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[PC] Beasts of the Sanctuary: Sanctuary Onslaught Feedback Megathread


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They really need to fix this crap.  3 times today the host decided to not go to the next wave and screwed over the group.  No loot, no XP, no focus.  DE, how lame does this have to get before you fix a simple bug?  Give us the loot, etc. on wave END!!!

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3 times today I finished wave 8 with a host that decided to screw over the group and let someone else go through the portal and not continue.  Host migration in process ........   Game keeps everyone in the migration, never finishes and we don't get ANYTHING for the time we just wasted.  This is just ridiculous.  Time to quit playing!

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As the title says, this is a huge problem regarding the fact that if anyone were to rejoin via d/c'ing and then rejoining the mission, the portal will refuse to open which will impede progress and the only thing left is to extract.

Granted you can still claim your rewards but this is seriously detrimental to progressing in the game mode as it can lead to griefing opportunities.

Step 1 : Join a Sanctuary Onslaught (Normal, Elite.)

Step 2 : While ingame, if you disconnect at any time (Whether it be crash, force close, etc) and log back in, you'll have a prompt to rejoin.

Step 3 : Once you've rejoined, the game may still be progressing as normal but when the timer runs out, the portal will not spawn in, denying any further continues.

The more I'm into this mission, the more likely I'll have to play solo despite the fact it's more efficient to be in a party.

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Please make sure that in the future to take extra time and iron out some of the worst bugs I've seen in warframe to date before pushing an update live.

If you can not test it properly internally or without releasing it to the masses, please make a test server for that purpose or be prepared to compensate people for the lost time and hair (that gets pulled out because of all the game braking bugs lol) I would love to get all the rewards I did not get because of bugs.

Please  make sure to provide a clear explanation ( in a trailer or before you join the mission) on what happens when timer runs out or when you don't enter the portal. I've spent way too much time explaining and arguing that not entering portal or letting the efficiency run out is the same as extracting and you can do ether or. Had people argue that you need to do one and would not enter the portal ( host ) and screw  the whole team of the rewards ( not sure if you knew but host migration wipes all rewards even affinity ). Or make it so if host leaves everyone extracts with them and not get shafted.

Remove useless rewards from Elite mode. I believe most other players would tell you the same thing and that getting endo as a reward is like a slap in the face. At least turn it into stars or something trade-able or a bit more useful.


       I'm surprised I didn't rage quit the game and uninstall it after every piece of khora drop I got ( minus chassis ) game would crash, host would migrate or something else would happen and I lost every part and had to re grind it. Please test things a bit more thoroughly and we will all understand if it takes a bit more time to release. Trust me more people would be willing to wait a few more days to get a better product than to get it sooner and end up hating the game/ game mode. Everyone will get burned out on the game mode when it's buggy and will have a bad association with it even when it gets fixed or improved. First impressions matter. I know most will hate it or love it despite the bugs, but I guarantee that more people would have loved it if it was a bit more polished.

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vor 1 Stunde schrieb AlcatrazNC002:

Being able to face several factions in a single survival like mode on different map is for me cool. Plus it offers me some high level content, which I think is what warframe lacks. I don't really want to spend several minutes on Mot just to reach a high level content and once I'm done with my sortie missions well it often means end of the game. 

I have more problems in sortie, then this. Reasons : i suspect fake enemy levels. They die too quick compared to the Simulacrum Versions. 

I need multiple hits in Simulacrum, where in Sanctuary, I just one-shot them. 

UNLESS Simulacrum is supposed to scale differently!! Then no objections. 

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One glaring issue that has become ABUNDANTLY clear with the addition of sanctuary onslaught is the major issue where if the host leaves a game and the game fails at migrating to a new host, everyone gets booted from the level (not the issue) and loses ALL REWARDS from that mission. About 4 times now I've hit round 6 or round 8 in elite onslaught (as well as probably another 4 times in regular onslaught), gotten a reward I really wanted, only to have someone leave, have the host migration fail, and for me to not just lose that reward, but also all focus gains and previous rewards as well. I even managed to gain about 10 affinity levels on an amp (not an easy thing to level), only to lose all of that too. When you sink 20+ minutes into a mission only to have the game boot you for something beyond your control, and make it as though you never did anything, is beyond frustrating. In fact it is probably the main reason I've played onslaught a fraction as much as I would have without this issue.

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Aside from some bugs, this is an amazing gamemode. I love it and hope that it'll improve in the future.


1. Rewards/Extraction: We don't get the reward until after we enter the portal, so to choose a stopping point you have to do an extra zone (like we want to stop at 8 for the C rewards, but have to wait until the end of 9 to leave). It would seem more efficient to get the reward when the portal spawns at the end of the zone, then we can choose to wait out the portal timer to extract.

