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Dev Workshop: Upcoming Console Virtual Cursor Changes & D-Pad Functionality (for all Platforms)!


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The new UI is way too extreme. I understand the logic behind the change, but after playing this game for 4 years, nothing has been this disorienting - not even the star chart updates. Simply navigating the arsenal requires a conscious effort and requires both cursor and D-pad inputs. The control scheme for modding doesn't seem to have any rhyme or reason behind what can be accomplished with D-pad + X, and what cannot.

I understand that this is a prototype for console players, but IMO you will have to completely redesign our menus (and literally everything to do with the upgrade screen!) if cursor movement is the predominant way you want someone with a controller to navigate the UI.

Was this really the best solution to unifying PC/console, or was it simply the easiest?

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I like the changes I do wish that there were a few more options like a toggle for the curser and the ability to set the old keys and curser at the same time one the I have tried to tell people is if the curser is slow you can the sensitivity but I like it a breath of fresh air

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On Xbox it's so much slower, my clanmates all want the buttons back for upgrade, appearance and equip and that random hold to equip relics. This is really irritating to figure out and get used to, also dragging to drop mods is pretty bad on console, and I can't move my warframe around in stores, idk I thats a bug, also I can't use D-PAD in the nav bar. That's my take on things. But everything else is nice, oh and the music that we already have should be the song that plays in the loading screen just sayin.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Void_Girl said:

The new UI is way too extreme. I understand the logic behind the change, but after playing this game for 4 years, nothing has been this disorienting - not even the star chart updates. Simply navigating the arsenal requires a conscious effort and requires both cursor and D-pad inputs. The control scheme for modding doesn't seem to have any rhyme or reason behind what can be accomplished with D-pad + X, and what cannot.

I understand that this is a prototype for console players, but IMO you will have to completely redesign our menus (and literally everything to do with the upgrade screen!) if cursor movement is the predominant way you want someone with a controller to navigate the UI.

Was this really the best solution to unifying PC/console, or was it simply the easiest?

Yeah I feel like this whole thing was designed with PC players and mouse/keyboard in mind rather than both platforms 

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I have mouse cursor sensitivity set to 200 as I elaborate on the cursor UI changes for console, keep in mind.

After playtesting these changes for about 2-3 hours now, I must say that I am wholeheartedly unimpressed and uncomfortable with these changes. It is much, MUCH slower to navigate through options now. And I WILL elaborate to the best of my ability with this post how janky this change has hit for me on PS4.

One thing I might add is that cursor navigation through the base menu options is fine via cursor and d-pad, via the template regarding Navigation, Arsenal, etc. Areas of those natures feels alright. That is probably my only optimistic view regarding this change.

HOWEVER, areas like the Arsenal feel asinine. I have to d-pad or hover my cursor to “Equip/Upgrade/Appearance/etc.” in order to change equipment, be it Warframe, Primary, Secondary, Melee, Companion/Sentinel, Sentinel Weapon? What is this crock? And scrolling through my inventory with R3 analog is required? Why? I can’t force-scroll through my inventory with the d-pad? This is quite literally BS and it is extremely time-consuming.

Also, get this, Fashionframe got nerfed with regards to this change and the Appearance tab. Because R3 analog is required to scroll through your inventory and you need to have the mouse cursor hover over your warframe in order rotate the character model, this immediately nerfed the fluidity in which you can mod your warframe’s aesthetics while sorting through your cosmetic inventory and/or palette color options. This is an extreme travesty, and I am very sorely missing the old controller UI of selection and rotary functionality on the Appearance tab.

When in a squad and if you want to leave the team, you need to hover your mouse cursor over the option in order to leave squad. Prior to this on console, it was a simple double tap on the up d-pad to access this option. Now it’s quite clearly a chore to match your mouse cursor on the option in order to choose it.

Regarding Arcanes, in order to equip Arcanes/Exodias/Maguses/Virtuoses from the Arcane menu, you need to double tap on your button key in order to equip it. A simple single press will only highlight the Arcane in the menu. This is stupid.

Modding weapons, warframes, etc. is horribly dysfunctional as well. Just like how I mentioned R3 analog is used to sort and scroll through your menu, you literally have to point, click, hold, and thus drag mods in order to mod. The previous console UI build simply was just scroll to whatever mod you wanted to highlight with your d-pad, select it, and again allocate where you wanted the mod to go on wherever you chose to confirm again via d-pad scroll/highlight. That was simple, it wasn’t broken. Don’t fix something that’s not broken. I’m playing Warframe, not a point&click adventure.

I’m not one to lie, but, and I hate to say this, but Destiny 2 had a much better mouse cursor UI build in highlighting, selecting, and allocating appropriate hotkey options to navigate through menus. This new change is horribly implemented and feels very unwarranted on console Warframe.

I’m sorry @[DE]Steve, @[DE]Rebecca. This whole thing is terrible. Opening Pandora’s Box should never be a thing, my DEvs.

