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Did DE forget about channelling?


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Now i dont think it said in the notes for dmg 2.5 but it seems like DE has just ignored the idea of channelling damage and i think its actually perfectly usable at high levels with a good enough riven on a low disposition weapon as im currently building a channelling build on my prova vandal and while looking over the mods i feel like the most of them are lacking with a 9 drain 'quickening' being a channelling mod , however it being a mod that nobody should ever use considering that quickening gives 20% AS and -80% eff where the same drain 'fury' is better by 10% and has no downside , therefore still better for a channelling build, this same thing could be said for the mods 'true punishment' and 'enduring strike' with the effects of enduring strike being completely unusable when considering if you want it to include any form of status on a channelling build you would just use the dual status mods like 'virulent scourge' that achieve the same thing without costing you channelling efficiency which is vital for a channelling build to keep it low, also something to note about life strike is the fact that as it is such a common mod that is used on virtually any weapon that can afford the space or is being taken to high level survivals and therefor i think the eff cost is warranted however it is still a bad mod to put on a channelling build due to the amount of channelling cost and the fact that it takes up a mod slot.at this point i dont know whether DE actually wants channelling builds to work since they give so many downsides and make it so difficult to achieve with that if you want to create a channelling build to be successful you need a riven mod to make this work as effectively as a regular status or crit build with both eff and dmg yet at the same time continue to support the effect with the riven mods and focus school passives and also the fact that only 3 weapons in the game actually seem to even mildly support the idea of a channelling build those being Fragor Prime, Furax Wraith, and Synoid Heliocor due to them having a base 1.8 channelling damage stat as a pose to the normal 1.5 on every other weapon.

What i suggest that DE does with channelling is to either remove it from the game (please dont do this one) or to buff the channelling effecting mods by drastically reducing the amount of - energy eff on the mods (or remove the cost) while increasing their effects , while also providing a slightly larger amount of weapons e.g 'quickening' to a 45% AS and 25% - eff  by buffing the stat on lower used or weaker weapons even just to 2.0dmg instead of 1.5 e.g the prova vandal 


channelling damage is outdated remove it or fix it by changing mods that effect it and their weapons base stats in channelling damage and efficiency 

Edited by Tailhorn
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vor 13 Minuten schrieb (PS4)waterdog77:

The only thing Channeling is good for is Life Strike


this is just wrong.

i agree though, channeling is much below the radar even though its kind of OKish flat dmg wise. all the mods with -channeling efficiency though need an update because if they are supposed to be used then the downside of -efficiency has to be improved by lots. getting 10+ energy costs per channel is riddiculous considering the multihit stances especially, but if its used for dmg only with a channeling cost of 1-2 then its actually quite usable. its a shame though that 90% of the channeling mods are useless right now, maybe with the exception of life strike besides efficiency and flat channeling dmg, be it on a riven or basic mod.

Edited by Xydeth
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No DE didn't forget, we did.

With how good melee scales overall, we rarely find situations where we need channeling outside of Life strike, so it ends up being forgotten. 

While energy is much easier to get a hold of nowadays, channeling still costs too much at base, specially when you go against a horde of enemies, in most situations its safer to just use your warframe abilities instead of channeling.

I'm all for more channeling mods and an incentive to use channeling, perhaps a new set that focuses on channeling.

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I believe you are right that DE implied that they were going to boost or look at channeling. Currently, an element of this materialized already in some of the Exodia for the Zaw weapons offered by Hok and the channeling cost reduction offered by the passive of Zenurik Focus. Perhaps next year, channeling as a mechanic can be made more functional and rewarding to use.

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It feels like a quick change would be to reduce the base channeling cost on weapons. As channeling and then doing anything while channeling drains at 5 per enemy struck and blocked damage IIRC,( I know I need to use it more and pay more attention when I do to be sure.)

As beginning at the 5+ value and how it drains on striking enemies is where it becomes so inefficient to sustain with mods that reduce channeling efficiency.

Maybe that could be enough for a start, so weapons that need multiple swings and/or can strike multiple enemies in one swing could see a reduced base channeling cost, as there already are three that boost channeling damage (Fragor P, Furax Wraith, S. Heliocor).

Then I would like to see Quick Melee evolve into a different subset in Melee, to be more a supplimental system when using a ranged weapon, since as it is now, it actually is more efficient in sustaining damage than focusing on melee to be able to block and channel, as you can simply stop swinging and shoot. I've shared ideas on what I'd like to see for quick melee, but I'll refrain from sharing for the moment.

