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Most unsastifying things to happen to you in Warframe


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1 minute ago, (PS4)dZy_dEviL said:


- Realizing that if Inaros ever gets a skin it will be themed around Egyptian lore b/c some of these designers can't think outside the box.  Mech-futuristic Inaros for life!


My only two problems with Inaros are the dog teats and the toenails. If Inaros's deluxe skin fixes that like Chroma's dynasty skin did his helmet maybe I'll finally use him again.

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2 minutes ago, Cryptix123 said:

My only two problems with Inaros are the dog teats and the toenails. If Inaros's deluxe skin fixes that like Chroma's dynasty skin did his helmet maybe I'll finally use him again.

Exactly! There is so much wrong with his default design which is why his fashion frame is a joke.  They don't even want to design skins for him because he is so unorthodox.

My Inaros has the Arca armor and jet pack syandana so he can look as Mecha as possible.  I really hope they do something completely creative with a deluxe skin instead of Egyptian themed snooze fest.

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4 hours ago, Legion-Shields said:

Every time I try to revive someone and the game doesn't detect the first time I hold down X.

Seriously, that happens so often, I keep thinking it's something to do with my network not responding in time. I'm standing next to the downed player, I press and hold x, but it's not doing anything. Then player decides to auto revive, because I'm standing there doing nothing; feels bad.

It also happens very often when in operator mode, after doing void dash or in void mode before reaching downed player, then try to revive downed player, but nothing happens; I have to get out of void mode to revive downed player.

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5 hours ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

I get called out for not using speed nova on defense missions (Nova is my main), being asked to not use MP during salvage, being called out for not helping on double panel doors just because I am not going fast enough.

As a nova main myself, if another slova starts priming at the at the start of the initial waves, I automatically assume they have no idea what the hell they're doing and should be playing rhino or some other lesser frame. Not to mention when I'm running speedva for an easy def, yet there is the a noob slova priming them therefore blocking my prime. I hope their game crashes.

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Getting statues from Sorties that were especially hard or tedious.

I did the tedious and rather hard (for me) Sortie no 3 of killing Vay Hek and shooting him in his tiny face only to get Ayatan statues.

Sometimes this mission alone can take 10 min or more and all I get is something that is even worse than the 4,000 endo.

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4 minutes ago, KokoroWish said:

Getting teamed with an Ember or Banshee while leveling in Akkad. Way to drain all the fun out of an engagement, guys.

Can relate as the one who played the Ember...

At least I don't WoF in Akkad...

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>Be me

>3:00 AM in the morning, Sleepy af, just finished farming Nidus parts after months of neglecting it, really not a fan of his mission.

>Go to foundry to begin the building, Chassis needs 6k Polymers.

>Be left with 2k~ after building neuroptics.

>No desire to wait until tomorrow, Nekros for a Polymer Farm.

>Squad wants to stay for 40 minutes, basically sleeping on the keyboard.

>Might as well.

>40 minutes happen, +14k~ Polymers.

>Head to extraction, Host leaves, "My dog tripped on my Router's cable"

>3:50 AM, At the ship, still 2k~ Polymers, struggling not to sleep.


I don't even 4chan, I just find the format hilarious!

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- Getting booted back to the login screen for no reason

- Random NNR prompts while hosting raids although my internet and XBL core services are stable

- Having 73 rolls on a riven and you still aren’t satisfied with it’s stats. 

6 hours ago, (PS4)dZy_dEviL said:

Feeling that PS4/XBox is the red-headed step child compared to PC so we don't get all the cool stuff.

But we do. Each platform has it’s own exclusives and I’m pretty sure that there were a few color packs that PS4 got first and remained exclusive for months until PC and Xbox got them. You guys also got that sweet Ivara and Excalibur skin with that sick Corpus armor pack one time a few years back. 

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When you're speed running with a tanky asf rhino and then a nully apears from nowhere, taking away Iron Skin, then you dgaf cause you tryna extract but then the stupid camera adds ten pounds detects you and you get knocked down cause you are a baby boi and you try to get up but you  see a stupid shockmoa starting to stomp so you run away but the last second of that expanding ring touches your feet and you fly back 4 meters



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Farming for a single mod for days and getting every other mod that drops except the one you need.

Being undecided on color schemes because they all look like crap with the skins currently out.

Ranking fodder weapons up.

Archwing .. mainly the insta death shield lancer things.

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Alright, several things

-Once when I was running straight to extraction in the void and during my final bullet jump to the end I noticed a reinforced storage crate just down the steps

-Re rolling rivens into bad things, feels like my life force is being drained away with each roll. Even worse when I click the wrong roll

-Host Migrations, 'nuff said

-For me, Mag haters who don't know what the [Hek] they're talking about

-Adding the wrong polarity to a slot

-Accidentally rushing an item in the foundry

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