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Server Troubles (+ Boosters).


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1 hour ago, 4thAbil said:

Dont mean to be salty, But im getting alittle pissed that im running out of time for Baro because your servers eat ass. If you would be so kind to add lost time onto Baro's stay id appreciate it. Dont want to miss him because i didnt have time to get to MR8 because your servers are one big tragic fckin anime ending. Tnx

The servers are being DDoSed, so maybe ..... just maybe you could show a little compassion to a company that has given their players so much over the years during a time when they are litteraly in the middle of a cyber attack.

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Hi fellow tennos,

Maybe its safe to consider that DE wants to get this over with way more than we do...

For us, its more of a pleasure delayed.. (Or disrupted depending on how you see things)

For DE... Its their livelihood.

Hope we can give DE the time and respect they need.

Just something to consider :)

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I do not expect this to happen, but people with boosters should really get them extended.

I have 3 of them active, but 2 of them are short ones. This i a lot of lost time on them.


Again, i dont expect this to happen, but it would be nice.

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il y a 1 minute, Krhymez a dit :

I do not expect this to happen, but people with boosters should really get them extended.

I have 3 of them active, but 2 of them are short ones. This i a lot of lost time on them.


Again, i dont expect this to happen, but it would be nice.

Totally agree, I had 2 boosters to farm some cetus wisps, I lost almost one day because of the attacks :/

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37 minutes ago, Dawson1917 said:

Local AND server storage

Rule #1 of online game development: never allow the client to store anything important on their machine.

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4 minutes ago, Mayahai said:

Will there be a Baro extension? I feel like that would be fair, considering that the majority of the players could not play at all.

no one care much about baro more than boosters that are running out of time now and also the vaulted stuff (loki , frost and ember) that has few days before gone and now we lost 2 days ...so many things need to taken care when all this mess end 

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That's what I think about getting disconnected at the end of a mission and thus losing all rewards for like the 50th time.

It's also what I think about having booster time wasted seeing as you r system seems to like running boosters realtime rather than server time....

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Just now, Zilotz said:

It's too early (08:11) at their location so they didn't wake up yet today! 


Just now, besra said:

its like 8am sunday for them so wait please

I didn't mean now , I mean that yesterday since after initial thread started.

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Just now, Centurion07 said:


I didn't mean now , I mean that yesterday since after initial thread started.

Oh! There was update that it is likely DDoS "We’re working through a lot of trouble that appears to be DDOS related. Stay tuned for all follow up information on how we will treat boosters and Baro." and since then noting. 

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7 minutes ago, Centurion07 said:

where is official DE response after that long time since it began ?

This will be an ongoing attack from multiple remote points - that's the nature of DDoS.  They're doing the best they can against an ongoing attack, I reckon.

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