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  1. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 HYPE!
  2. Yeah that’s a retcon. It used to not be that way. But if you haven’t played in a while you would have no idea. Unless you are keeping up with the updates and read their pages of retconed convoluted lore.
  3. Retcon Retcon Retcon yeah buddy. Hurray for retcon. Wouldn’t makes sense without it. You know that’s a retcon right? I mean you should you have been around awhile. That used to not be the case. But we all know DE make it up as they go and if it no make sense hail the almighty retcon.
  4. Just can’t see them. Those backwards chaps hide those prime boots and mess up a lot fashion that goes onto her ankles or thighs. So come on DE, I just want to free her beautiful prime boots!!!!!
  5. Would DE have sold as many if we new that weren’t exclusive and they would come back around? Probably not. I know I would have waited and bought them for plat without spending any money. It does feel scummy.
  6. While inadvertently dumping on the mains of the frames with no trailer. Straight disrespect for the frames that don’t have one: Mesa Atlas Nyx Excalibur Mag Volt Rhino Trinity Nova Ash Frost the frames that made Warframe what it is. SMH
  7. I like it because it’s the closest thing to stone armor I can get when I’m running atlas.
  8. bro we have a sweet ass trench coat from the Warframe 1999 trailer. Yeah still need that space cowboy gear. Definitely when I rock Mesa I need to mac out
  9. I still think with help from helminth, tou shards and frame buffs Volt is still the fastest RUNNER. (OP should edit to “fastest runner”) or the pixie gang will start punching air.
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