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Do people actually like the Operator?


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Like most people I actually loved the Second Dream, and I don't mind the existence of the Operator... but there's a definite issue with it. I don't mind "being" them and walking around, and trying to turn them into a version of Neo is kindof okay too... but I'd rather the gameplay style be an option. I enjoy the smooth parkour and quickness of movement from warframes, whereas the Operator (and rightfully so, being a kid and not a warframe) can't really move like that so much. It's okay for the Operator to exist, but you have to remember that players are here to have the most fun they can in their allotted gaming time.

That's not to say I don't think the story is good. There's lots of stories where you take a child that somehow acquires powers, and it can be pretty moving. As a recent example, Eleven (Ele) from Stranger Things. I don't dislike it from a storytelling perspective... it's just a bit less fun and I don't like the fact that (mostly the Eidolon fight due to taking so long) you have to make use of it. I don't mind the vomvalysts so much since Operator is only needed briefly... but the delay in switching to and from Operator also makes the game feel slower and clunkier. Though I can't really suggest how that might be improved, maybe shorten the animations more somehow and give you control again more quickly.

I feel like Operators get a lot more hate as a result of this non-optional forced integration into gameplay... and the fact that Focus is now basically a waste since almost everything is for the Operator and not for empowering your warframe, which is the "more fun" we really want to be playing.

The Operator-only waybounds really rustle my jimmies. There's not a single reason for me to bother with other focus schools since I can't pick up anything good for warframes, just Operator, and with it being a gargantuan grind... I'm not going to bother.

But all of these are gameplay and mechanical issues. That's the real root of it for me, not the storyline idea of the Operator's existence.

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On 10/27/2017 at 9:09 PM, Unus said:

Honestly? I don't mind . I listen to folks vehement hatred of and rigorous defense of the Operators. . . and I just play.


This is an opinion that is either rare or unspoken, but, well, despite my ardent love of creating things that could potentially seamlessly or with minor stitching attach to the universe at large, i've. . . well. . .i've learned to recognize that, no matter how much I'd like to, I have absolutely no control over anything that Digital inscribes or will inscribe into the big book of Warframe.


Digital wanted to have the Warframe's be a line of android and gynoid biodrones manipulated by mutant children? Sure, fine. Digital wants to combatify these mutant children? Fine, sure, I'll bite. 


If its in the game and has all the mechanics implemented to the point it has it's roots in to core gameplay, what use is there in waging war on it? My philosophy, not meant to be fanatically or moderately imparted on anyone.


Ultimately, as I am but an insignificant sand-grain in the tsunami that is the Warframe community, the only thing I can do is tell Digital about bugs and ramble on and on about concepts over at my own stick in the ground.


Just my two cents + wooden nickel on the matter.

The cognitive dissonance is strong in this post. You say you are so insignificant and yet here you are trying to convince the community to not "wage a war", due to this perception, while also perpetuating that you have sway in regard to complaining about bugs. Apparently you also think insignificants are so insignificant that they can apparently invoke a war. One individual's money is also "insignificant", so might as well not give DE any either while you/I are at it...pffft.

Operator control fitting with the core gameplay? Yeah, sure bud. Thus far the only thing operators have as an ability(as in an actual ability and not merely stat passives.) that moderately improves anything for the core gameplay is the mind sprint waybound, as it improves your mobility quite a bit(and combos nicely with the Zenurik energy bubble) , though still a bit jerky for my tastes.


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On 10/28/2017 at 5:57 PM, saltygr33n said:

How is that? People like you who can't enjoy playing operator because they're kids? Your ego regarding emokids controlling warframes hurt your pride? You sound like all the people who are saying they don't like operator because they're kids. Maybe if you can get over that and enjoy the mechanics operator offers, you might think differently.


Their mechanics are generally inhibited compared to a warframe, and they are jerky when even able to achieve a modicum of swift input. It would be easier for the kids to grow on people who wanted space ninja, if the kids themselves were also more ninja. 

Say what you will about Naruto kids, annoying or emo as some of them are, at least controlling them would be more serviceable(and typically is.) than the operators who move and behave like they have never even done so much as one push up or jumping jack in their life. No one wants to control a potato in a space ninja game, their mechanics are not fluid and they have the grace of a platypus. Grinding to make them at all survivable does not feel worth the effort required.

