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Nerfing Nullifiers


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Stupid title aside, all I think that Nullifiers do the following instead of what they do currently:
Double the speed of the duration of abilities (As in they last half as long)

Increase cost of focus abilities (Excal's Exaulted blade, Oberon's Renewal, and some other abilities I cant name for some reason's cost goes up very quickly)

abilities only have 33% of their strength even if the frame is built with all of the strength mods in it, it instantly goes down to 33%


Other then that... that's it

Thanks for reading this and have a nice day 🙂

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I think Nullifiers do not need much change. There are easily counter-able by many different setups: Miter, Melee, high RoF weapons (beam weapons too), and shooting the drone to name a few. Their current function is to shut down players, and they do that quite well without anything overpowered in their kit. The bubble is quite visible and doesn't take much to kill it.

Edited by --Q--Voltage
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Problem with this is that they are called nullifers, not reducers. They aren't debuffers they are literal stoppers. You make them less effective, then what's the point of the unit at all? You need something to fight that's more than easy. You want high priority enemy units to at least have something to fight. If you had 10 different types of butchers with different types of melee weapons, what would be the fun or challenge in that? 
There wouldn't be any challenge, or diversity in enemy units if you made them all easy push overs. It'd get stale.

Another thing; it's not like nullifers are difficult to work around. You can rush through the shield and cut through them quickly, shoot the bubble drone, or shoot through the shield until it's gone.

They are but an obstacle to overcome. Don't need reduced to make them easier.

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1 hour ago, DTKlonoa said:

Stupid title aside, all I think that Nullifiers do the following instead of what they do currently:
Double the speed of the duration of abilities (As in they last half as long)

Increase cost of focus abilities (Excal's Exaulted blade, Oberon's Renewal, and some other abilities I cant name for some reason's cost goes up very quickly)

abilities only have 33% of their strength even if the frame is built with all of the strength mods in it, it instantly goes down to 33%


Other then that... that's it

Thanks for reading this and have a nice day 🙂

Thank you for the suggestion. It is well thought out but Nullifiers perform their function in the game very well right now with multiple counters available. This change would also allow players to brute force them with powers which would kind of defeat the purpose sadly.

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I prefer give a  sound indicator when his bubble going to appear again. and a better indicator and louder sound of Bombard's homing missiles. With low settings graphics you barely can see the projectiles coming towards you. Especially the tileset is dark or the corrupted version in the void tileset.

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The ideas of having Nully and Isolator Bubbles, and more than likely Bursa/Scrambus be able to have different tools and degrees of intensity be further modulated as suggested would be welcome to explore.

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Their mechanics don't need nerfing really. We got enough counter play now to be considered acceptable. What really needs fixing is their spawning and AI (aka kamikaze nullifiers).

Nullifiers that run at ya with their shield of "no" feels unfair, because you may kill them, but what follows is a high chance of death because they've diverted your attention too much, taken your abilities, or force you to kill yourself with an explosive. There's also those nullifiers that jump off from above ya or spawn right next to you.

If their AI is fixed to maintain a distance, not only would it kill the suicide bomber style it has, but it would actually make them deadly AND more fun.

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As someone said, Nullifiers should be a proper mini boss kind of thing with limited spawns rather than a spammable unit ... to the extent so many of them exist that the screen is flooded with blue/gold energy.

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Exams units, disruptors and nullifiers balance the game in a way so that you are not infinitely powerful in a mission.  if you could cheese your way through anything in the game you wouldn't even be here posting this thread, because the game would not be challenging and boring.

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On 2018-05-04 at 9:44 PM, DTKlonoa said:

Stupid title aside, all I think that Nullifiers do the following instead of what they do currently:
Double the speed of the duration of abilities (As in they last half as long)

Increase cost of focus abilities (Excal's Exaulted blade, Oberon's Renewal, and some other abilities I cant name for some reason's cost goes up very quickly)

abilities only have 33% of their strength even if the frame is built with all of the strength mods in it, it instantly goes down to 33%


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I disagree with this idea. If anything I think we need MORE of these kind of foes, especially at higher levels. 

