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(XB1/PS4) Virtual Cursor Feedback Megathread


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So basically... Warframe was made for pc. Then reworked to work on console which helped make wf what it is today..  now that warframe is a huge success and DE is winning... Revert everything back to pc style, and basically make console deal with it?

Edited by (PS4)big_eviljak
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il y a 1 minute, (PS4)FernandoGo_D a dit :

But i dont want to play with M&K on console, fot that i play on PC... i like to play with my hands free, not needing to use a suport for my hands, 

And you're not forced to as well, that's why I said this UI should appear only if you're using M&K, that means that if you're using a controller it'll not appear 🙂 

The fact is that every platform should give their players the possibility to choose the devices they're more comfortable with, in that way if any studios decide to make their game cross-platform people will stop complaining like "oh no, PC players will have an advantage with M&K", in that way if people complain about the devices PC players use then they'll just have to play with the same devices as well 😉

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Honestly speaking, even after a solid hour of meddling in the arsenal and getting used to the cursor change I'm still completely mind-bugged by the controls.

I've yet to find a SINGLE actual use to this cursor everything that this aimed at is now made twice as tedious as when it was just passing through D-pad/Button Prompt.
And all of the things that worked greatly with Controller are now void and forced into a tedious Cursor.

-Arsenal takes three time as long to browse, the removal of button prompt makes it awful to navigate and is prone to a lot of mistaken clicking.

-Mod/Market Browsing is a complete mess, the removal of the Camera following your selection just completely removes the flow of browsing.
Now I'm forced to manually change the position of the camera inside those two in order to see what I am currently selecting.

-Having to manually drag the mod to it's slot is a chore. It's a small 2 second difference, but so far I've accidentally released the mod a solid 10 time.
Dunno why Select Slot/Select Mod was removed.

IMO, the only thing that improved is "Press Square to join a Team invite" and "Press Circle to Refuse a Team invite", the rest is an awful unneeded mess.
This says A LOT about the cursor update when the only thing that has improved is something that doesn't use the cursor.


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10 minutes ago, (PS4)The_Verethragna said:

1. Adjusting settings in the UI. It took forever to set my cursor speed to exactly 200, attempting to guess where on the bar 200 was and constantly being 10-15 off. They need t

2. Changing equipment. I see no real reason that I have to press X twice on a specific piece of gear to equip it. Once should be enough.

3. Being an almost lifetime Sony player, X has always been the button for "Confirm." Half the menus work this way, and half of them require me to press Square instead, leading me to wonder if my controller has finally stopped working until I glance at the bottom of the screen and realize that, no, this screen requires me to arbitrarily press something else.

^ This.

Fixing the dpad issues and also moving the cursor to the first entry when a new menu opens would help a lot.

Menus like deploying an extractor say use box to select, clicking x twice works too but isn't mentioned, but really it should be x once to accept everywhere, that's just standard/expected behavior.

Someone from the UI team should try retrieving and re-deploying multiple extractors with the old UI and new, if numerous ideas to improve the usability of the new UI doesn't jump out at them there's really no point trying to provide feedback.

High traffic UI elements like our arsenal absolutely deserve/warrant having their button shortcuts restored, and if they didn't have keyboard shortcuts, those should be added.


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The only constructive feedback, place to improve, is to make this optional like archwing experimental controls.


In my clan, out of nearly 1000 players only one liked it and only because they had an actual mouse and keyboard and were used to using it.


If 99% of your players say no, then it doesnt belong in the game no matter how much you worked on it.

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The only constructive feedback, place to improve, is to make this optional like archwing experimental controls.


In my clan, out of nearly 1000 players only one liked it and only because they had an actual mouse and keyboard and were used to using it.


If 99% of your players say no, then it doesnt belong in the game no matter how much you worked on it.

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As a person that does a bunch of trading and moderating a clan, i see the benefits of this as i'm now able to increase the size of the chat window (which honestly should be a option in the in-game chat settings) and see a lot more stuff at once without scrolling.

I do also see the potential the cursor has for those who master the usage of it on controller like being able to press on a linked riven for example.

But for the love of my own and others sanity, please make the cursor optional.

