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Negative syndicate rep not answered



I started working on red veil and now I've decided to work on perrin  and Loka too. I paid their initiation and got their starting sigil.


I ran a perrin syndicate mission with someone else with perrin sigil on but I can't see their marks on the ground. I looked on the other screen of the other player and it's right there! But it's not on my screen so I can't collect them. I run a couple missions with perrin sigil and earn no standing what so ever.


How am I supposed to level them when I can't collect their marks or earn rep with their starter sigil? How can I get energy restore blueprint and other things when those aren't tradable?



I just want to add that my standing isn't maxed out either. Its a new day and I haven't earned any yet.

Edited by (XB1)NoxiousNoxy
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Have you run the syndicate mission on your own before joining your friends? If you have, you won't see any sigils as you're only supposed to get them once per mission per day. As far as the no syndicate standings with sigil on, I got no clue. Maybe it's a bug, maybe you're doing something wrong. Dunno. 

Edited by (PS4)Regiampiero
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Two possibilities, one being a safeguard [DE] had put to avoid players joining on-going syndicate missions and just grabbing the Emblems then extracting and the other being that they dont appear for players if their reputation is too low.

Regarding the Sigil, just equip the basic one you got from doing the initiation and go do some missions. If you have already capped your daily rep you will have to wait for the next reset.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Regiampiero said:

Have you run the syndicate mission on your own before joining your friends? If you have you won't see any sigils as you're only supposed to get them once per mission per day. As far as the no syndicate standings with sigil on, I got no clue. Maybe it's a bug, maybe you're doing something wrong. Dunno. 

I don't actually have perrin or Loka missions listed at all even after reset hence why I had a buddy run me through his. So no I haven't done any syndicate missions today or any perrin and loka ones solo ever... they're not there for me.


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6 minutes ago, (XB1)NoxiousNoxy said:

I don't actually have perrin or Loka missions listed at all even after reset hence why I had a buddy run me through his. So no I haven't done any syndicate missions today or any perrin and loka ones solo ever... they're not there for me.


If u dont have them listed, then u wont get any standing or see their medallions or whatever when u go with ur friends. Try running normal missions with the sigil equipped and see if u get any rep. it just might be possible that they will show up after getting to next rank with that syndicates. I am not sure. Try reading WIKI

Edited by BaadshahPrime
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3 minutes ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

Two possibilities, one being a safeguard [DE] had put to avoid players joining on-going syndicate missions and just grabbing the Emblems then extracting and the other being that they dont appear for players if their reputation is too low.

Regarding the Sigil, just equip the basic one you got from doing the initiation and go do some missions. If you have already capped your daily rep you will have to wait for the next reset.

Hmm well we started it together.. it wasn't one I joined later. I was actually the party leader and he just selected the mission for me.

If they don't appear when your rep is negative how are you supposed to ever get it positive?

Again, I haven't done anything with a sigil on or syndicate related today.. it still says I can get my max standing above the syndicates panel in my ship....


I'm stumped. I searched for posts with the same negative rep problem bit they all said to grab the marks with others or to just equip the starter sigil. 

The only thing different I feel is that I haven't waited 24 hours after initiation but that never stopped me gaining rep with red veil when I started that... or seeing the marks in missions.


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9 minutes ago, (XB1)NoxiousNoxy said:

I don't actually have perrin or Loka missions listed at all even after reset hence why I had a buddy run me through his. So no I haven't done any syndicate missions today or any perrin and loka ones solo ever... they're not there for me.


Do you get standing if you run a normal mission?

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1 minute ago, (XB1)NoxiousNoxy said:

Hmm well we started it together.. it wasn't one I joined later. I was actually the party leader and he just selected the mission for me.

If they don't appear when your rep is negative how are you supposed to ever get it positive?

Again, I haven't done anything with a sigil on or syndicate related today.. it still says I can get my max standing above the syndicates panel in my ship....


I'm stumped. I searched for posts with the same negative rep problem bit they all said to grab the marks with others or to just equip the starter sigil. 

The only thing different I feel is that I haven't waited 24 hours after initiation but that never stopped me gaining rep with red veil when I started that... or seeing the marks in missions.