Popping out of the frame also makes no thematic sense. The only acceptable reason to me for an operator even doing this is for potential combo tactics alongside their Warframe, not to just leave it behind hanging idle.  Jumping out of the frame needs to be more Jojo and less Shazam.

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5 hours ago, UrielColtan said:

The cognitive dissonance is strong in this post. You say you are so insignificant and yet here you are trying to convince the community to not "wage a war", due to this perception, while also perpetuating that you have sway in regard to complaining about bugs. Apparently you also think insignificants are so insignificant that they can apparently invoke a war. One individual's money is also "insignificant", so might as well not give DE any either while you/I are at it...pffft.

Operator control fitting with the core gameplay? Yeah, sure bud. Thus far the only thing operators have as an ability(as in an actual ability and not merely stat passives.) that moderately improves anything for the core gameplay is the mind sprint waybound, as it improves your mobility quite a bit(and combos nicely with the Zenurik energy bubble) , though still a bit jerky for my tastes.


I ""wish"" people wouldn't wage war with it, not that I have the opinion that I myself can somehow wage some kind of bloody crusade on my own to somehow magically change people's opinions.


Thats all this post ever was, an opinion, an outlook, nothing more.


The only reason I feel I myself have even a drip-drop of sway in regards to bugs is purely because I'm a single piece of a dogpile of people who inevitably report the same bug. My insignificance remains, I just happen to be number something of several something dozen thousand people who will eventually report said bug. Some kind of "positive guilt-by-association" I suppose.


And at least you found SOMETHING complimentary in the Operator Arsenal. Even better that I see some actual delecious critique at the end there where, in your opinion, Operator transition is filled with jankiness. There are folks out there who, on principal, refuse to gather kuva or acknowledge the dream ever happened purely out of a self-impaleing protest that has gone on for years. . . for nothing. 

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52 minutes ago, Unus said:

I ""wish"" people wouldn't wage war with it, not that I have the opinion that I myself can somehow wage some kind of bloody crusade on my own to somehow magically change people's opinions.


Thats all this post ever was, an opinion, an outlook, nothing more.


The only reason I feel I myself have even a drip-drop of sway in regards to bugs is purely because I'm a single piece of a dogpile of people who inevitably report the same bug. My insignificance remains, I just happen to be number something of several something dozen thousand people who will eventually report said bug. Some kind of "positive guilt-by-association" I suppose.


And at least you found SOMETHING complimentary in the Operator Arsenal. Even better that I see some actual delecious critique at the end there where, in your opinion, Operator tradition is filled with jankiness. There are folks out there who, on principal, refuse to gather kuva or acknowledge the dream ever happened purely out of a self-impaleing protest that has gone on for years. . . for nothing. 


Kuva farming mandates a specific gameplay feature that is quite departed from the core mechanics, Operator is not merely an appearance issue. 

Yeah, its clear what you wish, for the audience to be truly insignificant, particularly if they share an opposing position, seeing as you value the collective potential of complaining about bugs while castigating those who are also displeased with the operator feature,  I like how you bypassed the point about giving DE money too.

Anyway your derision for many people's dislike of the operator feature and growing dislike of the operator itself by partial proxy, is pretty apparent. That's why you're framing them with charming flavor text  like "waging war" and "self impaling".

You wish for others to be as submissive as you feel in the face of there opposite position, is what you truly mean, but i am sorry to say pal, i and others will continue to critque about Operator on a core mechanics level and presentation level until DE improves on those to more satisfactory levels. Not "for  nothing". 

Even if there those who would wish to get rid og their operator, there are also obvious compromises that can be made where you can keep your child puppeteer while other people are able to choose another way, so no need for this finger wagging out of fear.