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Warning: this post is lengthy.  I have tried to be as clear as possible, but that comes with the price of being wordy and saved my (rather strong) opinions to the end, while trying to be respectful of the hard work D.E. puts into warframe.  Sorry in advance if this causes anyone issues!  :)

First Impression....as an Xbox user, navigation has become far less intuitive, slow and generally cumbersome....Allow me to elaborate:

Intuitive - when hitting the button for MENU, previously, the FIRST ITEM in any menu was always highlighted; subsequent sub-menu selection automatically highlighted the first item at the top. This made for quick up/down level navigation.  This is not possible anymore, as it is required to manually move the reticle, with either the LEFT stick or D-Pad.

Slow - in various menu selections, acceleration is never consistent.  Sometimes the reticle moves at a quick pace, sometimes it crawls.  Sometimes using the D-pad is faster than using the Left stick.  Other times, the opposite is true.  It's very frustrating and completely turns me off.  Flipping between Left stick and D-pad slows down the whole process of menu navigation.  Many area's use one for one section and then you have to switch to the other to finish navigating the menu - its a very slow experience.

Cumbersome - Constantly flipping between Left stick and D-pad is AWFUL.  Also, in the old system, there were a number of learned assumptions about where you are, and where you were going, when browsing menu to menu and from section to section - the section always highlighted the first option - that's gone.  Now, where ever you left the reticle on the screen in one area, is exactly where it is when you visit another area.  I.E., open the MENU button and move the reticle to any point on the screen (remember where you placed it).  Exit that menu, walk to a station in your Liset and hit to open that station.  The reticle is where you left it in the last menu.  This may be counter intuitive to the new menu.

Here are the issues and bugs that I have encountered in the first 1/2 hour:

