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Shrine of the Eidolon: Update 22.12.0


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1 hour ago, MacAaroni said:

If you were part of the dev team, you wouldnt want to leave something broken in your game. Especially if it's not part of the vision you want for the game anymore. It's will make them look terrible to not support something like this and have new players encounting major issues when trying to expereince it. 

They're doing the right thing, they're being honest and saying... 'Hey guys, we are working on so many new things these days and we can't support this part of the game anymore. It also is not a part of our vision for the game.'  Leaving it to rot and decay is the worst thing to do as a dev, so retiring it for now is the best decision to make.

Players really need to put themselves in their shoes and understand this. They're not evil. They're trying to make their game better for EVERYONE, not just a small %

I never said they were evil.  I understand exactly why they're doing this.  The trials were buggy messes that took in a lot of dev hours to keep intact for very little payoff because players didn't venture in that often.  A massive number of hotfixes tried to fix them, only to break something else.  They needed a big change.  I don't think they're removing raids because they're evil goblins who are trying to destroy their own game.  I'm certain that not focusing on holding together the collapsing coding that was the trials will give them additional time and resources to focus on other parts of the game, and get those parts out faster and with more polish.

But...some players, many of them who have been playing for years, only log on to raid these days.  They don't like PoE, they don't like Eidolon hunting, they got burned out fast.  There's enough of them that they formed their own fairly tight knit communities, their own clans built around raiding.  They would try any new introductions into the game, maybe like them, maybe not, but what kept them coming back was the trials.  And this had been their pattern for at least a year.  And many of them are going to leave, perhaps permanently, because of this change.  Which could cause their friends to leave, which could cause a snowball.  The trials ARE Warframe to these people.  And, if I were a game dev, I wouldn't want to see this community that has been a part of my game for years leave.  I am not one of these people.  But some of the people I've done raids with are, and the game will be emptier once they leave.

Also, DE has a decently long track record of leaving features in "to rot and decay" for a long time with little to no changes.  Some, including me, worry that other modes we enjoy will be retired now that this precedent exists, and that makes us uncomfortable.

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Just now, _sheepy_ said:

"I didn't contradict anything" it's okay for raids to end as now arcanes are easy for all,but it's not okay to pick your gun riven with 4 rivens that you grind for and then grind some more for a reward that can turn it into one you need.

"I never advocated for the implementation of this feature" no but you did say it was fair to make arcanes easy for all.

"I'm also arguing against the suggestion of giving players a guaranteed process of obtaining whatever specific Rivens" i did not say that,but 4 crap for 1 crap is lame.

"Also, adding a very minute RNG-only layer to acquiring Rivens on top of all the RNG involved in getting them already at the expense of your own Rivens has very little impact in saturating the market with powerful Rivens and undermining their value in the market."agreed,but i also did not say that...what i said was if you could pick the gun the riven was for would only impact the trade value.

"Removing an entire portion of content from the game and taking one of the rarest rewards in the game and moving it to something that everyone will be farming religiously is the complete opposite." i'm lost on this one.

"Spending X amount of money on the game doesn't make your opinion more or less important than the next player on the list"

Never said it did,but it does add to the whole experience of the game and that go's for my over 5k hours,would you not say over 5k play time and a 1000k spent = some experience in the game?

The same as your 8 days playtime shows a lack of experiene with the game...so like i said get back to me after you played a bit.

nuff said.


1 ) I argued against removing raids.  I argued against making Arcanes more accessible. 

2 ) I'm arguing against making great Rivens easier to get what you want.

3 ) If you don't want to trade 4 crap Rivens in for a chance to get another Riven that could not be crap, simply don't do it.  That doesn't mean everyone else in the game agrees.

4 ) Economy is important in Warframe and it shouldn't be undermined because you want what you want.  Everyone else who has god-rolled Rivens for the BIS weapons for the meta had to slave away at farming Rivens and Kuva.  You shouldn't get a free ticket to easy Rivens because you're selfish.

5 ) I was talking about the removal of raids and forcing Arcanes onto Eidolons not being comparable to this feature in regards to scale and impact on the market.

6 ) I've never stated that you aren't experienced at the game.  You're the one who's trying to use this as a metric to put your opinion on a pedestal so that I'm not allowed to argue with it.   I have experience with the game.  I wouldn't tell someone with 100 hours of gameplay, "You don't know what you're talking about because you haven't played as long as I have."  Points have merit or they don't, regardless of invested time into the game.  You could play the game for 20 years and still be ignorant about it.   Someone else could play the game for a week and have a better grasp on balance and the economy. 