There u have it, u have negative rep. thats why they are not listed nor u can get the standing, u will only get standing if u run normal missions with the sigil, and once u go to their positive sideu can do their syndicate missions and pick up the things. u weren't clear about ur rep with them

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3 minutes ago, BaadshahPrime said:

If u dont have them listed, then u wont get any standing or see their medallions or whatever when u go with ur friends. Try running normal missions with the sigil equipped and see if u get any rep. it just might be possible that they will show up after getting to next rank with that syndicates. I am not sure. Try reading WIKI

Are you sure? I feel like I was dragged into a random loka mission once and the host lagged out and I completed the mission and collected the marks even without being initiated? I could be wrong. 

I tried a few missions already. Before and after a hard reset... Still no rep being added. If the missions don't show up until I'm positive rep and I can't earn rep in normal missions them i have no idea what to do lol.

Guess I'll wait until tomorrow and see if it's working then and if not send in a support ticket.

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4 minutes ago, BaadshahPrime said:

There u have it, u have negative rep. thats why they are not listed nor u can get the standing, u will only get standing if u run normal missions with the sigil, and once u go to their positive sideu can do their syndicate missions and pick up the things. u weren't clear about ur rep with them

You're right. My first post didn't say I was negative rep... my brain thought it I just didn't type it! This whole time I'm thinking "but I'm negative I can't do anything.." but wasn't clear. Sorry about that.

Anyway thanks. I think all I can do is try again tomorrow after everything is reset. Maybe the standing is just glitched out or something. If I'm not getting standing tomorrow I'll put a support ticket in. Thanks again.

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Just now, (XB1)NoxiousNoxy said:

You're right. My first post didn't say I was negative rep... my brain thought it I just didn't type it! This whole time I'm thinking "but I'm negative I can't do anything.." but wasn't clear. Sorry about that.

Anyway thanks. I think all I can do is try again tomorrow after everything is reset. Maybe the standing is just glitched out or something. If I'm not getting standing tomorrow I'll put a support ticket in. Thanks again.

no problem, hope it gets fixed for u soon

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People with inverted reputation (not-friends) with any Syndicate, even if they initiate, will not be able to join in on that Syndicate's exclusive missions, nor will they be able to pick up that Syndicate's medallions due to being enemies. This only changes once you get positive with that Syndicate, and that can take up to two additional donations/sacrifices.

There're five Syndicates that do not have penalties for working with others, in order of accessibility (to my understanding):
Cetus/Ostron, Simaris/Sanctuary, Teshin/Conclave, Quills, [Event_Syndicate].

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3 reasons for not rep,

1 no syndicate sigil equiped

2 you reached maxed standing cap, daily and/or syndicate rank

3 You ran a syndicate mission you not entitled too, eg you are at starting rank and you went in a top rank mission (Reason you couldn't see medallions)

If at max syndicate rank cap you can upgrade to next rank by paying a fee. 

Edited by (PS4)Shaun-T-Wilson
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2 hours ago, (XB1)NoxiousNoxy said:

I started working on red veil and now I've decided to work on perrin  and Loka too. I paid their initiation and got their starting sigil.


I ran a perrin syndicate mission with someone else with perrin sigil on but I can't see their marks on the ground. I looked on the other screen of the other player and it's right there! But it's not on my screen so I can't collect them. I run a couple missions with perrin sigil and earn no standing what so ever.


How am I supposed to level them when I can't collect their marks or earn rep with their starter sigil? How can I get energy restore blueprint and other things when those aren't tradable?



I just want to add that my standing isn't maxed out either. Its a new day and I haven't earned any yet.

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy! 

1. The sigil allows you to gain rep for that faction, through the missions you would normally do. I prefer running alerts and void flame missions.

2. You must be at the first rank, not neutral, to choose syndicate missions. Associate (TPS) and Humane (NL).

3. If you're doing syndicate missions in a group, everyone must be at the same rank. So, if the host is a Partner (TPS,R5) and the rest of you are not, you won't receive the additional rep or see the medallions. 

4. Keep in mind, that the syndicate missions are not affected by the daily rep limit. So, grind through your daily rep limit THEN do your syndicate missions. 

5. Remember to keep an eye on your rep meter (screen on the left side of the liset). You don't want to waste your rep if you can help it.

6. If you're still interested in the RV syndicate (stealth FTW), you can grind out RV/TPS/NL faction without a negative smack. However, SM/SC/AoH will hate your guts.

Good luck.


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I have Syn rep questions to....