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Am 23.12.2017 um 17:36 schrieb TzXtetriC:

No one channels. Remove from game please...

i use channel....12k crits on paper from a channel scindo prime + condition overload on top doesnt just sound silly on paper. while i agree that all other mods besides channeling efficiency and damage are useless right now thats mostly the case due to how much -efficiency they give. "Remove from game" is the cheapest, easiest and worst way to approach an issue that could be easily solved with some changed numbers.

Edited by Xydeth
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Channeling could EASILY be a new class of weapons to give us variety. I have no idea why DE has forgotten about it.

There should be weapons that natively offer more than 1.5 damage. Weapons that do OKish damage normally, but become beast when channeling. 

It's a cool system that gives a damage boost at the cost of energy. 

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I use channeling quite often during melee, and found success with it.  But....I acheived this by not using any negative channeling efficiency mods.  Using Healing Return instead of Life Strike really helped to make this possible.  

That said, there could be a few more tweaks to Channeling.  Even if it's nothing more than just boosting the visual effects.  :D

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I'd like to see Channeling reworked entirely, but from a development standpoint, it's a bit of a risk. There's no guarantee that it would be successful and worth the countless hours of work. And what I'm suggesting will most likely require a lot of work.

With all of the boosts in damage available, Channeling as another form of damage boost is redundant in my opinion. We don't need it. What I'd like to see is Channeling as a form of "effect". A way to change the way weapons behave.

We already have examples of this with weapons that create specific effects on slam attacks, or crits. Some weapons can do this without those requirements also. It'd be cool to see that expanded upon and imbue weapon classes with specific channeling effects.

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And it would be so easy to change it into something people might like too (my own ideas from another thread):

-- Channeling now drains energy over time, rather than per strike. Suggested to be 3 energy / second.
-- Channeling also adds a flat +3 meter reach, visualized by energy extending from the weapon(s) (lightsabre-esque!). Yes, this aids shorter weapons more than it aids longrange weapons, but that's intended (as shortranged weapons are the most in need of help)
-- Channelblocking drains more energy (5 energy / second) while under attack.
-- Blocking now blocks all damage (100% DR), but now has a blocktimer (a la wallclinging), streamlined to be 4 seconds. This blocktimer is drained while blocking and under attack, but the blocktimer is only paused if you are holding block but you are not under attack. After a brief moment of not blocking (say, half a second), it will regenerate the blocktimer rather rapidly (say, half the blocktimer's time is needed to regenerate to full; So, to regen 4 seconds of blocktimer you need to wait 2 seconds. If you only wait 1,5 seconds, it will only regenerate 3 seconds of blocktimer etc).
-- Channelblocking now pauses this blocktimer (giving you time), while also reflecting all damage back at enemies, ampified by X%.
-- Blocking now opens meleeing enemies up to finishers at all times, while channelblocking a meleeattack causes a moderately sized energywave which opens enemies up to finishers in an AoE!
-- Parry mod now increases the blocktimer's duration.

The bolded+underlined part alone would probably make people a bit more interested in channeling, no?

Edited by Azamagon
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Channeling has great growth potential. Just imagine the kids that could supplant the existing ones. Lowered costs with greater effect. There will still be some balance needed but the combination of new weapons meant to channel and new Mods down the road assure we will have more to do. Channeling creates the opportunity to touch on every mechanic in a different way. 

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Personally I think it is something that DE let slip to the side but I also believe that it's because of us players. DE seems to sort of follow the player trends and look into what we're doing and tries to balance things out as they notice specific weapons being consistently over used. I think that because no one made a fuss about it earlier on and we just kept pushing the envelope on the standard damage so much that DE got too focused on that too.

That being said I would love to see it have a comeback as an effective ability.

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47 minutes ago, Gabenight7 said:

Personally I think it is something that DE let slip to the side but I also believe that it's because of us players. DE seems to sort of follow the player trends and look into what we're doing and tries to balance things out as they notice specific weapons being consistently over used. I think that because no one made a fuss about it earlier on and we just kept pushing the envelope on the standard damage so much that DE got too focused on that too.

That being said I would love to see it have a comeback as an effective ability.

They simply need to make a weapon that only does the highest melee damage through channeling.  

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