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Warframes and Abilities to be Nerfed


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hace 5 horas, LSG501 dijo:

So even though I never even mentioned ember/banshee (where I've already said here or elsewhere that the reworks didn't work) you bring them up as the usual frames to 'nerf'....you do realise that our weapons are more than powerful enough to go to level 100+ and it still be 'mindless fun', I know I have no issues killing stuff mindlessly in sorties, just because everything we have (as veterans) makes life easy at low level doesn't mean the frames need a nerf, we need maps at the level of our weapons that we can access all the time...

Well, they ARE the usual suspects regarding mindless gameplay. I do realise that weapons are just as powerful.

Also I'm not against adding maps that test our uber weapons, I'm just saying we could use some variation in both boss mechanics and resource managing.


This isn't WoW where micromanagement is expected, it's fundamentally a board game concept imo, warframe isn't.

Both games are measured in seconds. The difference is that WoW features grinding simple mobs for lowly stuff and high intensity complex bossfights, meanwhile Warframe's bossfights aren't very complex or are full of bs mechanics (hello Vay Jerk!) that you can only overcome by mass CC, stacking certain frames/auras or powerspamming your way trough. (though WoW has faced the exact same problem on several specific fights).


Adding those kind of mechanics would not spice things up imo, you could argue they already have by forcing the operators on us and a lot of players openly dislike that aspect of the game being pushed on us.

Again, I'm not saying add those mechanics to all frames, rather to some if the theme fits as well as bosses that measure your skills and not how much you have grinded. Bosses in WF right now more closely resemble Sword Art Online bosses (but with invulnerability added)

Edited by Nazrethim
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Sounds like OP hasn't played high level sorties enough with excal and volt. Takes some skill to survive as those frames when your teammates don't boost your survivability. And Ash is in a good place because you can't really spam his abilities quickly (except maybe his 1) and he can die pretty quickly if you don't pay attention.

I agree some more endgame level content (80-100) should be implemented but nerfing frames isn't the way to do it, especially not the ones you've mentioned.


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SPEED -  either change this to be a simple roll to opt out and give 60 second immunity to the ablitiy or remove and replace with something else.


This is the only ability I find causes more problems that anything else, especially when your not the host as you frequently get stuck on doors due to high power strength causing desync.

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Covert Lethality and Teleport(no need for Fatal Teleport) is far too slow to be worth actually using seriously. It's a niche move for a niche scenario on a frame that honestly only even has one good option(party invisibility) that's done better by another frame.

Invisibility wise, there's already a cooldown. It's in the casting animation, and it's more than enough to get a player killed.

Radial Blind requires LOS, making it unreliable CC.


Warframe is not WoW. It doesn't need to be a slog. We don't need heavy handed nerfs for foo strats only novice players think are good.


What should probably be nerfed? Rhino's everything. Rhino is an all 'round great frame, but that's just the thing, he does everything so well. He's a solid carry, great CC, and provides a top tier damage buff. Stomp may not be the best CC, Roar may not be the best buff(actually, it is :/), and Iron Skin may not be the best damage mitigation, but all of these are so "good enough" that it doesn't matter. Stacking it all on one frame like that is pretty OP.

Chroma's buff should be reworked to add to the same stack as Rhino's to mitigate Rhino's buff being basically the best the game has to offer, and stomp definitely needs a look. Maybe make it less of a sphere and more of a horizontal ovoid shape. For Iron Skin, it requires two augs to really be any good, so it's probably fine to leave it as is.

Nyx could probably use a nerf but I won't say why:clem:

Edited by NezuHimeSama
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3 hours ago, NezuHimeSama said:

Covert Lethality and Teleport(no need for Fatal Teleport) is far too slow to be worth actually using seriously. It's a niche move for a niche scenario on a frame that honestly only even has one good option(party invisibility) that's done better by another frame.

Invisibility wise, there's already a cooldown. It's in the casting animation, and it's more than enough to get a player killed.

Radial Blind requires LOS, making it unreliable CC.


Warframe is not WoW. It doesn't need to be a slog. We don't need heavy handed nerfs for foo strats only novice players think are good.