  1. Can u trade the sculptures/syndanas?
  2. I have maxed out New Loka and Perrin and started red veil... RV is allied to Steel who hate my guts lol.  When im working ok RV will that help reduce the negative with Steel?   From what I read above u have to make donations to get out of hole?
  3. If I manage to get back into the green with steel and started using thier emblem would that harm my relationships with New Loke/Perrin even tho they are max rank?  Essentially unless i want to ruin relationships I just have to stick to Loka/Perrin/Red??
  4. If u reach standing cap for the day can you still hand in collectables for points?

  I wish syndicate standing cap was all seperated instead of being lumped together.  I only make it through 1 faction before i hit 15k limit.  I do work to reach higher MR.


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26 minutes ago, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_IGN said:

Can u trade the sculptures/syndanas?


27 minutes ago, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_IGN said:

When im working ok RV will that help reduce the negative with Steel?   From what I read above u have to make donations to get out of hole?

Yup and yup.

27 minutes ago, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_IGN said:

If I manage to get back into the green with steel and started using thier emblem would that harm my relationships with New Loke/Perrin even tho they are max rank?


27 minutes ago, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_IGN said:

Essentially unless i want to ruin relationships I just have to stick to Loka/Perrin/Red?

Nah, if you only do Veil and Loka missions / equip only their Sigils
(with maybe a bit more Veil), you can also keep Steel positive, no prob.


:meridian::hexis::suda: Syndicate Copypasta Go! :perrin::redveil::loka:

You can easily have positive Standing in 4 Syndicates at once:

1) Steel / Suda / Hexis / Veil
Only run Steel / Suda missions, have a Steel Sigil equipped
(well, also equip a Suda Sigil until you are Rank 1 with them, heh).

Suda won't interfere with Steel and gives you +50% Hexis,
the -50% Veil is made up by the +50% Veil from Steel
and the Steel Sigil (no negative for Suda / Hexis) finally gets Veil into positive.

2) Veil / Loka / Perrin / Steel
Only run Veil / Loka missions, have a Veil Sigil equipped.

Works pretty much like the previous.
FYI, this combination makes you miss out on Suda's unique Large Team Shield Restore
(no big deal IMO, plus you can switch Syndicates to eventually get everything).

3) Perrin / Hexis / Loka / Suda
Only run Perrin / Hexis missions, alternate between Perrin / Hexis Sigils.

Perrin / Hexis are opposed but you still get a total of +50% for each
and they don't interfere with Loka / Suda so it's +50% each there, as well.
FYI, this combination makes you miss out on Veil's unique Large Team Ammo Restore
(maybe somewhat of a big deal, dunno).

:meridian::hexis::suda: Syndicate Copypasta End! :perrin::redveil::loka:


30 minutes ago, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_IGN said:

If u reach standing cap for the day can you still hand in collectables for points?

Sure, those don't count against the daily cap.

(And neither does the Standing reward from Syndicate missions,
which you BTW can boost a bit with a matching Sigil, with this boost not counting against the cap, either.)

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42 minutes ago, NinjaZeku said:


Sure, those don't count against the daily cap.

(And neither does the Standing reward from Syndicate missions,
which you BTW can boost a bit with a matching Sigil, with this boost not counting against the cap, either.)

OMG.... I dont do syn missions after i hit cap... *crys*

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7 hours ago, (XB1)NoxiousNoxy said:

I started working on red veil and now I've decided to work on perrin  and Loka too. I paid their initiation and got their starting sigil.


I ran a perrin syndicate mission with someone else with perrin sigil on but I can't see their marks on the ground. I looked on the other screen of the other player and it's right there! But it's not on my screen so I can't collect them. I run a couple missions with perrin sigil and earn no standing what so ever.


How am I supposed to level them when I can't collect their marks or earn rep with their starter sigil? How can I get energy restore blueprint and other things when those aren't tradable?



I just want to add that my standing isn't maxed out either. Its a new day and I haven't earned any yet.

you technically dont have access to the syndicate missions unless you are in positive standing with them, so the game does not show the medallions because you are not supposed to be able to get them.

another thing to check is whether or not you are at the threshhold of a standing rank, what i mean by that is if you are considered a write-off to perrin sequence, you will have to spend an orokin reactor and 100,000 credits to move up to "liability" and continue reducing negative standing.
The key here is reducing negative standing if your standing is at 0 whilst in a negative rank (like write-off or liability) this is a good thing and means you are ready to sacrifice to the next level, which will put you at the minimum standing for that level (-22,000 for liability, -5000 for neutral)

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