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I just really don't like the cursor thing. It made what was a super easy, simple, smooth, and enjoyable way to navigate through all the menus and everything, and just destroyed it.


I really love this game, in the two-ish months that I've been playing. I really do. But I play on PS4, on console, because I use a controller. And implementing a PC Mouse input UI is a bad, bad thing. I mean, maybe some people like it. That's fine. But give us an option of which layout/ui to use. I can't play it as it stands. There's too much pointless things that seem to have just been changed to make everything more difficult and less streamlined. (Like having to drag'n'drop mods instead of 'point and click')


So please, I beg of you, you wonderful Devs whom I love, please at the very least give us the option to disable the virtual cursor so those of us who wish can use the normal Console/controller UI. Please.

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I will just add something to my previous post that I didn’t want to say initially, but do feel is necessary:

From Steve’s first tweet about this it has been abundantly clear that this change is not about “unifying the platforms” but rather about your console team being too lazy to make new additions playable. And you know what, it may be fine to you devs as you most likely primarily play on pc, but for us console players, we’re stuck with this jarring system of a virtual cursor that nobody asked for, nobody wanted, and was met with overwhelmingly negative responses in every instance that it has been suggested before release. Literally, if you look at Steve’s tweets, you will see that the majority of replies are us console players who knew from day one that it wouldn’t work, and would unanimously upset all players. I mean, region chat right now is just a spam of #RemoveTheCursor. 

DE, I love you and you are still my favourite developers in the industry by far, but this has got to be the biggest disregard of what players actually want in favour of the laziness of your dev teams.

If you actually have any respect for your console players, give us a working UI, please... We already have to pretty much switch off YouTube for a month after each quest releases to avoid spoilers, the least you can do is let us keep the UI that has worked perfectly for years, not this awful excuse to let your console teams not do their jobs.

If there was a way to downvote this update, I would. If there was a way to petition to get this changed, I would. I doubt anyone with any real influence will even read this, but if you do, just spend one minute on Console region chat and tell yourself you made the right decision.

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Just chiming in with my opinion here. This update to the UI has taken away any motivation I had for playing.

-It's clunky to use with a controller.

-Took away shortcuts in our Arsenal, unnecessary change as the buttons aren't suddenly used for something else.

- It's build for PC and poorly adapted to console, if at all. 

- Mouse users seem to experience less problems, but you won't find too many of those on console.

Makes changing equipment counter-intuitive; double click to select something? Why?

- Changing loadouts or weapons in your loadouts takes more time, thus removing the quick-swap-and-play between missions altogether. 

These changes have actively taken my motivation to play WF. I booted it up, tried messing around with it and tried to find a way to make it work for me... only to close the app a mere 15 minutes later. I'm actually hesitant/reluctant to play WF. Never happened to me before.

I've seen others say the same thing, both on the forums and in-game. I hope DE reconsidered these changes, takes them out or at least tries to find solutions to the complaints voiced on the forums, in-game and on reddit.

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the way i feel this can be implemented well is if the button shortcuts were still present alongside the cursor update example: hovering over warframe panel and pressing square to open customization menu triangle to open upgrading menu and so on. also concerning coloring menu. unlock the scrolling when in the color palette itself to allow rotating while coloring while adding the scroll in while hovering over the palette menu itself as for menu scrolling.. the right stick could remain present however maybe add in a zone where the menu would scroll when the cursor is near the bottom of the menu. warframe and weapon select menus etc. these are just my ideas on the matter and the whole thing does need work. its really shows how it was PC focused to begin with and not put into consideration consoles using controller only

i can see where this menu would be useful but its missing certain button commands that the old menu utilized as for the vocal people . i see the concern greatly , im willing to bear with the clunky system for now but i hope this can be better streamlined cause i do believe it can work out good if it was polished up

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Another oddity I've discovered: While the cursor is not able to force a menu to scroll down (so you need to do that with the right stick) in the arsenal menus, this is not true of the Operator menus. There you're able to scroll up and down the menu with just the cursor via the left stick and at a decent speed too. If that were the case everywhere (and I've no idea why it isn't) it would certainly help.

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The new cursor is absolutely terrible. I'm sorry DE but this is probably the worst addition to Console yet. The last UI was awesome and you could quickly navigate through it. Please make it an option to use the original controls because I am spending too much time in the menus now. 

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)N7Geezer said:

This is a great explanation of why I hate this UI change.  


Yes, this video pretty much sums everything up.

I will just add that the lack of d-pad force scrolling makes foundry a nightmare, and that the inability to d-pad down off the bottom of colour palettes to get back to the top is infuriating.

When we asked for d-pad support, we meant leave it alone, not this barely functioning replacement. You can really tell they’re not lying on the “we put it in last minute before cert”, it’s abysmal, rushed, and far inferior to the previous system.

When we asked for d-pad, we wanted it to work as previously, not for the cursor to slowly and clunkily move in the vague direction of where the input we did 5 presses ago was.

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