  • Using the LEFT stick seems to work, albeit a bit slow.  Acceleration is slow to ramp up to full speed.  Perhaps a shorter window?
  • Using the D-pad has issues:
    • On entering the menu, the reticle no longer defaults to the first item in the main menu.  This is an issue for two reasons:
      • Prior menu behavior allowed for smoother transition between menus (every menu and sub menu option ALWAYS highlighted the first option; no guess work, you knew it was there and you're on your way). 
      • You must be aware of WHERE the reticle is in relation to it's location on the screen before navigation the menu, slowing down the console experience. 
  • Reticle awareness - now you need to know WHERE the reticle is in order to go forward.  This was never a "thing" on the console; adding this dynamic causes LOTS of problems.  There are issues with reticle screen homing and homing consistency.
  • Reticle Menu navigation (clicking on the MENU button while moving in Liset):
    • If the reticle is parallel AND left of the MATCHMAKING bar and you hit D-Pad right, it goes to the GAMERTAG drop down box.  HOWEVER, when you do this and then move the Left stick up or down, the reticle seems to get stuck in a loop of moving up and down within the "Show Gamercard / Show Profile" section from about 2 - 5 loops. 
      • If moving Left stick up, the reticle will eventually break out of the loop and move out of the "Show Gamercard / Show Profile" section, resuming normal movement. 
      • If moving Left stick down, the reticle will eventually break out of the loop and move to NAVIGATION, resuming normal movement.
    • If the reticle is anywhere between the middle of the screen to the right border (top, middle or bottom) and you hit D-Pad left, the reticle automatically goes to the NAVIGATION menu item.
    • If the reticle is anywhere between the middle of the screen, and different parts of the left side of the screen, the reticle will go to different sections, seemingly homing to different menu sections, based on relative proximity of reticle and menu items/sections.  This is an issue, as different points of the screen may cause that same looping issue as above, but may NOT land on NAVIGATION as above.  Depending on exactly WHERE the reticle is in relation to the "MATCHMAKING SOLO" box, "INVITE SQUAD" box, "GAMERTAG" box and NAVIGATION section, will yield numerous loops as above, loops between "INVITE SQUAD" box and "GAMERTAG" box, and different NAVIGATION menu options when breaking out of the loop(s).
  • Reticle Starchart planet navigation:
    • Tested on any planet and in this example, on Venus: Keeping hitting D-pad right until you get to the "To Earth" node, then hit D-pad right one more time.  Reticle fly's to the top right corner of the screen, completely off the screen, reappearing in 1-2 seconds. 
    • Moving reticle to mission bar (on planet) but not opening menu yields some interesting reticle movements:
      • Move reticle with Left stick to any mission icon, Tap D-pad in any direction, the move Left stick:
        • Any Left stick movement yields the same looping issue as seen in NAVIGATION menu.
        • After the loop, depending on that last steps' Left stick direction, will yield the reticle to move to different parts of the screen, including flying to the top left corner of the screen to flying to a planetary node.
        • Sometimes the reticle moves in the opposite direction of the Left stick movement for a few seconds before returning to actual stick push (only seen after getting into this series of loops).
        • Sometimes, while hovering over an icon on the mission bar, all the nodes and flightpath lines almost fully disappear; other times, they stay fully lit up.  This is independent of causing the looping issue.
    • Moving reticle to mission bar and opening menu [RB] - D-pad does not work and won't highlight any missions on any section.
    • Moving reticle to matchmaking bar, then tapping D-pad in any direction, then moving reticle with Left stick will yield the same kind of looping as seen above.
    • Moving reticle to extractor circle, then tapping D-pad in any direction, then moving reticle with Left stick will yield the same kind of looping as seen above.
    • Moving D-pad up in any direction, to cause the reticle to move to the edge of the screen will make the reticle fly off the screen in a different direction:
      • Moving D-pad up until it leaves the screen, the reticle will slowly move right, off the screen, then reappear just above the mission bar.
      • Moving D-pad down until it leaves the screen, the reticle will slowly more to the left, then reappear just below the chat bar.
      • Moving D-pad left or right until it leaves the screen, the reticle will move to the top left or right of the screen, then reappear in it's corner a few seconds later.
      • Moving the Right stick while on any planet so that you are not fully zoomed out, but yet can not see the mission nodes, makes the selection button [X] not zoom back to the planet (as it does when you are fully zoomed out).  The double circles that appear when you normally choose a planet show, but [X] does nothing.
    • While on the topmost layer of the Starchart (full planetary system overview), if you move the Right stick to the extreme right:
      • The star chart is "over zoomed-out", and paths / planets become dim. In this "over zoomed-out" state:
        • Moving the D-pad in any direction won't always home into a selectable planet or area (denoted by a double circle).  If you try to click on these area's with [X], nothing happens.
        • Move the reticle with Left stick to any planet, tap Right stick to the left or up, and the reticle moves very far to whatever side of the screen that planet is on the Starchart, where there is nothing but empty space. I.E., is planet is on the left side, doing this will make the reticle go very far to the left, top goes top, bottom goes bottom and anything that is not on the X / Y Axis will diagonally away from the planet.
    • If you tap [Y] for the MATCHMAKING, the reticle seems to try and home onto the topmost selection, but it ends up between Matchmaking title and Solo.
    • Move the reticle with the Left stick and select MATCHMAKING with [X], the reticle does NOT home onto anything, forcing you to move the reticle with the Left stick or D-pad to select any option.
  • Open the NAVIGATION menu, and the Warframe image will snap it's head - it's just weird!
  • Open the SYNDICATES menu and move the reticle to the Gametag icon, then press [X] to select - nothing happens!  Yet if you press [X] on the + sign, that works.  (Same thing in the CONCLAVE, FOUNDRY, MOD, MARKET, ARSENAL, VOID RELICS, CODEX, OPERATOR EQUIPMENT or OPERATOR APPEARANCE menus).
  • Open the CONCLAVE menu and open the MISSIONS bar ([LB] or [RB]), D-pad doesn't select any mission any column.
  • Open the CODEX menu and under either QUESTS or MISSIONS, using the D-pad will only move to boxes that are being shown.  Reticle will not move to anything that is not shown; you must use the Left stick to show these items and then the D-pad will highlight those items.  The D-pad should scroll through those items without having to use the Left stick, as it does in the INCUBATION menu columns - very inconsistent.
    • This issue also presents in the MARKET menu and anywhere in the Arsenal menu, be it warframe, weapons or anything else where there is a scrolling box list.
  • Open the CODEX menu
  • Under QUESTS column, there are always six boxes to choose from (3 x 3). 
    • Move the reticle to the third column, second row, third box with the Left stick, then click the D-pad to the right twice, the reticle will move to the same off center right area as above.
    • Move the reticle to the third column, first row, third box with the Left stick, then click the D-pad to the right twice, the reticle will move just below the line between first and second rows on the right, off center to any box.
    • Move the reticle to the first column, second row, first box with the Left stick, then click the D-pad to the left twice, the reticle will move to the first row, to the same off center left area as above.
    • Move the reticle to the first column, first row, first box with the Left stick, then click the D-pad to the left twice, the reticle will move to the left side of the screen, to almost the outside of the box; should not move outside of the center of the box.
  • Under the MISSIONS column, the same behavior happens, with the exception to the left side.  The left side behaves as it should; the right side behaves as the QUESTS right most column issue.
  • In any section under CODEX, the speed of the D-pad movement is significantly slower moving to the right than it is moving to the left and significantly slower moving down than moving up.


