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[PC] Beasts of the Sanctuary: Sanctuary Onslaught Feedback Megathread


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eh its a problem its needs to be fixed people cared before, but have since let it slide because there was little reason to care onslaught comes out suddenly everyone just dcs and because the farm is minimum 60 hours or some crap people arent happy. Why because 20 minutes of there lif is usualy wasted when a host migration happens, We dont care what the solution is we just want it to be better

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So, it's got bugs, and well publicized ones at the moment. Crashes, lost items, and the like. Haven't encountered 'em, don't have much to say about 'em other than it's pretty obvious DE is aware of a lot of 'em. There's been much ado about the rewards, too, so I don't really have a lot to add there.

Overall the game mode's pretty neat, sort of a less fiddly Survival with the combat turned up to 11. Favors massive damage dealing/boosting frames which isn't such a bad thing. Good ol' shoot-n-stab 'em up action with 4 players. Spawns feel a bit light when duo'ing. Kinda pants to play in Solo mode, though one AABC rotation is pretty manageable unless RNG gives you a string of awful tiles.

Actually, that's pretty much my only gripe, really. The tile you get has a pretty swingy effect on spawns in an obvious and not in a way that can be mitigated through tactics or equipment choices. In Survival, if you hit a tile that can't really sustain you, you just pull up roots and move on to another, tagging an airtank along the way to offset the lower income of air while you're moving. The tiles work towards those ends. Here, not so much. If you're stuck with a huge tile that has a derth of spawn points, you're just kinda gonna take a big efficiency hit, or you end up camping just one tiny corner where the bulk of the spawn points are. I know it's not really feasible at the moment, but hopefully in time the Sanctuary will get its own unique tiles with spawns and layouts balanced around its otherwise quite enjoyable mechanics.

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Bon je commence à en avoir ras le bol, lors des assauts je n'obtiens quasiment rien malgré le fait que j'aille jusqu'au portail 9 et pour cause le jeu n'a de cesse de crasher et je perds donc tout ce qui est accumulé pendant les assauts :(

Well I'm getting sick of it, during the assaults I get almost nothing despite the fact that I go to the portal 9 and for cause the game does not stop crashing and I lose all that is accumulated during assaults:(

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23 hours ago, -skimmer- said:


Thats kind of the problem isnt it? If they can one trick it with ults, they will use ults. If it can be one tricked with melees, they will use melees.

There is no variety in either case. Even now you have people either spamming 4s or meme striking their way through the hordes, with a rare case of amprex user here and there.

The point i was making is that ultis drop off dmg a lot faster than weapons. People would use ultis at the start then swap to weapons when their ulti no long kills enemys. This is what used to happen back in the hard days.

People didnt stop spamming their ulti because the game wouldnt allow it, it just stopped being effective at killing and weapons had to be used.

Edited by Pitiful
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1 hour ago, R4IDEN_HUN said:

Hi DE! The gamemode is awsome, but there is a problem with it. When its released you was able to use a warframe thats under 30. This was a bug and got fixed sadly. Warframe is about to farm to get better loot etc. but I felt kicked in the nuts after the hotfix and don't let me play with my mesa because i used a forma on it to test the best build that was a mistake to put a level limit on the gamemodes mostly for the regular version. I know that on elite public noone want to see a random guy with fully lvl 0 equipment and I agree the cap on elite mode, but why you need to put it on the regular mode. Just imagine that you have a level cap on defense or survival those gamemodes endless too, whats the differents? If someone want stay for a 100 zone he never gonna do it in public so that player will recuit members, clanmates and friends and they don't gonna bring a lvl 0 frame. I hope DE you remove the cap from the regular mode.

I believe this was done to stop people leveling up in this mode. A large part of the game mode was developed to help people focus farm so they dont need to use silly methods like banshi melee. The side effect of making a focus base level is that focus is directly related to affinity and therefor you cannot create a level for focus that does not generate an unfair leveling experience. They have blocked under level 30 warframes to stop you leveling up too much mastery faster than the game originally let you before the map.
In short it was made for focus farm not mastery farm. Maybe if you have formaed it should be allowed but maybe you are meant to grind for this also.

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The mode is fantastic but it isnt optimised correctly. The framerate drops to about half every time a new portal opens, from 120fps and doest come up from 80 afterwards. Additionally, every time a portal opened, a friend on my team would disconnect only to rejoin and be disconnected again. Aside from that, it's a solid game mode that NEEDS a way to leave a game before hitting 0% stability. 

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1) As I can assume after some plays, the reason of waiting for portal creation is loading the next tileset by the host. So, this time can GREATLY fluctuate from one host to another. But this reason isn't clear. Many players are leaving the game after 30-60 sec of waiting because they think that this is a bug and portal will never appear. Maybe you should make something like message "Map is loading" at that moment?
2) This gamemode realy needs the same "Will you continue?" Screen after every wave like other endless missions have.
3) That isn't too important... but it's realy anoying to talk to Simaris every time you need to start this gamemode. That's OK at the first time but after some dozens of plays it starts to annoy. Maybe it will be better to make something like special console in Simaris room, that will only show the selection menu (something simmilar to menu when you want to start a node that cuurently have some different missions on it) and after selection it will start mission.

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Running sanctuary onslaught to get that new shiny cat lady Warframe?

Spent hours farming to get that last part?

Welp better hope the host doesnt leave, wouldn't want all that effort to go to waste in a failed host migration now would we. I mean, its not like time is a precious thing after all.

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The hosts aren't doing anything wrong though they should be able to leave and you should be able to continue without them, nobody is screwing you over besides the developers don't blame innocent players who most like don't know how buggy the mode is. 

