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So sick of trading chat, why can't we get an auction house?


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Warframe.market is an invaluable resource and better yet - it can be used in tandem with trade chat for price checks.. or if you aren't happy with the cheapest selling price on the website you can post the item as WTB for 5 or 10p less on chat and see if you get a bite. 

Auction house sounds messy to me. But preferences and all.

Edited by MrMutiny89
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4 hours ago, peterc3 said:

Trading uses the premium currency of this free game. There will never be an ability to trade the premium currency offline. This idea has more in common with the RMT AH in D3 before it was nuked. Plat has an actual value in "real" money.

And I would spend so much more money if it weren't such a bother to even find what I wanted to spend it on.

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I've posted several times in these threads how auction houses start a -1 war and drives prices into the ground and I've experienced it first hand. A game I used to play had a blind auction to begin with and this actually inflated prices quite nicely to around 300% of what it cost me to make items (I used to sell much cheaper and did very well for myself). They then switched to a regular auction house where you could see the list prices and the -1 war started immediately until prices were pretty much the same as cost after about a week and only those with the thinnest margins could make any money making production pointless. All of the producers (including myself) quit the game and the company now has to seed the auction house with materials because nobody is producing anything. Because of the rarity now prices have ballooned into the absurd numbers so new players start, realise they would have to grind for weeks to afford even very basic stuff and leave. Only the die-hard vets are left and even they are leaving now because the servers are empty which is obviously bad for a pvp game.

An auction house is not in DE's favour as whilst it would increase the number of sales the prices would crash leading to less plat sales. DE could tax sales to offset that but taxing something only obtainable with real cash wouldn't be popular and may not even be legal in a lot of places. If they did implement an auction house and it affected their income it isn't like they can take it away again so adding an auction house would be a major risk to DE.

Better to suggest improvements to the trade chat and filters.

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1 hour ago, Shalath said:

Better to suggest improvements to the trade chat and filters.

Trade chat should be simply removed from the game, its a waste of server resources. With that much of a spam, similar to recruit channel it is simply not usable and frustrating.

Please do not even say that making AH would ruin the game, ruin prices etc. because that only means you don't know how market works. There are several ways to control market prices for the market owner (DE):

  • making minimum price you can post (TERA has this solution),
  • limiting number of items you can post each day,
  • limiting number of purchases you can make per day,
  • applying taxes to transactions (WoW)
  • applying taxes when you post item (WoW)
  • applying taxes when you buy item

So again, the only reason to not make AH is because in comparison to Group Finder:  https://forums.warframe.com/topic/925553-feature-request-group-finder/

is AH is muuuch more complex, would take a LOT more developer resources with resonably small benefit. Since online market already exists. And maybe besides rivens there is no steady demand on market itself. There are no items that you need to purchase continously (Food, consumables in general).

Oh and auctions wouldn't make sense in warframe, except rivens "Buy now" is the only sensible option because supply is higher than demand.


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vor 16 Stunden schrieb Nakrast:

Because Warframe has a free market, and an Auction House will only make the life of goldsellers a lot easier and ruin the game.
Trade chat is fine as it is, use filters and you will do ok.

A big NO to Auction Houses (and same goes for marketplaces).

I don`t see how a auction house or marketplace is not within the spirit of a free market. If anything if such a thing would be upfront in the game availible for everybody who doesn`t know about 3rd party solutions it would be even closer to a free market with more honest competition. 

Edited by AcceptYourDeath
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2 minutes ago, AcceptYourDeath said:

I don`t see how a auction house or marketplace is not within the spirit of a free market. If anything if such a thing would be upfront in the game availible for everybody who doesn`t know about 3rd party solutions it would be even closer to a free market with more honest competition. 

The more convenient trading becomes the easier it is to game (bots, price fixing, etc.).  See Diablo 3 like someone mentioned.  You're asking to completely remake from the ground up an economy lauded as one of the greatest f2p has to offer for the sole purpose of slight convenience that would only encourage abuse.

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3 minutes ago, PatternistSlave said:

The more convenient trading becomes the easier it is to game (bots, price fixing, etc.).  See Diablo 3 like someone mentioned.  You're asking to completely remake from the ground up an economy lauded as one of the greatest f2p has to offer for the sole purpose of slight convenience that would only encourage abuse.

And you are trying to claim that the trading isn't currently highly abused and trash? What utter fallacy.

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I'm all for a AH if things such as Rare blueprints have a set price of 100p.  Obviously complete sets would cost more than 100p. My reasoning for this is because of the word "ripped off" being used.

Why should non primes be more expensive than primes with better stats and a completely new skin? 

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11 minutes ago, PatternistSlave said:

You're asking to completely remake from the ground up an economy

Economy will not change a bit, if anything prices will go slightly down unless DE puts a tax on transactions ex "2p minimum or 15%". So you will not be selling anything below 4p while you will earn less than by normal trades. By the way setting a tax on AH transactions would create not small platinum sink. Sink = pure money for DE per EVERY transaction thru AH.

