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Waybound Focus Nodes and Their Implications On Focus Farming (Over 140 MORE Days)


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1 hour ago, Endorphinz said:

I definitely agree with OP on this one. my feedback is not just one waybound nodes, though, it applies to the entire focus system. Since the introduction of the focus system with the second dream update, I have been playing this game almost non-stop and steadily farming focus. It's been almost 2 years (December 2015) and I haven't even remotely come close to denting any schools. 2-3 million focus accrued each for 4 out of the 5 schools, which is enough to max out maybe 2 or 3 nodes in a focus tree. I imagine that if I'd focused all that focus into one single school, I still wouldn't even have enough to max out all the nodes.

I've had focus lenses installed in all my most-used equipment and warframes, and 2 years of steady progress feels like barely anything. Can you see how discouraging this can be to a player? There are obviously a handful of players that cheerfully run to the mindless Berehynia grind, but I think those folks should be treated as the exception rather than the rule; it's just not fun to grind that map, and I think a lot of people know that. It's been stated by the devs that that sort of afk farming is something they want to get rid of, rather than encourage; and yet, looking at the numbers, I honestly can't tell what they were thinking.

Increasing or removal of the focus cap does not fix anything, because it does nothing to abate the monstrous amount of grinding needed. All it does is tell you that instead of grinding one mission for 2 hours a day, you can do it for 4, or 8, or however long the human body can sit in one spot.

Based on my experiences, and OP's math, focus is just too unforgiving of a grind currently.

With 8M Madurai, there's 2 nodes I havn't touched, and I will still need 2M more for the last tier on he way-bound

So much farming, and I don't do grind, it's boring and not fun to me (I play to have fun) and now I see I'm nowhere near activating any way-bound since you don't only need millions of focus to max them, you still need more to activate them in your main school :(

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9 hours ago, Aelendril said:

With 8M Madurai, there's 2 nodes I havn't touched, and I will still need 2M more for the last tier on he way-bound

So much farming, and I don't do grind, it's boring and not fun to me (I play to have fun) and now I see I'm nowhere near activating any way-bound since you don't only need millions of focus to max them, you still need more to activate them in your main school :(

IIRC fully upgraded Madurai requires 15 million points. And the latest hotfix notes state you don't need additional points for unbound nodes anymore.

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9 hours ago, kTwn2 said:

how....  the BEST gains I've seen in a run is like 8k...  how in the heck are you getting so much focus?!?!?!  (I'm guessing this is a "I have 5 greater lens' of all the groups equipped" type thing...)

I had an Eidolon lens on my Tigris Prime and a Greater lens on my Oberon Prime. Passively playing on Hydron while my other three teammates wiped the floor with everyone would net me 2-5k focus per orb pickup. Every two rounds it would spawn so by the time we hit wave 10, it's something like 20-30k focus?


You don't need much, you just need to know where to go and what to do.


EDIT: And this is more efficient than most other ways of playing, but certainly not THE most efficient.

Edited by ChargeBeam
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19 minutes ago, ChargeBeam said:

I had an Eidolon lens on my Tigris Prime and a Greater lens on my Oberon Prime. Passively playing on Hydron while my other three teammates wiped the floor with everyone would net me 2-5k focus per orb pickup. Every two rounds it would spawn so by the time we hit wave 10, it's something like 20-30k focus?


You don't need much, you just need to know where to go and what to do.


EDIT: And this is more efficient than most other ways of playing, but certainly not THE most efficient.

Clearly I just need more Lens... i literally have 4 lens total... with no duplicates...  i have very poor luck with getting them...  let's hope these bounties get fixed soon so i can get more...

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2 hours ago, VirtualViolet said:

I didn't see that in the hotfix notes, but if that's true, then it's not working. Still takes extra pool capacity to activate unbound nodes in other schools.

Woops, I've read it wrong. It was about being unable to purchase more capacity than needed.

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14 hours ago, Mewvg2 said:

I need some of what you're smoking. Passive gains are so infinitesimal they might as well be zero. You're either doing stealth exterminate specifically for Focus or you just don't get enough to even mention.