This is just what I have found in the first minutes of running around my Liset.  I haven't even played the new content, since this has taken me quite an amount of time to compile, test and document.

My overall impression is that it looks as though that while trying to "streamline" and bring consistency between PC and console AND bring keyboard/mouse functionality to consoles, what we have here is a PC centric way of utilizing the UI, bolted onto a console.  Using this new system does not seem to leverage any controller advantages and in fact, seems to sacrifice them in order to bring PC centric mouse/reticle utilization to the console.

It really feels like you are forcing a square PC peg into the round hole of a console.  IMHO (and it is just my opinion), a PC keyboard and mouse will never equal the consoles' controller and vice versa.  Neither are superior or inferior; both have their merits and disadvantages.  This new UI implementation is horrible, slowing down the whole experience of UI navigation if you are using a controller, bugs not withstanding (as noted, are many).

As a console user, I will NEVER use a mouse and keyboard on my console.  This is the reason why I choose to use a console.  I prefer using a controller without having to fumble between a mouse and keyboard.

I do recognize the fact that warframe tries to accommodate everyone and I do appreciate that fact, As a matter of fact, I applaud D.E.'s efforts in this ever evolving and expanding game.  Unfortunately, this whole UI partly-mouse-reticle, partly-D-pad-solution will drive me away from using this game if it is not fixed and/or remedied quickly, be it console OR PC - yes, I absolutely hate it that much.

I also question the wisdom of foisting this upon the console community without adequate testing (everything I found, I got in the first 1/2 hour of using; you can't tell me no one noticed this stuff, c'mon guys), no option to revert to the old style via menu selection and most of all, doing this FUNDAMENTAL UI ROLL OUT just at the beginning of BLACK OUT period before Tennocon.  This whole thing stinks of being rushed.

This is how you could fix these issues:

  • Fix the obvious bugs - enough said.
  • Make the reticule always highlight (or automatically home to) the FIRST menu option in every menu where appropriate - this would greatly minimize a LOT of the navigation issues.
  • Give console users the CHOICE of navigation style; Reticle / Classic Controller, just as you do with console controller default and custom layouts.  Just imagine what would have happened if all of a sudden, D.E. removed all of the keyboard / mouse optimizations to all users, during a pre-Tennocon blackout period?  Imaging if D.E. FORCED PC users to NO MOUSE reticle and could ONLY use the Up, Down, Left, Right keys?  I think D.E. would have had a virtual RIOT on their hands.

As an MR 21, 2985 hour, CONSOLE and SOLO ONLY Tenno (+/- 3 years), I implore you to rethink this implementation and give console users the OPTION of using this mode or the old style.

Once again, I thank you for your time and indulgence in reading my thoughts.

Edited by (XB1)ChewyAM
All text options, i.e. bold, italics and especially indentation got totally BORKED during cut paste. Hopefully, it's now fixed! Sorry! :)
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2 minutes ago, (PS4)JusteKevin said:

And you're not forced to as well, that's why I said this UI should appear only if you're using M&K

for the game that yesterday was running good, run good again i have, because they removed the control commands and put a f* pc command on it.

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Please, please, please provide us with an option to return to the old UI control scheme.

