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UPDATE!! We Are Getting Accessories Only For Unvaulted Packs Starting This Pack. THANK YOU [DE]!


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lets just be pleased they are doing something about it

I dont care if these unvaulted are cheaper than original ones, the point is, we need choice, and to pay for something with loads of other stuff in you already own just for that one Item is crazy, and no one would accept it in normal life situations..

I commend DE for listing and doing something, Thank you DE, 

Edited by DelBoyJamie
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5 minutes ago, Aleksi134 said:

Anyone that paid high price is not pleased.

you go to your local game shop and you buy a AAA game day one, brand new, its full price $60, you go back 6 months later its $20

thats the way it is, people who bought it when it was brand new, got it and had the enjoymemt of having it all this time and had it day one, 1 year, 2 years what ever later, do you really think it should be the same price?? seriously

Edited by DelBoyJamie
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1 minute ago, DelBoyJamie said:

you go to your local game shop and you buy a AAA game day one, brand new, its full price $60, you go back 6 months later its $20

thats the way it is, people who bought it when it was brand new, got it and had the enjoymemt of having it all this time and had it day one, a year 2 years what ever later, do you really think it should be the same price?? seriously

Ok so if DE does that. Wouldn't you call it the bungie/EA mentality for which you made the thread in the first place.

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I'm not sure if they said that they would be implementing it for this unvaulting. Seems like it might be a bit of a fiasco, seeing as many have already shelled out for the full packs and would want refunds. And then if they deleted the extra frames and weapons, DE would have to take away those extra slots. And then if there were already new other weapons taking up those slots, DE would have to do something about that...and on and on.

Even though it might be unpopular, they might be better off waiting until the next unvaulting.

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10 minutes ago, Tacritan said:

oh great all that money i spent on the useless copies of warframes just to get cosmetics and now they will cost 1/3rd of the price. 

Unvaulting was already much cheaper and people STILL complain.

its not about complaining, new players and old a huge amount just want "CHOICE" to have to pay for a bunch of things you already have to get 1 item is crazy. When it originally came out it was BRAND NEW and so was everything else in that pack. It has been a long time since it came out. Many people have everything in these packs already. And even newer players may just want to farm the frames, but really like and want the accessories, its not about moaning its just we want choice...

I dont care how much the accessories are I really dont I have purchased many Top package Prime access packs I did the last two packs. I have no want or need for all the other items in the unvaulting pack and to ask me to buy everything in it just because want the syandana is crazy, and no one would stand for that out in the real world.

When you buy anything online you buy the item you want, if its packaged with other things, there 99% of the time will always be options...

Honestly all the prime access packs I have purchased I got day one brand new, in 1 year or 2 years later and mirage prime is unvaulted, if DE was to ask the same price for it would be ridiculous and I dont mind people getting the accessories packs on there own and cheaper, they give us this option with prime access so they should with unvaulting simple as that..


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3 minutes ago, Eostara said:

I'm not sure if they said that they would be implementing it for this unvaulting. Seems like it might be a bit of a fiasco, seeing as many have already shelled out for the full packs and would want refunds. And then if they deleted the extra frames and weapons, DE would have to take away those extra slots. And then if there were already new other weapons taking up those slots, DE would have to do something about that...and on and on.

Even though it might be unpopular, they might be better off waiting until the next unvaulting.

This i would agree with but this unvault lasts two months and which is good and bad. This will mean they can work on this for a while but more people will fall for paying full price which means more backlash.

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Just now, Aleksi134 said:

This i would agree with but this unvault lasts two months and which is good and bad. This will mean they can work on this for a while but more people will fall for paying full price which means more backlash.

True, it is up for a long time yet. Seems like a lose-lose situation in a way, whether they do it now or later. A lose-lose for an overall win? 

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Just now, Aleksi134 said:

This i would agree with but this unvault lasts two months and which is good and bad. This will mean they can work on this for a while but more people will fall for paying full price which means more backlash.

they will do it on this one, they said they would, and like you said they have 2 months... they have asked us to give feedback on what we want from this unvaulting acessories packs, separate pack for each frame or a all in one, tbh best they do separate and a all in one I guess... all this is is about having choice.. I have purchased so many prime access top packages with accessories you pay a premium because its brand new, in 1 year or 2 years later I have no problem with people getting it at cheaper price so they should, nothing your buy today would be same price 1 year later... 

