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I don't care about vacuum


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I never have.

I never needed it to be effective or for sanity.

I don't play super mobile or super tanky frames most of the time.  I've played 1.5 hour t4 def content, 1-2 hour survivals on Ember and other 'squishy frames' with huras kubrows.  I don't miss loot. I don't die getting to loot.  I still top damage and kills and often revives.  I haven't had ammo issues since a bit after beta, like pre u10.  On occasion with some guns and irresponsible builds I'll run out of ammo, or I'll miss an endo in the arena during endo farm (but no companions anyway), but otherwise there isn't much that vacuum actually adds to my experience when I level up sents for MR.  I've had catdog pets do more damage than some players in party have, and the extra bonuses the pets provide can be amazing. 


I dodge roll a hell of a lot and it saves my butt, I bullet jump in combat to make use of that accuracy debuff, I move around constantly.  Moving to loot is no issue and not a slowdown, even on non-speedframes.

In some mmos where you have to open up a window to loot stuff, or press a button to pick loot off the ground, sure, I like vacuum, but I have just never needed it and carrier was never worth much to me in the days where it was the only vac.  I understand people can't live without vacuum, and I can understand the convenience and am not saying catdogs are superior (though they are a hell of a lot better and more dangerous imo than most people think...certain ones anyway).  All I'm saying is it is totally possible to play highly effectively, in high level content, without needing vacuum.

I'll admit it seems lazy and extra to me, but, I'm also ridiculous and enjoy rolling around to those energy balls and parkouring over enemy heads to bomb them on my way to pickups.

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Wonderful, you don't have to use vacuum, it would be a simple QoL change for people who like to have it. DE should implement a Vacuum on/off button IF they ever ship a bigger area vacuum. So you can keep on rolling and and being highly mobile and people who like to hover their loot in just can have fun with it. Everyone's happy, Konzu invites everyone to a cup of cetus vodka and the lotus dances on the table.

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Ive also never felt like I needed vacuum. Sure its nice, but necessary? Not in the slightest. It seems like alot of people just cant be bothered to go grab loot - and I dont understand why. I too love being mobile, bouncing around and going berserk - and if I see loot I need to grab, I just hop over and get it. I never think 'Gee I wish that loot would come to me'.

I mean I know, different strokes for different folks - but it really seems like the vacuum thing has blown up into something bigger than it deserves. Im cool with a small radius personal vacuum (to avoid pixel perfect pickup), but no where near what Sentinels provide.

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14 minutes ago, Mavor said:

Ive also never felt like I needed vacuum. Sure its nice, but necessary? Not in the slightest. It seems like alot of people just cant be bothered to go grab loot - and I dont understand why. I too love being mobile, bouncing around and going berserk - and if I see loot I need to grab, I just hop over and get it. I never think 'Gee I wish that loot would come to me'.

I mean I know, different strokes for different folks - but it really seems like the vacuum thing has blown up into something bigger than it deserves. Im cool with a small radius personal vacuum (to avoid pixel perfect pickup), but no where near what Sentinels provide.

The thing with Vacuum is, it doesn't stop you from being mobile so I don't see how you loving to be mobile has anything to do with the Vacuum argument. With Vacuum I don't have to think about grabbing loot, I just run and jump around while fighting off the enemies or doing the objective. It's just simple QoL for people who don't want to worry about missing rare resource/mod drops.

I agree, it doesn't need to be Sentinel levels, but I think there should be a natural Vacuum that grabs Endo/Mods/Resources/Credits around 10m or so. 

A universal Vacuum would hurt nothing, so I don't understand the arguments against it.

Edited by racooperii
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You don't like vacuum - that's ok. You don't care about it at all - even better.

But forcing majority of players to don't have univac to fit your liking - that's very not ok, especially that we want it switchable because we care about your opposing opinion.

Even if you claim that you don't care it seems that you wanted to support univac opposing group - that's why I answered to your topic this way.

Edited by blueThunder24
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If they extend the current univac to say 5m - I think that'd be just about right. You want more - then use a Sentinel. We shouldn't be automatically sucking up loot a room away - doesn't make any sense and its unnecessary. I'm hard pressed to think of another popular loot grind game that allows you to suck loot up from such distances. (Not saying they don't exist mind you, just that none come to mind)

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3 minutes ago, Mavor said:

If they extend the current univac to say 5m - I think that'd be just about right. You want more - then use a Sentinel. We shouldn't be automatically sucking up loot a room away - doesn't make any sense and its unnecessary. I'm hard pressed to think of another popular loot grind game that allows you to suck loot up from such distances. (Not saying they don't exist mind you, just that none come to mind)

I also can't think of another loot game that's as fast paced as Warframe, so it's really hard to compare say Borderlands and Warframe since Borderlands is a Much Much slower game.

