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(XB1/PS4) Virtual Cursor Feedback Megathread


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Please remove the cursor nonsense it's incredibly counter intuitive and does not work with controllers. All this UI change does is make the process of doing anything other than killing take much longer than it should have to! If I wanted to play with a cursor I would have gotten a PC and not a console! Make a setting so that we can choose from new UI or old. If you do neither could you at least re add the button shortcuts? I have no idea why on Earth you would remove something that made the tasks of customizing frames and weapons go by quicker.

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Would like to start by saying I do not like the cursor. If other people like it. Let them use it. Give the 85% of people who hate it. The option to turn the cursor off. It's a console game after all. It's the least you could do. Thanks for your time. 

Edited by (PS4)eric13021
Spelling errors.
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4 hours ago, (PS4)nononom12 said:

We need to come together to make it known how bad this is. new ps4 players could chose to not play the game because it feels clunky and slow. other games have tried this (paragon anyone remember) it's a really bad idea


PS4 players need to unite against this (unless crossplay is DE's goal lol)

Hey, I liked Paragon system. So if it feels like that, Imma be good. 

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Hovering over loadouts (R1 in arsenal) doesn't give you a quick preview anymore, it's a bug right?

No more quick button select for upgrade/appearance/etc. this is just bad, now it's super slow.

D-pad doesn't take you on the player menu (the options under player glyphs like show profile) anymore, change it back.

Menu cursor doesn't start at the first option available, pressing Options+X to get to navigation super quick isn't a thing anymore because of this (and menu navigation is slower overall).

While in the upgrade menu changing loadouts was really quick by pressing L1/R1, now it defaults to changing mod tabs instead of loadouts, you have to manually put the cursor on the loadouts (the slots where you put mods) and then you can press L1/R1 to switch 'em. Really slow.

Also, the touchpad doesn't move the cursor if you're using Dualshock 4, not that anyone really likes cursor based menus on consoles, but at least make it as painless as possible (or just revert back to the previous system).

The changes made everything worse, sorry DE.

Edited by JesterTheNight
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I get that you wanted to unify the UI and all so updates could come out faster on all platforms and all, and even though I was debating on getting a Kb/M, all those hotkeys that made customization and selection seamless with a controller has just made it a chore now. Constantly having to remember where the cursor is and having snap to the nearest option is a pain as I have to constantly have to move it back and forth till I'm over the option or use the d-pad to go up or down depending on some menus like in cetus and using fast travel the cursor will skip over Konzo and Hok and go straight to Master Tersoni, making me have to fast travel again or just plain travel there on foot. I know its not a big deal but small things add up. If this was the way it was going to be I would have just not played Warframe on ps4 till I got a pc. For pc they have the range and precision to make selections fluid, the problem with this concept is this is console, the range and precision just isn't there. Please give us the option to toggle settings of the cursor for On/Off, it really just makes every menu especially menus in the Orbitor a pain and slugish. Increasing speed wont fix it neither, thats just a band aid over a gushing wound. The fact that the cursor HAS to be hovering over the option in order to select it as well is a pain and not intuitive, there I am pressing the X button a few times till I realize I have to manually move the cursor to hover over the option when the D-pad was super intuitive and seamless.I just cant stress this enough... I play this game to vent my frustration and have fun, this is like I'm pulling my own teeth out as I fight against muscle memory and intuitive console commands.

Edited by (PS4)TheRUINingRUINer
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I know this is the first step of the UI change. And I must say I really like it. Probably and unpopular opinion I know.

But I particularly like being able to drag chat up and out of the way. And click links in trade chat. 

I'm not a fan of double clicking relics to use them. 

Some kind of way to make it optional would probably be best. 

Thanks again DE. 

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Please give us the option to go back to the old menu navigation style. The virtual cursor is just the worst and the additional controls used for it only make things more complicated. I liked being able to go through things with just a couple quick button presses, now it's just counter intuitive and just plain doesn't work. Consoles use controllers (for the most part) and cursors never work well with controllers.

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So the patch notes say this new garbage is the "default" method for interacting.

Since it's the "default", that implies there is a way to kill this abomination with fire and go back to the old way.

How?the appropr

In the "options" screen (which is much harder to reach now) - I can only change the GPU particles setting if I move the new virtual cursor EXACTLY onto the left/right arrows.  Being even slightly off = no response.

Navigating through the color selector is a nightmare.  Frequent overshoots.  Previously, if I was 3 colors away - that was 3 dpad clicks.  Guaranteed to wind up EXACTLY where I wanted with no overshoots.

Same for adjusting the size of a sigil on a new frame.

When changing out weapons within a loadout - a few dpad clicks, then the appropriate choice of triangle/x/square/etc.  Now, I need to left-stick to the appropriate subchoice and hope that I didn't overshoot.

General theme is that a repeatable and consistent set of dpad + button clicks has now been replaced with an unrepeatable and inconsistent set of left-stick movements.