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New bonus for all PC players who have at

2 minutes ago, Sallian3 said:

The hosts aren't doing anything wrong though they should be able to leave and you should be able to continue without them, nobody is screwing you over besides the developers don't blame innocent players who most like don't know how buggy the mode is. 

What if I see we get new part and I'm host, if I just happen to leave at the time...oopsie 4 u.


Also if all players decide to not go through portal, I have had instances where the host will be ejected 1st and the rest will go through a failed migration leading to no rewards. Host should be ejected last.

Edited by TeaVice
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2 minutes ago, TeaVice said:

New bonus for all PC players who have at

What if I see we get new part and I'm host, if I just happen to leave at the time...oopsie 4 u.

It would be annoying but i dont have access or knowledge to fix these bugs and likely neither do you, so I either host it or go solo.

Edited by Sallian3
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3 minutes ago, Horonelius said:

I have probably lost out on over a million focus just yesterday because of SO s***ting the bed.

I thought Focus daily cap at 250k...


But yes, I already lose about 2 million Focus point already... Because I don't get Focus point = Do it again = Lose again = Lose... You know...

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2 minutes ago, NocheLuz said:

I thought Focus daily cap at 250k...

Focus farm daily cap, hit cap, host failed migration, lose all gained focus.

Repeat 3 more times in an attempt to gain cap and you have accumulated 1mil POTENTIAL focus.

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Has DE considered changing the way onslaught reward the player? It make no sense that the way to extract the mission is to not enter the portal. But you have to enter the portal to receive your reward.

Hope this changes, it's a waste of time that you have to start a new zone and wait for efficiency to drop to 0 to extract.

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I usually when im host, dont leave if some guy enters the conduit alone,but it took me a while to notice the host migration u create, after zone6 for some reason  there is huge  lag spikes on squad, its not my net or pc im certain, cause we managed fine till then, when we reach that usually 3 and 4 get messed up, it happens when im not host too, my friends have the same problems to the point none wanting to be 3 or 4.

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17 minutes ago, AskForMercy said:

1) As I can assume after some plays, the reason of waiting for portal creation is loading the next tileset by the host. So, this time can GREATLY fluctuate from one host to another. But this reason isn't clear. Many players are leaving the game after 30-60 sec of waiting because they think that this is a bug and portal will never appear. Maybe you should make something like message "Map is loading" at that moment?
2) This gamemode realy needs the same "Will you continue?" Screen after every wave like other endless missions have.
3) That isn't too important... but it's realy anoying to talk to Simaris every time you need to start this gamemode. That's OK at the first time but after some dozens of plays it starts to annoy. Maybe it will be better to make something like special console in Simaris room, that will only show the selection menu (something simmilar to menu when you want to start a node that cuurently have some different missions on it) and after selection it will start mission.

1) Wrong.

  • First of all - I was playing with clanmates/friends when DE were deploying 22.18.4, and we froze waiting for the portal to open while patch was deploying, gate opened at the same moment when we received message "update deployed".
  • Also, I played many games with a friend with some randoms (so I was always a host) and in most cases portal was opening pretty quick(like 5 sec, maybe 10), but sometimes there was a delay (20-30+ sec) in most cases like that we also had a person who was loading really slow to a mission.
  • Also, there may be a delay because of the tile loading time, but it is usually not very big. You may notice that when you're waiting for a portal to open it is usually just some idle time, except few seconds when you get huge FPS drop. ...
  • And the last thing - before the last update when someone was crashing and getting back to the game before the end of the wave where he crashed it was almost 100% chance that gate wouldn't open until this person disconnects... and sometimes even the very first gate (from the room where you first load on this mission, with simaris) doesn't open, until clients disconnect from the game (also tested with clanmates/friends - we had this problem multiple times.. and I guess it's not all clients, just specific client preventing gate from opening, idk how to find out who exactly). Btw, if person who crashed get's back to a game before the wave end(where he crashed) and gate doesn't open... and then kills warframe(Alt+F4) (gate opens) and then returns to the next wave - most likely gate wouldn't open again until he disconnects.

BTW, setting graphics settings to LOW and disabling DirectX 10 and 11 in launcher helps to reduce crashes. For example - I never crashed on this mission and I had DX 10 and 11 disabled for a long time(since POE update(there was a bug preventing to run warframe somehow connected to DX10 and 11), I also told friends/clanmates who was crashing often to do that and they didn't crash since...

2) I don't think it is a good idea. Because 30 sec timer in menu where ppl have to choose stay or leave would greatly slow down this mission. And the cool thing about this mission is how fast it is!  ... Well ... maybe after every 8th wave it would be ok.

3) You can run this mission from syndicate missions tab in navigation. And consoles on relay and such stuff is realy stupid idea - loading to relay takes too much time, walking/teleporting on relay takes time too, this is all annoying. There must be some alternative interface where you could do EVERYTHING -- access to cetus all traders/syndicates functions, void trader, relay syndicaces and simaris and such stuff, WITHOUT any animations, teleportations and other things that are totaly doesn't matter and doesn't have any meaning, just slow your interaction with the game. Cetus, orbiter and relays are cool thing... when you don't have to visit them and walk around to get access to traders, various functions, missions and such. ...Why do I have to load to maroo's bazaar when I only want to do the ayatan hunt mission? And not only load there once - I have to enter relay, teleport or run to maroo, open her dialog(and sometimes it's not an easy task because some ppl just stay around maroo making it hard to target her), pick correct option there, then click on "start mission", load to a mission ... and after a mission I'm auto-loading back to maroo's bazaar, and I have to wait, then open menu and choose "LEAVE RELAY" and wait again until I load back to my orbiter. I guess most other people who did that mission more than once doesn't like this stuff too. Same with other things.


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