What should probably be nerfed? Rhino's everything. Rhino is an all 'round great frame, but that's just the thing, he does everything so well. He's a solid carry, great CC, and provides a top tier damage buff. Stomp may not be the best CC, Roar may not be the best buff(actually, it is :/), and Iron Skin may not be the best damage mitigation, but all of these are so "good enough" that it doesn't matter. Stacking it all on one frame like that is pretty OP.

Chroma's buff should be reworked to add to the same stack as Rhino's to mitigate Rhino's buff being basically the best the game has to offer, and stomp definitely needs a look. Maybe make it less of a sphere and more of a horizontal ovoid shape. For Iron Skin, it requires two augs to really be any good, so it's probably fine to leave it as is.

Nyx could probably use a nerf but I won't say why:clem:

I wouldn't go as far as calling it a niche ability... It's a assassin tool to be used on the heavies.

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That's a pretty niche scenario already, though. And since it's so slow, it only really becomes a valid strategy fairly late on endless missions, which it can't come close to sustaining the economy of.

I mean, I'm not calling it useless, but it's not that useful, and there are other ways to get that effect as desired, from focus schools, various ways to blind enemies, staggering abilities, ect.

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Honestly I don't think any of the frames need nerfs except the ones that give energy loops. The thing that needs a nerf is energy regeneration methods like energy pizzas, energising dash, and the warframe abilities like energy vampire and thurable. 

If frames had to rely on energy orbs, and energy siphon then things would be a whole lot different. People would actually spend more time using weapons and tactics of when to use your abilities would be much more important. 


If energy regen is nerfed though I highly reccomend removing energy leechs/parasitics and fixing how sound effects enemies. Currently it feels like a gunshot can be heard 3 rooms away, and enemies can be alerted mapwide as soon as an alarm goes off on the complete opposite side of the map. I would also change ai behavior, as currently they snap shoot you as soon as you break any cc or invisibility around them. It doesn't give you any time to react before taking bullets to the face. 

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5 hours ago, LuckyCharm said:

 The thing that needs a nerf is energy regeneration methods like energy pizzas, energising dash, and the warframe abilities like energy vampire and thurable. 



energy siphon is 0.6 per second per person, thats nothing, thats 43 seconds to use a 25 energy cost ability if u are the only one with it, and even if everyone in a group has it, thats 42 seconds to use a 100 energy cost ability

orbs are pure rng


if u think warframe powers should be a minor part of the game named Warfame(not Guns) go play destiny

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2 hours ago, TKDancer said:



energy siphon is 0.6 per second per person, thats nothing, thats 43 seconds to use a 25 energy cost ability if u are the only one with it, and even if everyone in a group has it, thats 42 seconds to use a 100 energy cost ability

orbs are pure rng


if u think warframe powers should be a minor part of the game named Warfame(not Guns) go play destiny

You should probably have played warframe for longer then. We used to have none of this and the game was a lot more challenging and a whole lot more fun. When was the last time you felt challenged in game? Besides the introduction of eidolons when no one knew how to cheese them too? My guess is before you finished the starchart. Then once done all the challenge has since dissappeared.


Energy siphon was always enough energy for some skills, others just needed efficient builds. Loki for example gets by with just energy siphon. Nova always had enough for an ult at least once per wave of defense where she needed it, and vauban still had enough to bastille or vortex. 


So yeah. Watch some old videos of what warframe usef to have maybe instead of dismissing an idea just because your builds arent built to make the most of low energy

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2 minutes ago, LuckyCharm said:

You should probably have played warframe for longer then. We used to have none of this and the game was a lot more challenging and a whole lot more fun. When was the last time you felt challenged in game? Besides the introduction of eidolons when no one knew how to cheese them too? My guess is before you finished the starchart. Then once done all the challenge has since dissappeared.


Energy siphon was always enough energy for some skills, others just needed efficient builds. Loki for example gets by with just energy siphon. Nova always had enough for an ult at least once per wave of defense where she needed it, and vauban still had enough to bastille or vortex. 