I just bought up a bunch of cheap lenses a few months ago and stuck them on all my favorite gear. I have enough focus to unlock/max two or three nodes on every tree now. It's a nice little way to keep making progress after you rank up and forma your weapons. I've never really farmed focus specifically. I will probably never finish any focus tree, which is fine. They are not needed for anything, they are just a nice little reward for playing the game normally.

But for those of you who must hit the cap every day, I am looking forward to the threads 400 days from now complaining that there is nothing to do in Warframe now that you have maxed your focus trees.

People complain that there are no long-term goals in Warframe, then they complain that DE has added long-term goals.

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See, I was willing to at least hear out this new focus on making operators more viable. I haven't even unbound one slot just due to new costs and such. By no means have I gone about dedicated focus farming. I found operator play barely tolerable before. That all being said, Hell will freeze over before I go about unbinding basic operator stats at this point. Locking the most basic of things to the play behind massive grind walls just to get even the most basic of function out of the operator is a deal breaker in this rework pitch. I figured it would be a B line run and open thing that would allow operators some kind of more usable function. Not this thing of forced sinking all your play time into each tree just to get even the most basics out of them.

Let me put it this way... Now try playing the rest of warframe all the way to the end of the star chart with out so much as being able to mod your frame. Only then will you be allowed to mod your frame. Now get to it.

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Oh, good to know my dabbling in Madurai was pointless. I was going off the assumption the passives applied automatically as you unlocked them to all trees. You know, like it should be? Sure, maybe unlock them with a brilliant shard or something, but having to put millions of focus into them to max them FIRST is just uh, not how it should be? If I want a 20% energy recharge along with my active tree's instant revives and bonus HP, that would really have streamlined the entire Focus system. I would love to progress slowly over time.

Instead we have delusional people thinking needing to put millions of focus into one ability (stat, actually) for it to be of literally any use is "progression"? You're objectively wrong in your own point if you think that. If there were progression, it would make sense to call it progression, and the ridiculous hundreds of days' farming would be fine IMO. No reason to literally max the trees straight away. However, there is no progression between A and B, B being millions of focus later. You have the one tree you're using/active in, and.. that's it. You must progress through literally all the focus system has to offer (assuming you're thinking about this, the other abilities are pretty trivial to get) to reach the next level of progression.


Easiest fix in the world. The longevity of the grind is great - but DE accidentally made it so you have to finish a weapon or frame before you can mod it. Focus's "formas and potatoes" later grind are in place, but as it stands you need to hit Rank 30 through a ridiculous grind before mods can be installed in the first place. Well, heck, if you want to include the abilities in your active tree in this metaphor, let's just say you can only use mods of your focus tree's polarity (Madurai, Vazarin, lol) until you hit Rank 30 with your next Focus tree's Way-bound Passives, at which point you could then install Naramon mods too.

I recommend you just make it parallel to the weapons/warframe system. Ranking up your weapons and frames is fun because they get a little better as you go. Unlocking way-bounded passives is not fun because you must unlock them all at once. So make it a real progression instead of a wall of grind and the content will flow much more nicely, and I'll bother with this system again. I was kind of excited about the grinding until I realized the reward was months away.

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On 10/17/2017 at 1:46 AM, JSharpie said:

I mean sure, buff the cap to 500k.

Now it only takes 70 days. Then what? Complain that it takes 70? These things are supposed to take awhile. No one is going to get every single one maxed out within a month. That's not how it's supposed to work. I think the 250k cap is fine per day, and just increasing how quickly we can reach the cap just a touch is what we really need.

Also why'd you post this in general discussion? DE doesn't look at that. You put in all this work and stuck it in the wrong subforum.

https://forums.warframe.com/forum/427-focus-20operator/ Here is where it should go.

I could not disagree with this more.

Nothing in this game should take 400+ days of every day cap'ing out just to max. That's just ridiculous and is definitely gonna turn some new players away.

On 10/17/2017 at 2:10 AM, JSharpie said:

If you reread, I said they need to tweak how we get there.

Here is how a free2play model works. The entire idea behind making money off a free2play model is player retention. The reason there are grindwalls, foundry times, daily currency caps, etc is because DE wants players to come back the next day and check up on what they have. Whether it's to max out their syndicates, their focus, claim some foundry stuff, build a dojo room, what have you. By limiting they are able to in a way force a player to come back the next day if he wants to progress, instead of spending one day getting a large chunk of content done, they're able to spread the content out over a few days.

