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Update 22.12.0: Warframe Changes Feedback Megathread


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1 minute ago, Hieracon said:

Zephyrs changes are a nice and much needed improvement but she still has some issues regarding Tail Wind, mainly in that Zephyr lacks control and maneuverability. You generally cant break any speed you attain in the air unless you deliberately do a divebomb and Tail Wind is still using the same straight line dash as before which just makes it even more stiff. Tail Wind is also made worse by the fact that any power range and duration you use to strengthen her other ablities just makes the Tail Wind leaps that much larger.

Id suggest giving some means of stopping her own speed while in the as well giving Tail Wind the ability to arc if the user aims to the sides to solve the issues of lacking control and maneuverability.

What if Zephyrs double jump was reset by Tail Wind and could be used as a brake to stop the speed accumulated by Tail Wind? It would make turning easier since you cant recast Tail Wind until the old dash ends.

Also Airbustt could use a lower energy cost considering how often you want to stun enemies with it as Tornados are still unreliable.

Personally, I think that the previous iteration of tailwind as both more controlable and had better duration scaling for how far it went. Just reverting the ability to the old version would be better as we have actually lost the ability to take off instantly and thus actually LOST functionality with the new one. It feels awful, almost as rigid and uncontrollable as parkour 1.0.

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In terms of Atlus, love his changes. 

I just wish his rock armor fell off similar to rhinos iron skin instead of a timer.

not a fan of the singular decay. By the time I’ve petrified anyone my teammates have already killed the thing I was trying to petrify. So I’m a few missions in and never gone above 128 rubble and that doesn’t feel like it lasts very long.

On the plus side, I wasn’t expecting the fancy rock armor he gets. GG animation team!

Edited by Rhundis
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1 minute ago, (PS4)salovel1991 said:

I knew I was right to not get hyped about this. I could smell the s**t pot brewing up something. 

A part of me wishes that I was on PC so I could test the new changes, while another part of me is glad I'm not cause a lot of the bugs will be weeded out by time it comes to console. Though not that much, because I have a general idea that the only Frame I care about right now isn't really getting much change.

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Just now, (Xbox One)NeutralSilence said:

A part of me wishes that I was on PC so I could test the new changes, while another part of me is glad I'm not cause a lot of the bugs will be weeded out by time it comes to console. Though not that much, because I have a general idea that the only Frame I care about right now isn't really getting much change.

I knew they would screw Volt up somehow. And Chroma. I've heard bad things about his net loss of EHP.  If some of this doesn't get ironed out it might be time to uninstall. Which frame is it you care about? 

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Not impressed with the new Petrifying Gaze for Atlas.

It's faster now, yes, but that's the only benefit while it suffers in many other ways. New energy price makes it much more difficult and clunkier to use - when before I could use it for short time and spend short amound of energy on smaller groups and a lot on larger ones, now I need to pay full price whenever I use it.

Secondly, when it was a channeled ability I could adjust and correct the petrifying angle on the fly - so if some enemy was out of the initial arc I could just look the other way and get them in the gaze as well. Now, if I misaim, I need to make another cast, and waste double the energy. In fact - previously I could petrify large groups of scattered enemies (that would take me multiple casts with current ability) in one cast for much less energy than it takes to cast it once now.

Not to mention that previously I did'nt actually need to fully petrify enemy to subdue them - Gaze staggered the foes, slowing them and stopping them in their tracks. I could just flash the gaze around and do crowd-control. Now it's out of option.


So in conclusion - new Petrifying gaze is faster, but less reliable, less effective, less useful and more energy-consuming. Please roll back.

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Atlas rubble needs to be effected by vacuum. The decay should also be slowed, perhaps it could behave like the combat multiplier where each stack of rubble decays after 5~ seconds. Rubble gained from rumblers could also use a buff, maybe 2-4x times the current amount(so 200).

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I hated the look of the Zephyr changes the moment I saw them. I didn't want her tailwind to stop her movement at any time at all, at any point. Instead they changed the ability to do that twice. And they did that to allow her an ability that would keep her in the air for extended periods of time... When she could already do that.