So yeah. Watch some old videos of what warframe usef to have maybe instead of dismissing an idea just because your builds arent built to make the most of low energy

and pretty much all vet i know loathes the olden days of no energy regen, just as they loathe parkour 1.0


are you saying we should go back to parkour 1.0 too?


did u not read what i said? 1 siphon means 43 seconds for 25 energy, and relying on randos to use it too over other auras isnt good, and even then 4 siphons wouldd mean at least 10 seconds for a 25 energy ability, meaning low or base efficiency builds would be completely screwed(100 energy requires 167 seconds with 1 siphon)


so yeah, no.


if u want energy economy to be bad, you can use blind rage yourself and not use zenurik, dont suggest a complete overhaul of the game's energy economy for the worse



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instead of talking bout nerfing all warframes think it would be a smarter idea to bring higher lvl content since nerfing is a extremely controversial topic in the warframe community even if we kno change is always happening i think this would be too much a risky step if its reworking the press 4 win concept then thats different otherwise but its takes ALOT of time for them to change a single warframe so nerfing all of them probly wouldnt be the productive choice while itll infuriate half the community at the same time  

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Aren't nerf threads supposed to be against forum rules? Anyway, this topic introduces some terrible ideas and for Warframes that were just recenty reworked after years of feedback from the community and they're still not complete. Seriously ,you can customize your frame in ways that can make it easier or harder to finish missions, heck you can even go in without any mods equipped, which is the equivalent of running around naked in a gunfight.

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On 3/25/2018 at 7:06 AM, LuckyCharm said:

You should probably have played warframe for longer then. We used to have none of this and the game was a lot more challenging and a whole lot more fun. When was the last time you felt challenged in game? Besides the introduction of eidolons when no one knew how to cheese them too? My guess is before you finished the starchart. Then once done all the challenge has since dissappeared.


Energy siphon was always enough energy for some skills, others just needed efficient builds. Loki for example gets by with just energy siphon. Nova always had enough for an ult at least once per wave of defense where she needed it, and vauban still had enough to bastille or vortex. 


So yeah. Watch some old videos of what warframe usef to have maybe instead of dismissing an idea just because your builds arent built to make the most of low energy

While I definitely enjoyed Warframe in the old days, I'm not sure this argument is valid. Sure, it might be fun figuring out some tactics when we're just starting out, but the tactics themselves prove to be far less effective over time, mainly involving enemy scaling, AI and poor map design. And yes, I said poor map design. It's okay when you have a massive Corpus Shipyard and you've got loads of places to hide, but most of the map is just corridors without any viable cover. I think that stems from having to complete mission aboard Grineer and Corpus ships (why would you want pointless boxes lying around everywhere on YOUR ship?). Also, the fact that enemies tend to go out of cover and mob you to death isn't exactly helping either, as it reduces the number of tactics that you can come up with. It's either counter attack, cheese tanking or CC. No clever flanking, no stealth manoeuvres,  just a desperate attempt to fight against hordes of enemies. Honestly, if the energy system requires revamping, you'd essentially need to rework the whole game to do it, and that is not a cost effective solution.

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13 hours ago, LuckyCharm said:

You should probably have played warframe for longer then. We used to have none of this and the game was a lot more challenging and a whole lot more fun. When was the last time you felt challenged in game? Besides the introduction of eidolons when no one knew how to cheese them too? My guess is before you finished the starchart. Then once done all the challenge has since dissappeared.


Energy siphon was always enough energy for some skills, others just needed efficient builds. Loki for example gets by with just energy siphon. Nova always had enough for an ult at least once per wave of defense where she needed it, and vauban still had enough to bastille or vortex. 


So yeah. Watch some old videos of what warframe usef to have maybe instead of dismissing an idea just because your builds arent built to make the most of low energy

Fair point.

Until our ability to turn off game play for entire map tiles is reigned in, we will NEVER have end game content. Not ever. 

Because we can't. We will just hard CC the enemies into non-interaction. Done.

Powers at issue:

Molecular Prime: Slowing is fine. But this is over the top. Cap it at 25-50% speed reduction. Or, drop the slow, keep damage buffs and explosion on death. One or the other, and force an augment to swap the modes out.

Chaos: Do I even need to explain this? Make it a cone, but make it last longer, AND buff affected enemy health and damage output. Make it useful as a tactical option, theb remove recasting or make it so only the most recent group of affected enemies keeps the effects.

Disarm: Make it Radial Jam, 5 sec duration. Remove irradiation effect.