If you take this away, you take away player retention, which removes possible customers, which removes money from DE, and can hurt the company. This means slower update times, increased cash shop necessity, and maybe even expansions you have to pay for.

Personally? I'd love to have no syndicate or focus cap, but I understand that things don't work this way. You have to look at it from all angles. Personally, I think DE handles their free2play model really really well.

Again, I disagree. Nothing regarding focus has anything to do with Plat purchases save for the lens' people use. Even then I find it hard to believe that so many people purchase them that it'd effect the game in such a way that we'd  have to pay for expansions. As for player retention? DE has created a living game. One that clearly evolves over time. New features, new characters, new weapons and gameplay mechanics. THAT'S their player retention. In addition to the work Rebecca and the Community team does to keep the player-base in the loop and excited for upcoming changes. (Dev-streams, Prime time, Tenno-Con)

On 10/17/2017 at 1:51 PM, Endorphinz said:

I definitely agree with OP on this one. my feedback is not just one waybound nodes, though, it applies to the entire focus system. Since the introduction of the focus system with the second dream update, I have been playing this game almost non-stop and steadily farming focus. It's been almost 2 years (December 2015) and I haven't even remotely come close to denting any schools. 2-3 million focus accrued each for 4 out of the 5 schools, which is enough to max out maybe 2 or 3 nodes in a focus tree. I imagine that if I'd focused all that focus into one single school, I still wouldn't even have enough to max out all the nodes.

I've had focus lenses installed in all my most-used equipment and warframes, and 2 years of steady progress feels like barely anything. Can you see how discouraging this can be to a player? There are obviously a handful of players that cheerfully run to the mindless Berehynia grind, but I think those folks should be treated as the exception rather than the rule; it's just not fun to grind that map, and I think a lot of people know that. It's been stated by the devs that that sort of afk farming is something they want to get rid of, rather than encourage; and yet, looking at the numbers, I honestly can't tell what they were thinking.

Increasing or removal of the focus cap does not fix anything, because it does nothing to abate the monstrous amount of grinding needed. All it does is tell you that instead of grinding one mission for 2 hours a day, you can do it for 4, or 8, or however long the human body can sit in one spot.

Based on my experiences, and OP's math, focus is just too unforgiving of a grind currently.

Got assigned "Naramon" right when the 2nd Dream update dropped. Put lens' on my favourite gear, eventually got Greater Lens'. Have never even looked at any other lens. Wanted to complete the tree I was on before venturing forth into the others. Before PoE I had 2 nodes left on my tree. Now I have 4, plus the millions to max out all of them with a shard. It's just insanity at this point.

And I can usually get the daily cap in 3-4 runs of Extermination on solo. Takes me 15-20 minutes at most. But the realization that I"m going to have to farm this same mission, with the same loadout....Every...Single...Day. Well that's just disappointing. I realize it's just a game but this is one game I've been a part of since the start. One that I supported and have loved and want to do well. This type of grind-wall just doesn't bode well.

("PC Gamer" & "Rock, Paper, Shotgun" have also posted about how the costs are ridiculous)

- - -


If it was up to me? I'd remove convergence orbs entirely. Make it a "Press 6 to activate" function. When the focus bar is filled, you activate, and get a slight yellow energy effect on your frame and go to work for a limited time. Same function, don't have to run around looking for some random magic orb to appear.

As for the focus itself? Get rid of the pool.

Honestly, it's pointless and serves no purpose other than to just sink more and more focus into.

And it's sadly and unfortunately very unlikely...but I'd love to see focus costs cut. With costs cut, and no pool anymore, it could take maybe a year for a casual player to max their trees. Obviously those dedicated to strictly focus farming would get it quicker but again, not something that'd be done overnight.