She had always been about wind and wind is movement. When wind stops moving it ceases to be wind.

Her new number 2 is extremely slow compared to the frame using it. As a player used to the frame I used it once, then went back to my default air burst. Can you guess what it was? It was the explosive weapon I've been using since I mastered the old tailwind. It does the same thing but doesn't cost me energy! Kinda like how I used my melee slam instead of divebomb. Weird, I've got the exact same problem with her current second ability as her last one. I have a weapon that does the same thing but better.

Speaking of divebomb.... really? You want me to look straight down at the ground? And maybe it'll work? Don't you have any idea how busy I am?

Whats with the new cast on her turbulence? It needs some tweaking. I don't want to be yet easier to kill when I'm casting that particular ability.

I'm surprised tracking is the main advertisement for the tornado rework. Making it bigger? Yeah ok. So what part of all this still makes it less irritating to the people who are playing with me. Especially since, as Zephyr, I'm almost certain to just leave this ability behind where the tracking and growing abilities are non-issues?

Edited by Caelward
Well, I've tried it now... So who's the sucker that claims they read feedback?
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Well for the only 2 frames I care, Volt still sucks and Mag is... Mag, the changes only made her better as a Berehynia dps and this is bad, you buffed the focus farming while not fixing her impossible energy return on pull and not changing crush with something else, polarize still has that duraton expansion thing that should not be on mag but it should be on Volt's 4.

Could you really read the feedback for both Volt and Mag for once? Start a changes needed thread or something please or just admit that as the starter frames they must be bad.

Edited by giovanniluca
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8 minutes ago, (PS4)salovel1991 said:

I knew they would screw Volt up somehow. And Chroma. I've heard bad things about his net loss of EHP.  If some of this doesn't get ironed out it might be time to uninstall. Which frame is it you care about? 

Only Mag honestly. I did care about Volt cause he and her got "revisited" at the same time a while ago, but I can only handle one disappointment at a time.

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4 minutes ago, Caelward said:

I hated the look of the Zephyr changes the moment I saw them. I didn't want her tailwind to stop her movement at any time at all, at any point. Instead they changed the ability to do that twice. She had always been about wind and wind is movement. When wind stops moving it ceases to be wind.


What I'm reading here is only confirming that opinion. I'm reluctant to start up the game and try her now.

I logged on and tried my build only to find that her mobility is now gone without shoehorning myself into the already meta duration build that i didnt like and I cant do my typical instant takeoff bouncing which made me actually mobile. The new charged takeoff actually has strait up REDUCED height on it even though it now takes like 3 secs to fully charge, and then it stops you at the top at that instead of letting you float with the passive and aimglide like would actually make sense to do so you can control your airtime. Zephyr isnt mobile anymore, her animations and new cast time lock her too much for that.

Edited by Kurayami_No_Yenshi
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4 minutes ago, giovanniluca said:

Well for the only 2 frames I care, Volt still sucks and Mag is... Mag, the changes only made her better as a Berehynia dps and this is bad.

Could you really read the feedback for both Volt and Mag for once? Start a changes needed thread or something please or just admit that as the starter frames they must be bad.

They should just separate the threads for each Frame individually. But they didn't for the last two threads, so why would they start now?

Edited by (XB1)NeutralSilence
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12 minutes ago, Dark_Roxas said:

Chroma is dead.


pre 22.12. oneshot ambulas lv 145, now cant even oneshot lv 50 ambulas...


I'd be more concerned about your weapon if it alone isn't capable of one shotting ambulas without any buffs, my friend. That's a little sad.

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3 minutes ago, (Xbox One)NeutralSilence said:

They should just separate the threads for each Frame individually. But they didn't for the last two threads, so why would they start now?

They should just remake them from 0.

They're just both a 1 trick pony with old mechanics.

Edited by giovanniluca
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1 minute ago, giovanniluca said:

They should just remake them from 0.

They're just both a 1 trick pony with old mechanics.