Stomp: Slows time for enemies. No suspension. No recast until it wears off and enemies already affected have Diminishing Returns resistance.

Nyx (2nd option)/Mirage/Octavia: Only distracts a given group once. When it wears off, that group cannot be affected a second time. Maybe even use this for Chaos, too.

Bastille: Cordons off the area from approach. Get rid of suspension.

Reckoning: Channeled. Vader style. Must hold enemies suspended. Cannot do anything else while channeling.

Peacemaker: Restore full movement. Start with small reticle and base damage buff. Still highly effective, but not broken, as much more aiming required.

Avalanche: freezes, then slows and reduces armor. Does NO damage. CC only.

Trinity: Gains energy only for herself. Heals over time.

These are just a few examples. More abilities need the Nerf.

Also: make shields ACTUALLY WORK: Players in this new, nerfed world cannot take physical damage or suffer Ips procs with shields up.

With shields down, damage resistance is capped at 75% and CANNOT go higher.


Nullifier: removed.

Comba/Scramba: Given visual auras. Cannot remove buffs.

Denial Bursa: removed.

Health/energy drain auras: Removed

Grappling hooks: removed

Switch Teleport: removed

Knockdown from Bombard/Gunner: now requires them to fully holster weapons. Windup time of 1.5 seconds.

Butcher: no more knockback. No grunt should push WARFRAMES around like that.

Boss Power Immunization: removed. Replaced with Diminishing Returns resistance.

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11 hours ago, Duodenial said:

While I definitely enjoyed Warframe in the old days, I'm not sure this argument is valid. Sure, it might be fun figuring out some tactics when we're just starting out, but the tactics themselves prove to be far less effective over time, mainly involving enemy scaling, AI and poor map design. And yes, I said poor map design. It's okay when you have a massive Corpus Shipyard and you've got loads of places to hide, but most of the map is just corridors without any viable cover. I think that stems from having to complete mission aboard Grineer and Corpus ships (why would you want pointless boxes lying around everywhere on YOUR ship?). Also, the fact that enemies tend to go out of cover and mob you to death isn't exactly helping either, as it reduces the number of tactics that you can come up with. It's either counter attack, cheese tanking or CC. No clever flanking, no stealth manoeuvres,  just a desperate attempt to fight against hoards of enemies. Honestly, if the energy system requires revamping, you'd essentially need to rework the whole game to do it, and that is not a cost effective solution.

Reminds me of playing Exterminate back when I started, and the mission only spawned enemies ahead of the player. It was the one mission type I could be guaranteed victory provided I had enough ammo, as all it required was patience.

Then bombards came out and ruined that pretty hard, and then spawning changed to be more random, and then...


I think the way the energy economy is now is fine. It's different from how the game was before, but that's not necessarily a bad thing, and it allows every frame to be designed in a way that you can expect to constantly be firing off any and every power at your disposal whenever it makes sense to do so. Basically, Warframe powers are no longer tide-shifting supermoves you use in moderation, if at all, but another tool at your disposal for controlling the flow of the game.

Also, we finally have an energy economy that isn't "+75eff or get the #*!% out", and I like that change. Efficiency is way too game-breaking without Zenurik and Energize.

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Edited original post to provide gameplay video and highlight important statements.

1 hour ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Fair point.

Until our ability to turn off game play for entire map tiles is reigned in, we will NEVER have end game content. Not ever. 

Because we can't. We will just hard CC the enemies into non-interaction. Done.

Powers at issue:

Molecular Prime: Slowing is fine. But this is over the top. Cap it at 25-50% speed reduction. Or, drop the slow, keep damage buffs and explosion on death. One or the other, and force an augment to swap the modes out.


Boss Power Immunization: removed. Replaced with Diminishing Returns resistance.

Finally we have someone giving meaningful suggestions.


A little history for our fellow Tennos here, Warframe started without Operator mode. Energy Siphon was pretty much the only energy regen besides RNG energy orbs and we had poor energy economy. Warframe abilities were designed around that energy economy at the time. Thus, it was fine then for DE to design frames with large AoE, hard stun CC, because they were not spam-able. Players had to use abilities conservatively and were understandably unhappy with the energy economy back then.