7 ) You've yet to prove this as a claim.  You've only inferred it.  You can't even keep my position on the topics you're talking about clear.

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4 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:


  • Prime Vault Bounty Relics in Stage 1 have been moved to be rewarded in Stage 2 and weighted accordingly amongst the other Stages. It’s worth noting that Bounty Stage 5 now yields the highest chance of getting a Vaulted Relic. Our intentions here are to alleviate players abandoning the Bounty after the first Stage.


Thanks for increasing the grind, I will enjoy sitting around twiddling my thumbs waiting for the armored vaults and camps to be secured.

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5 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Login within 7 days of the update for an inbox message containing 3 x Forma, a 3 Day Affinity booster, and an Exilus Mod Adaptor!

Congratulations.  Thanks to your annoying, ill-conceived boost system, a reward is keeping me from logging in and playing some tonight, like I wanted to.


5 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

The Index Changes

This sounds an awful lot like the Index takes twice as long for the same reward.  One thing I never wanted in the Index was it to take longer.

Also, thanks for adding yet another way for people to grief others.  We really appreciate that.

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1 hour ago, RacerDelux said:

So umm.... You made a comment that highlights when they lower values on game content? Any reason it is so negative? What about the buffs - which is just as long, if not longer than that list...

I'm keeping up with the nerfs, since there are enough whiteknights to keep up with the buffs.

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Goodbye, Ember. We had a lot of fun together...

I loved Ember, 37% of the missions and 100% of fun was from her. And now this update completely ruins fun from the game for me. I even bought Ember Prime from the Fire and Ice sale. And I paid money not for THIS Ember. I want a refund :(

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First time poster. I just want to give my 2 cents on Ember as a player that played back in 2014 and came back last Oct. 

Embers nerf on her 4 is a little too much for a basic damage dealing frame. Changes to her 4 doesn't make her better for endgame and also makes it where only veteran players can mod Ember to make her 4 useful. She is a glass cannon frame already and making it where you expect her to do close range combat is just asking her to be a carry for groups in higher level content even more so. If it's the gameplay of that skill that is disliked then maybe a it's time to just replace the skill with something else. 

Please take another look at Ember. 



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2 minutes ago, Vivek_KS said:

Goodbye, Ember. We had a lot of fun together...

I loved Ember, 37% of the missions and 100% of fun was from her. And now this update completely ruins fun from the game for me. I even bought Ember Prime from the Fire and Ice sale. And I paid money not for THIS Ember. I want a refund :(

I feel the same. Bought her last time she unvaulted didn't realize I'd been robbed until this bs.

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3 minutes ago, toafarmer said:

We have lots of needlessly positive stuff and you won't see mee whining about them.

First, that is not really true... Second, being overly critical is not constructive or healthy for the community. Being overly positive, while it can be bad (IE the devs think things are good when they are not) - it is NOT unhealthy for a community. There are differences @toafarmer.

I do hope you enjoy this update in which most things were buffed =).

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1 hour ago, ScreamSilence said:

This is definitely true :/ 
but hey at least it's a start.

I want to see that plaguestar feed potions and make your enemies harder mechanic come to other things. Except with you know... the potions actually making enemies harder :angry:

oh well, until the people who cry nerf stop crying why would they add new harder content if people will jsut say it's impossible to farm. Like fish oil/fishing..... 
it came out it was great, now I go to fish and there's 12313873193810 fish .____. never fished again. Caught all I ever needed in 1 hour. Feels like fishing doesnt even exist anymore. 

so yes keep up the nerfs and let's shape this into a community of gamers not beggars. Then the crybabies can go play mine craft and real gamers come and start saying raise the level cap we need stronger enemies :devil:
After all beggars dont give money to DE anyway they want it all easy and free :thumbdown:

Do you have any proof at all to back up what you are saying? I would really like to see it.

Also actively chasing players away? Do you want wf to fail or what?

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1 hour ago, Nottezio said:

What or exactly whom makes DE made this decision? Even it's a bad decision

DE decided to gate it behind Poe to begin with, they have full executive power to do it another way. But no, they decided it needs to be locked behind the buggy and boring bounties. Players adapting to it doesn't make it their fault.

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6 minutes ago, RacerDelux said:

First, that is not really true... Second, being overly critical is not constructive or healthy for the community. Being overly positive, while it can be bad (IE the devs think things are good when they are not) - it is NOT unhealthy for a community. There are differences @toafarmer.

I do hope you enjoy this update in which most things were buffed =).