This new scheme makes every action in the UI much slower, and much clumsier. Inspecting your character or rotating them in arsenal is confusing. Modding is a pain (drag and drop is bad on consoles). Scrolling large menus is a pain (also includes mods - I should be able to just use just the d pad, not d pad + joystick, or 2 joysticks). Selecting missions is slow, and a pain (cursor moves slowly, d pad was way faster). I no longer have shortcuts to customize appearance, upgrades, etc in Arsenal. Menus don't consistently start with the cursor on the same places. Pressing d pad right on a piece of equipment in your arsenal gives inconsistent results with what is selected. Also there's a bug in the Equipment menu. Go there, use d pad to get to Void Relic Refinement, then press d pad down again. It skips Mods.

Please, give us old controls back. This makes totally ruins the experience for me. The UI is already incredibly complex in Warframe. Now it's way more complex. This will, without a doubt, scare new players away, too. We're console gamers. We don't want keyboard and mouse controls.

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7 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

I've been playing WF on XBOX 1 for over a year now. I've invested more than $1500 and 2200 hours in this game, I WAS about to launch a WF instructional channel on YouTube. Than today happened. Until today I absolutely "LOVED" WF & DE. This "Update" / murder of WF has me and my clan contemplating ending this long term relationship with DE. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE NO.....  You can not apply PC control systems to consoles. XBOX controllers do NOT function like a PC's MOUSE.

I could go line item by line item describing my last 6 hours of gameplay since the update, but I'm afraid I'll wear out my keyboard typing.

Not to mention I'm not sure if anyone will read this or more importantly  CARE.

I DO love this game and everything DE has done, until today...…….

Please, Please, Please.

Don't make this the end of an ERA.  



The Virtual Cursor is live on XB1 and PS4 in Beasts of the Sanctuary: Update 22.20.6!

To read the full dedicated Dev Workshop head on over to: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/962550-dev-workshop-upcoming-console-virtual-cursor-changes-d-pad-functionality-for-all-platforms/

[Expand spoiler below for changes]

  Reveal hidden contents


  • Scrolling is now done using the right stick. 
    • Pretty straightforward! Move the stick up to scroll up and down to scroll down, move right for right and move left for left. 
  • Moving the new virtual cursor is done by moving the left stick. 
    • The cursor can move freely around any part of the screen, you are not locked to any one menu item as you would be using the D-Pad/Left stick prior to these changes.
  • Selecting items within the menus is now done primarily by using your default selection button (unless officially assigned in the UI - Captura for example). 
    • For example: Options in the Arsenal (Equip, Upgrade, Appearance, Abilities) are now all selectable by hovering your cursor over the desired tab and hitting X.
  • Windows with fields where you can increase values (ex: Sentient Core redemption at Quill Onkko) will require you to hover over the desired field with your cursor and use the bumpers to increase/decrease values. 
    • The bumper icons will “activate” when you’re hovering over an area to indicate which window bumper activity will affect.
  • Interacting with the Modding UI:
    • To equip a Mod select it by hovering your cursor over it and then drag it to a slot by holding down your select button.
    • Once you’re in the slot area you do not need to hold it anymore and will be able to move freely about with the Mod in hand.
    • Want to swap an already equipped Mod with one from your inventory? Drag and drop it over a Mod in your inventory! 
    • Unequipping a Mod is done by hovering over it and using the assigned button (triangle) - so nothing’s changed here!
  • You will have the option to change the UI Cursor Sensitivity (speed) in the “Controls” Options to your liking.
  • D-Pad interacts with the virtual cursor in the following ways: 
    • You can swap back and forth from the virtual cursor (and from keyboard/mouse inputs) using the left stick to using the D-Pad . 
      • The virtual cursor will travel with the D-Pad movement.
    • Using the D-Pad will snap your cursor to whatever button is nearest to it at that time.
    • This is also dependent on which directional button (up/down, left/right) you press. 
    • Scrolling will still be done by using your right-stick - the D-Pad will traverse over UI items but will not scroll if you motion to the edge of a menu.  


We will be closely monitoring your feedback/bug reports! These are some big changes, so we understand it will be quite jarring when you first get to moving around the UI. But with that said, we really do appreciate your constructive feedback so that we know where we can improve. If you are reporting a bug, provide screenshot/video where possible. 

Thank you for your time as Warframe continues to develop!

Known issues and notes! 