With the introduction of Focus abilities, the energy regen received a sudden boost, from 0.6 energy/s to 4 energy/s (then with Focus 1.0), and now to 5 energy/s. This caused some unbalance due to the abilities that were designed with low energy economy (large AoE, hard stun CC, or invis). The problem has not been fixed since then.

Spam-able large AoE, hard CC abilities basically reduce enemies to sitting ducks permanently, and overshadows the need for Warframe's excellent movement mechanics and gunplay. You just need to stand still and shoot when your enemies are sitting ducks. Invisibility practically reduces all enemies at infinite range to sitting ducks, which is even more broken. If this issue isn't fixed, it doesn't matter what new enemies or enemy behavior DE introduces in the future, they will just be reduced to sitting ducks.

I see that adding a cooldown timer is an easy way to fix this problem, and I have brought them up for the frames that I've used frequently enough to discuss. This would not deprive players of energy for other non-OP abilities, while making OP abilities non-spam-able with a simple tweak. For the other frames, I need you guys' help for nerf suggestions.

Feedback forums are supposed to be for players who love the game to provide suggestions to improve the game. We love the game, and thus we are pointing out issues that we'd like see fixed to make the game more fun. To those saying "if you don't like [insert some aspect of Warframe], then you should just quit", please, be more mature.

To those saying just nerf yourself if you don't like being OP (not using mods etc.), a good game design shouldn't have to rely on players to nerf themselves to be fun or challenging. It's like me saying "tic-tac-toe is too simplistic and unchallenging" and you saying "why don't you stop using the corner slots to give yourself some challenge?".

Edited by Checht
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11 minutes ago, Checht said:

To those saying just nerf yourself if you don't like being OP (not using mods etc.), a good game design shouldn't have to rely on players to nerf themselves to be fun or challenging. It's like me saying "tic-tac-toe is too simplistic and unchallenging" and you saying "why don't you stop using the corner slots to give yourself some challenge?".

Great point bad example. However, this does not mean your are wrong or right. This is controversial not only because you clearly don't have a concept of how difficult endgame can become but also because you naturally assume DE's intent is to make players use their abilities more selectively.

Point me to where it says DE wants a rebalance of how spamable all abilities are. In fact you could argue some toggle abilities are actually proof against your ideas because you can make them last so long with Rage + Flow etc. Additionally the rebalance of Zenurik from different versions of focus retained energy regen in a different form. What does that say about what DE thinks about the energy system? 

Once again you've chosen a bad frame to pick on, Nova. Nova is fragile at high end gameplay. Even with her Molecular Prime she may die if she suffers a burst from 1 or 2 lancers. Her 1 provides her with damage reduction but it's ineffective because of how it works. Is she good at high end content, yes. But unless your team buffs your survivability Nova can still be taken down with ease.

Please post nerf suggestions after you have significant proof that a frame is op and not just in your own limited experience. And if you want to actually talk about spamable abilities being an issue I suggest you investigate what Banshee can do to trash mobs with her soundquake.

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I can definitely see where OP is coming from, but the issue isn't that powers are too strong. The issue is that the only enemy scaling in the game is numbers going up. Anything that warframes do that uses flat numbers is bad, anything they do that doesn't use flat numbers is broken.

Trinity can kill any enemy in the game in a couple seconds using high power strength and low duration, by multiplying an enemy's health by ten, then making them take ten percent of the modified health in damage per tick. When the debuff falls off, they take 100% of their health in damage.

In general though, the problem is armor. If a warframe doesn't either remove or ignore armor, their powers can't be considered damage powers, except in the rare case that the damage numbers are just ridiculous, like Atlas. Ember's Fireball got a step in the right direction when it became a panic aoe, but it wasn't enough.

Ash's shuriken can be moderately useful without its augment because of the slash procs, but with the augment, he signs their death warrant. Covert Lethality/Fatal Teleport is very slow, to compensate for immediately killing something. It's not a way to clear mass hordes of enemies, and if you use it that way, it's going to take you a very long time. He's an assassin. Situational awareness and target prioritization are key.

Excalibur is in a weird place for me. Slash Dash is almost pointless as anything other than a movement ability because he can just shoot sword beams. Radial Javelin doesn't do enough damage to kill things, the stun isn't long enough, and again, sword beams. Radial Blind is the only one of his first three skills that I find myself ever using.