There are those from the school of thought that certain abilities are OP and should be nerfed... but having enemies that turned off or even ignored those abilities would be a better alternative to nerfing, imo.

So, yeah.. definately need more nullies and their ilk...

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They already began making nulifiers less of a pain for Atlas when his rework came out. Afaik it affected another 2 or 3 warframes abilities, but Instead of the Nulifiers magically poping out your stone rumblers, it would drain their health over time until they are either dead or the nulifier is taken care of.

Nulifiers do need a fix and a slight rework. Their huge bubble clips through walls and ceilings, and stupid things like 4 nulifiers inside each other is something that happens all the damn time. Low fire rate weapons are nigh useless against them either mostly because that drone that floats on top of the bubble has a horrible hit dettection box and is bugged/inside the bubble itself.

Not only that, having a full set of buffs and abilities completely removed because you touched your pinky toe on a bubble that clipped through a wall is just dumb, plain and simple. They are not much of a pain in open maps, but for the majority of time these things are recurring. Melee focused warframes or buff-focused ones (2/3 of all warframes) suffer a lot because of these issues.


To the people who say "we need more nulifiers", consider fixing them before adding even more of those. The infested Ancient Disruptor is what the nulifier should be. He doesnt spawn a bubble that screws you up, but still effectively prevents you from nuking an entire room without being a pain in the ass.

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Am 5.5.2018 um 09:01 schrieb (PS4)Crixus044:

Nullifiers that run at ya with their shield of "no" feels unfair, because you may kill them, but what follows is a high chance of death because they've diverted your attention too much, taken your abilities, or force you to kill yourself with an explosive. There's also those nullifiers that jump off from above ya or spawn right next to you.

That's actually one of the very few cases of "clever" AI in this game, doing the unexpected :D


vor einer Stunde schrieb Nitro747:

They already began making nulifiers less of a pain for Atlas when his rework came out. Afaik it affected another 2 or 3 warframes abilities, but Instead of the Nulifiers magically poping out your stone rumblers, it would drain their health over time until they are either dead or the nulifier is taken care of.

Nulifiers do need a fix and a slight rework. Their huge bubble clips through walls and ceilings, and stupid things like 4 nulifiers inside each other is something that happens all the damn time. Low fire rate weapons are nigh useless against them either mostly because that drone that floats on top of the bubble has a horrible hit dettection box and is bugged/inside the bubble itself.

Not only that, having a full set of buffs and abilities completely removed because you touched your pinky toe on a bubble that clipped through a wall is just dumb, plain and simple. They are not much of a pain in open maps, but for the majority of time these things are recurring. Melee focused warframes or buff-focused ones (2/3 of all warframes) suffer a lot because of these issues. 


To the people who say "we need more nulifiers", consider fixing them before adding even more of those. The infested Ancient Disruptor is what the nulifier should be. He doesnt spawn a bubble that screws you up, but still effectively prevents you from nuking an entire room without being a pain in the ass.

That wraps it up pretty accuratly. Especially the drone didn't really do anything to make fighting them less of a pain. It's rapid movement and scaling makes shooting them uninteressing. Especially if you see 4 more nullies behind that one, which will respawn in an instant...better keep to op-ranged melee, like in every other scenario. Corpus have far too many are denial units.

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42 minutes ago, W3zeer said:

That's actually one of the very few cases of "clever" AI in this game, doing the unexpected 😄


That wraps it up pretty accuratly. Especially the drone didn't really do anything to make fighting them less of a pain. It's rapid movement and scaling makes shooting them uninteressing. Especially if you see 4 more nullies behind that one, which will respawn in an instant...better keep to op-ranged melee, like in every other scenario. Corpus have far too many are denial units.

This is true, but I think this kind of unexpected behavior doesn't belong with nullifiers. Volatile Runners? Absolutely, but not nullifiers.

The drone was a good idea that DE somehow managed to mess up lol The drone itself is not directly on top of nullifier shields, so it doesn't fix the clipping through walls, and since it hangs on the side, a lot of times, it hides behind the bubble itself, which is ultra annoying and makes it really useless. I've sometimes seen the drone hang lower than the crewman himself. That's just madness.

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