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I really like what the operators represent and could be as far as the game goes, however I feel like the ball is only continuing to be dropped for them. The main problem is that they seem to have two different personalities due to tone of some of the writing, the in mission transmissions being the most egregious of this as they come off as snarky wannabe marvel film characters(You think they'd clone something a little less.... ugly?) yet for the most part in the quests they are more serious warrior types (They were just animals by then. So I hunted.) Fire Emblem Fates actually had a similar problem where the character Xander was a completely different person from the support conversations (A wise and mature older brother type with strong leadership abilities) versus the main Nohr story (A mindless pawn who does whatever his father asks while being slightly conflicted over some of his orders). Its unfortunate that it is happening for operators too because I believe if the consistency in their writing was stronger then they would probably be a lot more well received, they really do come off as emo-kids too often I think with how non seriously they seem to take some situations. They need a stronger base identity which can then be fleshed out more by the "karma" system they have going for them because as is I can only barely tell what kind of character the operators are supposed to be. They have so much history and culture to themselves but honestly, I couldn't see the characters we have in game making up their own culture; they display no traits of being a member of such a unique warrior culture as they supposedly are and feel more like some teenager shoved into controlling warframes with only vague hints that there is an interesting character locked away somewhere deep in there through quest dialogue.

As far as the gameplay goes it could use some tightening up and re-balancing as far as damage goes to actually be viable but I think what we have is OK, but it could be so much more. We have 33 unique warframes yet the five focus schools are barely unique from each other, just imagine if the different focus schools actually played as differently from each other as Vauban does from Nidus with their own unique abilities and play styles rather then just simple augments to their base gameplay. There's also the problem that the flavor text for the schools is both wrong and ten times as interesting as what they actually are yet it could be so simple to change the current format to embody them; like Vazarins Guardian Shell giving a damage buff or attack that gets more powerful with the more damage you mitigate through it.

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On 10/25/2017 at 9:51 AM, N2-Power said:

I just want to know what the players think at large, whether you like it gameplay and lore wise, just gameplay or just lore wise or not at all. 

Pre PoE: I hated Operators. 

Post PoE: I LOVE Operators. 

Operator gameplay is a prime example of how DE starts off with something iffy and then, through constructive community feedback (and Steve's intuition), improves the core idea to make it actually something fundamentally enjoyable. 

The new amps, the new focus system, the new mechanics like void mode frame invincibility, how they amps do actual void dmg now, etc, ...they all open a brand new option for gameplay. I love it a lot. It immerses me way more in the actual combat now. I'm a big Zenuirk user so that could vary depending on which focus you use (as I've already unlocked all the nice "passives" like that lightning ball thingy, the void mode dmg pulse thingy, maxed energy regen, etc.). But I think this whole idea of "the operator as a warrior" in "tag team with the Warframe" is a great thing. 

The only thing I hope for is that we'll be able to fully express ourselves through our operators in terms of other metrics like gender, age, personality, etc. Right now, operators are still kinda angsty teenagers, but in a cool way. I hope that'll change in the future but for now, I give DE a thumbs up. 

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3 hours ago, UrielColtan said:


Kuva farming mandates a specific gameplay feature that is quite departed from the core mechanics, Operator is not merely an appearance issue. 

Yeah, its clear what you wish, for the audience to be truly insignificant, particularly if they share an opposing position, seeing as you value the collective potential of complaining about bugs while castigating those who are also displeased with the operator feature,  I like how you bypassed the point about giving DE money too.

Anyway your derision for many people's dislike of the operator feature and growing dislike of the operator itself by partial proxy, is pretty apparent. That's why you're framing them with charming flavor text  like "waging war" and "self impaling".

You wish for others to be as submissive as you feel in the face of there opposite position, is what you truly mean, but i am sorry to say pal, i and others will continue to critque about Operator on a core mechanics level and presentation level until DE improves on those to more satisfactory levels. Not "for  nothing". 

Even if there those who would wish to get rid og their operator, there are also obvious compromises that can be made where you can keep your child puppeteer while other people are able to choose another way, so no need for this finger wagging out of fear.


Audience to be insig. . . what? That's pure insanity. If the audience was insignificant, we would have never had Clem, noir Manics, ell, Tennogen itself would never be. The post was an opinion about my own belief in my own significance, not yours or anyone elses. Some people play once and leave, others come up with eternal topics that are brought up again and again. Still others catch the eye of the Developers through some powerful conceptpiece or driven point, while others remain in the background in aeternum.


If the audience was actually insignificant, we would be having this conversation over Digital's rotting husk on another game forum.


