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(XB1/PS4) Virtual Cursor Feedback Megathread


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4 minutes ago, (XB1)baazfury said:

 I thought Warframe was complicated before, but this update requires arcane knowledge and experience to operate.

With the constant reworks of warframes, eliminations of the trial missions, and the addition of two new eidalons, arcane knowledge is not as easy to come by as it once was. 

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I think 99.9% of console players can agree that we don't like this new control system, it's clunky, unfriendly and just plain slow and painful to use. My biggest concern though is what effect this will have on new player retention, we all know that maintaining a game like warframe is a double edged sword for developers, constantly needing to balance keeping existing players interested whilst attracting new blood to make up for the natural wastage/attrition rate of old players that any long standing title has. Without new players coming in any title dies eventually.

Now with this control system DE has broken many of the standing laws of console controls that we are all used to, generally we can pick up any game and very quickly we are familiar with how things work because controls are similar across many titles. Just how in the w.i.m.p. world of PC's there are universal standards -mouse left button single click highlights, double click actions and right click gives alternative menus, so in the console world we have standards, shortcut buttons, the quick jump between options of menus and no drag and drop anywhere! 

New players coming to Warframe have no initial investment to play as the game is free, it must attract them, entice them to stay for the long run and under no circumstances turn them off with  unnatural controls that are a world apart from what they are used to. Yes Warframe has a fairly steep learning curve to start with compared to many games but adding an unintuative UI as another barrier to playing will just have people giving up early, deciding this title is not for them and moving right along to the next game. This is worrying for us all, without new players coming in the game we love dies plain and simple, it might be a slow death but it's a death non the less. 

If DE really isn't going to even consider rolling this back then they need to come up with an awful lot of fixes and possibly rethink some of the controls choices entirely (seriously drag and drop???) and fast. 

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Okay, I've tried it. I have genuinely given it a chance. 


This method of input was clearly designed for a mouse not a controller. It has slowed menu navigation down to a crawl. Changing anything in the arsenal is an utter nightmare. 

While a applaud you trying new things I honestly cannot see how you ever thought this would be a good idea and I certainly condemn you for forcing it on us rather than having at least an option to use it or not. 

This is a MASSIVE step backwards. 

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I understand this is 'experimental' and the update just dropped so there will be hotfixes but right now it's frustrating to use. Here are some of the bugs I've encountered. (All these were fixed after restarting each time but that isn't very convenient)

Cursor disappears from navigation screen.

Mission icons aren't being highlighted even if cursor is there.

Can't switch loadouts.

Can't operate chat window during loading screens (closing private chat and such)


On the bright side, the particle effects are amazing ❤️


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DE I think that the best way players can enjoy this update is remove the mouse courser altogether when using a controller and go back to the legacy controls but only add the mouse courser when the user is using a mouse and keyboard cause I feel really uncomfortable when using the new controls  and I just feel more at home with the legacy controls and I feel really off with the virtual cursor while using controller but I felt really good when using it with mouse and keyboard.


Thanks For the great game DE!

Edited by (PS4)TheRadAmrish
Wrong spelling of a word
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More to add to my post above. The virtual cursor is an overlay that is unnecessary. Before this update, our controllers were a direct interface to the arsenal, mods, etc. It was very simple and elegant: left stick moves you up and down the selections. A single button press opened upgrade, appearance, or selecting another frame, weapon, etc. Depressing the right or left stick brought up other menus. Instead of this simplicity, we now have this cursor, which is an overlay on top of everything. It is not needed.

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Hello I know this has been a great job for developers, but the new aspect in consoles completely breaks the advantage of playing with a pad. Everything is done in a much slower and more cumbersome way. Please reconsider returning to the previous aspect. If not the game began to lose its meaning in consoles and I like many others will end up leaving it.

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 As titled, there are some counter intuitive changes, namely the removal of hot keys from things like the arsenal.

 Now changing my loadouts is taking way too long and the complete removal of hotkeys from the arsenal such as square for appearances or triangle for upgrades just seems so obviously counter intuitive to remove with the implementation of the cursor system. Like many games, the ability to hot key and speed up slower processes should exist where appropriate and this was one such example.

 Overall the cursor system is horrible in its current implementation and should never have gone live in this state. There is no way that DE staff used this and thought it was acceptable with thorough playtesting.

 The one positive thing I can say about the cursor system is it has made colour selection better for those with bad eye sight or smaller screens, the older member of my clan really appreciates that change but it's the only positive feedback I have regarding the system, overall it was terrible, unintuitive and a mess. From all the negative feedback in here I doubt it will stay in this state for long.

 Unfortunate that such an unstable change was implemented in the leadup to Tennocon with DE resources likely stretched thin.

 DE had good intentions with the system, especially the idea of allowing keyboard and mouse play on console which a clan member with arthritis is considering trying which is great as an option. But it is going to require some serious changes to get to where the players feel comfortable with it and rolling back the removal of hotkeys is IMO one of the most important changes.

 This forums loaded with threads about this topic to I appreciate anyones time who read this.


Edited by (PS4)vektorwithak
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The new virtual cursor is a nice addition to the game, but should not completely overhaul our way of navigating the game's UI. We should be allowed to use both the cursor and shortcut buttons to help ease navigation. Changing equipment has become a chore, because instead of pressing X on an item we now have to hover over it and double tap X, which in the beginning left me frustrated as I could not understand why it kept reverting back to what I was originally using in my arsenal. It has made the Chat function a bit easier at least and the free control over the solar system map is awesome and intuitive. Overall, the game needs both shortcut buttons and the cursor to function optimally.