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Just now, Aleksi134 said:

They wont be included they arent even included in prime accessories in prime access.

That's also part of my point.

There's no reason that the glyphs are not included in Prime Accessories packs.

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All I have to say is...DE, thanks for finally listening to us after requesting this for a long time. It's nice to know you're taking this under consideration and this is much appreciated.

As for me, I would like to see options to buy each unvaulted accessory by itself (like in Prime Access but discounted) and as an accessory pack where they're all bundled together. It's reasonable to guess that some of you would like to see boosters bundled with the accessories themselves.

And to all you narrow-minded people that decided to be insufferable jerks and label us players that asked for this as being little more a whiny, entitled, vocal minority that DE shouldn't listen to...

You lost. *drops mic*

To those of you that already bought the full packs just for the accessories, that genuinely sucks. I hope you get some reasonable compensation for it, but at least at the next un-vaulting, you won't have to buy the full pack to get accessories.

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8 minutes ago, MirageKnight said:

All I have to say is...DE, thanks for finally listening to us after requesting this for a long time. It's nice to know you're taking this under consideration and this is much appreciated.

As for me, I would like to see options to buy each unvaulted accessory by itself (like in Prime Access but discounted) and as an accessory pack where they're all bundled together. It's reasonable to guess that some of you would like to see boosters bundled with the accessories themselves.

And to all you narrow-minded people that decided to be insufferable jerks and label us players that asked for this as being little more a whiny, entitled, vocal minority that DE shouldn't listen to...

You lost. *drops mic*

To those of you that already bought the full packs just for the accessories, that genuinely sucks. I hope you get some reasonable compensation for it, but at least at the next un-vaulting, you won't have to buy the full pack to get accessories.

agreed btw here;s the clips about this from tonights dev stream, steve pulled the alarm last dev stream so Jim sterling could make his video Kappa lol, https://clips.twitch.tv/DepressedBenevolentUdonBrokeBack

and clip asking us for feedback on what we wnat for accesrries only packs for Loki/Ember/Frost https://clips.twitch.tv/FreezingAmorphousFiddleheadsRedCoat

I made a feedback only thread that rebecca asked us for to say what packs we would like and price range etc, 

this is feedback only mods will remove and and all crap posting us this thread for the continued conversation about this 

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5 hours ago, Zephyr_TheMLGPro said:

Ok so if DE does that. Wouldn't you call it the bungie/EA mentality for which you made the thread in the first place.

Its not, most game dev do that. Indie/AAA. I bought some AAA game for dirt cheap, some for a mere $2-4. because i buy those years after release. And i dont even have bungie/ea title in my library.



Btw, its quite ironic and sad to see this thread since the table has turn now. Because if you feel cheated by buying pack with higher price that contain copy of item you already have, it means DE has made a bad decision all this time. Why would you feel scammed, cheated or whatever if you really believe the pack price is fair???

More option means the more people they catter to, more potential buyer. IMHO, DE just made a good decision.

Edited by tomoebi
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A better solution would be the option to get the full bundle, but with the parts tradeable instead of the finished frames, etc. That way you still have to buy the entire bundle but can sell the stuff you don't need. Make it the same bundle separately purchased for slightly cheaper as you need to build each part (as relevant) and can sell anything you don't. It may have some effect on the trade situation and values, but seems a fair trade-off. 


That said. Saying DE are like Bungie because they ignore a single request is just stupid, and totally undermines the movement against Bungie. DE largely listen to player feedback, Bungie don't listen to feedback AT ALL, or pretend to, then screw players over. Trying to make the two look similar just shows a total lack of understanding of the situation and a real sense of entitlement, and does nothing for gaming. Making this argument basically means you have nothing of value to say. Find a real argument and make a real point. 

Also if they did sell them separately, they probably shouldn't benefit from any discounts, so I think we'd see an equal amount of whinging about price. 

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