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So by the logic of a few players here, because is not needed to unlock¿?... we can leave the system how is it right now¡? and then never improve the system. And so by that logic I dont really need all warframes and I can play with one wf and one primary and secondary and... play 20 min a day to do just alerts or relics. Are you guys really noticing that you are telling others how to play the game¿? If anyone wants to complete all trees or have all gear like a pokemon game, is their choice and the game has to be improved in a way anyone who wants to achive that... can do it in a decent time. More over when we are talking about one particular aspect of the game. Focus trees wich are, probably, dont know... 4% or 6% of the game¿? if you want to do other things in the game, the time to spend rises.. if you have something to do in your life, again more time... and not counting the personal avarice to play other games and leave warframe alone... OMG.

Pls stop with the nonsense of "you dont need that to have fun"... how we have fun is completly personal. Some ppl have fun just grinding 5h a day some ppl just playing 30 min just bullet jumping and killing stuff...

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Honestly, the only change I really want is for way-bound passives to be unlockable before being maxed. That's it. The effectively infinite grind is fine and practically preferable for both us and DE, if we're allowed to progress how far we want to in that grind there's very little problem left. I mean, there's still the slight problem of it being next to impossible to ever max everything.. They should change that, but what they have to change to make this system make any sense is to let us unlock the passives before completing said infinite grind. I'm not sure how expensive unlocking them should be, since any focus cost is setting a certain level of progression before benefiting, which is the same problem as now on a variably lower scale. But I guess it'd be fine. A million focus or whatever the current cost is isn't utterly inconceivable for someone already grinding focus for more than one tree, but it's still pretty excessive given just how many times you'd have to do it.

I basically abandoned the idea of playing any other focus tree when I found this thread, though. That's a serious problem. Without an absolute minimum of several weeks' investment (obviously as in 1-3 hours every single day) I won't even see so much as a 10% increase in my operator's damage or move speed (as a Vazarin user). If I did say, gain 20% more amp energy max and regen for my efforts, I would be highly encouraged to keep playing through this system.

With no exaggeration, greater lenses have always been one of the very few things I've spent Platinum on for myself and friends, second only to occasional boosters for grindfests. I accidentally invested in a few more for Focus 2.0 already, but I never would have if I'd known it was like this. But if they made the change I'm suggesting, I'd likely be buying 1-2 more greater lenses for each focus tree, and probably a bunch for my friends too. I see no reason this wouldn't be the case for most people in my position too, other than they aren't currently aware how terrible the current system is.

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18 hours ago, DarkDemonXR69 said:

So by the logic of a few players here, because is not needed to unlock¿?... we can leave the system how is it right now¡? and then never improve the system. And so by that logic I dont really need all warframes and I can play with one wf and one primary and secondary and... play 20 min a day to do just alerts or relics. Are you guys really noticing that you are telling others how to play the game¿? If anyone wants to complete all trees or have all gear like a pokemon game, is their choice and the game has to be improved in a way anyone who wants to achive that... can do it in a decent time. More over when we are talking about one particular aspect of the game. Focus trees wich are, probably, dont know... 4% or 6% of the game¿? if you want to do other things in the game, the time to spend rises.. if you have something to do in your life, again more time... and not counting the personal avarice to play other games and leave warframe alone... OMG.

Pls stop with the nonsense of "you dont need that to have fun"... how we have fun is completly personal. Some ppl have fun just grinding 5h a day some ppl just playing 30 min just bullet jumping and killing stuff...

And it must be easier just because you want everything right? Have it ever cross your mind that its intentional? Maybe DE doesnt want us to get every single node maxed out? You have that option sure but maybe you are supposed to unlock maybe 2 bound passives? You will have to make a choice and not get everything just because you want to. This will lead to making legit builds for operators. Time excuse is just stupid. Why do you care if you will get something this week or next month? In the end you get it anyway right? Its not something you need here and now. Just because you want doesnt mean you should receive it. Focus is more like paragon levels in diablo than normal skill tree, its something you will work for your entire "career" .

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1 minute ago, kuciol said:

And it must be easier just because you want everything right? Have it ever cross your mind that its intentional? Maybe DE doesnt want us to get every single node maxed out? You have that option sure but maybe you are supposed to unlock maybe 2 bound passives? You will have to make a choice and not get everything just because you want to. This will lead to making legit builds for operators. Time excuse is just stupid. Why do you care if you will get something this week or next month? In the end you get it anyway right? Its not something you need here and now. Just because you want doesnt mean you should receive it. Focus is more like paragon levels in diablo than normal skill tree, its something you will work for your entire "career" .