Nah being overly positive means the devs will not know what's wrong with the game. Yea sure everyone is comfy until the playerbase deserts the game, without them knowing why. Get out of here with that over protective can't take criticism bullS#&$ lol.

Being negative, while it causes the devs to feel bad, also signals to them just what exactly players aren't happy about. Once you get through the feelings, you can sit down and break down the treasure trove of data that comes with the criticisms. Only then can the devs get the full picture of the game ya ken?

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4 minutes ago, Zenekri said:

Nah being overly positive means the devs will not know what's wrong with the game. Yea sure everyone is comfy until the playerbase deserts the game, without them knowing why. Get out of here with that over protective can't take criticism bullS#&$ lol.

Being negative, while it causes the devs to feel bad, also signals to them just what exactly players aren't happy about. Once you get through the feelings, you can sit down and break down the treasure trove of data that comes with the criticisms. Only then can the devs get the full picture of the game ya ken?

I agree, but there is a BIG difference between constructive criticism and non-constrictive. Non-constructive just spreads toxicity and offers no real insight into the issues (IE just spamming a list of weapons/frames that were "nerfed" at some point, despite if they have been buffed or changed in the future). Of course there is a decent size list of weapons/frames that have received a nerf... the game is almost 5 years old! Almost every game ever made nerfs things if they are maintained for a long time!

Sadly it does seem like a good chunk of feedback I come across on the forums is not useful - thought I do see good and well written "negative" posts - and I appreciate those.

Your response btw is an example. You disagree with me, but you are being civil about it!

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I have some feedback for you DE...


First off, about Banshee's Resonating Quake. Does it feel like a nerf? Yes, it does.

The changes succeed in breaking current meta, and from my point of view makes sense. However, I want to say that I was expecting the ability to last longer and hit enemies multiple times... [I was expecting to make a build with long duration, high damage and low range, to be placed in doors or narrow corridors... alas, it won't happen].

With the new version of the augment I want to jump close to a group of enemies, cast the ultimate upon landing, and then melee, shoot or move away... however, the animation lingers a git too much, meanwhile I take damage. It would feel better with an slightly faster animation. Currently, I would jump to a group of enemies and cast the first ability in the air to prevent them from shooting me while I cast the ultimate... however, that leave them knocked down already, so why cast the ultimate? [In particular when the ultimate does not take duration into account, so I would maximize strength and range, which is also ideal for the first ability].

Edit: I forgot, the text of the mod is wrong. At least in Spanish it is.

Addendum: RacerDelux below is right, I should use more silence, more testing needed.



Second, I want to ask for some QOL.

I think a lot of people is testing builds to see what fits better the recent changes... and with more changes coming up, I would like to be able to reorder my builds.

Since, upon selecting a warframe or a weapon, the selected build by default will be the first one, I would like to be able to reorder them to put as first the one I want as default. I know it has been suggested to remember which is selected, whoever, I think reordering would also help in muscle memory when selecting another build, it would be an intentional decision by the player, and may save a bit of database compared to remembering which build is selected.

Currently (after testing and deciding what I want as my default build) I take a piece of paper, write down the builds, then recreate them in the slot I want them.



Third, I think I will finally get around to get Atlas.



Addednum: Fourth, after the changes, I worry about how the mastery rank progression looks like for new players.

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2 minutes ago, theraot said:

With the new version of the augment I want to jump close to a group of enemies, cast the ultimate upon landing, and then melee, shoot or move away... however, the animation lingers a git too much, meanwhile I take damage. It would feel better with an slightly faster animation. Currently, I would jump to a group of enemies and cast the first ability in the air to prevent them from shooting me while I cast the ultimate... however, that leave them knocked down already, so why cast the ultimate? [In particular when the ultimate does not take duration into account, so I would maximize strength and range, which is also ideal for the first ability].

You can spam her 4, and while I have not used it, it is supposed to be cheap.
Also try using silence, it is GREAT at keeping enemies from shooting you long enough to cast 4.

Hopefully this works for you =).

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Added a completely new flow for Companion Incubator Management. Pets can no longer die! The base Incubator now behaves exactly as the Nutrio Incubator does with auto-stasis, and those with the Nutrio Incubator receive a significant discount on future DNA Stabilizer costs (from 75,000 to 5,000)!

Forgive my possible ignorance, but does this mean that the perma-death for pets is gone?

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hace 4 minutos, RacerDelux dijo:

You can spam her 4, and while I have not used it, it is supposed to be cheap.
Also try using silence, it is GREAT at keeping enemies from shooting you long enough to cast 4.

Right, I should use silence more. However, I do not really want to spam 4, it brings bad Nekros memories.

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