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Individual Extraction in Survival


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3 hours ago, (PS4)KnowLedge said:

I always ask nicely and give a 5min heads up. However when they won't leave. I'm forced to go toxic and empty all the life supports and wait....

This would be a good thing to have in all endless missions.

So wait a minute. If the group doesn't want to leave, but you ask nicely and they don't leave. You believe you are entitled or in your words "forced" (like someone is holding a gun to your head.... ) to grief those players until they bend to your will? Just who are you? What makes you so special that those other players who are there to play the game have to do what you say?

DE, this is what I am talking about. Players like this think it's OK to ruin others fun, because they aren't getting their way in public by forcing them to extract early or get grieved until they do extract. There are no down sides to allowing players the option to extract, after the first objective. If the rest of the squad chooses or wants to stay longer but one or more players want or need to go, those players can do what they want to without stepping on those that wish to leave for what ever reason.

Edited by (XB1)Rust Plague
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I'm not going in and asking to leave at 5-10min. However if I've been in for 20mins and have to leave. Then people like YOU decide to be a-holes and not leave. I'm going to make it happen. Have some decency.

P.S. Rust Plague is just a perfect username!


DE, this isnt what I'm talking about because I'm a respectful fair player and mature adult. It's people like this GUY who try and sour my day and/or opinion about your absolutley awesome game. I will have none of it! :community:

Edited by (PS4)KnowLedge
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I only recently came back, been farting around on the Plains.  What I appreciate there is post-bounty I can decide to leave my squad (if they decide they want to run around collecting wisps, or go fish or something) and still get credit for the completed missions.


I haven't tried it yet, but I'm guessing that function doesn't happen in vanilla survival?  Cause I would like that.  I mean really, if you're pugging you should always anticipate someone is going to drop out, sometimes intentionally sometimes not.  Heck even if you're running a pre-made and one of your buddies goes, "Sorry guys, have to bail early" means pre-mades aren't immune to unexpected drops.

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On 2018-07-15 at 1:00 PM, (PS4)KingGuy420 said:

Because the rest of the team would be left a man down. Why should they be punished just because you queued for something you didn't have time for? Those are both you problems, not theirs. 

It's bad enough that they get punished either way. You should get your punishment too.

For a recruit channel group this would make sense. But for PUGing it would be better to have individual extraction. I'm pretty sure you'd rather I extracted than walked to the other side of the map and waited at extraction while splitting the mobs (loot and xp). 

And it's not like DE is against this idea either or you'd have to wait for the whole team to extract in Defense missions. They're already split on the topic, so why not make it universal?

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Individual extraction seems like a good idea, but please add an "extract with host" options setting, so we don't get surprise migrated.

In fact, add "extract with host" option for ALL endless missions. 

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On 2018-07-22 at 10:48 AM, (XB1)Madinogi said:

its amazing how entitled someone like CupcakesMoo is. wanting people to forfeit half of their earned rewards just because they want to leave earlier after the mission objective has been accomplished. common sense would dictate that he has no right or claim to those resources for any reason unless he himself earned them. its nothing more then a entitled brat who wants other peoples rewards for doing nothing. 

I sincerely hope that he gets stuck in a PUG  witg an agreed upon time is no less than 2hr. He would then get a very awesome reward after rotation A but needs to leave after 30 mins for important nonwarframe related matters and forfeit that reward.

Oh how great would that be!

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On 2018-07-15 at 3:00 PM, (PS4)KingGuy420 said:

Because the rest of the team would be left a man down. Why should they be punished just because you queued for something you didn't have time for? Those are both you problems, not theirs. 

It's bad enough that they get punished either way. You should get your punishment too.

You're forgetting that less people means less enemy spawns, so while they'd be a man down, they'd have less enemies to worry about, too.

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11 hours ago, (PS4)KnowLedge said:

I'm not going in and asking to leave at 5-10min. However if I've been in for 20mins and have to leave. Then people like YOU decide to be a-holes and not leave. I'm going to make it happen. Have some decency.

P.S. Rust Plague is just a perfect username!


