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"Kill 16 enemies in a row while wall dashing or wall clinging without touching the floor or raising alarms" challenge broken


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I got a rifle riven  with the challenge "Kill 16 enemies in a row while wall dashing or wall clinging without touching the floor or raising alarms" after spending over an hour attempting to complete the challenge, over various mission types, I have had no luck. at one point i racked up close to 30-40 kills while wall latched on a corpus mobile defense. No progress bar ever showed up when I was getting kills, but as soon as I hit the ground it shows the riven bar at 0/16, indicating that it is reset. 

I know that i didn't fail the challenge because of alarms because when I ran it on missions with alarms, it would pop up as failed.

EDIT: for clarification, completing the challenge is not my issue, the game just flat out does not process any progress towards completing it.

FINAL EDIT: the riven was bugged. this riven challenge no longer exists with the no alarms condition as far as I am aware. It eventually worked for me after a big update a couple years ago. I used Ivara to gather a large group of enemies on kuva fortress exterminate for those wondering.

Edited by pantophage
clarification for other users
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This has to be the stupidest and the most broken riven challenge I have seen. I had a lot of trouble with this particular riven too, where kills would not count, or they would stop counting after touching the ground once. Also the challenge did not work on most of the mission types at all, leaving me basically with something like capture and exterminate while no progress could be made on any of the other mission types.

To fix this challenge, remove the part "raising alarms" and it is fine.

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I've the same issue, every single thing counts as an alarm raised for some reason (the starter survival hacking, starting the first wave of interception or defense, juggernaut roar on infested missions, etc), and a lot of times the kills dont count whatsoever. 

This riven is broken and cant be completed

Edited by LiveAlien
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Step 1 : Get loki (insane wall latch duration)

Step 2: Get tonkor or any explosive AoE Weapon

Step 3: Go to akkad and wait for a bunch of infested to swarm the cryopod
Step 4: ???

Step 5: GROFIT

EDIT: NVM defences insta raise alarms... Move along nothing to see here

Edited by EDM774
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Actually you fail immediately for infested on Eris. Tested with an Ember. The moment one of them died an invisible alarm goes off.

I'd suggest low level exterminates using an equinox ... or a stasis limbo doing the same trick as for the aim glide headshot challenge. 

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I had this one just now and almost went insane trying to complete it - I managed, but its bugged to hell. Regardless of what people say, in the format of "Kill X enemies in a row while wall dashing or wall clinging without touching the floor or raising alarms" there are serious problems with how the game detects you're dashing/latched and killing things at the same time, especially with this no-alarm condition.

Yes, we can all agree that Survival/Defense instantly trigger an alarm state and don't work. The only way I managed to do this, was to specifically;

  • Go to the void with max range Saryn, and start an exterminate mission,
  • Find a CONCAVE shaped wall (curving inwards),
  • Jump and repeatedly latch into the center of it,
  • Spam Spores/Miasma, whilst also spamming energy pizzas (it will literally take you about 30 of them...)
  • Pray you get kills, and they're counted based on your position on this wall.

Out of my 105 kills using spores/miasma/direct attacks, 20 eventually registered. Direct kills whilst latched and shooting someone in the face didn't register at all.

I noticed that sometimes whilst latched to the wall, you won't recieve energy from an energy restore either, which is likely related to this issue. It is absolutely broken, and I got some serious RSI literally banging my frames head against a very specific wall to get the kills to count towards the requirement. The above was the only way i figured out how. Flat walls do not work, convex walls do not work. Concave only.

Oh and as for my riven? It unveiled a Vulklok mod... As if the fact the challenge wasn't supremely broken already, my "rifle" riven gave me a sentinel mod... I wouldn't be so salty if like 3 of the 5 rifle rivens i've unveiled so far weren't goddamned sentinel mods... (Sentinel category when?)

My advice is to just sell this to someone that loves pain for a nominal amount of plat, or turn it into endo and don't let it ruin your day. Or.. just wait until you see this obvious bug being reported as fixed in the next patch notes.


Edited by Rchetype
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  • 1 month later...

It won't get fixed because it isn't broken. Rivens like this get unveiled frequently by people are willing to accept the challenge and think creatively. I'm sorry, but this is most assuredly a you problem.

I know a lot of people are recommending Loki for his crazy long wall cling, but personally I would suggest Ivara. While in Prowl, absolutely nothing you do will cause the mobs to sound any alarm. She also has Noise arrow to gather a large group of enemies into one tight group, Sleep arrow to knock em out, and now Concentrated Arrow to take em all out in one shot.

So Prowl>Noise arrow>Sleep arrow>Concentrated Arrow (or whatever AoE weapon you prefer). The important thing is to get them all at once.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I can confirm that this challenge is indeed bugged. Even if the challenge registers when the mission loads, the kills that I make while wall latched, with weapons or with warframe abilities, do not register for me. I have unlocked this riven  before with Ember and Secura Penta, but none of these work now. I also have the riven with the "no alarms" challenge.

Edit: please read my comment and understand; we all have completed this challenge before. I have completed this challenge before. The alarm component or something is bugged (maybe recently). 

