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Will People Be Mad When DE Fixes Sicarus P's Riven Disposition?


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Hey Tenno, 

After the recent outcry from players about the recent changes, and saying most of them are nerfs, mainly chroma and ember, an thought came to mind 

I'll leave ember from this, since I talked a lot about her in other threads. my main point is chroma

Now it's known to some people that his fury buff from vex armor has wrong calculations, but most of the players didn't really know this....DE knew this but didn't really care until now which is understandable. to me it's a fix

So basically, some players got mad when DE fixed something they liked. it's not a nerf, since it wasn't working as intended, and they countered that by making it an aura (it's not my main topic here so I'll leave it at that)


Now for Sicarus p, this gun got an awesome buff a couple of months ago which took it out of trash tier. but it's clear that DE missed changing it's disposition. currently it has 5* disposition, and sicarus p rivens are selling for a lot of plat 

Disposition is tied to popularity and how strong the wep is. clearly sicarus p is a very strong wep, and it's gaining a lot of popularity (plus it's coming back in the unvaulting) 

TL;DR: So, since it's so obvious that Sicarus P's disposition is wrong and needs to be adjusted, do you think that when DE does adjust it's disposition (and they will, maybe not tomorrow but eventually), that players will complain about this, calling it a nerf and mention how much plat they spent on buying a riven for it...etc? and do you think that they're right about getting upset? since it's so obvious that this is a mistake 


Thanks for reading ^^ 

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13 minutes ago, rudman88 said:

The riven disposition will fix itself as more people use it.

It may be strong to you because of the riven, but the base stats is not as good as you think.


you can check iot froim here. The riven price from strong disposition is incorrectly price for item with low demand

Let's see... Decent damage, good fire rate, good status chance, high crit chance, good multiplier. Must be bad.

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16 minutes ago, rudman88 said:

The riven disposition will fix itself as more people use it.

Except DE doesn't seem to actually update riven dispositions based on usage very often. The massive buffs from the opticor propelled it to being talked about all the time as some god-send weapon, and it ALSO still has a 4 dot disposition. Meanwhile weapons people never use any more like Tonkor or Simulor are still down in the 1 dots.

So far almost every change to riven disposition has not been because of reflecting new usage statistics, but a pre-emptive nerf to dispo because a stronger version of the weapon came out.

...And none of them have been officially announced or acknowledged since the first couple weeks of the system.

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1 minute ago, OvisCaedo said:

Except DE doesn't seem to actually update riven dispositions based on usage very often. The massive buffs from the opticor propelled it to being talked about all the time as some god-send weapon, and it ALSO still has a 4 dot disposition. Meanwhile weapons people never use any more like Tonkor or Simulor are still down in the 1 dots.

So far almost every change to riven disposition has not been because of reflecting new usage statistics, but a pre-emptive nerf to dispo because a stronger version of the weapon came out.

...And none of them have been officially announced or acknowledged since the first couple weeks of the system.

well how you know is not updated ? i see other weapons get adjusted.

to be honest, how many people use sicarus prime ? Well i never use it after it after it reach lvl 30 ( to be honest )

it depends on the exp gain. If they are at bottom 20% they will be there.

De does not release any statistics of a weapon / frame. Only they themselves know.

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Weapon Dispositions should just auto update every 2-3 months. My Lenz riven's 3 disposition doesn't make any sense when it can do S#&$ like this: https://clips.twitch.tv/NeighborlyFrailFlyBloodTrail

Anyone who pays thousands of plat for a Riven without considering whether its due for a disposition update is due, is an idiot and deserves what they get.

DE You implemented the Disposition system to balance crap like this, hurry up and just automate dispo changes.

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7 minutes ago, Sader said:

Weapon Dispositions should just auto update every 2-3 months. My Lenz riven's 3 disposition doesn't make any sense when it can do S#&$ like this: https://clips.twitch.tv/NeighborlyFrailFlyBloodTrail

Anyone who pays thousands of plat for a Riven without considering whether its due for a disposition update is due, is an idiot and deserves what they get.

DE You implemented the Disposition system to balance crap like this, hurry up and just automate dispo changes.

Even if disposition change, your riven stat does not change. I have an goris with 300% attack still have it even though at 1 time it drop to disposition 4.

It will only make thsoe guys haooy vbecause the price will goes even higher.


Imagine you got 200 item in same category. each bracket is 20% = 40 weapons. So do you think is easy to goes up from the 41st place to 40 ?

It is assuming it is linear distribution but we all know is not. Some weapona re used alot while some are keep in storage.


