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Inaros Ramses Skin feedback


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 Is Inaros' new skin, Ramses, meant to be THAT shiny? It's really hard to color him that way. I'd add a pic of reference, but pictures wouldn't show the point across. On top of that, the kopesh skin's blade isn't even metallic. Not to mention it's held wrong!



Edited by IEpicWolfI
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Just now, IEpicWolfI said:

 Is Inaros' new skin, Ramses, meant to be THAT shiny? It's really hard to color him that way. I'd add a pic of reference, but pictures wouldn't show the point across.

Haven't got in-game yet but I can imagine it already. It's probably the same shader/texture used across most if not all of the deluxes.

I mean Octavia was a giant shinefest. Reminds me of how they changed Frost Deluxe's helmet from a more matte texture to metallic, ruined it for me as he became another shinefest.

I hope they go over deluxes in the future and address some of these glaring issues. You don't need to be a professional artist or an experienced skinner to know when something is over the top and too much for the eyes.

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Yea its pretty bad, really hating the recent deluxe skins with the shiny metal. 



Thats white, black and the most saturated orange I could put.




Red.. looks like pink.



Edited by Stoner
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The skin is WAAAAY too metallic... Which is throwing the coloring off big-time...

 This is my 1st regret in fashion frame...

Every color looks dull on it. 


You want it white or deep black? Not happening.

Edited by Genji
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3 minutes ago, Genji said:

The skin is WAAAAY too metallic... Which is throwing the coloring off big-time...

 This is my 1st regret in fashion frame...

Every color looks dull on it. 


You want it white or deep black? Not happening.

Yessssss omg They should change it a bit or do something I mean it kills the skin 


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8 minutes ago, Draculandrey said:

Yessssss omg They should change it a bit or do something I mean it kills the skin 


IMO the metallic part is not the problem for me but the skin in general. It does not look like a deluxe but like a scrapped frame concept with a head that should remind us "Hey egyp right? Anubis Ramzes Ra Am I right? Egypt!"

I love the deluxe skins for Loki, Rhino, Frost, Ash, Mag etc. This? Eh don't know, there is nothing special about it. Look like an uninspired overhyped tennogen skin.

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Well, since I'm seeing a lot of complaints about the metallics on Tint 1 and whatnot, I wanted to make a topic on the skin.

First things first, I love the skin myself. I enjoy the obvious reference to Zone of the Enders and I really like the Grineer feel it has to it. Good job on the design and the skin everyone who worked on it.

Secondly and most importantly: People are complaining about the Tint 1 metallic. I already have bad memories with Harka Frost back in the day, where the texture for the helmet was changed without notice. I already talked about it back in the day, but it felt unfair. I just would like to say that I find the Art team is really good at doing their job. I must take hats off with the latest releases because the whole designs are exactly them doing what they like the most, which is the sole reason I got into Warframe: Its art and its bold decisions.

Since it is my understanding however, that due all the things popping up, the decision will be made to change the metallic material (unfortunately), I'd like to take a minute to ask the following: Make sure, before rushing to do any change a bit mindlessly, to take your time doing the right thing and giving the skin love, unlike what happened with Frost.

I suggest you take a look at the Wraith PBR material update you gave them last year, which would fit the Inaros skin perfectly, and then change the color appropiately if needed. And I'd also like to remind you guys to, in case you do change it, remember about the weapon skin/Syandana corresponding material so it looks cohesive.

I hope any possible change is for the better and has some love and time behind. I know there's ways to keep metallic materials and make them color better without compromising too much the feel of this awesome skin for those who are happy with it :)

Thanks for your time.

Edited by NightmareT12
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Just now, BeastfaB said:

I hate to say it but this skin's coloring is awful. The coloration doesn't even come close to the colors on the normal skin. I just wasted 225 plat if this isn't changed. :sadcry:

Friendly reminder you can preview skins and the colors through arsenal.

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Even tho i really like the new skin, I have noticed two issues with the Inaros Skin.

If you equip the Inaros Horus Helmet and the Inaros Ramses Skin you get a gap between the neck and the helmet in the back of the warframe.


The second thing i noticed is that you get huge changes in the color of the skin depending on the lighting.



Edited by -SD-Nakarkos
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2 minutes ago, Brachion said:

You clearly haven't tried to get it to match any of Inaros' other helmets yet then.

I have no intention to. Deluxe helmet is <3 ohhhh (gets wet). And I will try to match it with the Anubis robohelmet yeah, I'm not worried.

This skin goes along with what I like. There will always be people who don't like. I LIKE.

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2 minutes ago, Brachion said:

You clearly haven't tried to get it to match any of Inaros' other helmets yet then.

You can say literally the same thing about any other Deluxe, and even some Primes, and that's because they never design this with alt helmets in mind. That's the whole point of the skin.

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The lighting changes is because it's metallic, which are the most affected material by it. The lighting on the Profile also needs some proper update, because Primes precisely, who have the best metals in game for gold, looks like cheap plastic there.

Edited by NightmareT12
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