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Tennobaum gifting center


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vor 5 Stunden schrieb [DE]Megan:


Give Gifts and benefit the Children's Health Foundation

Deck the Liset with boughs of Threshcones -- it’s that time of year again, Tenno!

Tennobaum is upon us, and you know what that means, lots and lots of gifts! Who doesn’t love gifts? There’s icing on top of this delicious holiday gift-giving treat -- every in-game gift you give your fellow Tenno will go towards increasing a donation to the Children’s Health Foundation.

As you give and receive more and more gifts, you’ll also unlock community-wide rewards and enjoy a new, exciting deal every day from now until Friday, December 22! Get in on all of the Tennobaum fun here: https://www.warframe.com/tennobaum

Need more ways to get in the Tennobaum spirit? We've got tons of holiday fun in the Solar System this month!

On Wednesday, December 13, Winter Solstice Items and Bundles are returning as part of the Tennobaum celebration! Get everything you need for a festive Fashion Frame including a Winter Solstice Skin for Titania, Winter Solstice Salix Syandana and complete the look with the Nistlebrush Gene-Masking Kit to make your Kubrow look like the sweetest candy-cane in the Origin System. For details on these festive items and many more, check out the Market today!

Check out the Warframe Carol Contest and remix the lyrics of your favorite holiday song to be Warframe themed! Get all of the holly, jolly info here:

Tennobaum is the most wonderful time of year to be a Tenno, so whether you love to give gifts, play in the snow, or deck the Solar System, there’s plenty of ways to celebrate in Warframe!

I might be wrong but isn't this tennobaum gifting center the one I created in players help players? :D

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29 minutes ago, Ezekeel666 said:

Is this threat just for begging or can I also leave feedback here?

75.000 gifts for the lowest unlock. That seems rather optimistic considering there will be daily resets (which btw should be made clearer and not hidden in the fine print). Is this another case of DE math where the team just randomly puts some numbers on things only to realize later that they are miles off and not work out at all like the Plague Star standings? 

If I send decoration x N to someone, does that count as N gifts or as one.

What daily reset are you talking about?  It updates daily, the gifts are cumulative.  Per the FAQs.



The Gift-O-Meter updates daily at 2 p.m. ET.


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My wishlist would be:

- 3d/7d/30d Resource Booster

- 3d/7d/30d Credit Booster

- 3d/7d/30d Affinity Booster

If anyone feel liking it and generous enough to send me a gift, i will be grateful :community:

Happy holidays guys, GBU, and thank you in advance :clem:

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My Wish List  ;

3x forma bundles

30 day resource booster

30 day credit booster

Titania Noble Animation

Daybreak Palette

Eximus Palette

Orokin Palette

ADAU Glyph Pack

ADI Holster Pack

Happy Tennobaum , Fellow Tenno !

Edited by Aeon94
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To any and all Tenno who wish to help a fellow space-ninja out with an amazing gift, this is my following wishlist:

1: Any Warframe Deluxe bundle

2: The Nikana Gemini Sheath

3: Noggles

4: Sugatras

5: Any Non-Hunhow Mask Sentinal Accessory/skin

6: Arklut, Nesyr, Krest, Telmatian Gene-Masking Kit

7: Color Pack Alpha

8: Any Xiphos Ship Skin

9: Zuaba Armor Bundle

10: Ship Decorations


I would appreciate it greatly if you could give me gifts, and thank you in advance.

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I'm a poor guy without any friends so I guess I'll just ask nicely for something. :)

I'd be insanely happy about the Irkalla Deluxe Skin set or just the skin, same goes for Volt Proto Skin. Also Ivara would be nice because I just don't get the BP for the neuroptics.

If you are feeling generous but think my wishlist is too expensive, which I can understand, I'll be happy with anything - decorations, slots, skins, colour palettes, landing crafts, syandanas, armour sets

Thanks for any gifts in advance! <3

Edited by Br0kenshard
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Merry Tennobaum!

My wishlist would be:
- Forma
- Ship Decorations

Or when you're very generous:
- Deluxe Collections for Rhino, Chroma or Mag

I'll try to send something in return, should I get my hands on a coupon the next days.

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Awesome event in a awesome game. I'm so glad that i became part of this playerbase last month and more than happy to support you guys!

Warm and great community out there. Happy holidays and all the relics rewards you wish to get :laugh: don't earn much money but i'm sure even few gifts will help someone ;) every little helps.

I play on PC and my tiny wishlist is just to make my ship more home-ish:

-Hydroid tiny statue for my ship

- poster/decoration


Thank you both DE for such a enjoyable expierience and community for being so friendly. <3


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I'm not asking for much. What I request is simple:

For tennobaum, I simply want to gain ABSOLUTE POWE-*ahem* uh I mean.. I wish for THE DESTRUCTION OF MY ENEM-Happiness of others! Ignore what I just said, all I really wanted was to receive THE TEARS FROM THE WEAK GIFTS FROM MY WISHLIST. Sorry. Gifts from my wishlist. I don't know whats gotten over me today.

Anyway, the one thing I want most from my wishlist (if you are so kind) is THE SCREAMS OF THE FALLE-oops! I meant I wanted an ANNIHILATION OF TH-uh a syndanna from THE BONES-... 

Um...Y'know what. Just pick whatever and i'll be eternally grateful.

I'll just go and TERRORIZE MY FOES FOR PERSONAL GAIN. Farming. I'm going back to farm.


Oh! If you do decide to be generous, im on the PC MAST-AHHHH! I'M SORRY! 


Edited by Dahooligan
What wishlist?
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It's this time of the year again! Happy holidays, everyone!

I believe everyone accepts potatoes, formas and slots, if anyone is interested in helping fellow Tennos out, you can always gift them (myself included) these items.

Have a nice day!

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hell yeah here we go


1. iliac armour bundle 

2. color pack alpha

3. slots

(4. hunhow's gift but holly S#&amp;&#036; thats expensive)

merry chrismas everyone

also can you gift cross platform? (may be a dumb question but I was just wondering)


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Greetings, fellow tenno.

My wishlist consists of:

1 Chroma Dynasty Collection (I need that dominion heavy blade skin in my life)

2 A large humble amount of catalysts, as many of the weapons I own are unpotatoed.

3. Classic Saturated palette

4. Frost Harka Bundle - same reason as chroma deluxe, I'd love to get my greedy hands on that sword skin

5. Lots of forma.

6. Harrow OR Ash noble animation.

7. The one, the only... THE GLORIOUS wallet-draining Hunhow's Gift!

8. Ivara.

9. Ship decorations, I guess?

10. Thank you for reading this.




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my wishlist i want is

Saryn Deluxe skin collection bundle

Loki deluxe skin Bundle

Oberon Deluxe skin bundle or winter glyph pack 

valkyr Graxx skin

Zephyr hagoromo skin

repala syandana

nyx athena skin

naru syandana



merry Christmas to everyone and dont let mr.grinch rob your stuff tenno! 

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To any generous Tenno, here is my wishes:

3x forma bundles

30 day resource booster

30 day credit booster

banshee deluxe skin collection

Rhino deluxe skin collection

trinity deluxe skin collection

Oberon deluxe skin collection

Shinx armor collection

lotus color palatte 

Daybreak Palette

Eximus Palette

and lots of forma


My Ign demon12x1 and my platform is pc


Thanks for any gifts in advance!

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