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I definitely had a few issues with it yesterday, some of which may be bugs.

I do enjoy that scrolling down a page is much faster now, but traversing my arsenal and foundry is slower. I've been having to target strange parts of the screen with the cursor in order to use my L1 and R1 to switch tabs, otherwise they do nothing but I'm not sure if that is working as intended or not.

I had one issue that I'm sure is a bug, but an annoying one. I was doing relic runs with a friend and when the reward choices came up I moved the d-pad over to the one I wanted (which it highlighted as normal) and hit X.

         My friend commented "You don't want the rarer reward?" 

         Me: "I do, I selected it already".

         Him: "It doesn't say you did on the screen"

I realized that the highlighted portion moved with the d-pad, but the cursor didn't move with it, which means when I hit X (including on several other screens throughout the game since yesterday) it only selects where the cursor is still pointing and not actually where the highlight portion is moved to, as if the two things are separate. I missed out on the reward. I like the idea of the cursor, but at the moment it's just very slow and clunky compared to our old method. And the additional selection options in the Arsenal just slow everything down compared to our ability to just hit ▲ or ■ before.

Also, I just remembered, I hate that you have to select a relic in order to view what it contains now, and that you have to double click X to select it when doing relic runs.

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Aside from the Dojo lighting i agree with you, i was enjoing Warframe so well on Ps4 cause the use of controller was so nice and simple and now its realy painful having to move a virtual mouse around for everything a reason i left behind the PC version. Im also experiencing that my R1 R2 bottons dont longer work even after i try restarting my ps4 and going to options. 

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I dont like the Virtual mouse its the main reason i left behind my PC version of Warframe cause i like using controller and it was painful and going to PS4 i was having a great time cause it was very nive and simple to use with out having to worry about a Virtual mouse for EVERYTHING. Plz change it back to how it was before. I was loving the game so much now and now i feel like leaving the game again cause of this, i know that me leaving its not a big deal but im not the only one wen even my friends that i was able to get them into Warframe now feel the same way. Its not a nice UI fix for Ps4 and Xbox1 users. 

Forgot to add that my R1 and R2 bottons dont work anymore even after restarting the PS4 and game and even goin to options but their is noting on the options to fix that problem. 

Edited by (PS4)MarzAlma
Forgot to add extra reason
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I love warframe and I’ve been playing almost since it’s release on Xbox one. That being said in my entire time playing Warframe UI 3.0 is the worst thing to happen to console players, in my experience. A few people like the new Cursor and I see why you guys thought it might help, but 95% of everyone on Xbox one absolutely hate the changes, myself included. The former layout was near perfect and I think it would be a easiest to give players an option to have the original Console UI controls.   I honestly don’t understand why the Hotkeys were done away with, the drag and drop mod system is painful, the fact that I can’t just click A when i cursor over an option in the armory menu is just confusing, navigating the foundry takes much longer than it did before, basically everything related to the UI is painful to use and very counter intuitive. I know you can increase the cursor speed, and I’ve read your responses about the D-pad being bugged but even with eventual hotfixes that will come out fixing the D-pad, it will still be incredibly un user friendly, and a much worse system than what we had before. Please just give us the option to keep the old controller scheme for the UI

This guy basically sums up how the majority of console players feel about the new controls.


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 I have some clan mates in a PSN call right now, all noobs and they are doing a Lith Defence and I am hearing them complain about similar things such as not selecting relics and rewards. I haven't ran a fissure yet since the patch but at least I know what to look out for.

 In fact their reactions to the cursor system are what made me check the forums and start this post so there was some positive feedback regarding the system though I don't see much.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)ZeroSection said:

Whether or not it was I think its pretty clear they knew they getting ahead of themselves when they made that statement about working overtime to bring parts of the d-pad support back in on twitter.  I think at this point its safe to assume that they have some idea of what we don't like based on the fact that the forums and subreddit are inundated with dislike for the UI changes.

Which is why it's weird they would go ahead with the changes.  PC tenno who use controllers were already giving them negative feedback.  And, if they had ever tried it themselves, they would know how clunky and awkward it is to try to use a controller as a mouse.  This update to the UI just leaves me shaking my head.  For the vast majority of things we do in the game, the old system is simply, objectively better.  I'm sure we'll get used to the new system, but why should we have to get used to a system that is just not as good as what we were already used to?

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Thank you for your supporting comments people, I am super excited to see how this plays out.


Meanwhile I’ve been so affected by this I haven’t been even played today, 74 days in a row since my return and I’ll skip today.


lets hope the fixes are soon.

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i knew nothing of this update having taken a break from warframe for a few months i came back for this update wanting to try out saryns update and sanctuary onslaught . it took me 20 minutes to figure out with this new scheme how to change my warframe and weapons which was my fault but the lack of buttons as a shortcut threw me off and i did not notice the equip button. 

that aside this new update is horrible it takes me nearly double the time just to navigate menus and mod warframes and guns plus the starchart is so bad to navigate for me. if i wanted to play a mouse and keyboard style i would play this on pc. please bring back the button shortcuts in menus or a option to change back to the old style.

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