Bypassed? I said nothing about it because I'm not qualified to say anything about profit, revenue, or anything fiscal. Does a man ask a gorilla how to gauge the net worth of others based on their spending habits?


I don't castigate those who DISLIKE the system and have actual feedback and critique, balanced between the positives and the negatives without wearing glasses that are either bitter and blood-spattered or rosy and "Digital-Branded", it's those who completely throw away an entire section of the game that get on my nerves. Even then, that is the opinion of one man, a few rain-drops spattered across the chassis of a freight-train of a gaming faction. If that opinion made folks uncomfortable, alright then, apologies, but, after seeing the thread-piece continually bounce back up in the general section for weeks on end, I figured I might as well lay it out in there, responses or no. And so, I have, and here we are as I continue tweaking my Grineer slave corps with heartbeat monitors and a lack of response to status-effect animations.

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The 2.0 focus is good in terms of how fluid it is. I find it a lot less jarring while also finding nice little combos you can do with the operator so i think they did well in that.

But the focus grind is a bit on the extreme end be nice if they lowered it by a bit. I don't want to finish focus in a week but it needs to be more shorten to like a year max all schools and help casual players who don't do hard focus farm. I also wish they add more hair styles and give a bit more control of our operator personality and lines for added immersion.


Ps. Tennogen operators i want to maximize my fashion game.

Edited by Mintaro
Tennogen op
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With no doubt, Operators are sometimes useless in combat. And were even more frequently useless before the sledgehammer arrived for the Focus Rework. They're fun as hell though.

And I don't like the Operator at all...

But I love it.

I tried out this game for the first time around March 2015, and everything about the game was really vague, so I almost uninstalled it immediately. But it's changed a LOT since then.

In the beginning of 2016, when The Second Dream Update arrived, the game caught more of my interest. So I decided to reinstall it and give it a second chance. And I don't regret it at all.

I was still not entirely satisfied before I progressed enough to reach The Second Dream Quest. Still was confused quite a bit about the Story of the game.

But when I was at the end of the Quest... “WHAT?! :shocked:” Basically, I became one of those people who were blown away by the twist. I couldn't believe that DE thought of such a surprising way to reveal the Tenno. At that time, the entire story and much speculation of the game that was inside my head made me as excited as a little girl for the future of Warframe. This is what really started my love for the game, and my love for it currently hasn't stopped at all.

Lots of other people, who used to hate Operators, are starting to like them as well because of their improvement in the Plains Of Eidolon Update.

TL;DR: Yes, I like the Operator.

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11 hours ago, SnuggleBuckets said:

I simply misunderstood that when you were trying to make the case for the operators being more mature than they appear, as another commenter here previously tried to do a few pages back in defense of his more positive look on the lore.
I think the developers didn't actually think a lot through, as I suspect you'd agree if you'd read through all the usual banter the operators throw around at the start of any mission, and the voice acting, based already on your previous comments I'm sure you'd agree that they didn't think it through in that area. The devs most likely, when they envisioned their operator reveal, they had in mind their mother figure the Lotus, from which they drew a more romantic colouring over their entire story. I'm pretty sure they never thought about the deeper darker implications of indoctrinated child soldiers to begin with.

If they hadn't, then there would have been nothing particularly moving about TSD.  It's the awfulness of what they've been through (Zariman + being unwittingly used as child soldiers, forced to live a false life) that makes the Lotus sequence moving.

As I said, I don't think it was a matter of DE as a whole not thinking things through (it's true that the lore isn't watertight, but there's too much consistency in the lore about "Tenno culture" for that), it seems more like a case of there being several "drafts" of how to approach the scripts and casual VO, or perhaps different teams.  Again, if DE had been fully on board with (happy with, proud of) the in-game operator VO, then I don't think they would have given the option to mute it straight out of the box (compare and contrast how Ordis was an irritant for many, but DE didn't offer an option to mute him when they introduced him).  It's the odd man out, but unfortunately the damage was done in skewing many players' perceptions of how to think of their Operator as an "emo kid."

Essentially, what they should have had was 4 suites of relatively psychologically mature comments spoken in young voices reflecting 4 different base psychologies.  The minds and thought processes of these beings should be older than their bodies and voices.  

