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Gara should be allowed to run a full caster build


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Why is this important? Because Gara has the offensive power and utility to be considered a caster dps with utility powers. When Gara's profile first came out, I honestly saw a frame that was marketed as a caster with off-melee capabilities. Instead, in game, I had to play a frame that was melee with off-caster builds.

Being able to play Gara with ability casting in mind would bring about the fantasy of a glass-mage if you will, just like how you play Ember for her fire abilities, Octavia for her music, Nova for her antimatter and Banshee for her sounds. I see a lot of potential for Gara considering everything about her design is good, it's just not great given how clunky her entire abilities interact with the game, and how she scales in to late game.

To that end, I just wanted to suggest a few things.

  1. Allow Gara's abilities to scale with ability strength x2.5 & melee mods x1.5
  2. Remove Gara's animation lock during casting for 1,2,3
  3. Allow Shattered Lash's secondary fire radius to scale with ability range (basically, remove the 180° cap but allow it to cap out at 360°)
  4. Increase Splinter Storm's base radius to 2 >> 2.5 >> 3.5 >> 5
  5. Increase Mass Vitrify's base damage, improve terrain responsiveness and consider lowering energy drain for ring expansion to 4 >> 3.5 >> 3 >> 2
  6. Allow Gara's ability indicator to be more obvious in game, as of now, all of her abilities are hard to see, even in default color. With Shattered Lash being her biggest issue. 


Edited by PastaFreak
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7. make everything Gara aims at die instantly

8. everything killed that way drops the most rare item from their loot table.

9. actually no, open a list of every item in game and let the player chose. founder items INCLUDED

Edited by Rawbeard
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