Volt, though. Volt is definitely not in a good place. They reduced his CC and increased the damage on Discharge because they don't believe he should be a CC frame, but he's certainly not kitted for damage. Shock is a quick one-handed stun, Speed does what it says on the tin, Electric Shield is a crit damage buff and defensive barrier. He's built for utility, but they want to call him a damage based warframe? I think not.

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26 minutes ago, Dr.Wuzzah said:

This is controversial not only because you clearly don't have a concept of how difficult endgame can become but also because you naturally assume DE's intent is to make players use their abilities more selectively.

Please see updated original post for "skillful" gameplay footage in Sortie 3.

27 minutes ago, Dr.Wuzzah said:

Point me to where it says DE wants a rebalance of how spamable all abilities are. In fact you could argue some toggle abilities are actually proof against your ideas because you can make them last so long with Rage + Flow etc. Additionally the rebalance of Zenurik from different versions of focus retained energy regen in a different form. What does that say about what DE thinks about the energy system? 

I'd be disappointed in DE if their vision for Warframe is a sitting-duck-shooter.


27 minutes ago, Dr.Wuzzah said:

Once again you've chosen a bad frame to pick on, Nova. Nova is fragile at high end gameplay. Even with her Molecular Prime she may die if she suffers a burst from 1 or 2 lancers. Her 1 provides her with damage reduction but it's ineffective because of how it works. Is she good at high end content, yes. But unless your team buffs your survivability Nova can still be taken down with ease.

Once again, I did not "pick on" these warframes. I don't "pick on" other sitting-duck-shooter frames because I rarely play them, I rarely play them because they are sitting-duck-shooter frames.


29 minutes ago, Dr.Wuzzah said:

Please post nerf suggestions after you have significant proof that a frame is op and not just in your own limited experience. And if you want to actually talk about spamable abilities being an issue I suggest you investigate what Banshee can do to trash mobs with her soundquake.

Please see updated original post for video proof.

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2 minutes ago, Checht said:

I'd be disappointed in DE if their vision for Warframe is a sitting-duck-shooter.

it is a horde shooter not a standard shooter such as Destiny 2.

2 minutes ago, Checht said:


Once again, I did not "pick on" these warframes. I don't "pick on" other sitting-duck-shooter frames because I rarely play them, I rarely play them because they are sitting-duck-shooter frames.

This has more ot do with AI behavior ina  game where you're flooded with 20+ enemies.

The concept of nerfing the frames and their abilities is foolish because it works under the premise that the focus of the gameplay should entirely be on the weaponry accessible to everyone. Weakening each warframe to the point of uselessness is anti-thetical to the purpose of the gameplay. Those abilities need to be useful otherwise, by nerfing everyone severely to that point you really only leave a handful of warframes viable.


There is no need to nerf the frmes in this game because your complaint has to do with AI.  If you're really unhappy with the strength of abilities in this game, take the suggestion someone offered and go play Destiny 2. In that game, enemies are more intelligent, and ability use is much more moderated.


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25 minutes ago, Aegni said:

it is a horde shooter not a standard shooter such as Destiny 2.

Horde shooter doesn't mean that the enemies should be reduced to stationary targets who are not even attacking you. With constant CC spam or invis, they are just sitting ducks.

29 minutes ago, Aegni said:

This has more ot do with AI behavior ina  game where you're flooded with 20+ enemies.

Any smarter enemy AI is pointless if they can just be reduced to sitting ducks with hard CC or invisibility.

2 minutes ago, Aegni said:

Those abilities need to be useful otherwise, by nerfing everyone severely to that point you really only leave a handful of warframes viable.

See updated original post, Volt's gameplay to see that he is still viable at Sortie 3 even after I stopped using Discharge. Notice that I need to utilize more on his first to third abilities and Warframe movement mechanics much more from that point onward, making the gameplay more interesting. A cooldown timer on Discharge wouldn't make him not viable. If you think an ability is "useful" only when it reduces enemies to stationary targets who aren't even attacking you, i.e. sitting ducks, I don't think we can even find a common ground to start with.





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