DE, this isnt what I'm talking about because I'm a respectful fair player and mature adult. It's people like this GUY who try and sour my day and/or opinion about your absolutley awesome game. I will have none of it! :community:

People like me? I don't force you to do a damn thing. You know you can always leave squad and then once you take host just simply extract. No grieving necessary. It's your choice to act poor.

How am I souring your opinion and/or day? You come off arrogantly asserting that you have the right to grieve others if they don't do as you ask. That's not heroic behavior, that's jerkish behavior. I call it like i see it.

No one has the right to grieve another player for any reason. Especially, if you want to extract early and/or mistreat the rest of the squad, because you don't have the time. Time management is a personal problem, not a public problem. And mature adults don't go around grieving others, because they don't get their way.

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Hey DE please make this a thing.


Seriously use the system for extraction that is in onslaught. 

Let those that want to stay jump into a portal to stay or vice-versa. 


But I am tired of holding people hostage but at the same time we agreed to 40m and damn it I am doing 40. 

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  • 1 month later...

It's unbearable to stay inside mission until other players are kind enough to walk to extraction point. WHY it isn't possible to implement a choice to leave? Why have players to stay when they've to go offline or other clear reasons?


  • Add exctractions counter for 1 player too and give other players the possibility to join Or let the group of 3 doing their private party alone.

Sure, I can chose a single game, but it's boring! And most random teams plays mostly 1-3 rounds or listen to a whish and leave too. But what happen when not? You've to stay 15-40 minutes only for not losing your earned items? WOW! Warframe starts "seriously" to delight his players when this scenario comes to foreground...


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According to the wiki, survival missions were not added until update 10. It doesn't have any information on when defense and intercept missions were added in, making me think they were there from the start? Any vet players should correct me on that. If that's true, then DE decided they liked the survival version of extraction better than the defense/interception version, but the coding to change defense/interception extraction was too much of a pain to be worth changing.

If not, well my other thought was because it fits better from a story perspective. It makes sense that your team can extract in between defense waves or interception broadcasts, but it doesn't make sense for survival. It makes more sense that you are fighting constant hoards of enemies, surviving, and then when the fight becomes too much, you have to struggle your way to evac. Sometimes a teammate goes down and you either go back to save them, or you leave them to their doom.

Now, once you get to evac, why can't you extract individually? I don't really know. Lagginger teammates? Getting 3 host transfers before you can extract yourself? Failing a teammate who has died too many times and the remaining player/s also die?

TLDR; Survival was not released at the same time as defense and interception. Originally a story telling mechanic to have teams extract together. Too many complications to change now.

Edited by (XB1)D00M INCARNATE
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4 hours ago, (XB1)D00M INCARNATE said:

According to the wiki, survival missions were not added until update 10. It doesn't have any information on when defense and intercept missions were added in, making me think they were there from the start? Any vet players should correct me on that.

Interception definitely came later than both def and surv by at least a year.

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6 minutes ago, mikakor said:

This thread is still going on? And solo extraction still isn't a thing? 


DE, make it happen, please. Everyone ( who aren't selfish and mean ) would gladly take it. 

Thank you for your request. Your request has been accepted. Your queue number is 8,834,682,567,293. Please allow 7000 business years for processing. 

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Would be nice. The work around is to fiddle with router settings to force a host migration and hope you are the fastest one to load so it starts the countdown while everyone else is still loading, then you can force them all to extract. But... I don't like doing that. I'd really rather just extract alone and let them continue having fun if they want to stay.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am by far in agreement.  Something has to be done about endless missions, particularly kuva survivals.  Some people, like me, don't want to stay in a mission for more than 30 minutes at a time frequently but can't force the timer so I'm stuck waiting until everyone else extracts.  Some people who have strict or bad/impatient parents/guardians are told to get off now or else, will also suffer unless they sacrifice all of their items and just leave if their team refuses to extract.  (if this was the case for me, I wouldn't even bother with games.  I don't want such restrictions when I play a game).  Some people may simply have chose the wrong frame and didn't want to continue.


There are reasons, as mentioned above, of why Individual Extraction should be implemented.  Why should anyone with said problems suffer because their team doesn't want to leave?  To me, that seems selfish of them and allowing this also seems to support selfishness... Maybe i'm wrong about this, who knows.  That is how I feel about this.

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