Warframe used to be an example of a game that started on PC where the console port wasn't a bare minimum half-assed attempt at porting PC to console with as little effort as possible.  It's blatantly obvious that this new interface is an attempt on the part of DE to shaft console users by making them second class citizens like many other developers have done with console ports of PC games.

Edit:  Just tried to mod my new Trinity Prime from the new Twitch Prime partnership.  I've selected my aura slot, clicking X - nothing is happening.  How the hell do I put a mod into this slot?

Edit 2:  I select an aura mod instead of starting from the slot.  Click X.  Nothing happens.  WTF?  I can't mod my new frame.

Edit 3:  A friend said I needed to drag using the left stick when slotting a mod.  Sorry, left stick is NOT a valid replacement for a mouse.  Tried to slot some arcanes.  Previously, dpadding around would display the stats of each arcane.  Now - no clue what the hell I'm slotting.  When I do decide to slot something, I need to mash X repeatedly until something hopefully happens that is what I expect.

Edit 4:  I think I'm gonna give Destiny 2 a try again tomorrow.  I've been avoiding it since the second week after CoO launched, but this is bad enough to make me give it another try.

Edit 5:  Haven't quit for the night yet, but i'm close - can't easily select a slot that is polarized and select a mod with appropriate polarization.  Have to go the opposite way.

Edited by (PS4)Entropy512
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Came here to voice my disappointing...

Could DE please acknowledge us?  Evidently just wasted an exhilus adaptor on a frame I'm not even sure i like yet when trying to equip an aura mood...

So frustrated. 

DE, please just let us know if we should start playing other games until this gets fixed, or if you goofed up and are planning to hotfix this...  It is bad.

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It has been said a few times here and many times ingame chat but this new ui is well cumbersome over all.

It takes longer to do everything, the older ui was smooth and worked well.

To be honest giving the option of the new or old UI would be far better but as it stands the vast majority at least from in game chat hates the new ui.

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I'm pretty sure nobody ia gonna read this, but I'm going to say what's on my (and my fellow console peasants) minds. The recent patch that added this new cursor is not needed. It made navigating on the console version of WF a lot harder. Several people in both Region Chat and my Allience chat are complaining about how stupid it is. It removes all of the fluid and fast navigation that the previous updates had. Hopefully it will be removed because it honestly wasn't needed on console.

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Much like a lot of what I've read, it's great that there is a cursor option, but it should be optional.

Playing for a while, I have my flow on how to navigate the menus, and this has totally ruined it.

It's just frustrating trying to do the simple things from before.

Could you please implement a way to turn it off?

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I agree. I know you might have big changes for all players acrossed all systems but this was not considerate of console players. I switched from PC to PS4 because controls were better and this downgraded everything. You all work hard to give the players what we want and we all appreciate DE and everyone in it but this was really bad. Everyone on PS4 hates it except a few. I been playing for a long long time now (about 4 years or more) and I loved most updates... I just can't stand it and it's driving me nuts to operate it like this. Even with cursor movement maxed it feels slow because the cursor is inaccurate. Just put a turn off feature if you want to keep the cursor for those who don't like it. Please. It makes me not want to play as well as many others which reduces revenue for Warframe and I don't want to see my favorite game sink over something minor like this. Please consider.

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Hi i love this game and every month i buy 1k platnium to have stuf 

Before update i change my frame and weapon in 10 second now it is 5 min the new ui is horrible and so slow in arsenal 

So please please we need the old one cause i cant play like this any more


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This is complete garbage, why do you continually go: We know you will have to learn 4 years of muscle memory but we know you will love this.

It sucks. Make a legacy option and stop messing with core mechanics of the game. It's like you want us to hate you

Edit1: Why in God's name can we select R1 or L1 to select the tab in the menu and mind you before it was ONE button press to start the sortie and now you have to find where the f-ing cursor is then move it to the tile then select, answer me that. If you needed to select the next one down 1 hit on the D-pad. DE you have outdone yourself in BS, I want a refund for my digital Tennocon pack you can have the f-ing plat back.

Edited by (PS4)PapaJohnnyRoad
DE Sucks
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5 hours ago, (XB1)fvagelis said:

Or at least add a Mouse support for navigating the UI

I actually plugged in a mouse and keyboard to my ps4.. might do warframe on my xb1 to see if it works there.

You can actually do missions with mouse aim and full pc controls tho uncustomizable ones on ps4..


It is still terrible tho. In my room is an actual pc on a desk.. there is no place for me to put and mouse and keyboard for my ps4... even with a mouse and keyboard the interface is still hugely clunky due to still needing certain controller button pushes like pushing square to type a message.


This entire thing is a mess. It has potential but damm DE you cannot leave it like this for more than a week or you risk a lot of lost business.

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28 minutes ago, (PS4)ForNoPurpose said:

this summs it up pretty well...

We... Do... No... Like...


EDIT: he ends with the comment, that in playing for the past 4 years this is the worst UI he has seen in the game..

Thank you for this video! #removecursor


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