Well, from the amount of times they tried to "Rework" them and ended up just basically nerfing them too hard, I'm inclined to agree. They could just, yknow, actually listen to the people in the community posting good critical feedback but hey- I'm not a Dev.

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The Atlas changes are underwhelming so far. Petrify costs 75 energy per cast but the entire rework is built around it. Its also a pretty weak CC for 75 energy. It would feel more appropriate at around 25 energy base.

For ember, firequake is much less effective. Half range and double energy for an ability that only CC's and doesn't care about damage is all a bad combination. the damage output of fireball fully charged seems exceedingly weak. Even fully charged it could not kill a plains bombard at level 25. Damage over time is not the best mechanic in warframe as the damage is frequently instant or at least fast. Also a fully charged fireball takes a while to charge AND you can't hold a charge. It autofires when it hits max charge.

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Undocumented change: Volt's base Discharge duration has been cut in half and it's not recastable for ~5 seconds after casting.  This is a nerf to volt.  You've added 60% more base damage, but you've reduced the base duration in half, and the at-range duration by 75%.  That means you're actually dealing 20% less damage at best (standing on their face, where you're gonna get shot before you finish casting) and 60% less damage at the worst (when they're 20m away and it's gonna end early and they're gonna shoot you, cuz you just wasted all your energy on a S#&$ non-damage, non-cc skill and you have nothing left to put up a shield).

Discharge does garbage damage vs armor as is, and with halved base duration and halved ranged duration the ability also doesn't CC much.  I was getting 18 seconds of CC and damage over about 25m radius before.  Now enemies at the edge of the range are getting hit for a whopping 5 seconds, which is less damage and cc than they received before.

I'd rather have the old discharge over this.

Edited by Guest
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3 minutes ago, TheDefenestrater said:

Undocumented change: Volt's base Discharge duration has been cut in half and it's not recastable for ~5 seconds after casting.  This is a nerf to volt.  You've added 60% more base damage, but you've reduced the base duration in half, and the at-range duration by 75%.  That means you're actually dealing 20% less damage at best (standing on their face, where you're gonna get shot before you finish casting) and 60% less damage at the worst (when they're 20m away and it's gonna end early and they're gonna shoot you, cuz you just wasted all your energy on a S#&$ non-damage, non-cc skill and you have nothing left to put up a shield).

Discharge does garbage damage vs armor as is, and with halved base duration and halved ranged duration the ability also doesn't CC much.  I was getting 18 seconds of CC and damage over about 25m radius before.  Now enemies at the edge of the range are getting hit for a whopping 5 seconds, which is less damage and cc than they received before.

I'd rather have the old discharge over this terrible junk.

Just go Nova already, or Harrow, Volt ain't gettin fixed anytime soon, or ever.

Edited by giovanniluca
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Zephyr's charge rate on tailwind is too long, please half it at least, and can you either double hovering duration or make it a channel, with tailwind not breaking the hover (as this is anti synergistic). Atlas' decay is also too fast, could you make it a super slow decay and as he gains more rubble, the the decay scale up (slowly) which would then introduce a soft cap on max armour/health regen. Could Ash's cost go down to 10 at base and 5 while stealthed please? Other than that (and revert ember changes, or bring back overheat) good job

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Chroma's Fury buff is not working at all.  It shows numbers in the UI, but it's not increasing attack damage.

Chroma's Scorn buff appears to have been given the same pre-mod calculation treatment as Fury, but I'm not certain.  He seems really squishy compared to before.  He can't even stand up to lvl 100 enemies.  If it is calculating the Scorn buff before mods, that makes it completely redundant with ice elemental ward and a massive nerf to his EHP.  No one ever said his armor buffs were broken.  it was his poorly designed damage buff.  So why the hell has his armor been nerfed into the ground?

Chroma's 1 is still worthless, as it does less damage than all of my guns without a functional vex buff.

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5 minutes ago, XavierCruz said:

i sure love to see my Boy Rhino sending enemies into orbit, shame i did not get to see it :sadcry:

He still knocks em back a good 10-15 feet.  The orbit stuff was a funny glitch that could sometimes happen on PoE.

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