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Founders Exclusivity [solution/suggestion]


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2 minutes ago, DroopingPuppy said:

Excaliber Prime is not released again. It is the promise of DE, and they never violate this.

Well, I DO think that they may relase an another version of Excaliber, though, but It is danger to release something looks similar to Excaliber Prime. Same stats seems OK, but NOT same looks.


IF I am a DE staff, and I have a plan to release an another version of Excaliber, then I will also give the new type of Excaliber to all people that bought founder pack by free. I doubt that they are not so rich enough to get a new Excaliber(both real worlds and in-game), but anyway free new Excaliber for the founders still makes them special, and it would be also the minimum of decency as well.

No, if us founders want a new-type of Excal that requires payment, we'll pay for it like we did for founder packs.

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Can't belive people are still trying to get excalibur prime. 

Seriously folks, a deal is a deal, if DE break their deal with us you bet this can become a cluster F*** in a sec, the company already have enough bad press in some corners of the internet if they do this it will just confirm some of those accusations.

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10 minutes ago, Henji said:

Can't belive people are still trying to get excalibur prime. 

Seriously folks, a deal is a deal, if DE break their deal with us you bet this can become a cluster F*** in a sec, the company already have enough bad press in some corners of the internet if they do this it will just confirm some of those accusations.

To be fair nothing would actually happen, some people would *@##$ and throw a hissy fit, but they wouldn’t matter in the grand scheme of things.


ive seen a LOT of founders accounts go up for sale on various websites, I’ve sent several pictures/links to DE support of them (the accounts now seem to be banned so at least that’s something) several hundred at least, not a huge amount probably even play the game anymore is bet, even if 10000 did, that’s what 0.1% of the millions that play Warframe? And they would all be so estatic to get excal prime they wouldn’t care about founders getting screwed.


just to reiterate, I don’t think founders stuff should be up for sale, even if it was I probably wouldn’t buy it because I hate the Lato, prisma skana is way better than the prime, and to me excal prime is butt ugly, I would only use it for the MR fodder that it is.

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11 hours ago, disco_inferno6 said:

Founders are awesome! There would have been no Warframe without them.


So by asking (repetitively) for what is exclusive to Founders makes you look petty.


13 hours ago, Henji said:

Can't belive people are still trying to get excalibur prime. 

Seriously folks, a deal is a deal, if DE break their deal with us you bet this can become a cluster F*** in a sec, the company already have enough bad press in some corners of the internet if they do this it will just confirm some of those accusations.

I don't think OP is looking for Excal Prime. Just the exp/MR attached to it via something else to make up for that. Even if its crap.

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14 minutes ago, (PS4)Lowk721 said:


I don't think OP is looking for Excal Prime. Just the exp/MR attached to it via something else to make up for that. Even if its crap.

Yes, you are correct. Technically, he's not asking for it. But in reality he does by asking for a similar looking skin.

Theoretically, his concern is about the Mastery lost by the three Founders' items.

The MR issue will probably be solved when we reach MR30 and probably through other means. Or maybe not. Who knows. We shall have to wait and see.

Edited by disco_inferno6
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Sigh. If DE is to make something like this then it's as good as breaking their promise to the founders. Also, it would be a huge waste of their time.

Please let Excalibur Prime rest in the hands of the founders or their account owners. They deserve that much.

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I'm not sure if anyone else is the same opinion as me, but I think it may be a cool addition to the umbra quest line where you might be able to codex scan hidden parts for Excaliber Prime, and add him to the codex so you can gain the mastery that way, maybe similar to the fish from the plains of Eidolon but harder/MR requirments to spawn. I may be the only one that is fine with that option, but it may be a way that DE can create a nod to the founders (e.g. a voice from lotus stating their rarity and how it weilded by expert warriors or whaterver.) While also adding lore maybe, and allowing for players to have the MR. Though it is DE, I will leave it up to them. Also this allows for founders to keep their gleam. Take this suggestion as you will. :)

Edited by Fake_Tree
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8 minutes ago, Fake_Tree said:

I'm not sure if anyone else is the same opinion as me, but I think it may be a cool addition to the umbra quest line where you might be able to codex scan hidden parts for Excaliber Prime, and add him to the codex so you can gain the mastery that way, maybe similar to the fish from the plains of Eidolon but harder/MR requirments to spawn. I may be the only one that is fine with that option, but it may be a way that DE can create a nod to the founders (e.g. a voice from lotus stating their rarity and how it weilded by expert warriors or whaterver.) While also adding lore maybe, and allowing for players to have the MR. Though it is DE, I will leave it up to them. Also this allows for founders to keep their gleam. Take this suggestion as you will. :)

If there will be a max. mastery rank, DE would make sure that every player can reach it without exlusive items like founders or event weapons. So there's no need for anything like that of any other kind.

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1 minute ago, Arcveus said:

If there will be a max. mastery rank, DE would make sure that every player can reach it without exlusive items like founders or event weapons. So there's no need for anything like that of any other kind.

I fully expect that at some point when we can all get to mr29, DE will just have a massive content drop to be able to get everyone to 30 in one go, so founders can’t be mr30 for a while before anyone else , since technically when we reach mr30 is when the game is “complete” and exits beta

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I am not sure if this has grounding, but in the cephalon simaris's room, there only shows 30 ranks, and same with the achievements. But is there solid proof that MR30 is max, because if you escaped the map before they patched it, the spiral continued up much higher. Here's Proof I found in a video [timestamped]:

I'm not sure if it was just extra buffer but if so it would be nice to know.

