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Why am I stuck with these randoms?

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I run a mission, I get matched with people. No problem there. When the mission ends, I'm still stuck with them. Why? What possible purpose can this serve? We're not friends working on the same objectives together, we're not even trying to run the same next mission. But now one of them is starting his so I'm forced to leave the squad after EVERY mission. 

How hard would it be to give us an option to not squad up after the mission? 

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Suuuure because clicking leave squad after the mission is soooooo hard to do. Some people develop conversations during the mission and arrange a continued gameplay together. not everyone is antisocial like you you know.

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Nay sayers. Tell them they could have an option and reaction = "Not on my watch! I don't want ANY QoL changes!"

Well, I'm for it. A toggle for staying in group after a mission has ended. In my experience, it's less than 5% of the players who actually want to keep the group going. So it's 3 out of 4 players who must clic the depart group button. So that 0.7 sec is multiplied by 3 and by 0.95 of all pubs. That's a lot of time wasted in a typical day. But heck, you guys must have a lot of time to waste... since you're here complaining about a change that will probably never happen!

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Well, an auto leave squad option is something to consider.  For the time being, after every single mission.....I carefully maneuver the virtual mouse cursor up near the top of the screen, focused on the task at hand to hover it over my profile rectangle......the maneuver is successful and the rectangle expands revealing two options, leave squad and show profile.  I make the attempt to keep the virtual cursor within the rectangle lest it collapse.  I make a snap move, flick the stick toward leave squad and.....!@#$, I hit the show profile button!

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10 minutes ago, tprx said:

Nay sayers. Tell them they could have an option and reaction = "Not on my watch! I don't want ANY QoL changes!"

Well, I'm for it. A toggle for staying in group after a mission has ended. In my experience, it's less than 5% of the players who actually want to keep the group going. So it's 3 out of 4 players who must clic the depart group button. So that 0.7 sec is multiplied by 3 and by 0.95 of all pubs. That's a lot of time wasted in a typical day. But heck, you guys must have a lot of time to waste... since you're here complaining about a change that will probably never happen!

I was mostly responding to the petulent tone of the OP.

But, this is General Discussion, not the feedback forums. Coming here with suggestions is like walking up to to a random table at the food court and talking about how Sears could improve their stores layout. You might get a few nods of agreement, but most people won't give a S#&$.

That said, even in the right sub-forums, acting like an indignant soccer mom asking for the manager isn't a great start.


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Sometimes, I am unfortunate enough to end up with a public squad who actually completes the mission objective quickly and efficiently, and as a result, I end up running more missions with them. What a terrible shame.

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15 minutes ago, (XB1)Nihilistic Taco said:

Ah, so you enjoy having to do it after every mission. Nobody said it was difficult to do, but if you enjoy taking that unnecessary extra step after every mission then that's fine.

I'd rather spend 0.7 seconds leaving a squad than to spend ~20 seconds reforming a squad that I wanted to keep.

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have a button when the mission ends or in the loading screen  report to leave squad

not a toggle for those who might want to stay but still saves time if you want out when you want out

Edited by GrayZercer
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53 minutes ago, (XB1)Nihilistic Taco said:

How hard would it be to give us an option to not squad up after the mission? 

how hard would it be for you to click on your glyph and select "leave Squad" from the menu? just be ready on the button the moment you're back on your ship, it's not hard.


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Btw, you guys realize that the typical new players find this function like 100-200 hours into the game... If they're lucky! I was changing from public to solo then back again at first. Then I found the leave squad button. Bad UI design, just hoping the new UI will be more player friendly!

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41 minutes ago, Fishyflakes said:


Better yet: keyboard shortcut for leaving squad.

If you're on the starchart menu, hitting "Y" will instantly leave the squad that you're in (for some reason), which is useful if a mission's about to begin and you want to back out. Making that work outside the starchart menu as well would be super nice.

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For me a toggle would mean that even though 90% of the time I want to leave the group I am in I would be forced out of the group I want to stay in. In turn I’d never use the function as getting together with a good group can be much more time consuming then leaving. In the end just leaving isn’t time consuming or that inconvenient so I doubt anything will get done. In the end speeding load times up will help more for everyone instead of putting people toward this. 

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2 hours ago, (XB1)Nihilistic Taco said:

Ah, so you enjoy having to do it after every mission. Nobody said it was difficult to do, but if you enjoy taking that unnecessary extra step after every mission then that's fine. A lot of people are wastes of time anyway, I think this thread shows that well. 

Do you know just how many "leave squad" seconds you could have saved up by not creating this thread? Like you just wasted a whole lifetime of that S#&$.

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