Anyone who says making AH will have impact on economy have no idea how economy and free market works. Properly done Auction house will keep economy in check. But why would I need to sell things? I don't have much options to spend platinum on. Economy is not argument against.


  • Developers would need to spend significant amount of time to develop AH
  • AH will have impact on server performance
  • In the end you are not gaining much (limited things to buy except rivens)
  • Would need to have platinum tax per transaction to be profitable for DE (people will cry: why would i need to pay taxes? :( )
Edited by Kaminariss
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Just now, Kaminariss said:

Economy will not change a bit

I'm not reading further than this.  If you're that deluded and ignorant there's nothing worth discussing.  It would massively change the economy once every BS item I couldn't care less how much plat I got for was conveniently sold for next to nothing.

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3 minutes ago, PatternistSlave said:

Less than it would be with an auction house.  Trash for who?  The new players that can get a reasonable amount of plat for even common items?

Yes, because 10 platinum for even the most sought after items in the game bar rivens which are 1000s for even a trash riven that happens to be a good weapon is totally fair to players. /s

Furthermore, the system as it is now is more more easily abused. The filters only matter up to a miniscule point when considering that any player can just put the words you have set for filters and immediately bypass it. To even compound this issue further, literally 90% of players using trade chat refuse to make offers and refuse to respond to anybody who makes offers in trade chat. An auction house would rectify all these issues by setting up a set price. Even if somebody actually does go through the above steps, the chances of you meeting the player are miniscule yet again between how impossibly fast the trade chat goes and how you cannot access trade chat during missions, which are the core facet of the bloody game! This makes trading impossible to achieve in a way that does not hinder the player experience. You want a trashy player experience, look no further than Warframe's trade chat. An AH is a no brainer.

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1 minute ago, PatternistSlave said:

A price set by who?  You?  Doubtful.  No.  Set by me as a marketeer or the bots that drove the price down to nothing.

Okay it is clear to my by your interactions that you are nothing more than somebody who wants to abuse the system to fill your own pockets. You completely disregarded actual valid points to try and de-legitimize arguments for auction houses out of what can only be described as greed. Come back when you can have an unbiased argument for or against auction houses. Good day.

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Just now, PatternistSlave said:

If I didn't, someone else would.  That's the point.  Making trading convenient isn't just making it convenient for you.  It's making it convenient for me.  Who knows how to abuse that level of convenience.

*sigh* While I understand that sentiment, Auction Houses are kind of needed in this game considering the reasons I listed.

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Just now, PatternistSlave said:

Only thing an auction house offers is convenience.  Which encourages exploitation.

*I feel like this conversation is going full circle, don't you?* No matter how It occurs, exploitation will always happen. As such, people should at least be allowed to have an easy time to complete their trades without having to devote their entire lives to playing the game solely for one trade to go through. As long as there is no illegal platinum, there should technically be no problem. The problem is that we cannot trade, so why would we buy platinum if we don't need it ourselves for anything considering trading is too terrible with the current model to be of any help.

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Just now, (PS4)Boomstickman98 said:

*I feel like this conversation is going full circle, don't you?* No matter how It occurs, exploitation will always happen. As such, people should at least be allowed to have an easy time to complete their trades without having to devote their entire lives to playing the game solely for one trade to go through. As long as there is no illegal platinum, there should technically be no problem. The problem is that we cannot trade, so why would we buy platinum if we don't need it ourselves for anything considering trading is too terrible with the current model to be of any help.

As a free player I'm more than willing to take the few extra steps involved in the interests of limiting abuse and keeping my time valuable.  As a paid player?  It's really that much of a hassle to have to socialize ever so slightly and be encouraged to play over pay?

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1 minute ago, PatternistSlave said:

As a free player I'm more than willing to take the few extra steps involved in the interests of limiting abuse and keeping my time valuable.  As a paid player?  It's really that much of a hassle to have to socialize ever so slightly and be encouraged to play over pay?

While I do like the socialization aspect of trading, the trading system just doesn't work as it currently is. When the goal of the game is shooting baddies and grinding loot, it takes away from the fun if you have to spend days on end only attempting to trade in order to actually get a deal. That is the problem with the current trade system. I really would not even mind if the current system was not abused so badly.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Boomstickman98 said:

While I do like the socialization aspect of trading, the trading system just doesn't work as it currently is. When the goal of the game is shooting baddies and grinding loot, it takes away from the fun if you have to spend days on end only attempting to trade in order to actually get a deal. That is the problem with the current trade system. I really would not even mind if the current system was not abused so badly.

It doesn't take long at all depending on your price.  We're talking about time as it relates to money.  With Warframe there is very high value in time compared to money.  You're not being abused by paying more for things you want immediately or getting less for things you want to sell immediately.  Time having high value is the game being less pay2win.

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Since when trade become about seller's satisfaction?

  • Trade chat right now
    • desperate new player sells god roll rivens for 20p, because they dont know
    • new players cant look what actual prices is and more likely will be robbed
    • instead of playing and learning players wasting their time, which will affect their moral

AH can help, it doesnt mean your offers will be there while you r offline, it will be good practice while you online ur items available for purchase in AH.

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