Something analogous from the movies would be the Replicants in Bladerunner - "I've seen things you wouldn't believe."  The Replicants have a personality that is part childlike, part grizzled veteran - that's more like what the in-game Operator VO should have been like.  

Maybe they just ran out of money :)

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38 minutes ago, Omnimorph said:

Essentially, what they should have had was 4 suites of relatively psychologically mature comments spoken in young voices reflecting 4 different base psychologies.  The minds and thought processes of these beings should be older than their bodies and voices.  

I think everyone, even the more vehement defenders of Operators here in this topic, can agree with the idea that the devs should give us more choice; if the operator is supposed to express personality and ideals and values in the game, and it already has light RPG elements in many other mechanics, best to give players full RPG choices in characterisation as well than try to force a single one onto players. Even RPGs like The Witcher, though having a personality in Geralt, still offer wide freedom in choices of actions and how to tweak his personality to more closely suit the players wants.

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I actually really like the operators.  They managed to combine several fan theories into a single canonical explaination for what's inside the suit.
For instance, I always thought that we were crippled, skeletal beings that needed the suits to locomote.  Well, at least for a while, we were weak-&#! cripples who couldn't walk on their own.  I guess we have some 'roids or some weights on the ship.
There were also some who thought we were energy beings.  That's still partially true, as it seems the operator can morph into an energy like state with void dash and void form, as well as Transference. 
As for personality and "I hate that I'm a child" elements?
I don't see the problem.  Our operators have the bodies of children, but we were still conscious for however long the old war lasted.  We are badass warriors.  The War Within proves it by showing how a Tenno's resolve can't be broken, and how their minds are fortresses.  We're psychologically tortured and subjected to PTSD-inducing repressed memories, on top of physical pain.  Then you've got a greater example in Chains of Harrow.  Autism jokes aside..  Rell was able to fight against The Man In The Wall for however long he was around - millennia even!  That's the kind of feat you'd expect from someone in warhammer 40k. 
Personality wise, we're not overly """edgy""" or too stoic.  I think that the Operator is able to voice our thoughts as players in many situations, as well as crack a few jokes every now and then.  After all, we won't be broken by anyone or anything, gilded A******s or extradimensional meddlers be damned!

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37 minutes ago, Gaminus said:

I actually really like the operators.  They managed to combine several fan theories into a single canonical explaination for what's inside the suit.
For instance, I always thought that we were crippled, skeletal beings that needed the suits to locomote.  Well, at least for a while, we were weak-&#! cripples who couldn't walk on their own.  I guess we have some 'roids or some weights on the ship.
There were also some who thought we were energy beings.  That's still partially true, as it seems the operator can morph into an energy like state with void dash and void form, as well as Transference. 
As for personality and "I hate that I'm a child" elements?
I don't see the problem.  Our operators have the bodies of children, but we were still conscious for however long the old war lasted.  We are badass warriors.  The War Within proves it by showing how a Tenno's resolve can't be broken, and how their minds are fortresses.  We're psychologically tortured and subjected to PTSD-inducing repressed memories, on top of physical pain.  Then you've got a greater example in Chains of Harrow.  Autism jokes aside..  Rell was able to fight against The Man In The Wall for however long he was around - millennia even!  That's the kind of feat you'd expect from someone in warhammer 40k. 
Personality wise, we're not overly """edgy""" or too stoic.  I think that the Operator is able to voice our thoughts as players in many situations, as well as crack a few jokes every now and then.  After all, we won't be broken by anyone or anything, gilded A******s or extradimensional meddlers be damned!

I agree. Although I'd prefer if we had an option to choose operator transmissions and when to play them. The current ones are pretty bad and play at most random moments.

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On 30/10/2017 at 11:58 PM, Dziki94 said:

Kid in blood bath? Enjoy that? Are you insane?

It's not about mechanics. It's about game story (When we first saw our Tenno, it was a kid with muscular dystrophy. He could not move on his own so easy and now he's a "Warrior"? I don't buy it) and morality.

Kid + War = NO. Let's preserve some moral values. Even in games.

Kids controlling warframes don't hurt my pride. But a kid running around my Rhino? That hurts.


