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Which frame do you have fun with the most?


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Oberon fits me better than anything else. He's my Rick Astley, he's never gonna give me up, never gonna let me down, never gonna run around and desert me. 

Second in term of gameplay would be Chroma with Eternal Ward, as I like supporting my team even while using a tank. 

Mag is extremely close, but still third on my list. Her bubbles with max range/duration is soooooooo satisfiyng when it traps a bunch of enemies and kills them little by little (or very fast). 

Fourth? Ivara. Perfectly fits my kind of sneaky gameplay. 

Fifth: Gara. Only her 2 is usefull but I still use her, a bit. Before that, she was tied with Mag on my list, but now that only 1/4 of her kit is worth using, I never play her outside of the Plains. 

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Saryn with acid shell sobek and condition overload lesion...  Or replace sobek with status built  ignis or lenz.  Both pretty hilarious to mess around with.

Mirage with any AOE/Explosive primary.. equal chance of awesome overkill and hilarious suicides.  Plus disco ball!!

Octavia for when I'm lazy but still wanna contribute... Just go invisible and mallet.


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I think I have the most -fun- with Vauban Prime, he looks cool with a Serro and Arca shotty or Lenz. Vanity has a price, keeps me on the move and throwing traps down is a bonus. 

My most used WF has got to be Rhino P, he's my Hunter Killer unit with Soma, Lesion and Akstiletto prime. He's obviously fun cuz he gives no Fs.

Saryn, Ivara, Ex, Loki, Nekro...damn fun to

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Melee berserker Ember, stacking sh*tloads of elemental damage and Status procs while keeping everything around her so heavily CC’d they feel like they’re on the end of an email chain.


Sniper Ash, staying invisiblols while popping heads with the Vectis, Fatal Teleporting heavy targets, and occasionally standing in the corner for two seconds to mark absolutely everything in the room for a Bladestorm. Ash feels like a horrifying operative of war, like Excalibur’s edgy cousin who buys him cigarettes.


Melee berserker Nezha, aka Ember’s hyperactive little brother, with a little less CC and a lot more tank.                                        Spoddygofaaaassssst!


(My criteria for enjoying a Warframe include:

- Sleek design. Creepy cyborg armour is in, weird plasticky superhero is not. Nezha barely squeaks in by that standard. The likes of Inaros or Titania do not. I hate the more ornamented style of later Warframes, and I think that Mirage Prime, with her sleeker build, is the loveliest Prime upgrade in years. Mirage Prime is also the reigning booty champion of Warframe at the moment, so there’s that.

- They fight. I don’t like pure ‘caster’ types, I like the Warframe as an acrobatic weapons platform with inbuilt advantages. Playing Ember as a pure caster bores me to tears. So, Berserker Ember works by self-buffing and stunning everything around her, Nezha works by being really fast and unkillable, and Ash’s entire kit is all about either stabbing enemies to death, or getting into position to stab enemies to death.)

Edited by BornWithTeeth
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Excalibur/Excalibur prime. Not much of a exalted blade spammer, but it feels awesome when I do occasionally use it.

Second would be Trinity. I love pulling off clutch heals and saving peeps.

Mag is third. Just love pulling suckers around the map and killing stuff with the bubble.

Special mention to volt though, cause gotta go fast!

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