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What weapons to keep ?



I'm planning to boost my mastery rank so I bought and created all primary, secondary, melee, and sentinels wich BP can be aquired at the market ( planning to do the research wep later ) and I plan to level all 30+ of them in one day

Problem is, I don't have enough slot ( about 6 spare weapon slot free ) and I need your opinion about what weapon should I keep and what weapon should I toss away ( they are already created in the foundry but not yet claimed )


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If they are easy to build, and you dont have slots or plat for slots, just sell them, if needed you can rebuild them for cheap 🙂 Actual fodder like MK1s, normal Braton, Paris etc just sell, you will not use them 😛 Also, before selling any weapon, check if it is required to build another weapon, keep those. Just get them to 30 and build the weapon that requires it.

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6 minutes ago, ARKANOiiDe said:

If they are easy to build, and you dont have slots or plat for slots, just sell them, if needed you can rebuild them for cheap 🙂 Actual fodder like MK1s, normal Braton, Paris etc just sell, you will not use them 😛 Also, before selling any weapon, check if it is required to build another weapon, keep those. Just get them to 30 and build the weapon that requires it.

This. First paragraph about each weapon on the wiki will tell you if it is required to make another weapon. 

Also, and this is just me and my opinion, if there is a prime variant of the weapon trash the original and keep the prime. 

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7 hours ago, Canach said:

um... you could TRY them?

Thats the point, I need to know what weapons that is worth keeping and what is not. If I claim the weapons that is actually good and all left in the foundry is the ones I didn't like, then that means I'm forced to sell some of them to claim more or spend more plat on the slot

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6 hours ago, (XB1)Thang Hung said:

This. First paragraph about each weapon on the wiki will tell you if it is required to make another weapon. 

Also, and this is just me and my opinion, if there is a prime variant of the weapon trash the original and keep the prime. 

Yeah thats why I'm trying to get to MR 13 ASAP since you could access most of the weapon ingame by that rank

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7 hours ago, Zavenosk said:

Experiment to find what weapon type you prefer, get the "meta" weapon for this weapon type (some research required), and have that be the default for your arsenal outside of leveling. 

Yeah thats why I decided to build the dojo weapons later since weapons like the lanka, opticor, arca plasmor, etc is what I think I would keep

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Which weapons are 'best' depends on mastery rank and is divided by category, and really-really, on you. To be more specific about it, there are too many variables to consider, too many weapons that are too similar in characteristics, and player personality and intent matters because you start selecting by what you're looking for purpose-wise.

For example, do you want your secondary to be almost the same as your primary, a SMG, a sniper, a shotgun, a friggin rocket launcher, a squirt gun?

For another example at low mastery levels the Twin Gremlins rule (in my opinion) the Secondary/Submachinegun class, but are replaced later as top dog in Secondary/Submachinegun by Akstilleto Primes, oh, except there's also Riven dispositions to consider, in this case, the Gremlins can be improved more via Riven mods...

Melee weapons are more complex, as not only mastery level matters, but whether or not you are building Zaws. In either case, you have to divide between whether you're building for supplemental strikes or for melee-only combat.

You're not hurting by having these weapons unclaimed in the foundry, it will be hard to stare at them every day without slotting them, especially if you want to master them all - enjoy your race to the end, but your'e kind of 'skipping the game' when you do that.

There's also a progression of weapons - Karak to Soma to Soma Prime, for example, Either swords, either daggers, either daggers or swords, either scythes - the either family is not so much a progression as just a group. You'll also see a lot of whatever pistol, AK (dual) version, primed/wraith/vandal version, primed/wraith/vandal AK version.

Edited by Canach
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Honestly i would recomend to keep all weapons whenever possible. Well maybe with the only exception of the MK1s simply because you can buy those with credits later.


Weapon rebalances. The latest beam and secondary weapon rebalances were definitely not the first. And believe me it hurts a lot to have to craft and level weapons all over again.

PvP, even though many people ignore it, at some point you'll want to try it. Weapons there work in opposite of PvE. Weapons that are weak in PvE are actually stronger in PvP. Not having the weapon you want, because you sold it, is very frustraiting.



Instead of selling, focus on just a few weapons that can cover any situation ingame. Buy a few slots for them. Upgrade them. Then play the game so you can earn enough plat to sustain all your needs for slots.

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Keep them all!!

But seriously, keep what you enjoy! I feel best practice is to have 4 meta primaries (1 for each type + 1 beam weapon), 1 meta secondary, 1 meta melee. Then from there, keep what you enjoy using. It's worth noting to try and keep those weapons that aren't obtainable if you delete (ie daily login weapons, anniversary weapons, etc). If you can, sell mods/prime stuff for plat that way you can have plat for future slots should you need them. 

Good luck, Tenno!

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