"Preserve moral values", yeah the moral values of a helicopter parent maybe.

Ever watch The Goonies or the Neverending Story? That was some scary stuff for some kids, but for others it was the call to adventure and in some ways embracing maturity despite a young age. For newer stuff, look at Stranger Things, where you have a little girl killing armed guards.

I'll concede that there's some grim stuff in Warframe, but there's a huge difference between Warframe and an actual bloodbath like in the Postal games.
You're not forced to slaughter and cut up Grineer, in fact you're rewarded (stealth bonus) for being precise and stealthy. Mind you, a kill is a kill, but there's a world of difference between killing comically evil clones and butchering civillians to then set them on fire, and then pee on them to see if you can extinguish their crispy corpse.

It's like comedy, you have to find the line where you ruffle some feathers but get the point across for most people. I think they managed to implement kids in not only a decent fashion, but a nearly tame one.

As for putting limits on fiction, I have to say no. This stuff is so far removed from reality, that if you find your moral compass in something as ridiculous as this, then you're doing something very wrong. Besides, the moral for the player in this game is about protecting people because you're the only one who can, an excruciatingly boring trope.

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I like my operator.  There is still things I would like to fix and make more interesting in the focus tree but they were a good surprise when the second dream came and kinda fixed the issue of who they actually were, since people called us dolls of tin basically throughout the game.  And the combining of all the theories of the tenno:  an energy being, there is a person in the suit, yada yada so on and so forth... Priceless.  I hope to see more progress for the tenno...and obviously more armor and cool threads XD

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Lore wise yes, gameplay wise absolutely not. 

I always believed the whole point of the Operators was so they can support the warframes in combat. I'm totally down for that. However, the inclusion of amps and remolding of the focus system seems to take away from the warframes which I am not a fan of. It's bad enough that the new focus slightly gives for warframes, but mostly supports operators. However, Operators are poor damage dealers even with high end amps. 

So I honestly am not seeing the point of using operators at all unless I need to reset vulnerabilities or quickly pop in and out for the passives. Sorry, but I'm not convinced yet.

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I really like them too, both from a gameplay perspective and an actual character. Now, I'm not going to say anything against the criticism of either being developed well enough, as me frequent complaints about the lack of emotional facial expressions and body language for them demonstrate. As for gameplay criticisms - I have no hard idea where DE wants to take Operators in combat other than specializing in fighting Sentients, and if that won't be a big part of the game until years to come I wouldn't mind, but I'd hate to see Operators competing with frames in regular combat, because that'd mean they would loose some of their most defining gameplay related features, aka being squishy and not really equipped to focus their powers into abilities that can decimate regular factions. When DE announced that they'd become more survivable and do more damage, I was worried they'd be able to tank normal weapons fire like a frame does, but luckily that fear was unfounded. 

I hope the future brings more characterization to the Operator outside of quests, so I can feel even more attached to them. Right now even HeyKiddo seems more fun because of the mischievous poses they're in when they jumpscare us. And don't get me started on the laugh they recently added.

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18 hours ago, (Xbox One)Juniormech777 said:

Well, as we know, their minds are centuries old. I guess your point is that they should act more intelligent than average 13 year olds. And I agree with that.

Eh, nah, I don't really like it when a child acts all "mature" either, it can get obnoxious in a Mass Effect Starchild, Interview with a Vampire, or Code Geass manner. I can only tolerate it if the character is silent, or if its a comedy like South Park or something(Though that isn't really mature when I think about it.), otherwise, playing it straight takes me right out of the immersion, to the point that they might as well just let me grow my operator wholesale instead of halfassing it with merely having them act mature. 

They are still kids for all intents and purposes. Centuries old yet the Tenno were actually inactive during the majority of those centuries and know no more than when they were actually 13 or whatever age they were supposed to be, less so even  due to amnesia.

I can be fine with playing as kids though, and if offered the choice, would probably keep both an kid operator and mature operator as loadouts, if ever allowed, I just want the kids to be enjoyable to play as if I am to play them(IE make them more fluid and ninja like.), and to have them not be annoying or bratty, such as the case with sassing Teshin when he called them a kid(Or at least let me choose my responses in scenarios like that.)


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