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There is currently NO REASON to use OPERATORS outside of plains and kuva.


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14 minutes ago, Dasmir said:

Yes the new focus system its WORSE than before and the amps does tickles to anything with some armor.

The new focus system is way better than the old one, now you actually have a reason to level up different schools beyond their useful 1-2 passives.

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1 minute ago, CeePee said:

The new focus system is way better than the old one, now you actually have a reason to level up different schools beyond their useful 1-2 passives.

totally hyped for those extra armor in operator and movement speed /s

lets resume it:

-You need more farm to max the trees.

-farming focus need a forced heavy setup.

-useless trees are still useless and people will just go zenurik for the energy reg just like in 1.0

-waybound nodes are a HUGE joke.

Edited by Dasmir
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2 minutes ago, Dasmir said:

totally hyped for those extra armor in operator and movement speed /s

I'm actually planning on getting that Unairu armour boost and combine that with the armour arcane, it'll give the operator a hefty amount of EHP.

The movement speed I'll grab at some point.

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It will sounds weird but the operators should do partially the exact same what warframes does otherwise those peoples whom hate them won't use them. They could be more mobile, use a limited shield-hp, use warframe weapons, let their skills and make them able to use some own specific weapons or use the warframe arsenal. This won't turn peoples into operator user and the majority of things still depends on the warframes but the operators finally could be something considerable because of their skill sets. Remove the operator can do damage on sentinents-eidolons and make it possible to use better ccs and stuns in operator mode. 

I think this could help a lot more and can cut in half the problems. Just like the companions vs sentinels - simply give the vacuum to the frames as passive and then no need to think about why I choose them or those.

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40 minutes ago, Dasmir said:

totally hyped for those extra armor in operator and movement speed /s

lets resume it:

-You need more farm to max the trees.

-farming focus need a forced heavy setup.

-useless trees are still useless and people will just go zenurik for the energy reg just like in 1.0

-waybound nodes are a HUGE joke.

It takes me 20-25 mins to max out the daily focus, and now I actually have a reason to farm focus. Before the update, I did no Focus farming whatsoever.

These "useless trees" have very useful Waybound passives in them, every tree has atleast one of the two nodes usable. 

Naramon is great for focus farming, Vazarin is great for support if your party already has Zenurik, and Madurai just adds loads of physical and elemental damage.

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6 hours ago, YKC1995 said:

Plz DE, we need operator amp buff or some operator only missions. Give us a reason to use our operators.

Hush you be.

Many people don't want to be forced to partake the part of the game they despise because of various reasons.

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6 hours ago, Airwolfen said:

There is this thing where your warframe is COMPLETELY INVULNERABLE when in operator mode.

That is is just running around spreading incomplete information.

Only if your warframe has no active ability running are the warframes invurnerable and untargetable.

if you have an ability running you only get 90% Damage reduction.

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Reasons to use the operator:

  1. Reset resistances on Sentients (Lua) and Shadow Stalker
  2. Kill enemies aware without resetting Warframe stealth combo (Which the altfire on a T1 amp can do quite nicely)
  3. Kuva Siphons
  4. Terralyst hunting.

That's not bad right now, as soon as we get some normal, sentient-heavy missions I really think the operator will come into it's own.

As a revamp of an existing system I think it's an interesting mechanic, though I agree that the methods of focus acquisition need adjustment.

In actual fact I think that what's needed is:

  1. Switch back to "You only get group radial affinity on something you're using" (as Steve has said is coming at some point)
  2. Stealth affinity buffs happen _after_ focus is calculated
  3. Lens affinity multipliers go up a lot.

This mitigates most of the anti-game focus farming methods which allows the base level of focus to go up.

I agree with DE that the focus orbs are probably needed to mitigate near-afk farming, but I wish there was a better way because, while I understand why they exist, they are not satisfying at all.


Edited by SilentMobius
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1 hour ago, Dasmir said:

-waybound nodes are a HUGE joke.

The rest of what you said could use some work, but it's not as bad as you're making it sound. The reason why I clipped this line in particular is because you don't seem to have put any effort into it. A huge joke? What does that even mean? Having the ability to unlock Operator-Specific buffs so that they are active regardless of which focus we are using is probably the best thing to come out of focus changes this update. Of all the things to grind in focus this is one of the few that will result in visible, significant growth in the power of our Operator mode, allowing us to be even more effective when we need to use it. 


Edited by Beartornado
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I fail to see the problem with that.

If the focus schools had more utility then they have today and offered something intresting to the players with a far bigger scope then today, then they might gave more reasons to be used

today they only have:

Limited movement potential

An arguable useful way to safely ressurect as long as you do not run out of energy.

A limited armor reduction and damage debuff

A heal that require you to hit a fast moving target in a game praised for its movement system.

A chance at doing point blank CC

De had 2 years to work on focus, had they not choosen to inflate focus costs and pool costs as much as they have they could have easily added more options or even combo effects tied to your choice of currently equipped warframe.

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2 hours ago, Mavor said:

The Operator isnt meant to be mandatory - but instead allow for more varied situational tactics and options. You dont *have* to use them (barring Eidolons of course), but you can - and I like that.

that's the thing


the whole point of focus 2.0, amps and arcanes is to make operators viable for normal gameplay and yet they're situational at best


that said i don't lament the uselessness of the operators since i personally dislike them anyway so w/e

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If you've been using your Amp Secondary like the Pencha and Shraksun in Corpus missions, even Sortie ones, you would have realized that a flat damage buff is not going to be a good idea. At best, there needs to be some looking into in regards to how Void damage interacts with Armor but when a Pencha can kill level 60 Corpus by grazing their heads, we're going into pretty dicey territory if we buff up their base damage.

I've been making a lot of use with that Pencha by firing over heads to wipe a crowd, even in Sorties, it can handle a corridor better than shooting each individual enemy with my Sybaris.

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11 minutes ago, Flandyrll said:

If you've been using your Amp Secondary like the Pencha and Shraksun in Corpus missions, even Sortie ones, you would have realized that a flat damage buff is not going to be a good idea. At best, there needs to be some looking into in regards to how Void damage interacts with Armor but when a Pencha can kill level 60 Corpus by grazing their heads, we're going into pretty dicey territory if we buff up their base damage.

I've been making a lot of use with that Pencha by firing over heads to wipe a crowd, even in Sorties, it can handle a corridor better than shooting each individual enemy with my Sybaris.


Since amps doesnt have mods and looks like they will never have straight damage upgrades, the damage of a amp its no even close a to a full modded weapon.

also therse a reason why grineer its the only race that gives problem and its becouse broken armor scaling, corpus and infested are a huge joke in comparation to that.

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12 minutes ago, Dasmir said:

Since amps doesnt have mods and looks like they will never have straight damage upgrades, the damage of a amp its no even close a to a full modded weapon.

also therse a reason why grineer its the only race that gives problem and its becouse broken armor scaling, corpus and infested are a huge joke in comparation to that.

Because Amps are not designed to replace your Opticor. The Klebrik exists so I doubt the intention of Amps is to replace or compete with a full modded top tier weapon. In their current state, even without the Arcanes, they are actually quite useful as situational weapons.

Increasing damage base is only going to further the divide between Grineer Armor and everything else in the game because if the damage was increased to a point where it can kill level 60 Grineer effectively, it would be able to kill level 100 Corpus easily. Something definitely needs to be done with how Void damage handles armor and damage reductions, increasing damage is not the way to go.

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