Could be intentional to farm for years a high percentage of the warframe content. But just a thing like focus¿? sorry, but again the excuse of "you dont need everything" is stupid. Focus trees for me are something like warframe style to choose after the next mission. Sometimes you have to get all the keys to fully test something.

Btw we are not talking here about get all trees in a few months but by the maths presented here and by the obvious logic that not everyone have the same free time to spend. 34million of focus when is a little part of the warframe content, sorry I dont see that grind viable for the majority of the player base... maybe you are a conformist person, but others like to have fun achieving everything and testing builds in the games that we like. If I want to test a particular build that needs a particular school, and I already spend 200h of playing (wich can be 1 year of normal playing for person with "life and other things to do"), leveling another school. wow, another @(*()$ year to test the build I see on internet from other player is boring.

We are searching for a balance.If its easy ppl will get everything fast and stop playing, if its hard till insane levels ppl will stop playing. If you balance the system to be rewarding and step by step you are getting all the stuff ppl will continue playing till DE launches another update with more S#&$ to grind. Simple as that. "you dont need everything in the game" is not only an excuse, its a way to tell others how to play the game and convince players that is not needed... dont play anymore, you have everything.

Im MR24, apart from the typical gear, by your logic you are telling me... stop playing, you dont need it. you really dont need gara, neither the operator or all the new content. A few of my friends left warframe because of the stupid grind we have sometimes in the game, not because all quantity of the content, but the RNG. Keep supporting this grindy systems and soon the comunity will leave the game, specialy the newbies when they notice the absurd grind they need to get what they want, even if its only 2 warframe or the entire content

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You still didnt give me a reason why they should change it. The fact that you want it is not argument. Again, you are not supposed to get everything, you shouldnt want it in first place. The system is not the problem but your attitude. Games are by definition time wasters, if you dont have time to waste than you just dont play. This doesnt entitle you to get anything, you take what you can. WF in particular is all about grind, there really is noting more to it. Focus 2.0 only gave you something to grind for for years, just like paragon levels in diablo like i mentioned before.I dont have much time to play either, unlocking 1 tree will take me a year but i understand that im in no position to demand it. I will get it when i get it, no pressure. Do i want it? Sure but i definitely dont need it and i can wait. This is the thing you and many others must understand. YOU CAN WAIT. World will not end if you wont get things here and now. This system is made for hardcore long term grinders, not casuals like us, just accept that.

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2 minutes ago, kuciol said:

You still didnt give me a reason why they should change it. The fact that you want it is not argument. Again, you are not supposed to get everything, you shouldnt want it in first place. The system is not the problem but your attitude. Games are by definition time wasters, if you dont have time to waste than you just dont play. This doesnt entitle you to get anything, you take what you can. WF in particular is all about grind, there really is noting more to it. Focus 2.0 only gave you something to grind for for years, just like paragon levels in diablo like i mentioned before.I dont have much time to play either, unlocking 1 tree will take me a year but i understand that im in no position to demand it. I will get it when i get it, no pressure. Do i want it? Sure but i definitely dont need it and i can wait. This is the thing you and many others must understand. YOU CAN WAIT. World will not end if you wont get things here and now. This system is made for hardcore long term grinders, not casuals like us, just accept that.

Its grindy and encourage ppl to leave the game...  No matter if you are MR24 or MR0. End

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11 minutes ago, DarkDemonXR69 said:

Its grindy and encourage ppl to leave the game...  No matter if you are MR24 or MR0. End

I would say having nothing else to work for encourages more ppl to leave. And if something so insignificant that affects tiny portion of the game (you said it yourself) made them leave than they didnt want to stay anyway, just were looking for excuse to do it.

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On 10/18/2017 at 12:36 PM, Ksaero said:

IIRC fully upgraded Madurai requires 15 million points. And the latest hotfix notes state you don't need additional points for unbound nodes anymore.

So two whole months of sitting at Bere doing nothing but press 4 on my Banshee for an hour or two, for one school. That and the hassle of actually finding Bere groups since it's nowhere as popular as Draco once was.