  • D-Pad not working on World State Window - will be implemented in a future update!
  • Can't rotate items in the Market   
  • D-Pad skipping over items in menu lists - will be fixed in a future update! 
  • Scrolling with the D-Pad - working to see if we can implement in a future update! 
  • Missing tool-tip for load-out from Navigation screen


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Needs its own custom controls section. Feels very un-intuitive for me. I know i am not the only one who a=has played destiny you should take a hint from that system. 

I know not everyone would like this which is why i suggest custom options but...

The mouse should be right stick because you Aim with the right stick. Your essentially aiming the mouse using left stick and it feels super awkward


Edited by (XB1)RECLAIMERR117
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il y a 2 minutes, (PS4)FernandoGo_D a dit :

for the game that yesterday was running good, run good again i have, because they removed the control commands and put a f* pc command on it.

Stop being salty about that and just consider the good idea behind that change, the UI is not the problem the problem is that the UI fit with mouse & keyboard so it should appear with M&K that's it, that's the only change needed and your old controller UI will be back for your controller and M&K users will be happy as well.

The idea behing that change was clearly to make the game playable with whatever device you like on whatever platform you like.

PC players are allowed to play with controller so console players should be allowed to play with M&K as well so instead hating on DE for that change just consider a second how smart they're for making that decision, cross-platform is the future of gaming and DE made a step in the future with that, deal with it. 🙂

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yup, logged in after the update, gave up after not even 10 minutes.  takes 3-4 times as many button clicks/presses to make a selection, everything is sluggish, and completely unintuitive.  Navigating with the d-pad, there is no default selection, so you have to double check where you are before you can decide which direction, and you need to hit (having to double tap "A" to make your selection and wait 2-3 seconds for it to confirm  please let us choose between this and the old input system.   I've been playing this game for over 2 years, this is the first update to make me actually give up.  I

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I'm not a fan of it on PS4.  It was easier and faster to scroll through menus and chats without the cursor just by using the control pad and left and right shoulder buttons.  Now sometimes that will still work, but more times then not I have to put the cursor on the menu to scroll through menus and even more so I have to select things with the cursor rather than being able to use the shoulder and trigger buttons which is even slower than the scrolling especially when trying to message someone from the chat list.

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42 minutes ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

The difference being that Zenimax Online Studios did this without changing console player's controller interface all that much. There were minor changes here and there, but the core user experience remained the same. In this case the core user experience is very jarring for the user; it just wasn't implemented well.

Yeah but ZOS produce content a a pitiful rate for ESO compared to DE and you have to pay for the base game and expansions.

If the controller change and UI updates weren't a requirement for The Sacrifice and Venus then I'll bet DE would take a little longer.

Remember PC users are used to these jarring changes. I'll bet, in a week or so you'll probably have dpad nav support and some button mappings and it will be perfectly usable. In the meantime, I suggest feeding bad specific pain points rather than calling for something that won't happen (a rollback or a point-by-point replication of the previous state) Both Steve and Megan have said this is not getting a "switch" or reverted, this is it.

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MR 18 with 300+ hours, I signed up for this website just to complain about this cursor update. I HATE it, I gave it a shot, cannot stand it. I used to be able to navigate the star-chart, missions, frames, etc. with one hand, now it takes 2 because I have to micromanage this cursor with the "D-Pad AND the Right Stick" or just use the painfully tedious right stick with sensitivity cranked up, I am not on a computer I want easy quick access that I had from the D-Pad. The cursor does not scroll in scroll boxes with the D-Pad unless I use it in conjunction with the right stick... so why do I even have a d-pad?! The star chart is a mess, almost like I should be able to free-scroll with the stick, instead IT JUST ZOOMS, and the D-pad won't select all of the missions on a planet, it jumps off planet if you keep pressing one direction, GREAT!

Turning the sensitivity help mitigate the tediousness of this style of navigation but it is still TEDIOUS, why can't the D-Pad by itself still navigate sections alone!? This feels like Mario Paint with a controller.

I can't even spin a frame while changing weapons, colors, skins, etc. without going over to mouse on the frame now, I really hate that. 

Checked the Region Chat, nothing but complaints.

I have recommended this game to everyone I know, I have never ever been upset about a single update, the quality of those updates, style and management of micro-transaction from D.E. is industry leading, this is one of the best games I have played. This update significantly hinders my enjoyment however, the previously intuitive interface feels like a leap backwards in technology. Please give me back my D-Pad!


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