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[PC] Beasts of the Sanctuary: Sanctuary Onslaught Feedback Megathread


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14 minutes ago, Kahelsinova said:

I'm not sure whether this is something that has been mentioned before, there's a lot of pages to go through to check, but!

Is it possible to have the reward given when the data conduit opens rather than when you go through it? It seemed really unintuitive to go through the entirety of Wave 16, decide it was a good point to leave and then realise that you don't actually get given a reward unless you go onto the next wave.

As it stands, rewards are at the Start of wave 3, 5, 7 & 9... etc rather than the end of 2, 4, 6 & 8... etc and it's quite weird that way and unrewarding to those cashing out. <3

Try finishing the mission then, instead of "cashing out". Any idea how frustrating it is to be trying to run a mission with loot whores dropping out all the time?

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I just wonder, what is the algoritm behind 'overused'? My EV Trin got a block on 4th pretty much after 3 casts (in about 10 sec), while i can spam  EV (2 ability) like there is no tomorow. Same goes for Atlas, i can spam 1 (basicly his invincibility punch around) more then bullets fired, all just fine.


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I really enjoy the gamemode! I think the progression is fun and getting through the rounds and getting to harder and harder mobs packed into one rooms awesome! And ive always wanted a gamemode where the monsters just constantly charge at me and they do in this mode. 

Now there are some problems that would make this better (Drops i know you guys said these are still being worked on so yah ) Bugging out at round 8  and other random bugs that make game crash  
and more guys spawning like tons more so i can keep efficiency up 
 That is all i wish :)

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16 minutes ago, Thirdofherne said:

Try finishing the mission then, instead of "cashing out". Any idea how frustrating it is to be trying to run a mission with loot whores dropping out all the time?

It is absolutely nothing to do with being a "loot whore" in the slightest when all 4 of us playing agreed to leave at that wave, then didn't even get a reward for it. Don't be so presumptuous, non-constructive and aggressive with your uninformed retort.

You mention about people "dropping out all the time", I agree there's absolutely nothing worse than when someone drops out without warning you and you lose 2 parts to Khora because of the "Host Migration in Progress" bug and then no one else gets a reward at all which literally just happened to me. People quite simply HAVE agree to leave at the moment. You have no choice but to leave when you get something rewarding because the chances of it bugging out and making you lose all your reward is still there until fixed. 

And even then, this problem arises because when someone enters the portal, THAT is when the loot is gifted, not WHEN the wave ends. If 3 people enter the portal and you get the reward you want, but the host happens to decide that moment is the time to drop out and stays behind, not out of not wanting to finish the mission, but out of sheer fear that you never know when the game mode is going to bug out, you absolutely cannot blame people for being cautious with their rewards until DE manages to fix Sanctuary Onslaught which I'm certain they are trying their hardest. No one knows who the host of the mission is, so the most intuitive change they can do until they manage to refine the mode and its problems is to grant the reward at Wave completion and NOT when people go through the Data Conduit.

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2 minutes ago, Kahelsinova said:

It is absolutely nothing to do with being a "loot whore" in the slightest when all 4 of us playing agreed to leave at that wave, then didn't even get a reward for it. Don't be so presumptuous, non-constructive and aggressive with your uninformed retort.

You mention about people "dropping out all the time", I agree there's absolutely nothing worse than when someone drops out without warning you and you lose 2 parts to Khora because of the "Host Migration in Progress" bug and then no one else gets a reward at all which literally just happened to me. People quite simply HAVE agree to leave at the moment. You have no choice but to leave when you get something rewarding because the chances of it bugging out and making you lose all your reward is still there until fixed. 

And even then, this problem arises because when someone enters the portal, THAT is when the loot is gifted, not WHEN the wave ends. If 3 people enter the portal and you get the reward you want, but the host happens to decide that moment is the time to drop out and stays behind, not out of not wanting to finish the mission, but out of sheer fear that you never know when the game mode is going to bug out, you absolutely cannot blame people for being cautious with their rewards until DE manages to fix Sanctuary Onslaught which I'm certain they are trying their hardest. No one knows who the host of the mission is, so the most intuitive change they can do until they manage to refine the mode and its problems is to grant the reward at Wave completion and NOT when people go through the Data Conduit.

Yeah this is quite annoying, especially when people jsut leave match cuz the amount of rewards isn't really worth keepign them if you won't get what you need, i mena seriously probably main reason for ppl beign so willing to just get out not even waiting for their rewards to get confiremd is how lackluster they are, liek seriusly who the hell put ENDO there ? also drop rates of any valuable rewards are just bad joke, and mode itself not fun enought for many people to go there to play it.

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In U22.18.2 DE added " Conduits now automatically closes in 30 seconds after spawning. If you take too much of your sweet time getting to the Conduit, you will be auto-extracted with your spoils intact. This is also our intended extraction mechanism for those who do not wish to go on - simply stay behind"

Proposal: rewards from onslaught should be awarded when the portal spawns rather than when you go through the portal. This way you can complete a zone, get your reward and then leave immediately, rather that having to/through another zone to extract with your reward.

