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Is a Griefing Limbo (or any griefer in general) Eligible to be Reported?


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Just played a sortie 3 (mobile defense), and there was a Limbo that used a fairly small Cataclysm but did not use Stasis. Without Stasis, the enemies that entered Cataclysm could freely attack the objective while the rest of us that aren't in the Rift could do absolutely nothing. This was clearly griefing because the mission was failed, and by some dumb luck, that same Limbo joined my second attempt at the mission, and this time, I was ready to counter any further griefing with my own Limbo since Limbos cannot interfere with each other inside Cataclysms. I'm wondering if this sort of behavior can be considered reportable.

And a side note, if I put a player on my ignore list, does this prevent us from ever meeting again in a public match? (I would hope yes but wouldn't be surprised if this weren't a thing)

EDIT: A further note, this griefer made no attempt to attack an enemy, and his MR was 13, more than high enough to understand how Limbos work. In the second mission, he was making every attempt to banish all enemies without using Stasis while avoiding the Rift himself; of course, with my own Stasis enabled, none of his banished enemies could move except in brief moments where I refreshed my Stasis.

Edited by Raspberri
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I don't think it's fair to assume that just because they're MR 13 that they know how to play a Limbo. Then, aside from the player not attack anything, you don't have any actual proof that the player was griefing intentionally, and so I don't believe this can be reported.

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Yes, griefing is a reportable thing, but as you kinda need to prove intent it's very difficult to make a case. In this specific case you'd probably need video evidence (recording of the events). If you really want to, you can submit a ticket, but unless you have a recording to prove intent I wouldn't expect anything to come of it.

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Acting against the team is a reportable offense, however in that case it can easily be atributed to lack of experience, you as a team might have failed because of him but he likely didn't do it intentionally, mistakes happen and some end up arriving on end game missions like sorties, not every player takes sorties seriously so you might end up with unprepared players who might use sorties as a regular mission to see if something works.


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24 minutes ago, PsiWarp said:

Considering he deliberately forced the majority of enemies he meets into the Rift with no intention to kill them himself, that is indeed a griefer in a tuxedo.

Throwing then into the rift is a sound strategy to keep them from interacting with other players or the point. It's possible he was tripping, but that fact alone is nowhere near enough to condemn the player

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2 minutes ago, SergeantSunshine said:

I don't think it's fair to assume that just because they're MR 13 that they know how to play a Limbo. Then, aside from the player not attack anything, you don't have any actual proof that the player was griefing intentionally, and so I don't believe this can be reported.

Judging by your response, even if it was clear in my eyes, it'd be too much trouble to try actually proving the case to DE. I think I'll just move on without making this incident affect me anymore.

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I met a limbo few days ago, on a sortie 1 rescue mission.. he got into the rift, then did nothing, just running across the mission.. at sortie 2 mission, he joined my party again, and because i dont like person who doesnt want to contribute, i aborted the mission.. he came again and i did the same thing 3 times before switched to solo play..


i dont care about MR or what frame people brings to mission, i often carry some MR 8-10 player and i dont have any problem with limbo.. what bothers me is the player and their attitude.. they often bring limbo either to troll with others, or get into the rift and let other player do the mission while they get some free stuff out of it.. please let us report this kind of player because it become toxic in the game..

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