15 minutes ago, kuciol said:

You still didnt give me a reason why they should change it. The fact that you want it is not argument. Again, you are not supposed to get everything, you shouldnt want it in first place. The system is not the problem but your attitude. Games are by definition time wasters, if you dont have time to waste than you just dont play. This doesnt entitle you to get anything, you take what you can. WF in particular is all about grind, there really is noting more to it. Focus 2.0 only gave you something to grind for for years, just like paragon levels in diablo like i mentioned before.I dont have much time to play either, unlocking 1 tree will take me a year but i understand that im in no position to demand it. I will get it when i get it, no pressure. Do i want it? Sure but i definitely dont need it and i can wait. This is the thing you and many others must understand. YOU CAN WAIT. World will not end if you wont get things here and now. This system is made for hardcore long term grinders, not casuals like us, just accept that.

The grind wall for focus is so hilariously bad, both by the ridiculously slow gain, and the sheer difference between the arbitrary daily cap and the amount required to make any real progress in any school, it encourages people to give up on it.

Yes, it doesn't encourage people to play more. It doesn't encourage people to actually touch it. It doesn't even encourage people to keep buying boosters and grind the **** out of it in Bere every single day (which is what I suspect DE is after). What it does encourage is for people to look at it and say "**** this crap" immediately.

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1 minute ago, kuciol said:

I would say having nothing else to work for encourages more ppl to leave. And if something so insignificant that affects tiny portion of the game (you said it yourself) made them leave than they didnt want to stay anyway, just were looking for excuse to do it.

Take a look to the feedback forum, focus is not the only thing. I did read ppl with the new update still downloading and saying by the all posts of the forum he will pass and play other games. Instead of searching for absurd excuses (hey its difficult to get, meh I dont need it, in the future 20 years later maybe) ppl enter here to give their feedback compared to ppl who thinks like you, thinking because is not needed the system does not need any improvement for all the player base and the gameplay of the game.

Dont worry guys, DE will launch more content... more primes, more umbras, gear, updates, more mechanics... make focus a little easy will not break your game and your fun. So stop being that close minded and arrogant to think we have to leave the system how is it just because a % players think... is not needed.

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2 minutes ago, DarkDemonXR69 said:

Take a look to the feedback forum, focus is not the only thing. I did read ppl with the new update still downloading and saying by the all posts of the forum he will pass and play other games. Instead of searching for absurd excuses (hey its difficult to get, meh I dont need it, in the future 20 years later maybe) ppl enter here to give their feedback compared to ppl who thinks like you, thinking because is not needed the system does not need any improvement for all the player base and the gameplay of the game.

Dont worry guys, DE will launch more content... more primes, more umbras, gear, updates, more mechanics... make focus a little easy will not break your game and your fun. So stop being that close minded and arrogant to think we have to leave the system how is it just because a % players think... is not needed.

And you on the other hand should drop that childish attitude that you should get everything there is just because you want it. I never said this doesnt need any improvements, but you dont want that, you want it to be easier and faster nothing else. How come they made something thats not for you to get right? There are many things that need to be changed, like some rewards from bounties, many bugs to be fixed etc but the time needed to max out focus is not among them. It was made for hardcore no lifers not casuals. We are not supposed to unlock all of it, but instead locking us completely to lets say 2 schools they gave us choice. Thats the reason (i think) why the cost is so high.

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I think the cap should stay the same but we should obtain more focus...I'm tired of running a survival mission for 40 minutes in the void and getting only 700focus points...what joke is that? I can max the cap in less than 20 minutes in the so called EXP farm nodes...it's a joke like this...normal gameplay rewards nothing but passive playstile does?

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49 minutes ago, kuciol said:

And you on the other hand should drop that childish attitude that you should get everything there is just because you want it. I never said this doesnt need any improvements, but you dont want that, you want it to be easier and faster nothing else. How come they made something thats not for you to get right? There are many things that need to be changed, like some rewards from bounties, many bugs to be fixed etc but the time needed to max out focus is not among them. It was made for hardcore no lifers not casuals. We are not supposed to unlock all of it, but instead locking us completely to lets say 2 schools they gave us choice. Thats the reason (i think) why the cost is so high.