Edit 2: The only mission type that seems to be registering kills is Spy. It seems to work as intended on Spy. When you set off the alarm, the riven doesn't fail permanently (contrast with survival or other missions). Problem is that on Spy, in order to get 19 spawns the alarm is usually going off. I am thus far unable to finish the challenge. Void capture, excavation, and other missions don't work as the above posters mentioned. I hope they fix this in a later update. Ticket submitted.

Edited by Valiant_Chicken_Knight
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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

So far this does seem to be broken. I did a Loki with a max range Nidus pulling enemies into a room and would kill 4-8 of them and get credit for 1. I did Titania and flew through the map and would still get one out of 15. 

I am intrigued by the Saryn aspect as using a WF ability turns you into a dead weight that usually hits the floor before you complete on most skills as the walls are not that high.

Also, please consider that some of the "bugged" complaints may be from console and not PC. Console is 12 max to a spawn room and I tried the Ivara way only to get the same result of kills not counting.

Concave wall or not, this has huge inconsistencies on being able to achieve. I will try the Equinox again, got close with that one.

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I did this challange with loki enem radar and palaguim mod, i went to uranus -puck  found a room full of enemies killed them like 9 of them then i put my first skill on a corner where the have to come around to shoot it.because for some reason the can see it across the room even though i put it in a corner.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The thing is... U cannot go to any mission that automatically triggers any alarm like: defenses, infestations, mobile defenses, interceptions. Also, regular missions doesn't spawn necessary enemies, as they will appear only when you are visible and walking. The other tricky thing is: Ivara stays visible when using alarming weapons and Loki alarms enemies everytime he reappears, and even getting invisible again, takes some time to enemies get normal so the mod can count the killings.


That said, the only mission I was able to do it without effort was Crossfire Exterminate, at Plato/Moon, because even enemies noticing your presence when reappearing , when using invisibility again they will focus on their fight and totally forget your presence.

1. Take Loki with Patagium Mod equiped

2. Go to Plato/Moon

3. Choose a wide space where Corpus and Grineer are fighting

4. Use invisibility when on wall

5. Shoot corpus enemies first, because they respawn with Grineers around

6. When almost done, kill Grineers


I'm pretty sure most of the people will complete the challenge within 5 minutes or less.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)AndriottiJunior said:

The thing is... U cannot go to any mission that automatically triggers any alarm like: defenses, infestations, mobile defenses, interceptions. Also, regular missions doesn't spawn necessary enemies, as they will appear only when you are visible and walking. The other tricky thing is: Ivara stays visible when using alarming weapons and Loki alarms enemies everytime he reappears, and even getting invisible again, takes some time to enemies get normal so the mod can count the killings.


That said, the only mission I was able to do it without effort was Crossfire Exterminate, at Plato/Moon, because even enemies noticing your presence when reappearing , when using invisibility again they will focus on their fight and totally forget your presence.

1. Take Loki with Patagium Mod equiped

2. Go to Plato/Moon

3. Choose a wide space where Corpus and Grineer are fighting

4. Use invisibility when on wall

5. Shoot corpus enemies first, because they respawn with Grineers around

6. When almost done, kill Grineers


I'm pretty sure most of the people will complete the challenge within 5 minutes or less.

This is definately the right place for this, Lua crossfire, but you are being unnecesarily cautious. The enemies here will never raise an alarm, the invisibilty thing is unneccesary

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6 hours ago, zombiedeadhead said:

This is definately the right place for this, Lua crossfire, but you are being unnecesarily cautious. The enemies here will never raise an alarm, the invisibilty thing is unneccesary

Well, it didn't work for me.

At the moment they notice your presencey they are alarmed and they attack you. "Any alarm" doesn't necessarily mean a "noise trigger". It means: enemies alarmed/on alert mode.

That's why a lot of comments here say that the mod sometimes count the killings, sometimes don't.

Enemies cannot be allarmed by you by any means.

If they see you they will be on alert mode. It doesn't count as a mission failure as it does when an real alarm triggers, but the mod will not count the killings until you are invisible again and unnoticed.

And another thing is... Most of people that uses Loki or Ivara don't use any vitality or shield mod, so... Yeah, in a crossfire I think I'm not being unnecessarily cautious at all.

Edited by (PS4)AndriottiJunior
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Crazy that this hasn't been fixed yet. But as far as trying to complete a bugged riven challenge goes, your best bet is Plato on Lua. 

I went in as Loki, but killing 19 enemies for a shotgun riven was actually difficult. So instead I took Ember and managed to complete it. 

Don't worry about invisibility, there aren't any alarms that can be triggered in this mission. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've done this riven 2x now and had issues both times.  I've come to the realization that "without raising any alarms" in this case means you are COMPLETELY undetected. This means no alarms, and the enemy units you are killing do not see/have not seen you. 

While it can be done with Loki/Ivara being cloaked, I personally have the most luck with Saryn, killing units around the corner/through walls.  It may still take a couple tries (ie, getting 12/13 and running out of enemies), but her long range means she can usually manage it.

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I just ran this riven with issues as well. I tried mobile defense, sabotage, exterminate and kills weren't registering. I was able to complete it on Lua/Plato with Octavia. Load in, go invisible, find a populate room and throw out mallet and resonator. I was able to complete it on the first run this way.

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