I know that if it progresses even higher the MR/EXP argument becomes more mute, though I was just keen for collecting purposes as well - another point that I made. As it is, if you do not own excaliber prime you can not see him in the codex. Though in this situation, the community seems rather split on any solution to Excal P topic, so I was just offering a solution that I though may be better then the current split that is ensued on the community less apparent. I also thought that the idea of the easter egg esque idea that I put before may be a cool addition, that can imortilise the founders in a more intuitive way in the context of the style of game, while also founders can keep their Excal P and other weapons, and not hard block any progress of others who don't possess the items.

I know my idea has changed over the life of this thread but I am trying to consider all points of views and create a sound solution. Though its seems more futile, the longer I read this thread.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)Lowk721 said:


I don't think OP is looking for Excal Prime. Just the exp/MR attached to it via something else to make up for that. Even if its crap.

Nope, that's exactly what he is looking for. 

He is trying to circuvent the original deal by trying to embalish his argument with a ''less appealing'' variation of Excalibur Prime, he wouldn't be asking specificly about the founder's exclusive if it wasn't the case (keep in mind there are more items not avaible that aren't from the founder's as well).

Also, you can't get any less appealing then just having a void key slapped to your face...

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3 minutes ago, Henji said:

Nope, that's exactly what he is looking for. 

He is trying to circuvent the original deal by trying to embalish his argument with a ''less appealing'' variation of Excalibur Prime, he wouldn't be asking specificly about the founder's exclusive if it wasn't the case (keep in mind there are more items not avaible that aren't from the founder's as well).

Also, you can't get any less appealing then just having a void key slapped to your face...

If you read my most recent suggestion you might prefer it more, I can now see what items like the items within the founders pack means to people, so I just want a solution that can make both sides happier. To be honest from most things that I have seen and heard the prime version has fallen over the years by power creep, I am happy sticking with my normal excal I just want to go on my marry way in being a completionist in a game that I adore.

I know the shift that my point of view on the argument is somewhere buried in the mass of replies but I am not ever shifting from my intial statement of my opinion that excal p should never be re-released.

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2 minutes ago, Fake_Tree said:

If you read my most recent suggestion you might prefer it more, I can now see what items like the items within the founders pack means to people, so I just want a solution that can make both sides happier.

There will be always a side that's unpleased. Just get over it

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Nah, Founders pack content were explicitly advertised as a timed exclusive and was pretty much a legup when DE needed the financial support the most. Founders made a gamble on the game back then for a HEFTY sum when it desperately needed the leg up. They were the right people at the right time and they should be rewarded for it.


Do I want Excal/ lato/ skana prime? Heck yeah.

Will I ever get it and ask for it? Heck nah.


Was there when the founders program was advertised but broke college me back then couldn't afford it even if I wanted it and so here we are. Bottom line, the people who "gambled" on the game's survival got what they deserve and from that we got to play the game for free in all its space ninja bootilicious glory today.

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Your wasting your breath. Four years and de still says he's never coming back. There's gonna be no compensation  cause you don't deserve it.  Mr amd all. People who got the founder packs back then saved the game and are the reason. Why it's still around today. People need to get off this entitlement  train and face reality. You will never get excalibur prime  and you will never get that  thay Mr that comes from him and the other two primes. The faster people  understand  this the faster this dumb topic can keep coming up. I mean take a friggen clue already.  DE has said for four years it's never gonna happen. From it coming back to literally what you've suggested. It's time for peiple to listen.

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Just now, puppycorpse said:

Here's the thing with that. It still doesn't mean you deserve what the founders got and at the end of the day you never will. 

Deserve? I don't need the ugliest prime frame in the game, keep it. The self righteous founder attitude is getting annoying. I've dropped a lot of money on this game but I don't walk around thinking I'm something special.

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1 minute ago, Karthunk said:

Deserve? I don't need the ugliest prime frame in the game, keep it. The self righteous founder attitude is getting annoying. I've dropped a lot of money on this game but I don't walk around thinking I'm something special.

The all-lasting begging for exclusive content is annoying, too. And it will end just like the other 1000s of threads ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Also just by saying " I've dropped a lot of money... " you say you are some kind of special just because you spend money? 

And also, if it's annoying to you, why are you in this thread?

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5 minutes ago, Arcveus said:

The all-lasting begging for exclusive content is annoying, too. And it will end just like the other 1000s of threads ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Also just by saying " I've dropped a lot of money... " you say you are some kind of special just because you spend money? 

I'm not special, that was the point of my comment. But some people around here can't help but proclaim themselves the saviors of the universe.

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12 minutes ago, Karthunk said:

Deserve? I don't need the ugliest prime frame in the game, keep it. The self righteous founder attitude is getting annoying. I've dropped a lot of money on this game but I don't walk around thinking I'm something special.

Dropping money doesn't make you special. I've dropped  more money on this game then I cam remember  not including the founder pack. Some founders do have a god complex  I'll admit that but non founders cam be just as annoying at the end of the day. Especially  when they feel there entitled may whatever there reason may be and I'm guessing yours is money. It's also has nothing to do with being special it's called having respect for those who took a gamba on the game when it was going to hell and had a high chance of not even existing. In the end though it's like I said. It's never coming back so get over it.  Serioulsy  though de should just ban any topics like this from coming  up. Four years of this argument and it's still goes on.

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