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Slide Attack/Maiming Strike/Whip and Polearm range -- an absurd mixture of overpoweredness


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10 minutes ago, EndermanBeast said:

No one hates it, except for those that don’t have it, and are annoyed that they don’t.

This. People are just salty over nothing.

I've been called an abuser when I spin2win with my plague zaw, surprise surprise, I don't use memestroke on it. Players have associated Red crits with that mod, And apparently you can only use slide attacks with this mod. They clearly don't know how Crit multipliers stack.

Melee is just powerful right now, get over it.


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17 minutes ago, Jim22 said:

Please tell me why you hate this mod so much that it needs to be nerfed.

In my opinion I don't think it needs to be nerfed because it's only good on whips and polarms. Also it isn't really that good at high level missions condition overload is way better for that.

Dont hate it.. If peoples play style is too mash the same thing over and over thats on them.. Ill just follow and glyph them :laugh:

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3 minutes ago, LQWP-Mesix said:

how is it annoying?

and it's a event that regularly comes back

The fandom behind it is really a headbanger, particularly the constant bragging about who has one and the spam in chat asking $20 of plat to get it. (Edit: I won't mention the room-clearing nuisance because I'm also guilty of Lenz or Ember room-spam)

How often does the event come around?

Edited by Dawson1917
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5 minutes ago, (XB1)mickeyjuiceman said:

You know, we don't need this every couple of days from people who can't read recent topics.

i know its just fun making people made because they want a certain mod nerfed.

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I don t hate it but in combination with Blood Rush it becomes ridiculously powerful.I just don t like it because it takes all the fun for other players.If someone s spinning around everytime I don t even bother to kill something because Maiming Strike(and Blood Rush) is doing all the job.

This and Ember are the reasons I play mostly solo or with friends.

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1 hour ago, Vindicus8235 said:

Also, while doing sorties today, had multiple slide attackers in 6 games in a row, added them to ignore and left the games each time.  Once I got to sortie 3 one of the guys I'd added to ignore joined the game, so that suggestion is out the window.

Ignore is just a function for the chat. I don't think it has anything to do with matchmaking. I know a lot of people say so, but I'm pretty sure they are wrong (based on absolutely nothing more than I have never seen any official source saying it does and evidence seems to suggest otherwise). 

Edited by rune_me
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On 3/17/2018 at 3:55 PM, EndermanBeast said:

No one hates it, except for those that don’t have it, and are annoyed that they don’t.

I have it and while I won’t go so far to say I hate it.  I would say it’s not compelling gameplay and does reduce the amount of actual thoughtful gameplay needed for a mission.  So there goes your theory out the window.  

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On 12/03/2018 at 9:36 PM, Vindicus8235 said:

Can we please talk about the elephant in the room here?  Frames like Ember get World on Fire nerfed because it basically ruins the game for anyone else trying to play.  That was partially true but only worked up to around level 40 mobs.  Now slide attack on the other hand, ruins games up to at least 150 and beyond.  Sorties are a mind numbing bore-fest with a slide attack spammer as there's really nothing left to do since it's a super fast moving screen wide red crit aoe fest.  Please address this egregiously overpowered combo of things for the health of the game.  At the very least cap melee range to a few meters, since you know, it's melee; increase whip and polearm damage to compensate if necessary.  Thanks for your consideration.

Isn't that why Melee is getting reworked soon tm

Although stealing these guys kills with my Equinox or some of my other weapons, is pretty fun.

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On 3/18/2018 at 11:55 PM, jfhsanseiIII said:

I have it and while I won’t go so far to say I hate it.  I would say it’s not compelling gameplay and does reduce the amount of actual thoughtful gameplay needed for a mission.  So there goes your theory out the window.  

Personally, it bothers me more how any thing can be thoughtful in this game

I could easily sway a gun spray on random monsters and accidentally kill them, the AI isn't all that much complex to require any other thought than: "hit them before they hit you" mentality.

What type of game do people want warframe to be anymore? A mindless hack and slash like the dynasty warriors games, where you are a demi-god versus armies of mindless enemies or a planned skill/ stealth like game, where you need to be efficient as possible?

Because warframe feels like neither, the only approach to play the game is really only either going full stealth or aggressive. 
You could technically use your warframe to perform some style kills, but then again for what?

Edited by Noabettiet
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play end game content and you will see less of them.... i have a nasty slide attack build using orthos prime but using it on end game content gets me burned fast.... i mostly just use that build to farm trash mobs in low maps or when i'm power leveling formad gear... not gonna sit here and head shot thousands of mobs for hrs when i can just slide around and remax multiple forma runs in a few mins....


Edit: on another note now i kinda wanna try maiming strike and blood rush combo see if it will make power leveling runs go faster..... (not all slide fighters have been using that combo btw)

Edited by SweetAnubis
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I dislike it because it encourages 1-dimensional gameplay and makes me feel like it's a joke... 

I would like to see maiming strike changed to an extra crit multiplier instead of crit on slide, something like that. 

It's just dumb seeing people slide around literally ALL mission, and make macros for doing it as quickly as possible. 

It ruins the immersion of game PLAY, for me, and makes me not want to join public missions at all, which is a shame.

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Before this is was telos spin attack. They killed that now  the weapons not used, but its whips and pole arms now. If you get your way next you'll be complaining about hammers and sword slide attacks.  You nerf callers don't ever suggest a posative change just yoy don't want people to be able to do what they are doing and enjoying.

 Personally I've not run into this issue, and play public for everything. Maybe your it's just you wanting to stop people having fun rather than looking for another team.

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Before this is was telos spin attack. They killed that now  the weapons not used, but its whips and pole arms now. If you get your way next you'll be complaining about hammers and sword slide attacks.  You nerf callers don't ever suggest a posative change just yoy don't want people to be able to do what they are doing and enjoying.

 Personally I've not run into this issue, and play public for everything. Maybe your it's just you wanting to stop people having fun rather than looking for another team.

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