2. Spawn rates: Simply put, this is a painfully thin-spread 'horde-mode' as it is supposedly aspiring to be. Most often the reason we fail to go any further before we lose efficiency isn't that we aren't killing fast enough, it's that there are not enough enemies to maintain our efficiency faster than it drops. We are very capable of killing stupidly fast, but doomed to fail when faced with a nearly empty zone. I'm uncertain of this, but it also seems that the number of squad members affects how many enemies spawn as well, which is not okay, at all. If not more spawns, then maybe increase the 'worth' of each enemy's efficiency by even a fraction of a percentage, or decrease the amount of time per zone from 2.5 minutes to 2 minutes.

3. Khora: I would also like to suggest removing Khora's drops from the Elite mode, restricting them to only the normal mode. I understand that the drop rate for her parts is much lower in Elite, but that really only makes it much more painful when you get that 3.16% chance Khora BP instead of the 3.16% chance Peculiar Bloom or Vandal part...

Of course, I don't have solid answers for these issues (that's not my job) or even know for sure if these are issues for anyone else besides myself. I could just be very wrong and this is all like this by design and I just need to 'get good'. Regardless, this is just my feedback from my experience.

Thank you DE

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Hi there! Am I the only one who gets this bug: when I go into the portal and get to a new location, the countdown doesn't stop, and afterwords I get only a white screen. :( technically I'm still a part of the mission and get the rewards, but I can't do anything.

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This is supposed to be the ultimate challenge of gun and blade for the tenno. Just spinning with meme strike is way too easy and if thats all people will ever do, this mode will get stale very quickly.

Simaris already blocks overused abilities to force people to use different tactics. Let him also temporarily block an overused weapon if players refuse vary their attacks. Lets make the builds more interesting than mere one tricks.

Edited by -skimmer-
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While i think the (elite) Onslaught mode is fun, its not really worth doing until the bugs are fixed. At the current state the "sucess rate" (read i get rewards at the end) seems to be like 1 in 3 runs.

The host migration issue might be the most annoying, but by far not the only issue. Another that i encountered several times, was that the potral opens and the countdown starts, but after using the portal the countdown keeps on going and will kick you out of the game when it reachers 0. I ran into problems with beam weapons (Amprex) at day 1, the game crashed when i went trough a portal with the beam weapon (wave 2+), but we had hotfixes since then so this might have been adressed.

Until at least most problems have been fixed, i will not be bothering with it after reaching my focus cap.


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Overall Sanctuary Onslaught is good.

Things I dont like: Difficulty and Warframe nerf

-It seems to be a grind especially early levels of Hard Mode. (game mode should ramp up much faster making people try different stats over the week to clear it giving rewards based on how well you did) Unfortunately it has fallen back on grindy RNG based system. Currently like every game mode in the game you can join a party and slog out the grind or jump around till your team gets you to wave 8-9 then you all leave, repeat and leave continue till you get all the items. No struggle no learning no strategist required, maybe if all enemys were the same type for the week you may have use for primed bane mods or if a boss appeared ever X waves you would bring a frame just for that boss, maybe you would bring a frame to aoe trash early game (oh wait ultis can be spammed zzz) for you and other to carry through late game.

-I was shocked to find that ultis (4) can not be spammed in this mode. I think this was done to stop people killing many minions with AOE, however warframe ability dont scale with enemy level and stop killing enemy's when they get too strong. Hard mode should have been made stronger so the player wont want to use the ability because it become too weak to kill, warframes shouldnt have a nerf to the warframe to make the game harder, enemys should be made harder to start with (wave 7 should be wave 1).
Some people say "you can just permanently lock enemys down and it will never get harder" but because it is a timed run trading damage for crowed control has negative effects. And it is very easy to loose when you spend all your time crowed controlling and you dont have enough damage to kill. If a premade team wants to have 1 player designated to Crowed Controll (Banshi, Volt, Vauban) spamming their CC while the others on their team go around killing as fast as possible, this should be fine and encourages strategies. I believe the non spaming ulti system was put inplace to stop people aoe killing too fast and this is only a problem because enemys are too weak. 

Edited by Pitiful
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So after playing a few rounds of SO I think I have some Feedback to give:


Team: Efficiency levels are easy to keep, but if you are not the host disconnects are happening with a regularity that makes me wonder if this is intended to be a feature. In this state team SO is simply unplayable.


