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Ember Incoherence


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On 2/26/2018 at 2:09 AM, MechaKnight said:

At the very least, it was jarring to see World on Fire is penalized in both efficiency and range at the magnitude of half for each over time. It should have been range only since that was the developer's primary concern. Alternatively, a penalty downwards to 70% of the ability's original efficiency and range would be appropriate as the magnitudes aren't too severe, and it would balance out with the 200% buff in damage dealt.

Simple expression:

Current penalties: 200% damage x 50% range x 50% efficiency = 50% total effectiveness.

Range only penalty: 200% damage x 50% range = 100% effectiveness.

Reduced magnitude penalties: 200% damage x 70% range x 70% efficiency = 98% effectiveness.

I understand the developers did not want Ember to incinerate everything in a large distance through all walls without much attention spent or action taken, but the currently implemented penalties are too extreme. Using one of these alternative penalty sets gives a balance of reducing Ember's automatic nuke effect while still allowing the ability to be close to original performance for an actively moving player.

I recall a reddit post which mentioned 2 glaring issues in Ember's kit: Fireball and Fire Blast do not scale with the range stat. This causes many Ember players to overspecialize in range stat without meaningful contribution to half her kit. I've been a strong advocate against limited kits which prioritizes only a fraction of a frame's potential. Some great progress can be made if all of Ember's abilities scaled with range--it would make the nerf feel less awkward.


I quoted myself from the mega thread about the warframe reworks. The number changes look a bit too extreme in their current state. A change to something that is as statistically even as the pre-rework World on Fire would be nice. Adding range stat modifiers to Fireball and Fire Blast would also be nice.

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ember wasn't nerfed in the way they intended. the devs' intent was to stop her from bullet jumping through a mission and taking all the kills with no effort.

problem is, i can still bullet jump through void fissures, just not as a quickly. she can still do what she was doing before, but objectively worse, so they failed to do what they intended to do. i would rather lose efficiency and gain damage. or lose range and retain efficiency. even though i much prefer the former, the whole nerf failed what it wanted to do, and just made her worse, not even making the whole thing where hse needs to be closer to her enemy with improved survivability, like 100 armor, or better shields and health, despite how moot those just happen to be when it comes to tankiness. 

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14 minutes ago, krekireftw said:

ember wasn't nerfed in the way they intended. the devs' intent was to stop her from bullet jumping through a mission and taking all the kills with no effort.

problem is, i can still bullet jump through void fissures, just not as a quickly. she can still do what she was doing before, but objectively worse, so they failed to do what they intended to do. i would rather lose efficiency and gain damage. or lose range and retain efficiency. even though i much prefer the former, the whole nerf failed what it wanted to do, and just made her worse, not even making the whole thing where hse needs to be closer to her enemy with improved survivability, like 100 armor, or better shields and health, despite how moot those just happen to be when it comes to tankiness. 


The change genuinely achieved nothing but gutting max range Firequake. You can still run around with WoF on if you want to. Her other changes like charged Fireball or Fire Blast adding fire damage isn't that useful in practice.

They should've reworked WoF entirely if that's what they're trying to do. The skill is by design uninteractive, if they want AFK Embers to go away then the ability needs to go. They did a great job with Ash's Bladestorm (even though it took like a year to finally get it right), I believe they can design something better.

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What makes me so mad about this WoF rework is that WoF is a programming feat of pure genius! Whoever did the coding for WoF is/are a genius. What a waste!

I wish I had a screenshot of the original WoF information on the Wiki site; as I'm assuming they've already changed it to match the rework, it is absolutely amazing.

This game needs that one frame that allows us, those of us that entertain this sort of thing, to fulfill the fantasy of freely running around an entire map and opening lockers and containers. Ember is pretty much the last one.

The only thing I feel they needed to change about WoF is how it affected the rate of reactants falling in fissures. Honestly, reactants (and their useless cousins void traces) are unnecessary, imo, because we farmed for the dang relics already.


... cause this bird you cannot change!

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So, basically what we do now is play Ember however we bloody well feel like and wait another two years for DE to come around and actually fix her.


In the meantime, if anyone ever asks you to switch off WoF, remember that you have the absolute right to SAVAGE that person, and explain to them as you stand at the end of days in the ashes of their childhood home that it’s ok, DE fixed WoF so that it can’t ever be a problem again. 


PS: Ceterum censeo Octaviam delendam esse.

Edited by BornWithTeeth
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