Dude XD the childish attitude is think that you are playing the game alone, and just because you dont really need test all content, state that should not be touched... This is the feedback forum with a player posting an issue... if you think that the system is good how is it, you are not giving here nothing positive to the post. There are already suggestions here. So pls give us a constructive suggestion instead of say again the same excuse based on your playstyle.

Edited by DarkDemonXR69
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On 18/10/2017 at 11:58 AM, dudefaceguy said:


But for those of you who must hit the cap every day, I am looking forward to the threads 400 days from now complaining that there is nothing to do in Warframe now that you have maxed your focus trees.

People complain that there are no long-term goals in Warframe, then they complain that DE has added long-term goals.

Are you serious?  If DE didn't add anything new in that time to grind would mean the game is died. And realistically that is if you hardcore grinded for it hitting the cap every day wich means years of gameplay for the normal player. While I don't care for maxing out all of it it's just quiet simply and objectively a ludicrous concept. There is nothing to defend about it. It seems that you just don't get that the focus school isn't the only grind in the game. You have to grind for every single thing gated behind uncontrolled RNG and as it is, is already hours of daily grind. Now on the top of it there is this one. There aren't only us "veterans" who already have everything (btw we have everything because we already grinded for it for years), there are new and midplayers that still have to dedicate there time to get tons of stuff and has no time to intentionally cheese the game for 30 minutes an hour every day to get somewhere with focus in a year of time.

1 hour ago, kuciol said:

And it must be easier just because you want everything right? Have it ever cross your mind that its intentional? Maybe DE doesnt want us to get every single node maxed out? You have that option sure but maybe you are supposed to unlock maybe 2 bound passives? You will have to make a choice and not get everything just because you want to. This will lead to making legit builds for operators. Time excuse is just stupid. Why do you care if you will get something this week or next month? In the end you get it anyway right? Its not something you need here and now. Just because you want doesnt mean you should receive it. Focus is more like paragon levels in diablo than normal skill tree, its something you will work for your entire "career" .

There is no choice because you have no idea apart from something very basic what you do want effectively before even trying it out. At that point if that is true they should have made it so that you can unlock everything in a reasonable time but let you use only 2 or 3 at once. That at least would have promoted build diversity. Or you should be able to get back the focus put on a node and put it elsewhere after you tried it out and eventually didn't like it at an additional cost or just let you do it once in X days.

36 minutes ago, kuciol said:

You still didnt give me a reason why they should change it. The fact that you want it is not argument. Again, you are not supposed to get everything, you shouldnt want it in first place. The system is not the problem but your attitude. Games are by definition time wasters, if you dont have time to waste than you just dont play. This doesnt entitle you to get anything, you take what you can. WF in particular is all about grind, there really is noting more to it. Focus 2.0 only gave you something to grind for for years, just like paragon levels in diablo like i mentioned before.I dont have much time to play either, unlocking 1 tree will take me a year but i understand that im in no position to demand it. I will get it when i get it, no pressure. Do i want it? Sure but i definitely dont need it and i can wait. This is the thing you and many others must understand. YOU CAN WAIT. World will not end if you wont get things here and now. This system is made for hardcore long term grinders, not casuals like us, just accept that.

Wrong. The system is done for everybody. This is not a longterm goal for normal players, this is a lifetime grind. 400 days for hardcore grinders. If you normally play the game that 400 days is for maxing out a tree at that point not the whole system. It's just not reasonale as a concept. I already have tons of focus and have to grind out only what I need. What about a new player who have to start from 0. Even just to open up one tree to get anywhere basic needs months if they dedicate their time to it . However you look at it is just insane. It's just objectively stupid. I don't even need it, I have already most I really want to after 2 years of grinding focus, but  that doesn't mean that I don't have the common sense to see how bad this is when it comes to new/mid players and see the flaw in it.


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First of all there is nothing childish in playing game how you like it but its when you want something you are no supposed to get. The give you a candy but you also want the cake and cry about it.


Back to topic. Maybe instead making every single thing easier in this game like most on this forum you should just give alternative ways of getting the focus? Like lets say headshot counter giving you something like stealth multiplayer or operator kills giving you more focus. Something that will give you same results not better but in diffetent way. Than maybe slap some qol changes like orbs spawning closer to you so you wont have to run around whole map to get them. How about that?

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