Solo: no crashes. Yay. Keeping efficiency up? No problem when fighting infested or corpus. Corrupted are a bit trickier but still within the realm of theoretical possibility.

When fighting grineer? Utterly impossible. They spawn in groups of one or two spread over the entire map. That's just too few.

I can fight infested without picking up any of the efficiency things and still be constantly at 99%.  With the grineer the meter will drop inexorably no matter how fast I kill.

End result: Getting to even just  rotation C depends entirely on when an how often rooms with grineer spawn. Two times grineer after room 4? End of the line, period.

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Did I miss out on a reason why there is a Rank 30 Warframe limitation for regular Sanctuary Onslaught mode? I can see why it's a requirement for the Elite version with the increased levels and whatnot but the default Onslaught is not particularly difficult. As someone who uses Powers sparingly, bringing in a rank 0 or rank 30 Warframe usually only means I have less Shields and Health.

Any possibility of this restriction being lifted? It's pretty annoying that if you have a Warframe sitting around at rank 24, you are forced to make of choice of grinding out that last 6 ranks outside or play the Onslaught with friends. If anything, perhaps the restriction could be placed on Public matchmaking specifically and not Private games?

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Overall Sanctuary Onslaught is good.

Things I dont like: Difficulty and Warframe nerf

-It seems to be a grind especially early levels of Hard Mode. (game mode should ramp up much faster making people try different stats over the week to clear it giving rewards based on how well you did) Unfortunately it has fallen back on grindy RNG based system. Currently like every game mode in the game you can join a party and slog out the grind or jump around till your team gets you to wave 8-9 then you all leave, repeat and leave continue till you get all the items. No struggle no learning no strategist required, maybe if all enemys were the same type for the week you may have use for primed bane mods or if a boss appeared ever X waves you would bring a frame just for that boss, maybe you would bring a frame to aoe trash early game (oh wait ultis can be spammed zzz) for you and other to carry through late game.

-I was shocked to find that ultis (4) can not be spammed in this mode. I think this was done to stop people killing many minions with AOE, however warframe ability dont scale with enemy level and stop killing enemy's when they get too strong. Hard mode should have been made stronger so the player wont want to use the ability because it become too weak to kill, warframes shouldnt have a nerf to the warframe to make the game harder, enemys should be made harder to start with (wave 7 should be wave 1).
Some people say "you can just permanently lock enemys down and it will never get harder" but because it is a timed run trading damage for crowed control has negative effects. And it is very easy to loose when you spend all your time crowed controlling and you dont have enough damage to kill. If a premade team wants to have 1 player designated to Crowed Controll (Banshi, Volt, Vauban) spamming their CC while the others on their team go around killing as fast as possible, this should be fine and encourages strategies. I believe the non spaming ulti system was put inplace to stop people aoe killing too fast and this is only a problem because enemys are too weak. 

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6 minutes ago, Pitiful said:

Ultis drop off after enemys get harder. Usualy you would use ulti at the start and swap to weapon later.


7 minutes ago, Pitiful said:

Nothing should be blocked. Enemys should be buffed, it ramps up to slow. People spam Melee now because they cant use Ulti and they should be allowed to use ulti,

Thats kind of the problem isnt it? If they can one trick it with ults, they will use ults. If it can be one tricked with melees, they will use melees.

There is no variety in either case. Even now you have people either spamming 4s or meme striking their way through the hordes, with a rare case of amprex user here and there.

Edited by -skimmer-
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hace 6 minutos, Flandyrll dijo:

Did I miss out on a reason why there is a Rank 30 Warframe limitation for regular Sanctuary Onslaught mode? I can see why it's a requirement for the Elite version with the increased levels and whatnot but the default Onslaught is not particularly difficult. As someone who uses Powers sparingly, bringing in a rank 0 or rank 30 Warframe usually only means I have less Shields and Health.

Any possibility of this restriction being lifted? It's pretty annoying that if you have a Warframe sitting around at rank 24, you are forced to make of choice of grinding out that last 6 ranks outside or play the Onslaught with friends. If anything, perhaps the restriction could be placed on Public matchmaking specifically and not Private games?

It's to avoid people farming xp on onslaught. The large amounts of enemies and fast spawn rates makes it the best farm in the game, at 12 rounds w/ booster to max out three rank 0 weapons and a companion, and it takes only half an hour.

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The crashes and whatnot are to be expected from new material, I don't care that much about them.

But a quick fix for the efficiency decreasing faster than the enemies spawn could be doubling the enemy spawn rate and reducing their damage to 60%.

It could make enemies more difficult and help us keep efficiency longer, without having to look all over the room for an enemy to kill while you see your efficiency drop.

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