Example with current system: the player completes zone 2, and the portal spawns. The player has to go through the portal to reveal the reward. The player then has to let efficiency decay or finish zone 3 and wait 30 seconds to be able to extract.

Example with proposed system: the player completes zone 2, and the portal spawns, and the reward is revealed. The player waits 30 seconds and extracts.

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I really thought peculiar mods would be the worst part of the update, but instead it was a friday release wrought with game ending bugs you let stew over the weekend. Even with 3 rushed hotfixes none of the major bugs that weve reported in the megathreads were resolved.

1. Release updates that dont crash, its the industry standard and yallve failed this the past 4 mainlines.

2. Release at a time youre able to fix, just like with christmas ghoul purge you let the PC community stew with bad unplayable content, then ignore 99% of the feedback. If it was released this monday maybe yall couldve updated daily but inatead you wasted the playerbases time.

"Oh OP bugs are hard lmao XD game design amiright" is a sign of community rot and shame on anyone using this excuse to coddle DE. Theyre big boys and girls, they need to know that their behavior is unacceptable.

Ill be taking a short break, play some games that show quality control...

Edited by Gandergear
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10 minutes ago, Gandergear said:

I really thought peculiar mods would be the worst part of the update, but instead it was a friday release wrought with game ending bugs you let stew over the weekend. Even with 3 rushed hotfixes none of the major bugs that weve reported in the megathreads were resolved.

1. Release updates that dont crash, its the industry standard and yallve failed this the past 4 mainlines.

2. Release at a time youre able to fix, just like with christmas ghoul purge you let the PC community stew with bad unplayable content, then ignore 99% of the feedback. If it was released this monday maybe yall couldve updated daily but inatead you wasted the playerbases time.

"Oh OP bugs are hard lmao XD game design amiright" is a sign of community rot and shame on anyone using this excuse to coddle DE. Theyre big boys and girls, they need to know that their behavior is unacceptable.

Ill be taking a short break, play some games that show quality control...

Image result for salty meme


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Let's just view a few flashbacks at every major game release such as Battlefield, that always had connection issues, disconnects and desyncs. And that's coming from a multimillion company rolling out "AAA" titles every year. Same goes from games from Ubisoft, Activion and formerly Blizzard Entertainment.
Every single release that has from-scratch content is doomed to be filled with bugs, cogs spun the wrong way and pipes craking left and right, even within companies that are multiple times as large and experienced within their infrastructure. I'm just trying to have a reasonable argument without spewing intoxicating words.

Even though Onslaught was a disastrous experience for the first couple of days it's definitely receiving improvements and IS being refined to a state where it's a very stable piece of Warframe players can sincerely enjoy *more* than they do now. If you're not in that part of the community then you've either had not played long enough or just intolerant to humans making errors as all humans do.

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Maybe make new things ingame, like a new game mode, only available to mr25 for play-testing (no loot/xp during this time) for a week, they can do a questionare/feedback thing at the end of that week. then DE can take a some time and tweek the update, and drop a mega hotfix, along with introducing the new stuff to the rest of players. stuff just needs playtesting! and by players, not by devs. 

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15 minutes ago, Gandergear said:

I really thought peculiar mods would be the worst part of the update, but instead it was a friday release wrought with game ending bugs you let stew over the weekend. Even with 3 rushed hotfixes none of the major bugs that weve reported in the megathreads were resolved.

1. Release updates that dont crash, its the industry standard and yallve failed this the past 4 mainlines.

2. Release at a time youre able to fix, just like with christmas ghoul purge you let the PC community stew with bad unplayable content, then ignore 99% of the feedback. If it was released this monday maybe yall couldve updated daily but inatead you wasted the playerbases time.

"Oh OP bugs are hard lmao XD game design amiright" is a sign of community rot and shame on anyone using this excuse to coddle DE. Theyre big boys and girls, they need to know that their behavior is unacceptable.

Ill be taking a short break, play some games that show quality control...


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17 minutes ago, Gandergear said:

Release updates that dont crash, its the industry standard

I work in the industry, a segment where a piece of software costs several dozens of thousand of euros. I still have to see that industry standard.

18 minutes ago, Gandergear said:

Ill be taking a short break, play some games that show quality control...

I suggest Bethesda, their first releases are always perfect. Bioware too, absolutely no game breaking bugs, at all.

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Just now, den2k said:

I work in the industry, a segment where a piece of software costs several dozens of thousand of euros. I still have to see that industry standard.

I suggest Bethesda, their first releases are always perfect. Bioware too, absolutely no game breaking bugs, at all.

Bethesda and bioware games are stable in comparison

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1 minute ago, Gandergear said:

Starcraft 2 coop and mechwarrior online are currently my go tos, battletech coming out soon and im looking forward to that.

Yeah sure,  and the new Battletech will have no bugs at all...if you want to believe...

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