, like me. ;)

MR 8 can have bugged AI sometimes, but use an enemy radar and take your time (!), and it shouldn't be too hard, actually... or use a Banshee (all her weapons are silenced) with Redeemer and stay far away from the enemies.

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  • 2 months later...

Does anyone really play the game like this? No. Even the spy missions you only had to be careful near the end and even then you had a few seconds if you screw up. In general the test are bullS#&$. I hadn't enjoyed a single one of them. If DE really wants to have them then fine, but don't arbitrarily lock off content behind a mechanic that isn't used to this degree in 99% of the game (most players don't play this way). At least let me replay it as much as I want, don't give me a needless @(*()$ 24h timer.

Seriously does anyone actually go:"Gee golly, I'm going to do this spy mission (actually feel free to insert any mission here) only with my melee weapon, NOT use any abilities and not alert anyone!"

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