For a weapon to be top 40, the no 41 usage must be triple to catch up hahahahha


Unless DE releases the statistics exp gain for each weapon, no way you will know the weapon is at what rank

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Just now, rudman88 said:

Even if disposition change, your riven stat does not change. I have an goris with 300% attack still have it even though at 1 time it drop to disposition 4.

It will only make thsoe guys haooy vbecause the price will goes even higher.


Imagine you got 200 item in same category. each bracket is 20% = 40 weapons. So do you think is easy to goes up from the 41st place to 40 ?

It is assuming it is linear distribution but we all know is not. Some weapona re used alot while some are keep in storage.


For a weapon to be top 40, the no 41 usage must be triple to catch up hahahahha


Unless DE releases the statistics exp gain for each weapon, no way you will know the weapon is at what rank

1) That's a load of horseS#&$ and I'm certain that is not true.

2) If it is true, fix it so they do all change with disposition changes as they should.

3) I don't care what my Lenz riven's stats change to as long as its lower than it is right now because its pretty clear this weapons crazy broken atm with a 3 Dispo.

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2 minutes ago, Sader said:

1) That's a load of horseS#&$ and I'm certain that is not true.

2) If it is true, fix it so they do all change with disposition changes as they should.

3) I don't care what my Lenz riven's stats change to as long as its lower than it is right now because its pretty clear this weapons crazy broken atm with a 3 Dispo.

1. It is true.

2. No they wont, majority will not allow it.

3. You are a weird person that wants to weaken your own weapon / asset. Might as well just remove your riven and be happy without it


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2 minutes ago, rudman88 said:

1. It is true.

2. No they wont, majority will not allow it.

3. You are a weird person that wants to weaken your own weapon / asset. Might as well just remove your riven and be happy without it


Um, the max parameters that a riven can roll is determined by its weapon's disposition. A disposition of 5 will result in a stronger riven than a disposition of 4, simply because its max negatives and positives are higher.

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Just now, Evanescent said:

Um, the max parameters that a riven can roll is determined by its weapon's disposition. A disposition of 5 will result in a stronger riven than a disposition of 4, simply because its max negatives and positives are higher.

That is only applicable for rolling and getting it. Once you get the stat it will stay as it is.


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Just now, rudman88 said:

That is only applicable for rolling and getting it. Once you get the stat it will stay as it is.


I don't think that's the case, but can you show some proof?

Because when previous disposition changes happened people were mad because their rivens were changed.

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7 minutes ago, rudman88 said:

That is only applicable for rolling and getting it. Once you get the stat it will stay as it is.


Not true i had 2 godlike rivens for tonkor and when they dropped its disposition the stats on those mods went down accordingly to its new disposition.


anyways almost nobody uses sicarus prime, its still a single shot secondary that deals high damage. 8 rounds clip

There are better alternatives without taking rivens into account, and with riven it just stays the same decent weapon with much more damage. Nothing really special... i do have a riven for it (not a god one, but very good)  and still dont use my 5 forma sicarus

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At the beginning pretty much every weapons have strong disposition because it's the default state of riven stats. A lot of weapons are nerfed when disposition were introduced, a lot of people were upset, but DE still does it anyway, and rivens for the OP weapons still being sold at ridiculous price anyway. So if DE did it back then, then no reason for them to stop for few more weapons right now. And if players didn't mass rage quite back then, then no reason for them to rage quit right now.


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Will people be mad?

Yes, of course they will be.

Just look at the current comments about Warframe and all this peoples complaining about the game becoming "NerFrame" despite the large majority of the nerfs were completelly justified.

Because you know, they level up hundreds of weapons for Mastery rank, but it's normal if they only play one single overpowered weapon in this Arsenal for their entire life. So if this weapon got nerfed, yeah, they became mad.

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Sure they can, but i still find it more likely to happen with opticor, because with a riven it becomes a true aoe weapon with no drawback. 

Sicarus is just another good pistol that becomes much stronger with a riven but still there is plenty of competitors that do the secondary job much better (and the job is being complementary to the primary weapon)

also the scoliac becomes pretty much broken with a riven, its probably the weapon that benefits most from the correct riven roll. And its much stronger than telos boltace ever was. Just without the eye-bleeding effect 

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2 hours ago, rudman88 said:


i get this at disposition 4. if it is disposition 5, it will at least be 200. as you can see i have 2 more.

That's funny, cause a panthera riven was my first ever riven from the war within quest itself...and it was always at 5 disposition.

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2 hours ago, rudman88 said:

i bought this when it was at disposition 2. Doesnt seam like disposition 3 stats to me


2 hours ago, rudman88 said:

i get this at disposition 4. if it is disposition 5, it will at least be 200. as you can see i have 2 more.


Both are still within range for a no-curse 3 stats.

Almost pretty sure public outcry is the reason they don't automate/update the dispositions regularly.

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