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2 hours ago, Terrornaut said:


So...what exactly is your point?

All you've really done is tell us why you don't like or use Vacuum and hinted that we should embrace your choice of playstyle. You don't like or use it...that's fine. No one's going to call you a luddite or something for not using Vacuum (and no one should). Likewise, no one should look down on people that find Vacuum an extremely handy and valuable tool when farming for very rare resources and call them "lazy casuals" or whatever.

Universal / Warframe centered Vacuum benefits all players, regardless of playstyle. It doesn't make people lazier, in fact it encourages more moving and shooting, more focus on playing the core game as opposed to running around picking up stuff. I'm here to kill mooks solve the odd puzzle and explore areas, not run around in little circles picking up high tech litter half the time. Vacuum with a decent radius allows me to worry less about whether I'm getting the resources I might need for the next thing I might want or need to build.

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22 hours ago, Mavor said:

If they extend the current univac to say 5m - I think that'd be just about right. You want more - then use a Sentinel. We shouldn't be automatically sucking up loot a room away - doesn't make any sense and its unnecessary. I'm hard pressed to think of another popular loot grind game that allows you to suck loot up from such distances. (Not saying they don't exist mind you, just that none come to mind)

This is the main thing i agree with.


I'm not anti vacuum, but this is more just feedback to devs and other people who disagree that the game is LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE like many people, including some big streamers, profess.  Some people like stationary, turtling, or no risk gameplay and that's totally cool - it could even be the majority, but I want people to know not all of are into that or carrier master race.  There was some internal back and forth about vacuum adjustments, so, this is about that.

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For people saying 'the three meters is fine', it's really not. It's a pittance. And not only that, it's more like two meters since it's measured from your center mass and everything's gonna be at floor level.

Vacuum is not necessary, no. But it's very very very nice to have, because playing roomba isn't fun, and a lot of the time you may not even be able to DO the runaround hoovering of items.

Vacuum removes tedium, and has zero downsides outside of minor ones about efficiency of picking up energy orbs.

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59 minutes ago, DeltaPangaea said:

For people saying 'the three meters is fine', it's really not. It's a pittance. And not only that, it's more like two meters since it's measured from your center mass and everything's gonna be at floor level.

Vacuum is not necessary, no. But it's very very very nice to have, because playing roomba isn't fun, and a lot of the time you may not even be able to DO the runaround hoovering of items.

Vacuum removes tedium, and has zero downsides outside of minor ones about efficiency of picking up energy orbs.

The people that say that really need a refresher in basic geometry. The difference in coverage between a 3m radius [113m3] and a 10m radius [4189m3] is frankly hilarious. 

Edited by JuicyPop
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On 11/4/2017 at 4:42 PM, Terrornaut said:

I never have.

I never needed it to be effective or for sanity.

I don't play super mobile or super tanky frames most of the time.  I've played 1.5 hour t4 def content, 1-2 hour survivals on Ember and other 'squishy frames' with huras kubrows.  I don't miss loot. I don't die getting to loot.  I still top damage and kills and often revives.  I haven't had ammo issues since a bit after beta, like pre u10.  On occasion with some guns and irresponsible builds I'll run out of ammo, or I'll miss an endo in the arena during endo farm (but no companions anyway), but otherwise there isn't much that vacuum actually adds to my experience when I level up sents for MR.  I've had catdog pets do more damage than some players in party have, and the extra bonuses the pets provide can be amazing. 


I dodge roll a hell of a lot and it saves my butt, I bullet jump in combat to make use of that accuracy debuff, I move around constantly.  Moving to loot is no issue and not a slowdown, even on non-speedframes.

In some mmos where you have to open up a window to loot stuff, or press a button to pick loot off the ground, sure, I like vacuum, but I have just never needed it and carrier was never worth much to me in the days where it was the only vac.  I understand people can't live without vacuum, and I can understand the convenience and am not saying catdogs are superior (though they are a hell of a lot better and more dangerous imo than most people think...certain ones anyway).  All I'm saying is it is totally possible to play highly effectively, in high level content, without needing vacuum.

I'll admit it seems lazy and extra to me, but, I'm also ridiculous and enjoy rolling around to those energy balls and parkouring over enemy heads to bomb them on my way to pickups.

Skills. what this whole community needs to embrace.

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